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So, If We Are Really Going To Let Earth Relay Get Destroyed...


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We will be able to rebuild it?


I mean, c'mon, its absurd we are going to let all those people die (if they stay of course) just for "finding what happens".


For this, we dont deserve to be called Tenno.




I hope DE gives us the chance to rebuild them and at least dont leave a permanent mark on the history of the game.

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Because so many people hate the game, and keep spreading hate about it, I SINCERELY hope that the void trader stops showing up for a while.


Why WOULD he is he doesn't feel safe there? I hope Darvo gets away though. I would miss him.


And the less said about what YandereSamantha would do the better...

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It's funny how that since the start of this event people are only now complaining that the relays are identical....Wasn't an issue until now...

Or if it WAS an issue it was one people stayed quiet about.


People wanted longer events. What we got is the equivalent of emptying full clips into a wall until January.

Artificial event length by strengthening enemies to the point of absurdity...It's a lame tactic.

The sad thing is we will fail...because there's no reason NOT to.

All I need is ONE run on EACH ship. They SEVERELY drain my resources to make keys (seriously? Cryotic?)

Now I have to not only farm isotopes but I'm forced to do excavations which SUCK HARD.

50k creds for 1mil points? Not even close to worth wasting more keys.


I actually LIKE Archwing missions,and I DO like the Fomorian missions,but the WAY they're implemented is BS.

And the video message we got at the beginning? Well sheeeiiit....Why are we fighting these things from JUST the outside?

Why tease us with a video of fighting them with AW AND then going inside like a regular mission if that isn't what is happening?


I COULD go on but I'll just end rant here..

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It's funny how that since the start of this event people are only now complaining that the relays are identical....Wasn't an issue until now...

Or if it WAS an issue it was one people stayed quiet about.


People wanted longer events. What we got is the equivalent of emptying full clips into a wall until January.

Artificial event length by strengthening enemies to the point of absurdity...It's a lame tactic.

The sad thing is we will fail...because there's no reason NOT to.

All I need is ONE run on EACH ship. They SEVERELY drain my resources to make keys (seriously? Cryotic?)

Now I have to not only farm isotopes but I'm forced to do excavations which SUCK HARD.

50k creds for 1mil points? Not even close to worth wasting more keys.


I actually LIKE Archwing missions,and I DO like the Fomorian missions,but the WAY they're implemented is BS.

And the video message we got at the beginning? Well sheeeiiit....Why are we fighting these things from JUST the outside?

Why tease us with a video of fighting them with AW AND then going inside like a regular mission if that isn't what is happening?


I COULD go on but I'll just end rant here..

because pants

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They'll either remove the node or we'll get some kindof "ruins of the Strata Relay" warchwing mission node.(that'd be cool).


Rebuild it? Why? lol


(community resource contribution - 10,000 forma, 100k neurodes, 10k orokin cells, etc)


I think there should be some kind of constant reminder that we, as the playerbase, failed. That's how you go hard if you're the devs.

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We know what we should've done along time ago? Trick the Balor into thinking the relay was near the moon, and then Hijack the strata, sling shot it around the moon, and slam it into the Balor Fomorian even if just becomes remains as it gets shot before it strikes it sill be pretty cool.

Edited by Arlayn
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