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Excalibur Prime Buff In Line With Other Primes


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And why cant you understand that whining people arnt the problem in that particular case?


Look, we get it. You disagree on the issue. Stop talking him and others into circles please, there's nothing you or them have said that hasn't been said already. You're only rephrasing your argument, as is the other. 




Agree to disagree and make room for more posters with possibly new opinions. 


You don't want Excal Prime to get a passive? Cool, we get it. Did anything else need to be said here more than once? 


You and I can agree that whining players aren't the problem over the bitterness arising from Excal Prime's exclusivity. That's on DE, not the founders or the non-founding players. 


That being said, I don't see why that should keep Excal from being brought up to par with the other Primes simply for being an exclusive. 


For the sake of consistency he deserves to have a Prime passive with the rest. 


Polarities do not count, as other Primes get these too. 


Being shiny does not count, as other primes get these too. 


Getting a legitimate passive is what he needs, and in no way has a Prime Passive ever truly upset the balance of power in this game. Does Excal Prime getting a passive just immediately put normal Excalibur into an iron lung on wheels? 


When I went from Rhino to Rhino Prime, I barely noticed in the thick of late-game content. The death orbs and slightly quicker base run speed were nice but nothing game breaking that made me go "Oh MAN, I pitty any non-prime Rhino, they just don't know what living is until they get the real version." 


People need to stop blowing Excal Prime getting a passive out of the water. Normal Excal will remain just as viable, the differences neglible enough so that at the end of the day the only advantage gained overall will still be that of weapons and playstyle, as usual. 

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You Sir missed my point completely. I never said that a Excal Prime buff to take him in line with the other primes will make him overpowered... I've only said that there should be an statwise equal Version for those who dont have Excal Prime. I thought it isnt that hard to understand.


There are plenty of scenarios where limited edition gear is way more OP. I posted this before. You're trying to make an issue out of the fact that Excal P is limited; that you can't get him anymore, and that this would make buffing him completely unfair.


There are plenty of items in the game that are no longer obtainable, that have MASSIVE stat bonuses over the original.


Clearly none of these items have MK IX, MK S versions or whatever to allow plebs like you to get them. You are stuck with the original unless you put in the required work to get them at the time. Doesn't mean that the owners of this gear have to suffer.


It's like making a thread about every single limited item with stat bonuses (Snipetron, Strun Wraith, Latron Wraith, Snipetron Vandal, Braton Vandal) saying "OH MY GOD I CAN"T GET THIS ANY MOAR WE NEED MK X VERSIONS THAT ARE JUST AS GOOD OTHERWISE THIS WEP NEEDS TO BE MADE JUST LIKE THE ORIGINAL"


The whole idea of "unfairness" or that multiple versions are required is just silly, and DE are clearly fine with making limited gear more powerful than the original.

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He is balanced and fine as is.


Yes, Excalibur is as balanced as he is. But Excalibur PRIME needs a buff to GET IN LINE with the other PRIME WARFRAMES.


I'm going to say it again, its not DE's fault nor the founder's that Excalibur Prime is limited edition. Founders DESERVE this thing.

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Good lord people are stupid. I was around since just after the founding days, and am I complaining? No, I'm perfectly fine with the other frames there are. Hell, I don't even like Excalibur that much, but the Founders deserve the buffs. It's a matter of honor, it's not up for discussion.

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quoting the Definition of Prime was a bad idea here.


because Definition #1 is clearly what the intention for 'Prime' things was created for.

According to a Founder I know, the original intent behind Primes were as event trophies.  


And the first definition of the word is simply "of first importance"  after that, it's "of the best possible quality, excellent"

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According to a Founder I know, the original intent behind Primes were as event trophies.  


Actually, yeah, til they stealthily added the Frost Prime Blueprint after the Fusion MOA event. I myself think that Prime Warframes should not have buffs but with freaking Rhino Prime having a speed buff, we have no choice but to go with the flow, including Excalibur Prime.

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Are you serious about that Stamina Part?

Stamina would be nice for all the Melee people, but Armor would increase Survivability.

Health is basically affected by Armor-

Armor would be my choice, but you are the founder.

I would however prefer Movementspeed over Stamina.


Excalibur's really the melee frame, so buffing stamina would make sense. Also, it would help survivability. Buffing stamina means being able to block longer, being able to sprint longer, being able to do combos without sacrificing as much stamina. It's perfect for Excalibur Prime..

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Look, we get it. You disagree on the issue. Stop talking him and others into circles please, there's nothing you or them have said that hasn't been said already. You're only rephrasing your argument, as is the other. 




Agree to disagree and make room for more posters with possibly new opinions. 


You don't want Excal Prime to get a passive? Cool, we get it. Did anything else need to be said here more than once? 


You and I can agree that whining players aren't the problem over the bitterness arising from Excal Prime's exclusivity. That's on DE, not the founders or the non-founding players. 


That being said, I don't see why that should keep Excal from being brought up to par with the other Primes simply for being an exclusive. 


For the sake of consistency he deserves to have a Prime passive with the rest. 


Polarities do not count, as other Primes get these too. 


Being shiny does not count, as other primes get these too. 


Getting a legitimate passive is what he needs, and in no way has a Prime Passive ever truly upset the balance of power in this game. Does Excal Prime getting a passive just immediately put normal Excalibur into an iron lung on wheels? 


When I went from Rhino to Rhino Prime, I barely noticed in the thick of late-game content. The death orbs and slightly quicker base run speed were nice but nothing game breaking that made me go "Oh MAN, I pitty any non-prime Rhino, they just don't know what living is until they get the real version." 


People need to stop blowing Excal Prime getting a passive out of the water. Normal Excal will remain just as viable, the differences neglible enough so that at the end of the day the only advantage gained overall will still be that of weapons and playstyle, as usual. 

You cant call me to stop repeating things over and over while you do nothing else - but that only btw.

I repeat it because some guys dont really get what I mean (maybe its because english is not my native language) - and so you dont get it too... 

But okay - Im out of that strange thread.


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I am. I notice the stamina differences in all my frames. The only time I notice armor is when you have next to none, like Volt, or ridiculous amounts of it like Valkyr. 


Valkyr is currently the only frame that makes Steel Fiber worth equipping for noticeable gain. A petty armor buff would be entirely redundant, much like it was on Nyx and Ember Prime. 


I feel Stamina and Health would help exemplify him as the jack of all trades, even if that spot is better filled by Rhino. 


Sidenote DE, please re-buff Excalibur himself. 

Rhino, Frost and Oberon. They all have a 50% DMG resistance with steel fiber.

Armor all the way.

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Imagine if I, by myself, Had Trinity prime and nobody could get it because I'm special and won some event or bought the frame during a tiny window that you weren't online for or somethin'.



Would you be upset If only an extreme minority of players, who aren't you, had a version of your favourite frame that had superior stats. With you not being able to get it or an equivalent? 


If you did what was necessary to get it while I didnt, why would I be upset!? If I didnt do what is necessary to get it why should I have it or why would I try to spoil the fun of those who acctually got it? Seriously the behaviour of some players here in Warframe is appalling.


Primes are said to get a minor stat improvement over the regual counterparts, Excalibur prime is a prime, why are you arguing!?

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Here is how you fix this.

Rename or change the design look of Excalibur Prime specific to founders, then make an Excalibur prime for everyone else. Then buff both with the same stats. Everyone will be happy and founders can continue to have a unique looking Excalibur Prime, but other people can enjoy having Excalibur Prime as well, though different looking. Is it so hard?


DE boxed themselves into this mess because they didn't know they'd make other "prime" frames later on. This could be handled once and for all if you just call the current Excalibur Prime for founders "Founder Prime" or whatever you want, then make another Excalibur Prime for the public. DE spends weeks and months making more repetitive weapons and gear, why not spend a month to make a new Excalibur Prime for everyone to enjoy and be done with this never ending war? 

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Here is how you fix this.

Rename or change the design look of Excalibur Prime specific to founders, then make an Excalibur prime for everyone else. Then buff both with the same stats. Everyone will be happy and founders can continue to have a unique looking Excalibur Prime, but other people can enjoy having Excalibur Prime as well, though different looking. Is it so hard?


DE boxed themselves into this mess because they didn't know they'd make other "prime" frames later on. This could be handled once and for all if you just call the current Excalibur Prime for founders "Founder Prime" or whatever you want, then make another Excalibur Prime for the public. DE spends weeks and months making more repetitive weapons and gear, why not spend a month to make a new Excalibur Prime for everyone to enjoy and be done with this never ending war?

Because as was mentioned various times throughout the thread, people won't be happy with that they've been given and will want more, and will continue to complain that they don't have something that is exclusive. Like was suggested bring out a diff version of Excalibur prime.. People get him, then turn around and whinge about why they can't have founders Excal and it starts all over again.. It's prolonging the never ending argument.

Reading this tread is painful, some comments are unbelievable as are some of the arguements put forward.. what has been asked is something simple. The case put against it is the same old story of its unfair, because you can't have it so neither can I. As was mentioned various times, limited time weapons have surfaced more powerful than the vanilla's and not a peep. Can those without Excal prime move on and leave it at enough is enough? We are asking for a minor improvement to bring the frame in line with the other prime frames at this point in time. It will not break the game, it's not like Excal will be destroying rooms full of enemies like nova or mirage (which might I mention you don't need the prime variant to be OP) the big issue seems to be still that those without him feel hard done by.

Personally I think a mod should've come and locked this thread ages ago. It's only pouring more fuel onto the eternal flame...

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Solution here: Rename excalibur prime to excalibur vandal or whatever along that line.


excalibur prime is a major pothole in the gulf of difference between the old and new players.


for someone who isnt a founder, one day when all frames and their prime variants are released, if they were to line all warframes shoulder to shoulder, there will forever be an empty space beside excalibur, simply because DE needed to keep their PR promise of founder exclusivity.


and founders deserve all rights to have all their lato excal and skana variants being assured unique, as they took a good leap of faith putting good money in a game which was fresh and had its future uncertain back then.


then no reason to shortchange all non-founders, who are more than 95% the community, simply because they were late to the party.


with the renaming of the current excalibur prime to vandal etc, you're making capacity for a third and newly designed prime variant of excalibur to surface for every player in the community, while keeping true to the bond forged between DE and founders.


we'd end up with excalibur, excalibur vandal(founder-exclusive), and excalibur prime, which still fittingly assures all players a chance to own each and every frame and their void counterparts.

Edited by Guther
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Solution here: Rename excalibur prime to excalibur vandal or whatever along that line.


excalibur prime is a major pothole in the gulf of difference between the old and new players.


for someone who isnt a founder, one day when all frames and their prime variants are released, if they were to line all warframes shoulder to shoulder, there will forever be an empty space beside excalibur, simply because DE needed to keep their PR promise of founder exclusivity.


and founders deserve all rights to have all their lato excal and skana variants being assured unique, as they took a good leap of faith putting good money in a game which was fresh and had its future uncertain back then.


then no reason to shortchange all non-founders, who are more than 95% the community, simply because they were late to the party.


with the renaming of the current excalibur prime to vandal etc, you're making capacity for a prime variant of excalibur to surface for every player in the community, while keeping true to the bond forged between DE and founders.


we'd end up with excalibur, excalibur vandal(founder-exclusive), and excalibur prime, which still fittingly assures all players a chance to own each and every frame and their void counterparts.


Then Founders complain about how we don't have Excalibur Prime anymore, since if it was Excalibur Vandal we'd need to change the look of him otherwise it be really ambiguous, and what if I like how Excalibur Prime looks? Then all the non-founders will complain about how they can't get Excalibur Vandal. 

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It's a prime, so...why not? Because it's a founder exclusive? Really no.

Be a fouder or not isn't  a good reason for not buff Excalibur prime, It's a prime, it's deserve a buff, like frost, ember and other prime (nova have 2 boost, i want see 2 boost in every prime!)

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Then Founders complain about how we don't have Excalibur Prime anymore, since if it was Excalibur Vandal we'd need to change the look of him otherwise it be really ambiguous, and what if I like how Excalibur Prime looks? Then all the non-founders will complain about how they can't get Excalibur Vandal. 



All for Excal Prime buff... he should be a PRIME... not just an ugly helm...


It always seems the that people that are happy and content are less likely to be vocal in public forum. While on the other hand, those that are discontent and/or butthurt are always the most vocal. I'm not referring to anyone in particular or only to this site, but to the internet in general.



Remember one thing people. If it were not for all the hours that founders put in playing through all the bugs, glitches, RNG curses, vanishing BP drops, vanilla missions, stale bosses and gameplay, cookie cutter level tile sets, weapon and frame buffs/debuffs, you would not be here to play this game. DE, the Founders and the the Founders Council are what made this game as great as it is today.


Save your Hateraide for Tom Brady...Obama...or Fox News

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I'm not sure if a buff won't just end in endless whining. We already had examples of powerful exclusives that ended badly.

When the Braton Vandal was powerful, players who didn't have it whined and DE buffed the normal Braton until it was superior to the Vandal version.

When the Strun Wraith was powerful players who didn't have it whined and DE gave it a significant nerf.

What will happen if an exclusive gets buffed? No idea, but I doubt that it'll be pretty...

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There are several arguments to this. 


- Excal needs an unnoticable buff because he's prime. 

- Excal doesn't need that buff because it will be unnoticable. 


- Excal needs a big buff because he's prime. 

- Players who didn't get excal P need an alternative with the same big buff, or else they have a reason to be upset about not having excalibur prime. 



In the long term, paying players shouldn't have advantages over non-paying ones, even if they're small bonuses. 'We supported the game' and 'we were here before it was cool' Isn't a fair excuse for it. Everyone playing, or on the forums, in some way contributes to the game. If you can't get all the stats through grinding, you can't 'win'. If you're a completionist and can't get something you can't win (Prime excal and Dragon excal could share the same mastery/codex spot to ease completion nuts. True story) 

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All for Excal Prime buff... he should be a PRIME... not just an ugly helm...


It always seems the that people that are happy and content are less likely to be vocal in public forum. While on the other hand, those that are discontent and/or butthurt are always the most vocal. I'm not referring to anyone in particular or only to this site, but to the internet in general.



Remember one thing people. If it were not for all the hours that founders put in playing through all the bugs, glitches, RNG curses, vanishing BP drops, vanilla missions, stale bosses and gameplay, cookie cutter level tile sets, weapon and frame buffs/debuffs, you would not be here to play this game. DE, the Founders and the the Founders Council are what made this game as great as it is today.


Save your Hateraide for Tom Brady...Obama...or Fox News


i suppose the problem here is that everyone is seeing only their own side of the problem.


founders see exclusivity as their right, the gamble and risk they undertook rooting for a game with an unclear future, and being rewarded for it, which is further endorsed by DE's own promise of exclusivity. 


BUT any proposal, that poses any slightest or implied threat to this notion of exclusivity, is almost always met with vitriol, cynicism and shot down without thought.


the opposite camp are people who nag about their lack of access to founder equipments, and ignore the fact that founders went through painstaking risks to allow the game to blossom to what it is today.


BOTH these groups of people suffer from an inflated sense of entitlement



thats why we cant have good things and constructive dialogue

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All for Excal Prime buff... he should be a PRIME... not just an ugly helm...


It always seems the that people that are happy and content are less likely to be vocal in public forum. While on the other hand, those that are discontent and/or butthurt are always the most vocal. I'm not referring to anyone in particular or only to this site, but to the internet in general.



Remember one thing people. If it were not for all the hours that founders put in playing through all the bugs, glitches, RNG curses, vanishing BP drops, vanilla missions, stale bosses and gameplay, cookie cutter level tile sets, weapon and frame buffs/debuffs, you would not be here to play this game. DE, the Founders and the the Founders Council are what made this game as great as it is today.


Save your Hateraide for Tom Brady...Obama...or Fox News





An innate Natural Talent on primes would be pretty cool; not necessarily 50%, maybe like 20-30%.

Edited by (PS4)timbob90210
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