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December 19Th: Community Hot Topics!


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few things really quickly :


1. Get rid of D from weapons we dont' use it or need it for all factions except 1 and even then I never use blast damage so please... make it go away


2. Nullifiers are a cheap and poorly thought out bandaid fix.  They should either protect themselves and those inside the bubble from abilities.. OR block projectiles but not both.. no frikn frost nullifiers thanks.


3. Spawn rates in survival.. just make ALL enemies drop life support and then reduce the qty of enemies in total spawning.. buff up their dmg per unit and xp per kill.  This will help those on lower spec machines, stop clients crashing when too many enemies get primed or killed at once and lots of other performance related issues that volume over quality have.


4.  Syndicate explosions are fine really.  I change weapons to hold it off from detonating.. but I do miss the auto revive feature from them.. I think that shuld come back in again.  Don't get me wrong I would like the be able to detonate the explosion at choice..I just think there are more pressing matters that should be taken care of first.


5.  Tactical Alerts should DEFINITELY scale with conclave and NOT the other way around it's just annoying to modify your loadout and makes me wonder what the point to gathering all the gear is if we then have to take it all away for a tac mission.

Edited by Jax_Cavalera
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My beef with D slots is I think their use is based off of system that no longer exists, damage 1.0


You'll commonly see on older weapons with travel time, the D polarity. Back then, procs were nearly guaranteed on a regular basis, so putting a mod that would slow down enemies for a travel time weapon makes plenty of sense. Enemies moving too fast for your bolt weapons? Slap a Cryo mod on that bolt-slinger and slow down your enemies by threefold!


^This is no longer the case. Not all weapons have a viable status chance to proc cold. If what I just mentioned was part of the logic of D polarities in the first place, then the system placing these polarities needs to change with the game.


And of course, there's just not enough D polarities for weapons.

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for passives, i think if it suits the frame a passive or two should be fine. not all frames should have them since it'll be another thing for players to complain about and another thing for the devs to 'tack on', sort of like Nyx Prime's armour buff


on D polarities, they are only useful on frames. no D mod is useful and any ice mod can be overshadowed by the dual stat mod which is cheaper and does more

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Conclave restrictions on the tactical alerts....how about instead of restrictions, the missions themselves increase in difficulty the higher your conclave is?

People who are joining a public session should be put with players of similar conclave rating, that way the mission will still retain some sort of challenge.

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I allready made a post about the nullifiers.

Its simply like this:

The stronger an enemy the less he should spawn


Make stronger enemies REWARDING to kill!

(Nullifiers should give back energy since they completly shut down the ability you casted a sec ago and for newbs that's 100 energy wasted!

You could put this on other enemies too, for example killing an eximus gives you his aura as a buff for 10 seconds or something)

Also, the warframe abilities are what make this game special for me. Without them this game is nothing but another point and click shooter and therefor BORING as F***!

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with D slots on pistols, maybe increase the amount of dmg deep freeze adds as there is no point using it if you have the frostbite as it takes up less mod points and adds the same amount of dmg with the extra status chance increase

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My personal thoughts on the nullifiers is that they're too strong. They block damage, force you to go inside their bubble which removes any passive abilities you're using, and prevent you from using any abilities until you kill them. I don't play Rhino much, but when I do it's a bit of an annoyance to have to keep reapplying iron skin when dealing with them. That's a rather extreme example, but I believe it highlights the biggest problem of all with nullifers.


I don't mind a challenge, but it has to be done right. Nullifers are plain annoying. They break up the action cause the gameplay to kind of slow down for a moment. Oh, there's a nullifer, time to leave my post, step inside the bubble, kill them, reapply my buffs, and return to what I was doing. I really think that this is a bigger issue and should be examined by DE more thoroughly. 

Edited by SimplyLotion
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Currently the largest problem that I have with Nullifiers is the fact that when I'm playing as Valkyr and I'm using Hysteria, when I enter their bubble it removes Hysteria. When Valkyr is in Hysteria she has absolutely no way to get rid of a Nullifier from range, so basically I just have to run away until my allies deal with the problem or just waste my ability and jump in there to take care of him.


Certain things shouldn't be removable by the Nullifiers if you ask me, its just kind of silly and ruins the enjoyment of one of my favorite frames. However I'm not entirely sure how you guys would go about picking which abilities stay on and which ones get removed by the Nullifier field, could cause a bit of an uproar with people if they felt like their frame was being shunned. 


Other than that I don't have a huge problem with them, one small thing that could be tweaked is their Lanka damage. Hot damn does that thing do a lot of damage. T4 survival 20 minutes in and my Valkyr gets sniped from 740hp(with max steel fiber), down to 104hp....ouch.

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The problem with the "D" is, that as good as no mods with a "D" exist and it s always a "D" in most of the new guns.

which is why it s reasonable to remove the "D" to max the variety in every build.

status mods and the cold dmg mod need a D, but both only have 9 mod points.


please dont think about changing other mod's polarity to fix this problem.

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Warframe Passives: I don't mind either way, but if they're implemented, please implement them with equal quality and balance across all warframes.


Tactical Alerts: They are fine the way they are. It feels good to play alongside new players--often friends I've brought into the game--on an even level with them. I like the fact that they scale downwards because it makes prepared players practice their build knowledge to pull through with even lower conclave than before, and still allows us to play with friends. Making the conclave rating increase over stages is a bad idea since most of us scale downwards, which would turn these "tactical" alerts into yet another mindless power-pushing grindfest.


However, the lower conclave rating really doesn't change this either. Bring one weapon that's cheap enough to afford the conclave rating, and use one warframe that excels in one ability depending on the challenge. There really isn't much of a point behind tactical alerts even though I like the concept. Maybe this scaling should be implemented everywhere dynamically instead of being forced into a particular event mission.


The D Polarity: Sometimes useful on primary weapons but removes freedom of choice in elements when it's placed in the first slot as usual. D polarity feels completely worthless on secondary weapons. For melee weapons, it forces the player to use Life Strike in the build if they intend to keep the polarity. Part of the reason why this polarity feels especially useless is between there being so few mods in the D polarity, the fact that the status mods only offer 15% increase to the base status chance, and the fact that cold damage mods are weaker on secondary and melee weapons, there isn't really a reason to like this polarity.

Edited by MechaKnight
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Tactical alerts should not always be based on conclave. 


I'd welcome a "primary/secondary/melee only" mission, possibly mixed with "no powers" mode or existing vault keys (only Volt can handle hobbled x0...). Even a stealth mission relying on being undetected or time limit forcing parkour (no powers, no melee = no teleports, no coptering).


Low conclave makes me drop everything except OP primary and use energy refills. That's it, no real challenge, small dose of frustration when I have to repeat EXACTLY same mission several times without ANY variety between them.




Nullifiers need different weapon. One shot kills from already tedious unit are no fun. 

Shield decreasing from damage, not quantity of shots is a good idea. Make it regenerate slower, possibly. As long as I can slice & dice them from close distance I'm fine with them.

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Nullifier spawn should be toned down to that of eximus (with similar drops), and their shield should not deflect.


Conclave restriction for alerts should be replaced with auto-scaling of enemies. It's not fun to force players to find a way to remove those 30 excess conclave points from their gear...

Edited by Elstar
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In your opinion, should Warframes have passive bonuses?


Yes, please yes I would love this.  The more depth to the identity that each frame has the better.  And some peoples most hated reason, it makes sense. 


Do you think the radial explosions from syndicate standing are too powerful?


I don't really think they are, but I also don't have very strong feelings about it.  If I am using a weapon with the syndicate effect it is usually the Vaykor Marelock.  The Vaykor has blast damage, and to me the reason it is so great is not that it can kill enemies but because it has the 100% proc and having a radial 100% chance blast proc is immensely useful for crowd control. 


Do you think the syndicate explosion should be player controlled in some way?


Meh, no strong opinion on this one, I think its fine as is, but I don't think it would hurt to make them controllable. 



How frequently do you wish you could cancel a combo?


No real opinion on this one either.  I don't use melee much, when I do it is usually quick melee, or drawing and using channeling with life strike on to restore my health. 


How do you feel about the conclave restrictions on Tactical Alerts?.


I understand the point of the restrictions and I like that DE is attempting to make these challenging, but the Conclave caps I just find so freaking annoying.  It mostly has to do with breaking my existing builds and finding a new one I will only need for a few mission runs.  I kind of wish DE would find an alternative to the CC caps. 


In your opinion, do enemies spawn fast enough in Survival missions?


Yes, most of the time they are spawning fast enough.  Every once and awhile it feels like they slow down to much, but I really never run into problems with life support, so I don't see it as an issue. 


Do you think the “D” slot on weapons is useful?


It is almost never useful.  It is very rare that I ever find a use for it anymore.  The only firearm I can think of that I even use them on is the Soma(prime), and I am not counting archwing weapons because the polarities on the mods there don't seem to follow the same trends.  A few of my builds use the D polarity ice damage mods, but I never polarize slots for it, and rarely use it anyway, the dual stat ice mod for the most part has replaced the D polarity ice mod.  Most weapons that have D polarities to start with, I forma that D slot away for something more useful, almost always a V polarity. 


What is your opinion on the Nullifiers?


I really am not strongly against them, but I don't like them either.  I understand the idea of them, but I think they are a bad solution to huge ranged ability spam.  I wouldn't mind if they had a smaller bubble.  Also I think I would make the shield not ineffective against guns, but not protect against them either.  Instead they would reduce a flat % of incoming damage from guns.  Maybe like a flat 60-75% damage reduction considering they are pretty damn flimsy without their shield.  I also think they should be removed from the void and replaced with something else. 



1. Get rid of D from weapons we dont' use it or need it for all factions except 1 and even then I never use blast damage so please... make it go away


If you are not using blast on infested you are missing out on a lot of damage potential, considering ALL ancients are weak to it.  Corrosive + Blast is ideal for infested. 

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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Please DE if you are considering Warframe passives, if you never read anything else I write please read my answer to your first question and consider it. Thanks. =D


In your opinion, should Warframes have passive bonuses?

YES! But passives should work just like it sounds....passively. Let me quote myself from another thread:


"All sound and seem pretty cool...but they are a far cry from Zepyhrs passive. I would think they would be more like:


Ash could get closer to an enemy before alerting them


Volt could have increased weapon swap speed


Ember could leave a small trail of fire behind her that will make those small Grineer rollers or maybe even missiles anything that seeks to you go off course and seek something/someone else when it passes over it


Anyways I think the point of passives were supposed to passively help you where as it seems like some of the things you had listed are straight up buffs and help you directly. Just my opinion though."

The examples I listed are a variety of ways to implement passives in a positive way from slightly mundane passives to very creative and useful. Anyways, please keep passives, passive and don't give in to just adding Warframe buffs. If done right, they can be just as useful with utility as any damage buff or other thing of the like. Just like with Zephyr, the low gravity is actually really nice to have sometimes and doesn't add any innate damage or anything.


Do you think the radial explosions from syndicate standing is too powerful?

No I feel like they are in a good place actually.


Do you think the syndicate explosions should be player controlled in some way?

No. I like the way it is now. In most missions I find that the proc is often enough that I don't really need to control it because another one is right around the corner. 


How frequently do you wish you could cancel a combo?

Rarely. Well that was my vote but, thinking about it, I'm not sure I ever had.


How do you feel about the conclave rating on tactical alerts?

Kind of glad to see this come up actually. Seems a little low to me. I have about 1000 mission hours I think and am MR18. I'm sure there are people higher level (or closer to 19) than me or have had more mission time but I consider myself a fairly high level player. I have an arsenal of many many multi-forma'd weapons. And lately when these tac alerts pop I get scared because the only 2 weapons I could even equip at the 500 conclave level were secondaries and recently I have forma'd those 2 more so I'm not sure if I could even take a weapon without removing mods from my Warframe's build/weapon build and I don't think that should really be necessary. I don't think it would take much maybe even like 520-525 for the Stratos Emblem would be ok with me. I guess that is the main part of it I take issue with. Not the usual 700 or whatever. Dont even mind the challenge of them but I just don't want to be faced with a situation where I have to remove mods from something or buy some weapon just to have for low conclave events I guess.

EDIT: After looking again, I can actually still put on the same 2 secondaries even after forma'ing again. So I guess its not a problem for me. Just doesn't give a lot of options. I'm fine with it though, but I see how that might erk some people.


In your opinion, do enemies spawn fast enough in survival missions?

For the most part yes. But I can definitely notice earlier on in the mission that there are times when it dries up a bit. But again that is mostly in the early stages. T4 survival for instance, once you get to about 20-30 minutes you pretty much have plenty of enemies, imo.


Do you think the "D" slot on weapons is useful?

Not at all. But I see how it MIGHT be useful for newer players and players that have missed the past events. That being said, that should be an option as it is now, meaning that they shouldn't come on a weapon, it should be forma'd on if the player desires it. Alternatively, I wouldn't mind seeing what comes out of new "D" polarity mods. Though I do see the pattern with them you are trying to keep where "V" is offensive, "D" is defensive, " - " is utility, etc. and realize that its hard to make defensive mods (with "D") for a weapon because weapons are innately offensive. Anyways, feel like I'm starting to ramble on but I think you get the point. =)


What is your opinion on Nullifers?

I like the idea of them for sure. Corpus need a mob that is feared (see also: Grineer Bombarb/Heavy Gunner and Infested Ancients/MOA's). However, I do think they need some re-balancing. I saw something in the OP about bullets bypassing the shields. That might be one way to go. But instead of just that, and also to make some point of the shield being there other than ruining your Warframes powers, I though that maybe the shield could reflect a SMALL amount of damage and just do away with the shrinking bubble bit. Though I could see how that idea might be hard to make it scale properly. Anyways,  pointing being....definitely in need of a rework of some nature, imo.

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The survival spawning is unbalanced. Sometimes enough spawn and sometimes not. But I think more often its not enough because you still require a Nekros in every team in order to be able to keep up on the life support. I think the randomness of the tilesets have to do with the unbalance of the spawns.

The type of weapons I never want to see a D polarity on is rifles, snipers, bows and all secondaries. The reason being is that there are no usefull mods that benefit from it. I think shotguns and melee have at least some usefull D mods.

But in general all weapons barely have usefull D mods. What I mostly want to see on it are V and - polarities. But mostly V. Though on weapons only. Not warframes. Nova prime with 3 V polarities is over the top. I changed 2 of them.

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Opinion about Nullifiers

I think they could just make nullifier has a radial buff, that active once every 3 seconds, nullifying all buff and power on warframe, similiar with the original.

Make them not immune to crowd control, and when the radial buff procs, nullifier and affected unit will negate the crowd control. Like removing stuns, etc

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D polarity


it' s jsut that we have cold mods for it on weapons...And that's it. and the best  cold mods have V polarity.





I'm all for it. it would mark the difference between warframes even more . More diversity in playstyles.

For instance the Zephyr passive floatyness is a perfect passive imo, it can synergize with  a lot of weapons and can be pretty fun :


And some frames would really benefit from it really. BUT they should be made so that mods have no effect on them.

Otherwise it's once again bandaid modding.-> should we add a slot -> etc etc



I think they should still stay strong but please make them less common.


5  nullifiers at a time surrounded by detron crewmen is a death sentence.

I would be okay with that....if they didnt spawn so many and so earlym (at least on europa excavation missions)

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Posting again cause that last post doesnt let me edit it.




Warframe Passives:



The only frames that should have passives are the Primes.

Anything else is going to cause anger as some will end up with "better" passives in the general audience.

We will end up with the same stupid argument saying,  "Why should i use X frame when this frames has a better passive."


And if you are going to add passives to the general frames, all of them, it should come with an appropriate penalty.

It should be an optional ability.



Combo Cancelling:
Dont you stop a combo by just.... not continuing to press buttons?
I dont use super fast weapons cause of lag so i guess this is a problem for those weapons since people just spam E and the game accepts all those presses and continues the combo?

Tactical Alerts

The problem with tac alerts is that the conclave system can be easily bypassed. You can take off your secondary and sentinel and end up with meeting the 700 limit. And for 500 you just need to take off a few mods and met the other limits. You dont need to have a secondary, sentinel, or a fully modded melee weapon, unless you are going full melee, to actually play the game. So you can pop into all these tac alerts at essentially 100% ability ignoring whatever challenge this thing tried to provide. 
You need to set other limits that have EVERYONE actually take part in. I suggested things like, two random powers are shut off, you can only use secondary weapons, you can only kill enemies with head shots, there's no ammo drops but enemy weapon pick ups. Actual challenges that have people think instead of just, " Ok i will take of x and y and run through like normal.

Faster/More Enemy Waves:

1. You are not supposed to "complete" survival missions so people complaining that they cant continue when.... the system is built on you not being able to continue at certain points..... it makes no sense.
2. The mission type is about management. You should not pop air at specific percentage point you should pop them at times when it's needed... like when the enemies spawns become problematic.
3. If there is an actual bug..... then, yes, fix it.

The D Polarity:

Just make more mods that use that polarity. There's, like, two mods for that polarity with each weapon type, right? There's a million of V mods, i think, so start producing for D mods or just get rid of them entirely and move the two for each weapon type to another.




There are certain groups of players in this game that play the game by just moving forward and blasting. This, or course, becomes a problem when they get into certain situations where they dont have the advantage but they will continue to just move forward just because.


The nulls seem to have the Heavy\Tech ai which has them basically stationary when in combat mode. And that means.... just back up, give yourself an advantage, and let all the other units run out of the shield. The null will spend a bit more time before decides to move up which should be enough to deal with all the enemies out of the bubble.


The nulls is not that different from any of the other units that have auras. No one stays close to units with auras so you should not stay close to this one. Some extra ammo to take down the shields should not be that much trouble. BTW, i am talking about the regular game and not 2 hours into defense-type missions, the missions where you are supposed to lose.


And, actually, i think other enemy units should have that combo ai that shield grineer have and there should be at least 4 units that form up around him inside the bubble . Once it breaks they go to standard AI but if the bubble is up there should always be units inside it at all times. Maybe you should use this for the next Corpus boss. If the enemies become too smart people will flip.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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Passives should be on-par with what we've seen now, with the currents being a gold-standard: They must be balanced for against the rest of the frame.

Mesa's passives REQUIRE a ranged weapon, her first skill REQUIRES a ranged weapon, and all of her stats are mediocre(average or below average on shields, stamina, health, speed). She is appropriately below the others to off-set her passive's situational existence.

Zephyr's passive doesn't have any balancing points inside the rest of the frame, but rather in itself--on the one hand, it allows easier aerial manuevers. On the other, it makes zephyr's wall running practically worthless(you're too light to properly flip), and it makes most aerial melee attacks awkward/worthless as you're traveling too slow and falling too slow to connect. It also makes you a sitting duck if you ever hit one of those "this room is a huge column of air with enemies surrounding it" rooms--there's a few of those(particularly on jupiter), and casually floating to the ground while taking gunfire from all sides is a nightmare. Thus, the situational drawbacks make up for the bonuses--it's a balanced passive in and of itself.

Hence, I do not think the older frames should get any passives, unless they're going to be appropriately nerfed. I'm also not sure about them getting passives with drawbacks--it would be awful for one of your favorite frames to suddenly inherit drawbacks that kill your play style.

That being said, going forward, having more frames that have passives worked in to their balance would be great. It's likely the best way to offer more variety from the newer content.

Should probably leave syndi radials alone. They're borderline power-creep, and if they could be controlled, they would be flat-out power-creep. The fact they can go off uselessly because your last target's death or the affinity orb you just grabbed triggered it is the only thing giving it balance. If the timing wasn't semi-random, they would be exceptionally over-powered. They're already very easy to control if you know what you're doing(swap weapons often), but the guarantee of them being useful is low.

Combo cancellation would be lovely. The worst situation I've personally faced is executing a proper chain for a long combo animation that kills one of 5 available targets long before it finishes, and then being forced to watch as, despite not pressing anything, my frame continues the rest of the combo, in the wrong direction, while the other targets get to flank my mis-directed fury. It's not *too* common, but there's a second of panic every now and again where the machineguns are suddenly on the wrong side of my sword. There should be some button press(I'm not sure what) to get us out of it, but it's not a huge priority.

They're pretty great. They make players actually think for a change. It can be interesting trying to get a properly valued loadout for a given TA. Further, they show the weakpoints in many people's play styles, and while that may be embarassing to them, it also gives them a chance to figure out that "so I've been doing something wrong the whole time, and never realized it because I modded around it". Knowing that allows you to play better, and, thus, be better when you get to the ultra-high-level content.

Plus, TA are inherently newbie friendly, as many newer players couldn't break the conclave cap if they wanted to. It's nice to have something that inherently caters to the new players, whilst making the veterans plan carefully and learn how to play better.

Survival seems to be in a good place right now.

This is always useful, and if someone dislikes it, they're always free to forma it out. Leave them alone.

Decent, but still problematic at times--it's easiest to melee them, but any frame with enduring powers is heavily penalized by that--in flatly causes instant death for valkyrs in hysteria(it cancels hysteria early, instantly delivering all damage, while they're dealing damage to her). The general concept is okay, but to put it in perspective: As a nekros, they are now my favorite enemy of all time. Why? If you kill one and SotD it, you are instantly immortal, as no enemies are strong enough to break the forcefield they provide.

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Warframe Passives:


That stuff was great. I want it to return very much!


Combo Cancelling:


Don't care. Never use melee. Bring back charge attacks!


The D Polarity:


Good on frames. Useless on weapons.




Thing that bothers me the most - is that a buble also blocks bullets. Namely - incredible amount of health their shield got and how bad are semi-auto and charge weapons versus it.

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