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We Have Damage That Ignores Shields. Lets Get One That Ignores Armor.


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how about gas damage? gas damage is supercrap in pretty much every context except against light infested (if you're itemizing purely against light infested then you're doing something wrong) i think its just dumb that we get a damage that screws over the corpus by ignoring their shields (toxin) but when enemies can stack frankly stupid amounts of armor then it makes all other damage types except corrosive pretty useless against them. this could make gas not suck

Edited by (PS4)IIIDevoidIII
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I'd be fine with it, armored enemies breathe with unarmored noses after all lol


Machines would be immune though. Machines should also be immune to Slash.


Also, this would probably require rebalancing void missions.

Edited by DarkTails
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Gas is resisted by everything that normally has armor.


Excepting some bosses, but i dont count them as normal.


Tired of dealing with armor? Get a full party of Corrosive Projection.

Edited by Dualstar
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Gas damage does need something else, especially where the only faction where Gas has a bonus renders Gas completely ineffective with Toxic Ancients and Ancient Healers. Maybe it just needs better numbers at the least.


Having Armor Ignoring damage isn't the way to go. The damage system being the way it currently is is because Armor Ignoring damage types completely dominated the game. Back then damage had a sharp fall off at pretty early levels if you didn't slap on No Return or Piercing Hit because armor scaled quite heavily.


If Gas was the only damage type that ignored armor, (not counting Finisher damage considering only a handful of abilities have it and literally no guns have it) then it would suddenly be the best damage type and every other damage type would suck in comparison considering  how much better it would scale than Corrosive or Radiation. Which then brings us back to Damage 1.0 where Armor Piercing, Serrated Blade, and maybe Physics Impact were the only things most people cared about.

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No we arent, the slash proc does crap damage.Finishers ignore armor dont they?

According to the WF Wiki: Slash damage's unique status effect is Bleed: a DoT that inflicts 35% of your weapon or power's base damage per tick (7 ticks in 6 seconds). This damage bypasses shields, and is not affected by armor or enemy resistances. Multiple instance of Bleed may be stacked on the same target.


Slash procs are pretty far from crap damage from what I can tell. We also have Corrosive and Radiation damage that both have bonuses to enemies with armor, not to mention Corrosive Projection making armor non-existent.

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Gas is resisted by everything that normally has armor.


Excepting some bosses, but i dont count them as normal.


Tired of dealing with armor? Get a full party of Corrosive Projection.

as a solo player i dont really get that luxury

upon further reflection, if gas ignored armor it might make corrosive useless. why not buff/alter corrosive to allow all damage to penetrate armor for a few seconds instead of reducing current armor by 25%. that way, ONLY the gas damage will penetrate while corrosive makes all damage penetrate (it might also make status duration mods not terrible)

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No we arent, the slash proc does crap damage.Finishers ignore armor dont they?

Status Effects basing their Damage on the Damage on hit (i.e. the Damage Number you see) would make Status Damage extremely viable.



Finishers have a large Damage Bonus, they don't ignore Armor.

the Wiki suggests so, but the Damage Numbers i see from Finishers doesn't line up with that close enough for me to say yes.


they have massive Damage Bonuses as it is, if they also ignored Armor, my Melee Weapons should be dealing very high 5 digit Damage minimum, but Damage is usually around 19,600 ish when Enemies don't have Armor.


however, i will admit i do not remember what numbers i usually get on Enemies with Armor.

i will re evaluate right now.



on some Enemies, i get consistent Numbers that suggest Ignoring Armor.

however, on other Enemies, i can't get Numbers that are consistent or make sense.

so my conclusion can only come to some sort of RNG to Ignore Armor. which sounds ridiculous but is all that makes sense.


Ash ult?

it's Slash Damage. hasn't been Finisher for a moderate while.


Bladestorm against Armored Enemies will easily deal less Damage on hit than it's Slash DoT should be doing.

i.e. affected by Armor. 

i.e. not Finisher Damage.



Slash procs are pretty far from crap damage from what I can tell.

Slash Effects base their DoT on the Slash Damage of your Weapon. so say, Dread, without Mods would base it's Slash Effect on 180 Slash.

makes the Damage pretty meh. it'll never be enough to kill anything.

Edited by taiiat
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it's Slash Damage. hasn't been Finisher for a moderate while.

Mind if I do some tests to determine if that is true?


Slash Effects base their DoT on the Slash Damage of your Weapon. so say, Dread, without Mods would base it's Slash Effect on 180 Slash.

makes the Damage pretty meh. it'll never be enough to kill anything.

Slash status effects deal damage over time based on the weapon's base damage value. 


And back onto the topic, would this be a better method (just a small idea): 



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Dear OP.


Once upon a time.

In the old days before damage 2.0, we had damage that ignored armor.

We also had a damage type called "serrated blade" this damage type ignored armor AND did 3x damage to infested.


Needless to say it was Over powered and one of the main reasons that damage 2.0 was made.

Edited by RIOTx
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I do believe that Cold, Corrosive and all the other damages that get a bonus from ferrite and etc. armor actually gets a boost as armor gets higher.






Shields and nullifiers are the Corpus' specialty. Armor is the Grineer's.


Right now, Grineer health scale exponentially.


Shields don't.


See something here?

Edited by jjpdn
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I dont know about a damage types that ignore armor. 


how about mods that lets certain moments of dishing out damage being able to ignore armor.


-Such as when you land a status effect

-Red crits

-Key strikes in melee combos


Stuff like that.

Edited by -BELLUM-
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