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Hotfix 15.5.7+


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I don't agree the Mutalist MOA added to Infested Defense missions, take Sechura as example, u always get r*ped by the MOA by nothing when u're standing somewhere safe.


^ Agree!

I do enjoy the new mutalist infested in certain missions, but in defense missions (like f.ex. Sechura) they're just an awful pain in the neck.

No fun at all when getting overun by swarm-mutalist & tar-mutalist moa's and also the usual ancients (disruptors, toxic & fire)...

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really.. .what the F*** de? still COMPLETE neglect abotu the nav issue. And people keep saying you aren't affected by PWE greed...


5 days later iv managed to get a total of THREE nav coordinates - two of those during the last weekend. the few there are are in the middle of the night or during the work time.

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really.. .what the F*** de? still COMPLETE neglect abotu the nav issue. And people keep saying you aren't affected by PWE greed...


5 days later iv managed to get a total of THREE nav coordinates - two of those during the last weekend. the few there are are in the middle of the night or during the work time.

there is NO NAV issue.

Just wait for the damn coordinates and get them when there on , Sorry you have to wait a few days before attempting to get Mesa instead of just getting her on Release.

Jeez. Just take your time man, theres no rush, people have todo this for hydroid whos arguably harder to get, just Get used to it and stop spitting out "PWE" this and "PWE" that


Are you still getting it for free? YES.

Is there any money involved whatsoever? NO.

Could you still make mesa by the end of the week? YES.

Get used to it.

Edited by Jin_Kazama
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ХОТФИКСЫ 15.5.7 +



● Эмоции теперь работают в миссиях! После всех проведенных тестов в "Хабе Тенно", мы добавили работающие эмоции (теперь работают и у клиентов) в игру, которые можно активировать через меню Экипировка (Gear).

● Добавлена эмоция "Следуй за мной"!

● Оружие Синдиката теперь можно обменивать! Игроки могут обменивать ТОЛЬКО не прокаченное и неиспользованное оружие Синдиката с другим оружием.


● Различные обновления локализации.

● Деготь-Муталист МОА, Роевик-Муталист МОА, Фурункулер и Матерь Выводка (Tar Mutalist MOA, Swarm Mutalist MOA, Boiler and Brood Mother) добавлены на все миссии с Зараженными!

● Убрана сложность "Кошмар" в последней миссии квеста Пациент Зеро (Patient Zero).

●Меню доступа Экипировка / Эмоции теперь изменены! Игроки, использующие клавиатуру должны зажать кнопку (Q по умолчанию), а игроки, используюшие контроллер / геймпад смогут вызывать меню кнопкой без необходимости удержания.

Изменения Брэйтон Прайм:

● Увеличен общий физический урон с 25 до 35

● Увеличен шанс Статуса с 10% до 20%

● Увеличен множитель Крита с 1.5 до 2.0

● Увеличена скорострельность

● Увеличен размер магазина с 50 до 75

● Уменьшено количество патронов до 375


● Исправлена возможность свободного движения во время анимации эмоций, если она была активирована во время работы способностей.

● Эмоции больше не будут проигрываться, если Варфрейм уже использует эту анимации.

● Исправлена вынужденная эвакуация игроков на Перехвате Архвинг (Archwing Interception), когда они все еще в границах миссии.

● Исправлено отображение "Неверная цель" во время использования способности Миротворец Мисы (Mesa's Peacekeeper), если рядом нет врагов, доступных для стрельбы.

● Исправлен баг с удалением праздничного скина на Мираж, если она использовала Затмение (Eclipse).

● Исправлена ошибка при прохождении теста на Ранг 15, заставляющая упавших вниз игроков бесконечно телепортироваться обратно и снова падать вниз.

● Теперь стрельба во время способности Миротворец Мисы будет трясти экран.

● Исправлена стрельба в прицел, а не во врагов во время использования Миротворца Мисы.

● Исправлено падение FPS при длительном использовании Вихря Вобана (Vauban's Vortex) на миссиях (а до начала Ивента никак было?!).



● Исправлен запуск игры в режиме "На весь экран" (Full-screen) во время использования DirectX 11. Настройки пока что возвращены в прежнее состояние, скоро будут повторные изменения DirectX 11.

● Исправлена невозможность играть в Конклаве.



I couldnt agree more, bump




there is NO NAV issue.

Just wait for the damn coordinates and get them when there on , Sorry you have to wait a few days before attempting to get Mesa instead of just getting her on Release.



Looks like for regional issues, some people will always get to home when the infestation for the nav coord is already finished, people like me hehe, i havent seen a single coord infestation since last sunday

Edited by rockscl
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  • Players can no longer use or benefit from energy restore items while using an Ability that drains energy. (from u 15 mesa uptade)

This is old but i'd like some answers? Are we going to see some changes about this in the future?

I understand it's here to avoid players exploiting infinite active abilities, but from my point of view, all energy from plates when those toggable powers are active are lost forever.

Will we get something in return? like for example getting all energy from thoses plates after the ability is over or cancelled?

that way we cannot benefit from those plates but at least the energy is not lost,

or reducing energy consumption if we stay in the position of not benefiting from it anymore?

Edited by lightini
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Does anyone else even notice this issue?




Did we once again forget that buffing one weapon will negate other weapons of the same class? Or maybe its just another slap in the face at founders & early closed beta players. Yeah I think another slap in the face since it seems commonplace to buff up weapons and somehow just simply overlook special weapons and how they just become a trophy on the wall. 


FYI DE I really enjoy using my Vandal but now what is the point other than I have more ammo? I appreciate all the effort in always remembering those early players!


Agreed although I'm pretty sure it was once again an unintentional smack versus an intentional maniacal change. I've seen constant threads about "buff the braton prime" around for quite some time. I'm imagining a scenario where someone just said, fine, let's let them have the candy that they've been yelling at us for finally, just to quiet them down.


The unfortunate side effect is of course, the Braton Vandal in this case. In other cases it would be how does this balance across other weapons of this nature.


So, most of the community will rejoice, and rightly so because the Braton Prime did need a little bit of something extra. While others that were able to use the Vandal version in similar situations, must continue to leave the weapon on the shelf, unless we're purposely going in to underpowered areas.


Clearly buffing one over the other was just an oversight. Let's hope it is recognized, although I fear that the only change I've seen come lately has been from the types of outcries that are full of hyperbole and doom versus clear, concise, and non-insulting requests.

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Honestly, I feel less like they're a challenge, and more like they're annoying. Drop to only Orthos P or Dread on Rhino and it's pretty much the same thing as any normal missions, minus my Carrier and other weapons.


I'm gonna make that fun argument that "tactical" alerts should be...I dunno, tactical? Where's the thinking part coming in here? One OP weapon or three is still the same mission with the same idiotic AI that purposely move under your crosshair. They'd be better if they actually had some unique gameplay requiring actual tactical thinking.




Otherwise, nice update guys. Glad to see some of the stuff fixed! Some of it's still broken, but I figure you'll get that fixed before you nerf EVERYTHING...hopefully.


Not to mention Mastery Rank 17 Excals in Proto skin flying through the level ult spamming everything. That's enjoyable right?


I feel like there should have been a negative points penalty for all Kubrow that Tenno killed on the level. This would have added some level of difficulty in an easy way, and keep people from ult spamming the entire map.


So you'd have to aim at the Grineer, with a weapon, and not kill Kubrow. That might be a bit...tactical. "Don't kill the civilians." It's done in other games.

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Fix the Bright Purity Mod, yes many have been asking the same thing. I want to use it and it does not work. Regular skana or prime it just doesn't work.

it works just fine, the dmg applies when u gain purity fighting with it + it procs aoe dmg when fully charged

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Braton Prime buff? Excellent! 


Not to be a killjoy or anything but how about buffing the flux rifle a bit more? It does require mastery lvl 6 and was one of the strongest weapons at the time but now I can only look at it as it is useless against higher tier enemies.


I don't know how popular it is among other players but as I am a laser weapon enthusiast I would really like to see at least a buff to its puncture dmg.


Power to the Flux Rifle! :D

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Though i am happy to see a buff to the Braton prime i don't understand why you decreased its ammo count. I can see why the Penta and the Ogris shouldn't have 500+ ammo, but a fully automatic rifle like the Braton prime that also got its fire rate increased in that patch? That kind of kills it for me.

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Just finished checking and testing this.

Weapon Glaive Prime:

Issue: Triggering Explosion in mid-flight by pressing the Left Mouse Button/Left-Click Not Working.

> I've ran numerous test on this and even switched from a Razer Naga Mouse to a Standard USB mouse. Pressing the Left Mouse Button ( Channeling Button ) while in Melee Mode/Stance does not make the Glaive Prime activate its explosion effect.

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put new monsters in defense was a drug, can barely stand up to wave 15 and you do not have a corner that they do not hit you, summarizing warframe ta getting a drug!

I'm going to try and decipher this. Now, from what I can glean just at a cursory glance at this post, you seem to think that it is somehow unfair that they added new mobs to the defense missions, and that you somehow believe you have absolutely no corners to stand in which render you completely safe from incoming fire. It isn't a "drug", which I'm guessing was meant to be "drag" or some other meaning of unfair. It's meant to make you use the new movement penalty to enemy aim mechanic as well as encouraging creative use of your powers and whatever cover you can find from the majority of the fire so as to reduce but not completely eliminate the threat. All of this of course, in the event you are missing the likes of a vauban, mesa or frost in your party and are not wearing a rhino or rhino prime.

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I really dislike the new infested MOA because unless I am using valkyr or rhino the MOA's "sludge rocket attack" one shots me every time. Aim at them and they teleport (jump) over your head, land 2 feet behind you and give you the insta knock down. If it was the normal knock down then it would be fine because it has a pretty obvious tell where the MOA slowly raises its leg to stomp back down. But for some reason after they teleport (jump) their stomp becomes instant like the heavy gunners slam attack giving no chance to avoid it. Hiding behind boxes, ledges, pillars etc offer no protection from the "one hit kill" sludge rocket. 


And to put the icing on the cake. When many enemies are attacking you at the same time there is a chance to get stuck in an endless juggle... this has happened to me atleast 4 times now and I'll explain the worst happening for you. I was playing the survival event and was 45 mins in, I had my Valkyr setup with a rank 8 vitality and rank 8 steel fiber. The moa did its sludge attack draining half my health (with my valkyr that is impressive because not even the toxic ancient's "morning breath attack" does that much damage to her) I point at it and it does its whole "teleport jump" thing through the dam roof and insta slam attacks me throwing me into the sludge... it then takes valkyr exactly 2 hours to stand back up at which time the MOA had already iniciated another slam attack throwing me back in the sludge.... this repeated its self literally 6 times before it cut me some slack and used its "flea smokescreen thing" buying me enough time to get up with 30 health remaining. this exact thing happened 3 more times over the next few days the last time being today. ps. all "infinite juggles" ended in my death other than the valkyr incident.

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создатели игры  КОСОРУКИЕ ИМБИЦИЛЫ  которые не могут сделать простое сохранение данных через каждые 5 минут игры. играешь больше часа ПОТОМ РАЗ и ошибка заходишь и счетчик обнулился. НЕНАВИЖУ ВАС НЕНАВИЖУ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  . НАДЕЮСЬ ВЫ УМРЕТЕ В СТРАШНЫХ МУКАХ ОТ РАКОВЫХ ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЙ. БУДЬТЕ ПРОКЛЯТЫ .

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talking about ammo pools. Dex furys, they have high rate of fire and have still 210 ammo pool when akzani with similar rof have 400 :S. Seem DE always change weapons that dont need any nerf :(. And no please, dont touch boltor prime. Im one of that persons that think we need op weapons sometimes to deal with the high levels. Its a coop game please stop this useless nerf war :S

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