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Coming Soon: Devstream #45!


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Hi! Will we live to see Valkyr Prime this year? 

I'd love to know this too, but we got 2 male primes and most likely Trinity before we even can hope for that  :c


Anyways, Charge attacks, do you think they'll make a come back? It'd be great to see a mix of Channeling+Charge with something like the Galatine.

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There are numerous questions that need to be addressed, but given the time frame I'll provide my top three.


1) When is the Kubrow AI going to be addressed?  Between poor pathing, idiotic movement (read:standing in front of you during a fire fight), and a distinct lack of self preservation the kubrow is entirely outclassed by the sentinel.  If the locker opening didn't reach 90%, then the master thief mod would entirely relegate them to the dust bin.  It seems odd that a 100,000 credt+Argon Crystal+ multiple day wait would result in something inferior to a sentinel.


2) Collision detection will be addressed when?  This is game breaking, and frustrating.  You run up a wall, and phase out of a level.  With no "fall" you are considered to die.  That would be bad enough, but what's worse is getting stuck on the terrain while running, and having to abort because you can't move.  It seems like a force respawn button would be reasonable, and there'd be no game breaking involved.  People would still get the staggering penalty, so no respawn without opening yourself to fire.  Win-win.


3) When will weapons finally get balanced?  I'm not asking to re-write everything, just make some of these mods useful.  If you reworked weapon base damages, removed the damage output increasing mods, and correspondingly rebalanced enemy levelling those unique mods would have a place.  As it stands, 90% of the builds out there use the same mods because damage is king.  This is why truly unique and fun weapons, like the Panthera, can't really be embraced by the community.  If it doesn't scale well into the T3 and T4 missions it's just mastery rank fodder.




On a more contentious closing note, can you slow down the update pace?  Before you start raging, hear me out.  U15, more specifically the Archwing content, was executed poorly.  No matter if you liked it or not, the best that can be said of it is that it was an interesting thought.  Likewise, the Syndicates were poorly realized.  I understand that this game is still technically a Beta (despite coming up on the two year old mark), but a little QA would be nice.


Assuming that you released a major update every six months, a minor update in-between major updates, and a stream of lesser content sporadically we'd have enough to keep us busy, without hitting the burn-out that the community seems to be experiencing now.


Relating to burn-out, this is directly a response to your haphazard releases.  Features are promised, delivered half baked, patched in a fashion which could best be described as backwards, and then fixed with little to no real community inclusion.  If you want an example of this look no further than the Excaliber, Trinity, and Mag nerfs in response to a rep. farm.  This exploit was precipitated by a poor implementation of the syndicate system, and was repealed once the community blew up.


I'm willing to wait three months for a content update. I'm not willing to listen to more promises, and know that you're lying to us.  I'd just like you to slow down, so your actions can match you intentions.  I'm tired of intentions eclipsing actions, and feeling like a fool because I believed in a lie.

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What are DE's plans for making archwing more interesting? Will you approach archwing game mode to warframe mode or decide to separate both further?

And what are your plans for stealth 2.0? I'd really love to see it become not only viable, but desired and complexed up.

At https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/356372-next-level-of-ship-customization-changing-the-cephalon-replace-ordis/ Melos-mevin suggested new cephalons with new voices, personalities and lines to replace Ordis (and maybe even lotus) in order to increase liset customization, do you see this becoming real?

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I will underline parts for easy skimming.


1. Will all frames eventually receive an ability that either scales or maybe is "binary." For example Loki's disarm works no matter what level and Nekros's shadows are the same level as his kills. I believe all frames should at least have something in late levels.

2. Loot system: Will the ability to obtain prime parts outside the void help people? Or would it be incredibly rare just because its not a void mission.

3. Focus.......

4. What will be available on Warframe's anniversary.

5. Can I get some use out of my excess resources, say.... a new currency? Possibly exchange bundles of resources for a currency in the Relays to make simple purchases like rare 5 fusion cores, other resources, and possibly retired weapons?

6. Stalker prime or wraith for higher level encounters would be nice.

   -Come to think of it difficulty increases for higher level things of all natures would be nice.

7. Explain why so many items are exclusive. I understand a few things and the whole keeping your word on exclusives, but why are some not timed exclusives. Prime accessories seems very profitable if the next prime pack comes around and people will still have access to the older items. A price increase and just simply the accessories could be bundled into a "Supporters Pack."

8. Why do my achievements get reset. Ive solved 1.4k ciphers but my progress reset recently and now I'm down to 200.

9. I didn't get the chance to duplicate my account to Xbox one. Will "account migration" come back anytime soon?

10. Will you be skipping prime frames again like you did with trinity? If so, Vauban Prime would make it up to me.

11. Why must we wait 2 weeks for the void trader. If his inventory rotates then I don't see a point to making his appearances so short for the length of wait time we get.

12. Why will you not re-release the accidentally obtainable mods. Its one thing to not give someone a cookie who doesn't know you have one and another to give them a cookie and then take it back because you thought that they were someone else.

Edited by Adamant80
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I like stalker the lore and just the way he is thought out to be. my question is conserning that stalker is a low guardian which sort of sounds like a honorary title that shows skill or mastery and if this is so i have to say he should probably go back to training. 

          What im trying to get at here is i have encountered ppl that just got there first non-starter warframe they are still getting used to the way all the missions are played and they encounter stalker this supposedly "Guardian" these new players can easily kill him. i have found the reasons for this is if you stay moving he really has difficulties hitting you with his dread or dispair. i qill narrow my question



            "Will Stalker in next or some proceding update make some updates to Stalker(warframe, new weapons, switchable loadouts, etc.) cause i dont know about many other ppl but i still think a past tenno should be a lot more challenging then some of the other bosses in this game. P.S. more lore PLS"- Jame_Hsu.s_BodyGuard

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Will new and different means of mastery experience gain be addressed? Like special challenges or rewarded for completing achievements? There's a discussion here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/383906-better-mastery/


Can you expand on what Steve meant by "blowing/shaking up the void" in the last Devstream?


How are the mentorship and reputation systems coming, and what are their priorities? I know this year is supposed to focus on quality, but I think these ideas will add great value to quality of life within the game and Warframe community... and they've been topics of interest for a while now.


Thanks again for all your great works!

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Q1: Regarding about frost. Will frost get his buff at update 16? Cause frost is not in good place now and emeber has more attention than frost. So DE pls buff frost and his stats, abilities. Have his armor to be very like like valkyr. So here are my ideas for u.

So frost Snowglobe isn't quite in a good place. His 3 other abilities too. So here are the 4 abilities that need a lot of changes.

Freeze:I would suggest that freeze may have some utility. Make freeze a creative ability. How? Like the Villain Mr Freeze from batman. Make freeze able to make anything like a icy path, a barricade, Stairs and many more. Well to make it fair have a energy drain by 1 or 3. To make frost use freeze to create anything, Hold 1 and click both the mouse attack and aim button and frost will put back his weapon and there will be heavy cold blustery chills on his hands . Make freeze fly fast and make it a charge ability. So it will be hold and ice particles will be around frost just like the trailer The Call. Make Freeze have aoe damage and leaves a trail of ice after cast like the ice impedance.

Ice wave: Ice wave should be a cone instead of a line. Its like if u cast it, then ice wave will be send from frost and these waves will go North, south, east and west directions around frost and make ice wave have knockbacks and a longer range like until 20m, if charged the stats of ice wave will increased.

Snowglobe: Remove the timer and Range needs to be at least 6.5m or 7m. Make its Health max to 5.5k or 7.5k. Make it able to move or be place by holding 3. If hit 0 hp then it will give ice expolosion from enmies inside and outside the globe freezing them.

Blizzard: Change the name to blizzard instead of avalanche, have its range to 25m and dealts 2000-2500 ice damage and a 5s freezing. If enemies surivive the attack, then they will be dealt bonus damage too 1000-1500.

As for frost stats, it may need some changes too. So here are they

Shields: 150( 200 for frost prime)

Health: 100

Armor: 450* (1000 for snowglobe) ( 550 for Frost prime)

Speed: 0.9

Stamina: 250*

For stamina frost is a very slow walking frame, so I suggest that he needs satmina if he is slow. For Globe it needs to support itself too.

Q2: Will there be enemy interaction with the envoriment? Like a Grineer guys is doing their work, make them use the lift etc. Also if we do invasion mission and we complete it and heading to exit, they should like be happy and celebrate their victories with the tenno and their friends ans have a transmission and the grineer or Corpus said this and yeah in their own language but I just write it in english.


" Thank you for helping us Crushing our enemies, they won't get on our nerves again"

" Tenno, You honor to help us, Now you are free to go and you can help us anytime"

" You were lucky that u help us or esle you will be like these perished vermins, Come back and fight with us sometime"


" Well looks like you are very well rewarded and the more you help us the more you get paid"

" Looks like we are getting closer, Thank you tenno We're close to victory, but now we had victory"

" You assist us, You get very well reward. Come back to get more.

Q3: Will there be animations? Like death animations, Dash and spriting animations and many more.

Q4 What warframe will it be? Will it be a time frame? Animal frame?

Edited by Xtoxinkilla
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Any infos about U16 and the next Frame?


Will we ever get clan-tech only weapons again that can't be bought with plat?


Will we ever get real rewards from the mastery system besides loadout slots and a higher daily reputation limit thingy? And will weapons ever get tied to an appropiate rank because a Boltor Prime or Soma prime shouldn't be available to rank 0 and 2 already, being two of the most powerful weapons in the game.

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I only ask this because I absolutley love looking fabulous. 


Syndicate Syandanas. Yay or nay?


I've heard some rumors about them, and I'm telling you, I can feel the hype. I can only hope that the fashion gods look upon me with a really flashy, glittery smile.

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Will Frost ever see any love? Other frames have unique Prime buffs and he still suffers as a one trick pony. Most of his other abilities struggle to even keep up in mid-late game.  This shows that Snowglobe was never the problem, his other abilities just lack any proper use! Avalance has poor range, freeze is 'okay' and icewaves slow is mediocre. 

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To my understanding, there was a "Community Hot Topics" thread quite a long while ago that asked about the Silva & Aegis weapon being changed to better reflect the fact that the weapon set includes a shield. As it stands, the stamina consumption for blocking is HIGHER than most other weapons available.


Will there be any Silva & Aegis changes that make it a more defense-oriented weapon?

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Will the stalker receive some sort of overhaul in the future.

I am asking because he feels kinda like one of the placeholder boss(only difference being is that his placeholder is a repainted and slightly customized Excalibur while the placeholder bosses are super charged mooks) since there is only one thing truly unique in arsenal and that is his dispel ability and he doesnt exactly require a 'strategy' to beat(ie Pumping him full of bullets when the overhauled bosses require a bit more finesse to kill).

Also him having a warframe doesn't quite make sense from a lore stand point since the frames were specifically made for the tenno who were altered by the void with the stalker apparently being from a different group(stronger or weaker then the tenno is anyone's guess but something must have forced them to go into hibernation) called the low guardians so him having a exo suit thats unique from the warframes but distinctly orokin would make much more sense.

Also he should have his own stance, archwing, kubrow and sentinel.

Edited by warpath514
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Damage changes - this has been the most hot topic of this first weeks, its time to dare talk about dmg 2.5 (just because)

Since stevie used the dmg 1.0 counter-argument "we cannnot have flametrowers with fire, sock and icy dmg at the same time".  Everything was changed even with the pure-dmg vs puncture/slash/impact dmg The questions:


- Could you possibly make the pure dmg back to the real game, making every weapon (that ain't elemental-type dmg) more personalized (using the slahs/puncture/impact mods)  - Or -

- If you dont like this idea, could you change the dm type weakness to the enemies? Puncture dmg is the only dmg type that doesnt make reduced dmg to any faction like slahs or impact (-75%) - that makes the weapons pick very limited to high end gamers


Looting A.K.A Pickups - i think from the game, is one of the things that havent been changed since se Begining and needs some polishing now on Warframe 2.0 to 3.0 The questions:

- Will You use % based on maxed or base (warframe and weapon) energy/health/ammo pickups?

- Can we have shield pickups aswell - New super cool overshield on (1)

- (1) If the last question not aproved - Can you make the overshield to scale with some % of the warframe armor? New Super Tanky Shield on


Woopa out


PS: steve, i am watching you! Rebeca put some love tho all of them :3 so they can make this year the best game ever, i wanna see the "new warframe" polished and shiny! ;)

Edited by Woopa
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Vectis Prime.


We have every genere of prime weapon imaginable yet no prime sniper. We need something that can compete with the Paris Prime that isnt a bow but utilizes the same function of one (such as a sniper rifle). We need Vectis Prime, (preferably with a 40% crit as well). Is something like this currently in the works or being discussed?

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When we can play together 8 players in one mission*

How about new assassin ?? Stalker from killed bosses, zanuka from corpus, G3 from Grinner, ???? From infested

Increase chance to meet stalker,G3,zanuka ?

New warframe ? Can u tell more details what will available in next anniversary ?

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