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Update 15.9


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Still adding more stuff without fixing whats already there I see. New staff weapon, and yet still hold staff weapons wrong? Think DE need to pay more attention to detail, maybe put more thought/effort into things.

Edited by Bovrinox
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  • Players will now be disqualified from end-of-mission rewards if they've been dead or AFK for over a minute.  This will not affect players that are waiting at extraction.


As EVERYONE is telling you, this needs to be looked at. The vast majority of survivals I run where we don't choose to extract early, only 1 or 2 people make it to the extraction. Now you're telling me half my team wont get rewards unless we choose to bail before it gets hard? Push off.


Seriously, does no one think these things through? It's all 'must do this one thing' and totally ignores consequences to the 9 other things that change affects.

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While I did specifically ask for spawn immunity, props for that! Was my only problem during the Fomorian event.


I will say that the AFK punishment could be elaborated or refined as it kind of implies something incredibly severe if something happens that needs immediate attention. You can't predict your bladder or bowels man, they kinda just happen. There's also phonecalls, family, etc. If you've been active for several minutes, wiping the floor with the enemy then something happens, well you just get cheated out of your... everything.


That being said, I don't like leechers or stay-behinds. Had to deal with them before and just kind of makes me think they don't even like playing the game. But I've had people who actually had to deal with something while I handled it and I was fine with that, had stuff to level anyways.

Edited by MartinVole
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  • Players will now be disqualified from end-of-mission rewards if they've been dead or AFK for over a minute.  This will not affect players that are waiting at extraction.

Welp, RIP anyone who doesn't revive


they are trying to drive plat sales to that "add more revives" option in the arsenal...seriously. WHEN DOES IT STOP? CAN WE STOP GETTING THESE "ADDITIONS" TO THE GAME?

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  • Fixed ammo pickups potentially counting towards multiple players, instead of applying towards a single player.


Thanks for the fix.  Also it's completely stupid to disqualify players from mission rewards if they are dead for over a minute.  If I'm doing a long survival or defense and a teammate runs out of revives near the end of the game are you seriously saying that because they died and didn't revive more than 1 min before we extracted that they lose everything gathered from the entire level?  Really?  How is that fair?  I'm not a fan of leechers or determined AFKers either but this, this punishes everyone and is not right.

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  • Players will now be disqualified from end-of-mission rewards if they've been dead or AFK for over a minute.  This will not affect players that are waiting at extraction.

If this is in an effort to try to dissuade people from AFKing, I like the idea.  However, I still feel like it would be more beneficial to let the sqaud members decide this, in the form of a vote/kick button.

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  • Players will now be disqualified from end-of-mission rewards if they've been dead or AFK for over a minute.  This will not affect players that are waiting at extraction.



Im sorry but sometimes players need to go to bathroom when their doing long run, and thats take over a minute, 3 minutes is the ideal... please change it

Edited by --Q--Gasz
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The kick thing...... especially some one who is out of revives.... and their team couldn't get them up in time for whatever reason. 


DE seems to be making a LOT of bad choices lately, lots of kneejerk reactions and seemingly not thought through "fixes". 

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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  • Players will now be disqualified from end-of-mission rewards if they've been dead or AFK for over a minute.  This will not affect players that are waiting at extraction.

Please either add option to turn it on/off (when hosting) or permanently turn it off for friends/invite only parties.

Seriously... I see no reason to force this mechanic on players that only play with friends and we allow one person to go afk or stay dead to not use up revive that could be used later on (during next game).


Instead you could add option for vote kick against players that are AFK or trolling (if someone makes a macro to move/shot every 55 seconds/auto revive it will completely cancel your effort in a fight against AFKers), if majority of ingame players vote for a kick you can guess there is a reason for that.


(mayority as only 2 votes against 1 or 3v1)

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Hmm, interesting changes.


Looking forward to seeing how the key situation will shape up.


Also, looking forward to some potential tweaking related to the Dead/AFK feature. I think that maybe a minute is too short for disqualifying Dead players. Let us not disrespect those brave Tenno that have lost their lives (temporarily) in the line of duty. Otherwise a great idea!


P.S. A vote to kick feature or a host kick power would see SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much abuse. Please don't.

Edited by reXXer
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"Added Melee Combo Counter to Excalibur’s Slash Dash"

I and this helps us see how fast the counters actually go away!


 "...this Tenno Staff demands focus from those wishing to unlock its true power."


"focus" = forma

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What a change is that??? If you're punishing players who ended revives you should then at least introduce an option to buy revives in game.

You are seriously telling me that if I die after 63 minutes of survival I'll lose all the rewards at 99%? Really guys, I'm sorry but what were you thinking??

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Hm, Is the "no awards for AFK" thing revokable if someone comes back? does it function correctly during solo missions [ paused? ]

 I tested this with a clanmate by going afk in a t1 ext for over a minute then played for the last half. I got the reward. I am not sure how it works otherwise.


1min seems a bit too short cause i have been in missions with guys who just really had to make a quick bathroom break and they are usually back in 2mins or so. Wouldn't want to punish people like that.  


Honestly kinda wish this was restricted to public lobbies, but I guess that wouldn't help for the key leechers.


ALSO, if they don't get the "end" mission reward, how does that work for survivals where rewards and not really at the "end" so to speak?

Edited by Sachellein
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