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Am I The Only One That Finds Stances Hard To Compete While In Combat?


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Combos are only relevant for the first swing, everything after is wasteful and just for show imo.

nah, some combos have special moves that you cant get normally. 


For example: the glaive combo has a crowd clearing move in the middle of its combo. You cant do that without a stance.


also- there is a dual swords combo that doubles your DPS  briefly as you swing both swords in a figure 8 at the end of combo. it makes a difference when using melee against infested.

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I only know a couple of stances that I can actually use in combat that are more effective than spamming melee.


The problem with stances and combos is that they're awkward. They lock you in place. Enemies often go slightly out of range and you don't follow them. And if you miss the combo or the enemy moves away a bit or dies, you might find that instead of doing Murderdeath Tornado Armageddon Slash, you're doing some flowery breakdance and serving the enemies instead of killing them.

Try turning off Melee Auto-aim?

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I find doing combos to difficult to do on a key. It not like an arcades quarter circle + punch.



I have even consider using a macro so I could use the combo. Yes it is kind of cheating but has any one done this to be able to do the combo effectively?

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Nikana (only with Blind Justice),The Aegis, Venka, Kronen all have combos that do not destroy your momentum, are fast to execute, have combos for crowds, spike damage, and gap closers, and all are easy to pull off


Decisive judgement also won't slow you down outside of one of the harder hitting combos. It always irritated me that the 4 you just mentioned are outright the best choices for sword alone because of the large amount of verity within their combos. Furthermore, two of those four, the kronen and aegis, can't be used reliably to block because of their massive stamina consumption. All three nikana stances have a gap closer combo, a slow hard hitting one, and high/low swing attack for infested ankle biters and shield ospreys. I love a lot of my other melee weapons but with very few exceptions each stance has only one good combo and then 2 to 3 other combos that you will only ever do by accident and immediately regret it *cough* swirling tiger *cough*.


Just as an example: either single dagger stance, you have your basic attack which is perfect and fast enough that you can hold the block key to break out of the combo very quickly (this is awesome for squishier frames) and then the other combos are so slow and drawn out, with terrible hit boxes, that using them just means your locked in for 2 seconds while the heavy gunner in front of you can unload in your face (this one has gotten me killed a coupled times because I paused to see if a third strike was necessary). I actually have an unranked copy of both stances and i've forma'd my karyst enough so that it doesn't matter which one i use because the "advanced" combos are rarely useful and more likely to be used at the wrong time.


That being said, once you get the hang of it, head shots with the jat kittag's air dash are both effective and hilarious.

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I can never get those pauses right, and what's worse is that any hesitation in your strikes allows the enemy to move, so pausing is actually detrimental since it give the enemy a chance to hit you back. I wish they would replace pauses with the R key.

This makes a lot of sense, seeing as we will never need to reload our melee (even though I sometimes try to do it :P)

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 It always irritated me that the 4 you just mentioned are outright the best choices for sword alone because of the large amount of verity within their combos. Furthermore, two of those four, the kronen and aegis, can't be used reliably to block because of their massive stamina consumption. 



I never said these were the best choices for the sword alone. I said that


(some)older stances cancel your momentum, are too long to execute, and not always worth the effort to preform. However i notice that the newer stances and some of the newly added combos address these problems.



Never said anything about these weapons being the best in the game. The weapons are meh the damage the combos do are ok, but the idea of stances that do not break momentum and have combos for different situation that are easy to pull off are things that i want to see in future stances

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This makes a lot of sense, seeing as we will never need to reload our melee (even though I sometimes try to do it :P)


But to perform combos you have to wield your melee weapon, which means you're no longer using your gun and ergo the R key is free to use while in melee-ready mode.


Didn't even realize that was a joke. My bad ^_^ '

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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When you have crappy fps you just don't do combos.

If there was some additional button like in case of arrow up/down or rmb combos can be done.

But as soon as its pause or hold a button, crap starts hitting either you don't do it in the right moment or you fight much slower. Hence most of the time i just don't melee, its faster for me to just aim at head and shoot.

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I've never been in a situation where performing a combo has given me better results than simply mashing the attack button.  My attempts to use them usually devolve into mashing the attack, simply because it works better.


On the contrary, there were times when I accidentally performed a combo somehow (most often when I kept a finger on the block while also attacking), and they acted as a significant hindrance to my ability to actually kill things.  They look pretty, but that's about it.

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The only stance I care about is Iron Phoenix, simply because the basic spam attack is stylish as balls. The thing is that I never actually use dedicated melee mode. Combos are far too fiddly to use in actual combat and it's a real pain in the arse having to hold F every time I want to shoot something again (which happens extremely often, see ospreys, crawlers, sensor bars and cameras).

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Please... Swirling Tiger is a boss Dual Sword stance. With melee auto-aim and 100% proc from Winding Claws' last attack, my Blast Ichors guarantees a finisher. Best used with Berserker/Fury + Warcry


I just wish Dancing Hunter move deals area-effect damage with those sideslashes.

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The combo system for stances is horrible IMO. I love the combos and the work DE have done with them but in practice they are not totally practical for use when you need them most... really when your on melee mode you should have a second button to mix up the combos not delays in button presses and the likes, no idea if its because im on controller and not keyboard but i dont like using most of them because of this.

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I use combos all the time.  They increase your damage, sometimes aoe, can deal finisher attacks, apply procs, etc.  If you intend on using melee against high level enemies you'd be foolish not to combo. The damage from the quick melee attack falls off way before a channeled combo will.  However in most missions enemies die so quickly it really doesn't matter what you do.  Not like you have to use melee at all, but it's there (and it's fun) so why not use it.  The whole system could be better, like ninja gaiden better, but it's fun for what it is - especially when you have abilities and guns to use too.


The only stances I don't like are ones where you press forward to do a certain combo, because then there's no way to move forward using the basic combo string or any other combos the weapon may have.  Which is especially a problem with the combo you're talking about TC.  Abyssal automaton from reaping spiral is probably the most impractical combo there is.  You throw your scythe forward, but yet because you've lost the ability to easily move forward while executing the combo, the whole point of it is ruined.


I have no problem otherwise putting the rest to good use after a bit of practice.  Do you have melee set to left click?  I'd recommend that, and quick melee set to middle mouse click, q for gun swap, z for melee swap, right click block, f to channel (toggle), e to activate objects, etc.  For combos where there's a delay after 2 or more attacks with difficult timing - press the button quickly 2 (or however many times) without waiting for the animations to finish and then hold the button down when you're supposed to delay. For the uncommon staff and polearm combos for example.


The lamest part is how some stances only have 1 combo, but I'm sure they'll get updated in time.

Edited by SleepingSentry
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Why do competitive fighting games players use combos over hadouken/jab spamming?


1st reason) The first famous game to feature combos was Street Fighter II(the very first one was Shanghai Kid). It became popular because doing so would let you deal insane damage! (technically speaking,because the CPU couldn't calculate the damage output correctly because it was too fast)


Do this :

ken-combo-02.gif and see your opponent's health reduce drastically!!


2nd reason) It's more beautiful than just smashing one single button like a stoopid casul.

3rd reason) The use of more than one button adds more variety & mind game to the gameplay.


Let's compare this with Warframe :


- Too much pauses, breaks the flow of the gameplay. Soul Calibur had pauses during combos,but they went very careful with it, for it easily makes it a bit annoying. (you don' want your enemy to breath before the next hits...)


- One button for everything. It's hard to pull off without doing another one... :/ And if it requires a "hold left click/forward key", you can easily bypass this by holding the key during the whole combo (a little trick for those who didn't know... :3 )


Give more than one button to melee(the R/reload button is free), reduce pauses a lot (and add charge attacks back,but that's already planned) & combos will be used 5 times more! :D


Nah seriously, think about it D.E. , you'll thank us later.

Edited by unknow99
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Heck, with maxed Fury and my volt ability, theres no way I could ever pull off a combo with my sparring weapons. I only drop into melee stance to energy channel while I just spam E. And that isnt very often at all, since my guns are more reliable murder tools.

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The pauses required for combos don't actually require you to stop attacking.  If you pause long enough that you stop attacking then you've waited too long and the combo will reset.  A "pause" really just means "stop spamming 'e', let most of a single attack animation play out, then start spamming 'e' again".


I generally don't have too much trouble pulling off combos unless I am trying to chain the same combo together, it's fast, and it requires a pause.

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Only used Cleaving Whirlwind as a serious alternative to guns, and Broken Bull is the only worthwhile attack, imo (please don't nerf, it's the only thing that makes dedicated melee viable).
Would love for melee to get a DMC-like system (Lunar Phase for Obex/Kogake and High Time for Galatine/Gram, anyone?), perhaps with logical directional input and a better aerial melee system (currently it's not that useful). There is no lock-on feature or button, but it can be worked around, and we don't really need more than 4-5 various attacks per stance. 

A few things that are important, though - directional input should only be useful at the START (for example, the first strike might be W+E, but the later ones should be just E), which means there shouldn't be any other buttons than "melee" in the middle of a combo, that's part of what makes melee unnecessarily complicated right now. Pauses are fine, but they should also be predictable and only used after the 1st or 2nd strike of a combo, never later. 

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no effect

Hmm. Well bear in mind that not all combos are the same. Some are primarily stationary combos like Eternal Nocture on Reaping Spiral (E + RMB E E) whereas others move around a lot. Turning off melee auto-aim should help you with mobile combos as you're not auto aiming at a spot where an enemy was.

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