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I Figured Out What The Rhino Prime Codex Was Talking About! Update: Regarding Tenno "physicality"


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between Void energies and the Technocyte Battle-armor, they change your form to suit the warframe.


So are we all Men? Women? Asexual? genderless?


My opinion on the whole "changing genders" thing is as follows:


It's no different to the Tenno that they switch into these frames that have their own genders than it is for us to be playing Lara Croft one minute and then switching over to play as Master Chief the next.


And I don't believe they ACTUALLY change gender - the real Tenno is, however the suit warps them to fit within the height and width of the frame - still the same same as they were. The boobs and codpieces? Those are the frame itself, not necessarily us.

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Brought up some ideas about Zanuka:


Since Zanuka is made from Warframe parts and not Tenno parts, Zanuka is actually made purely from Infested parts. Zanuka using the Infested Charger's animations may be just laziness, but it also fits with the lore, that Zanuka is an Infested being. Alad V may have even been first exposed to the Infestation through the Zanuka project, not just a mad grab for power. This also explains why Zanuka doesn't have very powerful abilities, instead being reinforced by a powerful shield, armor, and missile launchers.


Also, Infested beings calling us of their flesh may not be them addressing us, but them directly speaking to the Warframe.


Maybe the controlled growth of Infested vines within the old Dojo tileset might also be derived from the Tenno's control of the Warframe, but that's probably a stretch.

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No one said the entire body had to go into each warframe if the Tenno are merely controlling a warframe that can, for whatever reason, run off on it's own and... eat people.  The brain alone will suffice one would think.


But seriously, with all the genders and the personalities to each warframe, the OPs theory is just that - a theory.  The Orokin were kind of gaudy, but I doubt when making killing machines to fight back against the sentients they were all that concerned with form over function.


I have to believe there's an actual person inside each warframe.  Sudek may have had a MALE warframe, but it was a crude, technocyte forged warframe, and most definitely bigger than herself.  Our warframes are either human sized, or the Corpus and Grineer are nine feet tall at least.  Unless heads grew in volume to match, I doubt they're that tall.  Except napalms, bombards, heavy gunners, and techs.

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So... does that mean the Arbiters believe that Tenno are gods and Warframes are our avatar, a way for us to communicate with the physical world?

I'm not so sure about that.


Take a look at their place in Hubs:




The tenno are in the middle with all the Arbiters looking down at you like judges.  I don't think worshipers would put themselves in that kind of stance.  It seems they see themselves as more superior to Tenno.

Edited by hijinks_the_turtle
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I'm not so sure about that.


Take a look at their place in Hubs:




The tenno are in the middle with all the Arbiters looking down at you like judges.  I don't think worshipers would put themselves in that kind of stance.  It seems they see themselves as more superior to Tenno.


I'm kinda startin' to think the Arbiters are Tenno themselves. There's a line they say when you're at higher rank with them that sounded to me like they confirm it, but I can't remember what it said myself to analyze it further.


Hey, Arbiter-lovers, what is their high-rank statement to you?

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I'm kinda startin' to think the Arbiters are Tenno themselves. There's a line they say when you're at higher rank with them that sounded to me like they confirm it, but I can't remember what it said myself to analyze it further.

(So are they in Tenno casual wear?) 

They do invoke the Tenno style, although after watching the lights of their suits flash coordinated to their voice I'm wondering how they and we communicate in general, if we can at all have an actual voice. 

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I'm kinda startin' to think the Arbiters are Tenno themselves. There's a line they say when you're at higher rank with them that sounded to me like they confirm it, but I can't remember what it said myself to analyze it further.


Hey, Arbiter-lovers, what is their high-rank statement to you?

"You set the example for the rest of us", the message stays the same from Rank 3 to Rank 5. It seems that as you progress higher in the ranks, the Arbiters refer more to you as an equal or even superior.


Also, this thread makes so much sense words can't even amount to describe it.

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Hmm, this Tenno void Warframe controller thing could explain the Prime Frames Golden headgear that look similar to the Corrupted enemies.


As to the size difference of the Frames, here is my pet idea.  Tenno are humans in shape, size and shapewise.  When they "activate" an unoccupied Frame (switching frames ingame) the Frame clamshells open leaving alot of space for a human to squeeze in there.  Once in it the Frame shuts partially and when the Tenno starts that Void link the Frame interacts with their void energy and convert them down to that Void energy to become the Frame, size and all.

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New Warframes Confirmed 


Seriously though, it has surprising parallels given the theory of OP. Warframes are organic and sentient, but mainly to the point of primal urges. Tenno are powerful (children?) but unable to fully control or utilize their power due to being children. Put them both together and you have a deadly (although at heart perhaps a bit too morally questionable) being. 

Other points of interest:

a.) The "Revive" mechanic: is it the Warframe that revives the Tenno owner, or the Tenno who activates something to resurrect the Warframe itself? 

b.) The gender mechanic can be easily explained if gender is tied to sentient Warframes rather than the Tenno. A Tenno of either gender can use a Male or Female frame: a crude analogy would be a rider using either a male or female horse. 

c.) Warframes bleed, get poisoned, etc. because they are organic beings themselves.

At least we have some idea now of how they are now.                                                                                                                   


Edited by 4MostlyHarmless2
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With what OP said i can come to bit different conclusion:

1. Our void ruined bodies lie somewhere else while our mental projection travels from one body to another fueling the body known as warframe. Whatever is inside warframe gives us a body that can sustain the mind know as the tenno. 


2. Lotus may not be a program as we were said she was but a actual person tasked with safeguarding our shells which gives logic to our ingame resurection.


This is quite simplified from my original train of toughts.

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I'm lost here. Where are the Tenno themselves - inside the warframe? Controlling it externally? Speaking of which, are the Tenno still just the children? Still stuck in stasis, or not any more? All this makes sense but I'm still so confused.


Tenno are actually 6 years old.

No wonder stealing and snatching and excessive violence is normal to them :(


As Excalibur's codex entry states: "we built a frame around them." We're inside the frames, and Vor confirms this when he talks about ripping us from our metal womb (Warframe).


This also heavily implies we're physical beings. Hell, I may even start leaning towards the idea we're just brains and spines because of how well this fits - you don't need a beating heart to telepathically connect with a frame if that same frame provides life support, after all.


As for our age, it's kinda an interesting point: ESPECIALLY when you stop to consider the themeatic ideas that revolve around the Tenno being children. The Lotus is referred to as our mother at least once, for example, and although she allows us freedoms to choose she also is pretty strict in telling us what we need to do - hence why we always come back to her as our announcer.


Personally, though; although they may have still been children at this point (or maybe not, Rhino's codex just talks about them being "the ones from the Zariman" so maybe they're teens or even adults by that point) I think that by modern-game times we're all grown up.


No it was Proto-Rhino Prime.


Why on earth would a random Infested be in his Codex Entry?


Silly Morec0...


Because that "random infested" WAS a Proto-Rhino Prime - basically a step between Dark Sector Colossus and Rhino Prime. I thought I made that clear.

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This actually explain how Nova was designed by the high council.


Well, in that regard, I still say it was a Tenno High Council during the Old War, not of the modern era (because they seem to be doing a S#&$ job if they are around in the modern era).


Nova Prime is possible because the Orokin would have then taken that Tenno-original design and brought it to the PRIME of its existence with their technology.


Or the entire High Council thing was retconned, which is a disappointing juncture given the availability of alternatives, but what can you do?

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Here's a thought, with all of the people mentioning fitting stuff, including nekros arms and all, what if Tenno are actually in fact smaller than normal people- child sized even?

I agree that they're not energy, but at the same time, couldn't it be possible that they're pretty small people.

A result of void exposure and all that, not just having some kind of scarred body or whatever else, but stunting growth.

Which could maybe go through generations too, depending on how new Tenno come to be.

Not even necessarily going into Nekros' legs? ...Hmm, probably not that small simply by being children (Though maybe they're smaller than your average kid, too) though maybe not fully touching the ground anyways, hmm..

Not sure how all fitting would go all around, but if they were infact rather small that'd further support fitting into frames that aren't as beefy as rhino.

Nice stuff man. I'd been thinking of a sort of similar direction for everything, but you put it into words, refined the ideas, and made connections far better.

Edited by NearoC
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