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A Warframe Concept: The Dragon [2.0] — Final Update 2/09/2015


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Just heard Perfect World is buying/trying to buy Digital Extremes. I have... concerns about this. If this goes through, if they fundamentally change the way Warframe works to try and put in a P2W system in Warframe, I think I'm just going to delete this thread...



Please don't this is just too amazing of a frame and artwork for it to go poof.  Also while I can't say it's cofirmed, I heard that what PWE wants isn't to own the game, but merely to get rights for Warframe to be released in Asia.  Of course that's just word on the street so don't quote me on it.


Also don't delete the thread because if you do then many people will be very sad face.

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Just heard Perfect World is buying/trying to buy Digital Extremes. I have... concerns about this. If this goes through, if they fundamentally change the way Warframe works to try and put in a P2W system in Warframe, I think I'm just going to delete this thread...

There is an official thread on this topic:




DE has no plans of letting the development of warframe switch into another companies hands. I trust DE and believe they will do what is best.

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Don't unconditionally believe gossips and rumours, they said that they don't want to sell Warframe, so there is no reason to worry (at least not too much)


Oh, here is what I managed to scribble yesterday (actually it was "today" at 3am - had a sudden inspiration...)

I had a dream:

I was inside a ship...

... a kid among other kids...

...yet alone... gazing on swirling masses of energy... waves of gentle light, surrounding our ship... our world...

Then the scene abruptly changed - there was no energy, no light. Only blackness. We were drifting in nothingness. No one noticed. No one but myself...

"Someone is here" a girl muttered...

Another change. This time alarms are ringing, red lights flashing. I am in some... place. Its cramped, next to me is something that looks like a cryopod. Due to a sudden tremor I stumble and fall into the pod.

Then, I woke up.

What a strange dream, but was it really a dream?... Or a memory? I cannot say for sure.

And if it was, then whose dream was it? I'm sure that it wasn't anyone of my unit, nor could it have been someone sent by the Grineer - their ships have even less similarities to the ship I saw than ours. That ship, somehow it gives me feeling similar to some of excavation sites we were sent to.

It couldn't have been... made by THEM?

                                                                                                                                                   Last entry in personal journal of  

                                                                                                                                            commander of 7th Investigative unit                                                                                                                                                                             stationed on Eris


well, that's all, for now. I'll expand it when I get more ideas. 

All Hail The Dragon

Edited by Drejzer
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its been a while for posting on this topic for me so, UPVOTE! WOO! can't upvote this post anymore so text version works right?

it should...


Endrian, You really have to make "alternate abilities" section in the OP. The more, the merrier.

Isn't it right? - It is.

Edited by Drejzer
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Well this concept is quite cool but, when I see the word dragon, I think of high damage and speed since dragon can fly. So probably instead of tank, make him an attacker since warframe already have 2 tankers.

Maybe the design colour/skin for dragon can be black/maroon/red and a lil bit less rough. If not he will look like a croc lol. But still, nice concept :)

Don't you mean 3 tanks? Frost and RHino have the same armor value and rhino is a 'dive-in' tank, while Frost is a support. The 3rd tank is valkyr, 600 armor, and with maxed steel fiber she can hit 1k+ armor, and she only takes 13% of the normal damage of non puncture attacks.

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Don't you mean 3 tanks? Frost and RHino have the same armor value and rhino is a 'dive-in' tank, while Frost is a support. The 3rd tank is valkyr, 600 armor, and with maxed steel fiber she can hit 1k+ armor, and she only takes 13% of the normal damage of non puncture attacks.

I love when people respond to posts over a year old...

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Endrian, You really have to make "alternate abilities" section in the OP. The more, the merrier.

Isn't it right? - It is.


Agreed. Dragons are incredibly versatile, being just as destructive as they are indestructible. There's a lot of room for him to have more than just mobility and survivability.

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Agreed. Dragons are incredibly versatile, being just as destructive as they are indestructible. There's a lot of room for him to have more than just mobility and survivability.

Yay! I've got support! I'm not alone!

Dragon would be the Harbinger of Multiple Versions of Abilities!

All Hail The Dragon, Harbinger of Multiple Versions of Abilities, Ruler of Skies, True High King, Guardian of the Lotus!

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Yay! I've got support! I'm not alone!

Dragon would be the Harbinger of Multiple Versions of Abilities!

All Hail The Dragon, Harbinger of Multiple Versions of Abilities, Ruler of Skies, True High King, Guardian of the Lotus!


I mean yeah, that's one way to go about it, but I was just referring to the fact that there are multiple interpretations of a dragon, "tank" being just one, and that the OP could have some alternatives to flesh it out. 


Like I pointed out earlier, there are some areas of standard dragon lore he didn't even really dip into - like a breath weapon.

Presently his ultimate makes him seem more like a sun-elemental with dragon motifs.

Down to the plasma.

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I remember your first thread for this frame and it didnt get nearly enough attention. The fact you went and put alot more thought into it and re posted it is impressive. Congrats on making a concept frame thats nearly in typhus league(in terms of likes and popularity i mean since i personally prefer this one)

Edited by warpath514
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To Endrian- Can other skills be used during Rising Dragon? Because it would be badass if you could combine Challenge, Rising Dragon, AND Indomitable to go into Dragon G-mode, even though that would be incredible expensive energy-wise.



In accordance to my post above, I'd like to suggest some abilities for "Dragon".


Dance of the Wyvern:

Wings erupt from the back of the Warframe, allowing the player increased mobility in the air. The new appendages increase the player’s natural jump height with a wingbeat, convert the airslide into a glide with increased speed, reduce the effect of gravity on the Warframe and allow him to jump while airborne. Buff duration affected by Power Duration. 50 energy.



The Warframe’s health and shields continuously regenerate while active. A percentage of damage received by an enemy will increase the Warframe’s armor for the remainder of the duration. Regeneration and armor efficiency are increased by Power Strength. Buff duration affected linearly by Power Duration. 75 energy.


Burning Lungs:

The air briefly pulses around the Warframe as he draws in energy, before releasing it in a devastating breath of dragon’s fire. Every second, the Warframe deals staggering Heat/Magnetic damage in a 120-degree cone in front of himself, and creates a patch of fire on any flat surface within the affected area which deals additional periodic Heat damage to enemies standing on it. The player is rooted in place while channeling the effect, but will remain airborne if cast in the air, and can alter the direction of the flames by rotating their camera. The cone of flames is blocked by walls and environmental objects, and can impede the caster's vision. The fire patches stack (a la Hallowed Ground), and are affected by Power Duration separately from the toggled effect. The length of the cone is affected by Power Range, but not the radius. Damage per tick of both the cone and fire patches is affected by Power Strength. Toggled, 25 energy plus 15 per second.


The survival and mobility skills have more clearly defined roles, and could be used on an "as needed" basis. The ultimate invokes the one area of playing a dragon you didn't quite highlight.

I'd also like to note that all of the names listed invoke a type of dragon. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little attached to them (oh, the puns!), but I won't be offended if you wanted to borrow the skills under new names.


I feel it would be a good idea to reduce his speed, and bring his base armor down, to balance him closer to the other tanky frames. It'd also mean he'd be a clumsier flyer than Zephyr, assuming his ground speed reflected in his airspeed.


Burning Lungs is sexy as hell. Wyrmblood is Defensive Indomitable, which is not bad either



I think Im going to rework my fan art for Dragon now that the reference sheet is here. Might even make a desktop wallpaper available.


Can we get a wallpaper of Dragon on a throne, with Zephyr as a maid and Rhino as a butler? Y'know, signifying that the king of sky and beasts has arrived? I dunno man, I just really friggin love this concept

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I love the idea of a dragon frame, specifically one that flies. Its kind of like zephyr, but where as she flies fast and with control for mobility, it would fly heavy and wild, for impact. I like your concept, and I think it'd be awesome. It might fit warframe better if it looked more like a sci-fi dragon, less medieval. Also, maybe a little OP in terms of skills (I'm sure they're just preliminary ideas though.) 

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To Endrian- Can other skills be used during Rising Dragon? Because it would be badass if you could combine Challenge, Rising Dragon, AND Indomitable to go into Dragon G-mode, even though that would be incredible expensive energy-wise.




Burning Lungs is sexy as hell. Wyrmblood is Defensive Indomitable, which is not bad either




Can we get a wallpaper of Dragon on a throne, with Zephyr as a maid and Rhino as a butler? Y'know, signifying that the king of sky and beasts has arrived? I dunno man, I just really friggin love this concept



And make that throne be the Iron Throne, made from melted skanas, cronuses, and dakra primes.

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You forgot about Skana Prime...


That would be a major kick to the balls followed by a finger for the nonfounders.  Like saying "LOLOLOLOL You can never get Skana Prime but we're melting it down to make a silly throne trolololololol F*** you, you suck!"



I like it.

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