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Flora, The Life and Death Plant Warframe|New Art[3/26/2018]


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I am sure this concept is popular enough to make a shot. At least we won't let it die and will post on this topic as much as much possible. Also that model is possible to download somwhere or just have the image uploaded? It would be nice to experiment with it.

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Just now, Otaku_Hyen said:

I am sure this concept is popular enough to make a shot. At least we won't let it die and will post on this topic as much as much possible. Also that model is possible to download somwhere or just have the image uploaded? It would be nice to experiment with it.

I sure hope it is! The only way for her to get noticed is to stay relevant!

I once tried to contact forgotten since someone wanted to rig and animate it, but i couldnt get a hold of him. youre welcomed to try and contact him to see if he has the assets for it still.

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Mr. As much times I am here and looking at this frame overall the more I wish to play with her. Seems pretty useful on paper and design wise looks also cool. The real question is why the devs not notice this along with a lot other concepts from 2013-14. Wish some luck to you for this one, we certainly needs a plant based frame.

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1 minute ago, Grekkatarq said:

Mr. As much times I am here and looking at this frame overall the more I wish to play with her. Seems pretty useful on paper and design wise looks also cool. The real question is why the devs not notice this along with a lot other concepts from 2013-14. Wish some luck to you for this one, we certainly needs a plant based frame.

Yeah, sometimes i would like to know whats goin on at DE and see what it is they look at and go "Oh yeah thats good".

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I am not often commenting on forums because I am most of the time playing the game but this flower frame just deserves a look at it by the devs and by the community. The abilities not op at all and the look is much like same to equinox which is by far my favorite among all. Maybe this one could be my second most liked and played. Any Eta to release it? :)

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2 hours ago, MrPigman said:

I sure hope it is! The only way for her to get noticed is to stay relevant!

I once tried to contact forgotten since someone wanted to rig and animate it, but i couldnt get a hold of him. youre welcomed to try and contact him to see if he has the assets for it still.

I will do make a try to contact with him but I am not good at model making. Maybe a friend of mine could do some progress but it would be nice to save this model for later. :)


Edited by Otaku_Hyen
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This frame concept looks still cool despite the re re works. The abilities are interesting the design is very close to my liked designs and the fact it is a flower / plant based frame is very much positive for me who likes in every other the nature based character classes. 

For this reasons and just because I like fairies, for this reason my main is Titania. Pretty easily imaginable to be my next main or both main with Titania in the same place if ever they look at it and release it. I do wish the devs doesn't touch too much to this because this design itself deserves a visit but the abilities are good enough also too. Stat wise the frame is balanced and fit to the theme well. Any other tweaks will coming maybe or can you advertise this nice frame in other medias? I mean for this case youtube as a possible way to advertise this frame. 

Hope you'll have so much success with this one also one of your old concepts also looks cool. You created also an infested based warframe I know we have nidus but still a female infested frame could be relevant. Do you working on that frame too or it is scrapped? I don't remember her name but she featured with a charger and maggot like infested tentacles.

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2 hours ago, MrPigman said:

To each their own. The world would be very boring if we all liked the same things :P. 

however i am interested in why you dont like it, just because im curious :P

Well basically she looks like weird plant, too thin, too fragile weird plant. I have nothing to plants where they looks strong or even horrifying, but when they looks like delicate flower petal I'm strongly against it.

And design here looks like it was made out of rose without thorns. Too delicate, to fragile, a frame made out of rose stem and petal... no thorns. She looks like a dryad but unarmed/vulnerable one. In my opinion this frame need more "watch out, I'm dangerous" grind.

Lets take Oberon Deluxe Skin... he's good example how plant frame could look, defender of the forest, still looks like plant, not too heavy/strong and yet kinda says "I'm not some kind of stalk, you won't break me easily".

But as I said, it's just my personal opinion.

Flora V5 by @forgottenlordart kinda goes to my taste, some bad%^&* look here.




Edited by THeMooN85
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12 hours ago, MrPigman said:

Thanks for your support! im glad youre on board with flora!

1: i have always thought of oberon as a paladin and the direct opposite to nekros. i guess theyre trying to make him more like a druid? although with abilities like smite, hallowed ground, and reckoning. all of that sounds holy, not really druidic. with harrow here im guessing hes a druid now.

2:while i havent gotten that arguement in a while its still there, with both a plant based alt helm and a plant based skin (that btw looks slightly like an older flora model) she still kinda has that presence. 

3: I have not seen any glass frame abilities yet, but i feel crystals are more geologic, no? the only thing i can imagine it doing is shattering and refracting like. Im pretty sure hydroid is the pirate frame, especially with the 1. i figured valkyr is about as close to a beast frame as DE wants to go. I think we all would use the concept forums a lot if we were DE, theres a lot of great ideas out there that simply go ignored. The problem with the game getting as large as it has, is that its harder to sift through and really looks at the fan concepts and even further tell what is a good idea. You also have to take into consideration, Im not sure if DE has a publisher (I dont think they do, but they might), but they probably have something similar to a publisher but im sure its more "In-House". They have to follow whats popular and if they do focus testing they will follow that more than anything. Its usually a very good way to make money, they are a business after all. I can understand why they wouldnt want to use the direct ideas (and why zephyr looked so different than the fan concept) and thats because the artists still want to do their own thing and express their own creativity.  I could go on and on about this topic but i dont want to rant too much :P.

Thanks friend, i appreciate the luck :P

Thanks! to be honest a lot of the remodels i did were also to keep flora relevant. it was a lot of work at times to make sure she was getting seen a lot, hoping that she would eventually get seen by someone in DE and be passed on to whoever makes the sort of decisions to choose the future frames.

Thanks for the support! Glad Flora has such a wonderful following and im simply glad youre all here supporting her with me!

To each their own. The world would be very boring if we all liked the same things :P. 

however i am interested in why you dont like it, just because im curious :P

Hey arch! 

what 10 frames? i have no recollection of him mentioning such a thing. (though i havent been keeping up with warframe recently :( )

Perhaps we might see flora after all one day?


On a few devstreams back Scott said he was interested in making frames from around 10 fanconepts.


No telling wich ones he was talking about of course.

In any case, that gave me hope that they will take good ideas as make it their own.

And Flora is one of the 10 for sure!

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13 hours ago, arch111 said:

On a few devstreams back Scott said he was interested in making frames from around 10 fanconepts.


No telling wich ones he was talking about of course.

In any case, that gave me hope that they will take good ideas as make it their own.

And Flora is one of the 10 for sure!

I hope so she is in the 10 frame but I think there will be much more fan frame because in daily basis atleast 5-10 born.

I wish this to be in the 10.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would like to use this frame on my collection. Seems cool in design and the abilities looks unique and useful. Defintely a great supportive and fragile frame but as like the trinity flora also could be very useful for any team. I vote up your concept because I like it :) 

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This is an interesting frame concept and I like the design too. Not sure about the other of your concepts "Insektic" the female infested like warframe but I know I like both frame concepts. I am not sure if these ever will be picked for the final product but I defintely would be annoyed if I see them as half implemented or just butchered. This concept sounds good enough to be implemented all in all. 

Also a good hint. Refresh your concept more or just edit a little bit with no change at all and then more peoples can find out this nice one. Wish good luck on the further works on this if you consider to work on her. +1

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yes, i do agree with this nature themed warframe. if on areas with some or many vegetation , flora's nature abilites should be 70 to 100% . But once  areas like closed confine spaces like buildings or spaceships her ablities should drop to 50% since there is no vegetation to sustain. 

nature themed archwing sounds kinda weird. 


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Hello! I was browsing the forums and couldn't help but notice one of my favorite concepts for fan-made warframes being executed, though I have a minor issue with execution.

That is, the design you have for most of her abilities is exceedingly great, but I can't help but feel her current 4th ability is incredibly out of place for a game like Warframe, and could potentially cause massive issues in Conclave--not just for Flora herself, but also for her allies. Being rooted, even temporarily, spells death in conclave, and her allies would have to stay near the flower to use it--good for defense/survival, sure, but otherwise far too limiting, especially with how the buff's "generation"/"randomization" is handled. 

Thusly, I propose a rework:


Flora begins blooming. The next four actions Flora takes each increase her beauty until she blooms fully, with up to four different effects present in her bloomed form's pollen. More charges grant increased effects at the cost of other effects.

Shooting grants charges of Toxic, rolling grants charges of Protective, melee attacking grants charges of Carnivorous, and bullet jumping grants charges of Roots.

  • Toxic - grants toxin damage
  1. Grant +10% Toxin damage to weapons of allies
  2. Grant +20% Toxin damage to weapons of allies
  3. Grant +30% Toxin damage to weapons of allies
  4. Grant +40% Toxin damage, +15% Fire rate, attack speed, reload speed, and movement speed


  • Protective - grants damage resist
  1. Grant +5% damage mitigation to allies
  2. Grant +10% damage mitigation to allies
  3. Grant +15% damage mitigation to allies
  4. Grant +20% damage mitigation and restores 7.5% of allies' total combined HP every second.*


  • Carnivorous - Grants melee damage
  1. Grant +20% melee damage to allies
  2. Grant +30% melee damage to allies
  3. Grant +40% melee damage to allies
  4. Grant +50% melee damage and +25% lifesteal to allies


  • Roots - Grants power range
  1. Grant +15% power range to allies
  2. Grant +30% power range to allies
  3. Grant +45% power range to allies
  4. grant +60% power range, +25% power strength


  • Protective's 4-charge additional buff is based around the entire squad's health pool, rather than the individuals'. So if you have 3 Inaros and you're playing Flora, the HP Regen will be far higher than if you're playing with 3 Banshees. (Overall, it'd be best to have a mixed amount of high and low health pools, so you can heal squishies faster. A balanced garden includes both delicate bluebells and mighty oaks, after all.)
  • Power Strength does not affect the base effect's percentile, but does affect 4-charges' additional buff percentages.
  • Buff Radius is 12/15/17/20 meters, and scales with power range.
  • Duration is 20/25/30/35 seconds, and scales with power duration.
  • Flora is the Buff's "anchor", and all the flowers on her body and helmet spawn clouds of pollen in her energy color when the buff finishes "growing". The radius is displayed as a hazy circle of pollen in Flora's Energy color, similar to the ring around Valkyr in her hysteria, or Octavia's Melody.
  • Recasting will cancel the buff early and allow you to try again if you messed up. No refunds on energy, though.
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49 minutes ago, Xylaria said:


Hello! I was browsing the forums and couldn't help but notice one of my favorite concepts for fan-made warframes being executed, though I have a minor issue with execution.

That is, the design you have for most of her abilities is exceedingly great, but I can't help but feel her current 4th ability is incredibly out of place for a game like Warframe, and could potentially cause massive issues in Conclave--not just for Flora herself, but also for her allies. Being rooted, even temporarily, spells death in conclave, and her allies would have to stay near the flower to use it--good for defense/survival, sure, but otherwise far too limiting, especially with how the buff's "generation"/"randomization" is handled. 

Thusly, I propose a rework:


Flora begins blooming. The next four actions Flora takes each increase her beauty until she blooms fully, with up to four different effects present in her bloomed form's pollen. More charges grant increased effects at the cost of other effects.

Shooting grants charges of Toxic, rolling grants charges of Protective, melee attacking grants charges of Carnivorous, and bullet jumping grants charges of Roots.

  • Toxic - grants toxin damage
  1. Grant +10% Toxin damage to weapons of allies
  2. Grant +20% Toxin damage to weapons of allies
  3. Grant +30% Toxin damage to weapons of allies
  4. Grant +40% Toxin damage, +15% Fire rate, attack speed, reload speed, and movement speed


  • Protective - grants damage resist
  1. Grant +5% damage mitigation to allies
  2. Grant +10% damage mitigation to allies
  3. Grant +15% damage mitigation to allies
  4. Grant +20% damage mitigation and restores 7.5% of allies' total combined HP every second.*


  • Carnivorous - Grants melee damage
  1. Grant +20% melee damage to allies
  2. Grant +30% melee damage to allies
  3. Grant +40% melee damage to allies
  4. Grant +50% melee damage and +25% lifesteal to allies


  • Roots - Grants power range
  1. Grant +15% power range to allies
  2. Grant +30% power range to allies
  3. Grant +45% power range to allies
  4. grant +60% power range, +25% power strength


  • Protective's 4-charge additional buff is based around the entire squad's health pool, rather than the individuals'. So if you have 3 Inaros and you're playing Flora, the HP Regen will be far higher than if you're playing with 3 Banshees. (Overall, it'd be best to have a mixed amount of high and low health pools, so you can heal squishies faster. A balanced garden includes both delicate bluebells and mighty oaks, after all.)
  • Power Strength does not affect the base effect's percentile, but does affect 4-charges' additional buff percentages.
  • Buff Radius is 12/15/17/20 meters, and scales with power range.
  • Duration is 20/25/30/35 seconds, and scales with power duration.
  • Flora is the Buff's "anchor", and all the flowers on her body and helmet spawn clouds of pollen in her energy color when the buff finishes "growing". The radius is displayed as a hazy circle of pollen in Flora's Energy color, similar to the ring around Valkyr in her hysteria, or Octavia's Melody.
  • Recasting will cancel the buff early and allow you to try again if you messed up. No refunds on energy, though.

Sounds interesting and worth addition.

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16 hours ago, Xylaria said:


Hello! I was browsing the forums and couldn't help but notice one of my favorite concepts for fan-made warframes being executed, though I have a minor issue with execution.

That is, the design you have for most of her abilities is exceedingly great, but I can't help but feel her current 4th ability is incredibly out of place for a game like Warframe, and could potentially cause massive issues in Conclave--not just for Flora herself, but also for her allies. Being rooted, even temporarily, spells death in conclave, and her allies would have to stay near the flower to use it--good for defense/survival, sure, but otherwise far too limiting, especially with how the buff's "generation"/"randomization" is handled. 

Thusly, I propose a rework:


Flora begins blooming. The next four actions Flora takes each increase her beauty until she blooms fully, with up to four different effects present in her bloomed form's pollen. More charges grant increased effects at the cost of other effects.

Shooting grants charges of Toxic, rolling grants charges of Protective, melee attacking grants charges of Carnivorous, and bullet jumping grants charges of Roots.

  • Toxic - grants toxin damage
  1. Grant +10% Toxin damage to weapons of allies
  2. Grant +20% Toxin damage to weapons of allies
  3. Grant +30% Toxin damage to weapons of allies
  4. Grant +40% Toxin damage, +15% Fire rate, attack speed, reload speed, and movement speed


  • Protective - grants damage resist
  1. Grant +5% damage mitigation to allies
  2. Grant +10% damage mitigation to allies
  3. Grant +15% damage mitigation to allies
  4. Grant +20% damage mitigation and restores 7.5% of allies' total combined HP every second.*


  • Carnivorous - Grants melee damage
  1. Grant +20% melee damage to allies
  2. Grant +30% melee damage to allies
  3. Grant +40% melee damage to allies
  4. Grant +50% melee damage and +25% lifesteal to allies


  • Roots - Grants power range
  1. Grant +15% power range to allies
  2. Grant +30% power range to allies
  3. Grant +45% power range to allies
  4. grant +60% power range, +25% power strength


  • Protective's 4-charge additional buff is based around the entire squad's health pool, rather than the individuals'. So if you have 3 Inaros and you're playing Flora, the HP Regen will be far higher than if you're playing with 3 Banshees. (Overall, it'd be best to have a mixed amount of high and low health pools, so you can heal squishies faster. A balanced garden includes both delicate bluebells and mighty oaks, after all.)
  • Power Strength does not affect the base effect's percentile, but does affect 4-charges' additional buff percentages.
  • Buff Radius is 12/15/17/20 meters, and scales with power range.
  • Duration is 20/25/30/35 seconds, and scales with power duration.
  • Flora is the Buff's "anchor", and all the flowers on her body and helmet spawn clouds of pollen in her energy color when the buff finishes "growing". The radius is displayed as a hazy circle of pollen in Flora's Energy color, similar to the ring around Valkyr in her hysteria, or Octavia's Melody.
  • Recasting will cancel the buff early and allow you to try again if you messed up. No refunds on energy, though.

interesting idea. i had no considered conclave truthfully, so it had not occurred that the 4 may be janky in it.

However flora does gain a massive damage resist while casting her 4 so that you dont get destroyed while doing it, at the same time i didnt want it to be invulnerability so that there is still so decision making when you cast it. On the other hand, having a small limited area for the buff does hinder her a bit in conclave since it would be in a single area and not move with the action.

Now the idea you have is neat and would compound super well with her 2, i feel that it doesn't yield much uniqueness since its basically a super powered version of her 2. It also raises issues when someone is using an automatic weapon, you would get so much toxin so bloody quickly. Twin Grakatas? hoora like 50 procs in just like a second. kinda silly.

perhaps if we want to keep her mobile and really focused on speedy gameplay, each action could be based off of different parkour moves, then she plants a seed where they were performed, after the duration of the "Cast" or "Sewing of Seeds" all the seeds bloom into the flowers granting the buffs in a decent sized area, buffs do not stack between flowers but it will allow you to cover HUGE and selective areas with buffs so you can effectively grant buffs to a mobile team.

so maybe:

Aim Gliding=Toxin



Wall Latch=Root


Hopefully this would be a suitable change?

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/13/2017 at 1:19 PM, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

And Then There Was Oberon...

Oberon in game has nothing to do with plants unless you're connecting radiation to plants, he is however underplayed. As a matter of fact Oberon and Titania come from the same mythology where they are both fairies, which again are not plants but can loosely be connected. So I can see how people get that kind of impression but it is like saying a car and a mechanic are the same thing.

On 9/8/2017 at 3:04 AM, Syndrella said:

It seems my dears you keeping alive this nice concept. Hope someday a dev will look at it this thread. I really wish to play with Flora :)

you, me, and many others.


and now on to Mrpigman

Hey, how is it going? I can't tell you how glad I am to see you're still sticking with it. I've been moving in and out of warframe the past couple of years. My own warframe concept died when harrow came along as he was almost the exact same frame and I can't lie I'm kind of glad it did because harrow looks fun. I'm very happy the same hasn't happened to flora she's just so well done and you've put so much work into it. Please do me a favor and never stop, flora has her own fanbase and from what I can see it is only growing. Really hope she gets in game sooner rather than later I wanna see an army of Flora out just hanging around Cetus.

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