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Fusion Cores Offerings + Syndicate Death Squad Idea


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Uh...well, let's consider how much rep you can get in a day(You're probly going to average around 26K), versus a cost that we don't know for an amount of Fusion Cores we don't know, THEN consider the fact that there are a LOT of mods that need ranking up..


Y'know, just going on a hunch, I think we'll be fine.


Somehow I forgot that they can always make them "expensive". True and would be alright.

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Somehow I forgot that they can always make them "expensive". True and would be alright.

Well honestly, I'd hope they wouldn't.  Even IF the fusion cores weren't too terrible to get, ranking up, say, Blind Rage, would still be horribly expensive credit, time, and effort-wise(And let's not ignore that many people like to have 2-3 variants of these mods that are "3 from the top" or what have you, AND that people oftentimes rank these up to sell them)...


It's not like y'just toss in a 5 pack and get in a Rank 10, even on a common like Vitality, ha ha...

Edited by UFOLoche
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DE still wins out in the end because people are still buying plat. That's my take on how it'll affect the market.

I'm not sure I'm understanding the part about the syndicate death squads... Aren't they already eximus types?

I mean make the death squads spawn unique units. So instead of spawning pre-existing units like Charger's they'll spawn "Red Veil Dervishes" or "Perrin Death Squad Troopers" or whatever they want to call them.

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More rewards to redeem is always good. The ability to cash in for rare fusion cores would be great.


Unique enemies are also a good idea for the death squads. I think all eximus units should have a unique model. For example, instead of having a glow around them (which is pretty lame), give them extra visual armor and veteran badges on their shoulders, or even a battle standard to carry around. 


On another note, I don't like how the lights flicker when syndicate squads show up. The main reason is, when the flickering was limited to the stalker, it was an "oh S#&$" moment. It happened very rarely and was actually startling. With the syndicate squads having the same effect, it has become way more common and I am becoming desensitized to the lights flickering. It just doesn't have the same effect it used to. Zanuka has a unique flicker when it spawns; the syndicate squads should get a unique effect also. 

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if fusion core packs are introduced and are too expensive.. what's the point in spending your limited syndicate rep on them?  You would be better off spending all your rep buying T4S keys which will each give you at least 1 if not up to 3+ r5 Fusion core packs.


The thought is nice don't get me wrong but the reality is.. if they are too expensive.. it's not worth it.. and if they are too cheap.. well, then that will devalue the Trade market further.


DE's own market is so overpriced.. I get the feeling they figured people would spend up big to buy their Gold Core Packs without taking 1 minute to WTB in trade.  80p can get you a LOT of guaranteed r5 cores so the only market that's genuinely in danger of taking further lashback from cheap core packs is the Trade market on those hard to max out mods.


All in all I just don't see the point once you think it through.

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The point was the DE marketplace not the people's trading prices.

If they become easier to get it will negate what DE has on the market.



So your point to not trade is the tax credit which is the easiest thing to get?

Sorry but getting 8k plat is way easier than spending a T4S key just to go for 5 minutes.


I think you're missing the scope of what I was saying, if I am going into a T4S I will probably be there for at least 20 mins. In most cases that gets me 10 r5 cores and at least 40k in credits.


If I bought those 10 cores trough trading, not only would it cost me plat but 80k in credits. Just not worth my time.


Edit: Quote



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Well, as for the Syndicate death squads, I'm hoping and waiting for each syndicate to get their own troop models rather than just using existing enemies from other factions.


The New Loka want to purify and recreate the old Earth... so why do they send abominations to hunt me down? I would have figured that infested ancients would kind of be anathema to their ideals and philosophies.


On the other note, I would totally be up for spending my rep points for Fusion cores... maybe even an absurd amount for a legendary fusion core, or a nerfed little brother to the legendary cores... like a Rare 10 or something.

Edited by FLSH_BNG
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About 2500 for a r5 fus sounds ok, but i don't like the idea of it that much because its lazy, but if not players just end up buying syndicate mods and selling them for least 10 plats, this would keep them more valuable.


The hitsquad encounter has to be more memorable and profitable, i would completely ignore them if they didn't die that fast. They could give 2500/5000 points (blood money, whatever) that can be spent in any syndicate at any rank for anything except sygils, this would give limited access to the pool of other syndicates. The challenge should scale a bit more with conclave.

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It would be waaay too easy if they made a bunch of cores into the "offerings".


Because if you set a price to like 20k you could get some almost every day and everything would get easier. The game is already pretty easy. So i don't recommend that we make it even easier to farm.

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Honestly, I don't see making Cores as offerings working out well.


Because like some have mentioned, we will end up with them being either to cheap or to expensive. I'm all for having more options though. But I'm incredibly skeptical of this ending on the perfect middle ground.


To the point of maybe not doing this.

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I dont want to be able to purchase everything.


Getting cores from missions provide a little bit of excitement. If you trivialize them by making them purchasable it removes some motivation from main missions. R5s as it is now still feel like a good drop. Making it purchasable with rep will make it almost a trash drop (like oberon parts after a while) and make missions that much less satisfying. 



Of course it may be a popular idea, but thats because it makes things easier.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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Honestly, I don't see making Cores as offerings working out well.


Because like some have mentioned, we will end up with them being either to cheap or to expensive. I'm all for having more options though. But I'm incredibly skeptical of this ending on the perfect middle ground.


To the point of maybe not doing this.

An alternative solution would be to make bite, , Hyperion thrusters, transient fortitude, heavy caliber, magnum force, and narrow minded into rank 5 mods because as of right now as someone who plays a lot of warframe there's simply no way I'll max those mods within the next two years without spending plat to buy it in the trading channel effectively trading other people's time for plat.

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Wow. You got Lotus-Senpai to notice you. Very good.


I like your ideas. I have quite the core issue myself with all of my corrupted mods. So close to making my Heavy Caliber 10/10 from 9/10. Being able to buy Rare 5 Cores would really be handy. Hopefully this gets added, along with your other idea.

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On the other note, I would totally be up for spending my rep points for Fusion cores... maybe even an absurd amount for a legendary fusion core, or a nerfed little brother to the legendary cores... like a Rare 10 or something.

I like this idea.  150k rep for a legendary core.  It's so high that you couldn't do it on every mod but it would warp the gap between the last few levels of rank 10 mods.

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An alternative solution would be to make bite, , Hyperion thrusters, transient fortitude, heavy caliber, magnum force, and narrow minded into rank 5 mods because as of right now as someone who plays a lot of warframe there's simply no way I'll max those mods within the next two years without spending plat to buy it in the trading channel effectively trading other people's time for plat.

I have maxed narrow minded, blind rage, transient fortitude, hornet strike, magnum force, 2 heavy caliber (for warframe and sentinel), 2 serration (for warframe and sentinel), steel fiber, vatality and redirection (both for warframe and sentinel) and sanctuary to name a few. And maxed almost all mods that I dont even use. I've only been playing a year (few months break). Not gonna max bite or hyperion cause I rarely use kubrows and I rarely play archwing missions. Trading is now my endgame.

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