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Imperator Vandal: Not Worth The Time Investment...


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I have to say, I am seriously disappointed by the final reward for this event.


50 more ammo, and 5% more crit and status chance. (Allegedly also a faster spinup time and a faster recharge, too.) Woo...


Meanwhile, just to get it, people have/had to sacrifice time over 2 weeks to log in, grind up enough for the disruptors, and then run the same exact mission 15 times. All during a major holiday time.


Yeah, it's statistically an upgrade. But a very tiny one.


I'm sorry, but... it's just not really worth it.

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My math may be wrong, but without accounting for the spinup or any proc effects it already has somewhere around a 15% increase in DPS.


Considering the Imperator was already the strongest Archweapon...

Your math is only looking at a single shot that crits, not actual DPS from firing normally.


Imperator normally does ~734 burst damage counting crits with the 10% rate.

Using mods to simulate, ~774 burst damage counting crits with a 16% rate (the mods won't hit 15% exactly).


That's a 5.45% DPS boost with 16% base, so the 15% crit rate should be about a 5% boost... which matches the flat crit rate boost.

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Well, I never even put a catalyst on my Imperator. Therefore, it is worth it to me. (Not that I'll use it because I love my Velocitus too much)


Overall, it's just a matter of perspective, but imo this is why it's never a good idea to make upgrades to top-tier weapons. You have to exercise restraint so that it doesn't break the game, and you risk upsetting people who already invested a lot of time into the regular version.

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Your math is only looking at a single shot that crits, not actual DPS from firing normally.


Imperator normally does ~734 burst damage counting crits with the 10% rate.

Using mods to simulate, ~774 burst damage counting crits with a 16% rate (the mods won't hit 15% exactly).


That's a 5.45% DPS boost with 16% base, so the 15% crit rate should be about a 5% boost... which matches the flat crit rate boost.


Oops. Knew my math was wrong.


Point still stands though. It's a straight upgrade to the strongest Archweapon. And that's before mods.

Edited by vaugahn
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It's a slight upgrade, but barely a reason to forma it if you already forma'ed the original.


I did potato my Imperator, because at release, it helped me get plenty of plat, so that cost was covered, but I didn't spend any forma, so it's just like, hey, it's shiny and a tiny slightly better, guess I will use that instead.


Since the stat increase was so... minimal, I thought that it would at least have extra stock polarities, but, it doesn't. D;

Edited by Sorrow0110
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It's almost a direct upgrade to what is arguably the best overall Archwing weapon in the game. I'd gladly run fifteen 5-minute Sabotage missions and a single extended Excavation for this weapon. For a 3-week event, that's really not much.

Were you expecting a 50% damage boost and a tripled crit rate or something? This sort of power creep is exactly what DE is trying to avoid with the new Archwing mode, and rightfully so.

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Hopefully the real reward of this event is DE improving the Archwing game mode as a whole sometime very soon.





I want more maps and a better UI.

The interceptions are killing me.



Outside of that I like the new imperator.

Space minigun ahoy.

I always wanted more miniguns in this game.

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From everything I'm hearing, there's a wind-up time that increases the fire rate past its base fire rate after 30-50 shots. That should significantly increase its overall dps, but I'm sorta glad that it's not simply a straight base-damage upgrade. It's a flavorful addition without becoming incredibly OP.

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3 Forma on Imperator with potato. Not really worth the time investment to potato and re-level this for slight status and crit. Agree with OP.


Shame it should have had a Damage buff since Crit builds aren't much of an option neither status builds as of now for this weapon.

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Regardless, it's worth it for a collector like me. 





Meanwhile, just to get it, people have/had to sacrifice time over 2 weeks to log in, grind up enough for the disruptors, and then run the same exact mission 15 times. All during a major holiday time.


Unless you wanted the credits or you're doing it for clan score (not sure how that works), you only have to do the mission one time to get the point for the Imperator Vandal. So, 



meh. took 5 mins a day for me to log in an do these.


5 mins.  Thats shorter than most commercial breaks.



.... I am more disappointed that it took so little time to actually do, than anything else.

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Could have just been a skin for all I care. What does everything in games need to have reasons to be played? You play or not play something depending on if you enjoy that part of the game. If something "is not worth playing" based on your personal bias then you simply don't.


Complaining it took "work" and then deciding on an arbitrary line in the sand and stating that "it would have been worth it on THAT side, but not on THIS side" makes no sense.


I simply don't play things I dislike. I thought it was common sense to just do that.

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Its not much if any more difficult (and possibly less so than some) to get than any other AW weapon.  Not much of an upgrade, but its still an improvement without having to toss on a Syndicate mod.  I would have liked a bit more, and maybe a bit more unique a feature, but I don't blame them for not working too hard on a one-time exclusive. 


One thing that does annoy me is that it can't be properly painted.  I really do not like that shade of green. 

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One thing that does annoy me is that it can't be properly painted.  I really do not like that shade of green.

That's Vandal/Wraith for ya. My one gripe is that it's difficult to match the colours, so my Vandal loadout has odd mismatches on non-Vandal items like the Warframe, Syandana, AW. I'd kill for an option to match the colours to these weapons.

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Could have just been a skin for all I care. What does everything in games need to have reasons to be played? You play or not play something depending on if you enjoy that part of the game. If something "is not worth playing" based on your personal bias then you simply don't.


Complaining it took "work" and then deciding on an arbitrary line in the sand and stating that "it would have been worth it on THAT side, but not on THIS side" makes no sense.


I simply don't play things I dislike. I thought it was common sense to just do that.


Its not an arbitrary line drawn but a well calculated line based on time invested versus reward received. Things don't need to have a reason to be played but, when you are promised a reward based on effort and time put forth, one expects that reward to meet the standards of time invested. In the case of Imperator Vandal it does not meet the effort put forth by most veteran players. 


No biggie and you are correct in suggesting that if you like something play it and if you don't, than don't.


But before you come to such harsh critisism to dismiss one's opinion I suggest you look at the overall investment they may have made. 


Many Veteran players in order to help DE with their new game mode have invested countless hours both in game play and on the forums posting critiques, bugs, and helpful suggestions to making gameplay better for all.  Most do this without expectation of reward. But when an event comes its sort of like a thank you for those that invested their time to improve the game.


Considering the above and also considering the vast numbers of newer archwing players were only able to complete the missions due to veteran players carrying them through the event missions, Coupled with the fact that the vast majority of newer archwing players were not the one Marathoning the Fomorians to save Relay stations, Veteran players just expected a bit more.


While yes... those that are new to archwing and are playing with base Imperator the new Vandal will be a direct upgrade and much improved, for those that have been playing from the Archwings inception the new Vandal is lack luster and unimpressive.


It's not that one view is correct over the other, just that merely it comes from two different perspectives.


The 6 foot tall man thinks the 5 foot tall man is short while the 4 foot tall man thinks the 5 foot tall man is huge.

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at full firing after spinup this thing is firing at almost the same speed as the base imperator with a maxed automatic trigger.

i'm not sure how close it is to that rate... but it's close.


coupled with it's other upgrades, this thing is a beast.


it's a definite upgrade over the base. 


and really, i think i did 3 earth excavations on the first earth fomorian and managed to get enough isotopes to run the entire event. (i still have 11 keys after getting the imperator) (managed to get a truckload of sabotage keys for my trouble)


all in all, this took maybe an hour of my time during the holidays to acquire this item. i'm quite happy with the results.


what i'm upset about is the abysmal drop rates in earth and uranus interception for acquisition of the fluctus & centaur. and the continued drop of t4 keys in uranus. plus the diluted aspect of archwing weapon parts in general. (why do we have to research the stuff if we're going to have to go grind it anyway) -- different thread however.

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It's a mastery fodder mara imperator.  Doesn't deserve the Vandal title.  Wraith and Vandal weapons have always had overall damage upgrades of around 20% or more over the base weapons.  5% isn't even worth levelling other than mastery fodder if you've put at least 1 forma into the original.


It'll save you a catalyst if you haven't catalyzed the original yet, but that's about it.  5% is laughable for a damage improvement in any weapon.  Feels like a waste of time for the worst event weapon so far.

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It's a mastery fodder mara imperator.  Doesn't deserve the Vandal title.  Wraith and Vandal weapons have always had overall damage upgrades of around 20% or more over the base weapons.  5% isn't even worth levelling other than mastery fodder if you've put at least 1 forma into the original.


It'll save you a catalyst if you haven't catalyzed the original yet, but that's about it.  5% is laughable for a damage improvement in any weapon.  Feels like a waste of time for the worst event weapon so far.


it's base firing rate is easily 25% higher than the regular imperator when full spun-up.

compounded with the other stat increases, and you've more than exceeded your stated threshold of 20%

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I've yet to see any sufficient evidence to state that the imperator vandal has any higher fire rate than the regular.


It required further testing.  Regardless, most of the comments I've seen have been saying how disappointed they are in this weapon... those who do like it are a noisy minority who prefer static weapons over power progression.

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I've yet to see any sufficient evidence to state that the imperator vandal has any higher fire rate than the regular.


It required further testing.  Regardless, most of the comments I've seen have been saying how disappointed they are in this weapon... those who do like it are a noisy minority who prefer static weapons over power progression.


you've obviously not tried it yet.

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