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Update 15.2.0


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Why bothering with nerfing only 3 warframes? Nerf to hell every frame made and make people pay real money for every skill each time to be used in a game, 'cause it seems you don't care to solve the problems you create by our own.


It's slowly becoming a crappy Pay to win game, or should i say Pay to play ? because let's be honest,since those chinese people got their hands on this game,(and they did,trust me) the grind went from let's say 55-60% to a freaking 90% . Bugs not fixed, skills not buffed,instead nerfs and new weapons . Did they really believe we wouldn't care about the nerfs just because they brought us 2 new archwing weapons ?  WRONG.

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  ..  Folks .... seriously ...


no matter how , no matter what.... AWAKE!!  NOW!!


dont let communist China take over the rest of our democratic world by buying-in in each and every little shi.tty company


with their abundance of dark cash flows who knows its origins, if its not stolen from communist puppy russia


.....lets pray its not too late.... OMG

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  ..  Folks .... seriously ...


no matter how , no matter what.... AWAKE!!  NOW!!


dont let communist China take over the rest of our democratic world by buying-in in each and every little shi.tty company


with their abundance of dark cash flows who knows its origins, if its not stolen from communist puppy russia


.....lets pray its not too late.... OMG

Couldn't agree and quote more....

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LOS skills don't make sense on Mag. Magnetism does not require LOS to work, it should go through walls and floors.  I could see radial javelin being LOS because it is Light-based and walls make shadows and block light. But Magnetism?


Please reconsider these changes.


Also, does shield polarize definitely not apply to Mag herself anymore? If so, This makes no sense.


LOS also does not make sense on Trinity's skills, Either make all of her skills LOS based, or NONE. Why  should some skill effects go through walls and some not?  


Devs, please stop being reactionary to one map. Ugh. I haven't seen a forum S#&$storm like this in a while. I know there's a lot of feedback to sort through in these threads, but please listen to your players/

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Ok, I really got to say my piece in all of this.


As someone who played since last year, I've seen my fair share of changes. Those that I enjoyed, as well as those that I disagreed with. Despite all of those, I chose to stay in this game because of the hope that this game may improve.


However, I see the changes done to Viver was plain overkill. Nerfing three frames into near-uselessness, changed the rule on how interceptions worked, and reducing the drops all the while not addressing the real reason why Viver shot up into prominence.


Which is the absurd level of points required to advance in the Syndicates!


Now, I know that reputation gained is based on experience points. So every mission in the solar system and the void do yield some points. However, the amount is feeble. Even with an experience booster, regular missions only dropped around 100 or so points while void fluctuates in the rep gain. Sometimes its in the hundreds while others is a thousand plus.


And considering the scaling of syndicate points required to advance... (5k -> 22k -> 44k -> 77k -> 99k)


It was too slow, the syndicate alerts don't yield that much (At most, it will yield 1,500 rep per day) and it doesn't help that all the points earned that was required to level up vanishes upon upgrading.


Hence why Viver was such a popular spot! It helped bypass the insane grindwall in front of them! And the large drops of mods and resources at the end was a delightful bonus: it felt like winning a jackpot on a slot machine with all those prizes!


And even if you did nerf Viver into oblivion, the issue of the insane grindwall to advance in the Syndicates remains there.


The solution, I think, should be to give every mission a fair amount of reputation earned at the end of it. Also, please give Sigils a boost in reputation earned while wearing them because most people will shun them in favor of mods considering how painful it is to grind for points. Along with undoing these heavy handed nerfs on Trinity, Excalibur and Mag.


Punishing players for figuring out new ways to play should not be the way to go.  Please reconsider your actions DE.

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thanks for your updates, DE






how one node changed the game. along with the 50 mod limit thing, you guys are so quick to nerf but where are all the other changes that we've been asking for so long? who's fault is it? Viver? or the Syndicates that created such a grindwall in the first place.


with such a system behind the Syndicates, you can guarantee exploits will be found and abused. if this is a part of your endgame, i hope you put this into consideration.  but i am excited to see what comes next, so keep at it!

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