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Ember: Surviving Canadian Winters


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Alright, I was hoping for WoF to be toggleable. It's really a better mechanic than duration for such an ability.


Now, can we please make accelerant affect damage types that are based on fire too, like Radiation, Gas and Blast? I like the damage boost, but fire by itself is a rather useless element that not many people or squads will actually use. I think that simple change would do a lot for Ember's usefulness.

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I do not forsee ANY complaints about these changes. I'll actually get to use my Wraith-themed Ember Prime in actual missions again, instead of just Relay eye-candy!


Now if we can just get some changes to the actual damage output of her #1 and #4...

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What will be her increased movement? 


Why is movement speed always such a mystery in Warframe?  It's not listed in the codex.  Has to be data mined to be list it in the wiki. 


Yet, armor rating, which hardly ever matters, is listed.  Think about that, armor rating, a static quality, something that has little to no impact on player agency, is no secret.  Yet, the base movement stat, hidden.

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While I do really like these changes. I think to fix her we'd need to make fire damage actually DO damage to things, as of right now the only thing she's somehwat effective at killing is infested. ....Fire just kinda seems like a bad idea for a frame now that I think about it....no offense ember

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EDIT: Ok now that I've had time to calm down and read past "...changes coming to Ember..." My opinions are as follows: Fire Fright is no longer a bandaid, Fire Blast's new wall of fire on initial placement was a great idea to add a "quick breather" functionality to the skill. This gives it a general buff without making it powerful to the point where someone would "spam to win", and gives Fire Fright a good place in mod loadouts. Ember is mainly an up close and personal kind of fighter, so the armor buff is very welcomed and the speed buff will have good synergy with her ultimate. Which getting to that... WoF as a toggled ability... I'm honestly not sure how I feel about that, which I'll elaborate on below as a question. WoF's cast time was painfully long so a decrease on that was a given and much appreciated.


As a player that has barely played Ember, and has only recently started leveling her for mastery, I might not be as excited as die hard Ember fans, but I'm excited nonetheless. I was honestly very disappointed whenever I saw an Ember in my squad, whether because of how she is, or because of the players using her, any time I came across Ember she did almost nothing but get downed and cause problems for the team. Now perhaps all that will finally change, and I'll be excited when I see one show up. This is a good day for Ember players everywhere! Rejoice!


A quick question regarding Ember's toggle-variant ultimate. While active, which- if any- sources will you be able to get energy from? The Rift, Energy Vampire, Energy Orbs, Energy Restores, Syndicate Weapon/Mod Procs?


I ask this because I have noticed while playing Mirage lately that I am unable to get energy from any source while Prism is active. While active even if I pick up an Energy Orb, and it makes a noise and disappears, I will not get any energy added to my pool. The same is true for Energy Restores. I see nothing noted about this on the wiki and it seems like something that would end up being a bug, but considering the lack of reports from the bountiful amount of Mirage lovers on forums I figured it is a feature.

Edited by Stratego89
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This is really good news cause I just forma'd Ember P. Is there an ETA on when the changes will arrive?


 1-2 weeks, hopefully


So, Ember. Ember is one of our oldest Warframes and her abilities and stats are often a 'hot' discussion item. Her model, powers, stats have received changes in the past, and we find ourselves back again taking a look at what we can tweak.


Here are some coming changes to Ember that you'll be able to try out soon, we're hoping to have these shipped in a week or two on PC:


Statistic Changes:

-          Base Stamina increased to 150.

-          Base armour increased to 100 (125 for Ember Prime)

-          Movement Speed increase.


Ability Changes:

-          Fire Blast has had a mechanic added. In addition to placing a ring of fire on casting location, it -will now also generate a growing wall of fire (like the Arson Eximus ability).

-          World On Fire is now a toggle ability with a 50 Energy cost on cast. It will drain energy over time as well as consider your power duration (affected by mods).

-          World on Fire has had its casting time reduced.


As usual... this is all subject to change, this is just a quick look at what the plans are.

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So, Ember. Ember is one of our oldest Warframes and her abilities and stats are often a 'hot' discussion item. Her model, powers, stats have received changes in the past, and we find ourselves back again taking a look at what we can tweak.


Here are some coming changes to Ember that you'll be able to try out soon, we're hoping to have these shipped in a week or two on PC:


Statistic Changes:

-          Base Stamina increased to 150.

-          Base armour increased to 100 (125 for Ember Prime)

-          Movement Speed increase.


Ability Changes:

-          [coor=redl]Fire Blast has had a mechanic added. In addition to placing a ring of fire on casting location, it -will now also generate a growing wall of fire (like the Arson Eximus ability).

-          World On Fire is now a toggle ability with a 50 Energy cost on cast. It will drain energy over time as well as consider your power duration (affected by mods).

-          World on Fire has had its casting time reduced.


As usual... this is all subject to change, this is just a quick look at what the plans are.



You should make more posts, if they're as promising as this one. Really.

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