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Ask A Cephalon, Jan 20


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Are there different, for lack of a better word, Marks of Cephalon? Eg Cephalon Mk1, Cephalon Mk2 etc etc.

If so, do these differ in any significant way apart from processing capacity, data transfer speed and calculation speed?

This, and what are cephalons physically and how are they made? Are they just coded or do they have to be based off of a human brain. Furthermore could they then use this to make progressively smarter cephalons before reaching the point where the interaction with life becomes irrelevant and they just eradicate us. Edited by Noobsdie4eva
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Would it be at all possible to, at some point in the future, repair or replace my current cephalon? Ordis is quite prone to irrational fits of profane language and seems to be rather inappropriately interested in the Warframe known as "Limbo."

These outbursts are rather baffling at the best of times and are quite irritating and distracting at the worst; it is no small task safely navigating through hostile space when Ordis is behaving himself, but to have him emotionally ejaculate in a rather... human way toward me while "wearing" Limbo makes it nearly suicidal to attempt anything of the sort.

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How do you fix a sentinel Death Cube with a coolent leak?

Also follow up how do you fix a cracked cephalon? Mine keeps gliching and beeing mean to my friends.

Lastly if you could have a physical or tangible body would you? My cephalon talks to me a lot when I change my warframe like he wants to get in one or something.

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What do you do when a cephalon dies? As in do you have any burial rites or memorials dedicated to that cephalon?


Also what are you going to do once you have amassed all the information in the universe? Keep it for yourselves or spread it among the unenlightened?


Are you afraid that the corpus, grineer, or tenno might try and steal your data for nefarious deeds? What if your data servers were to be corrupted and assimilated by the infestation, do you have any cephalons to deploy to deal with this threat?

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