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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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Look, the problem is that the "dragon frame" that people were asking for was a traditional dragon themed frame, not a sea dragon. DE played this up like they were making something that the community had long asked for, when the TRUTH is that the community DIDN'T ask for this. So DE should have never even said that they were making what the community wanted. That's the problem, and why there is a backlash (including the lack of excitement from the TennoLive attendees). All they had to say was that they were going with a dragon theme, but that it wouldn't be a traditional dragon. Just that would've been enough. But no. They misrepresented what they were doing.



If they would've been clearer in what they meant by "dragon", I know I wouldn't be here complaining.

DE said they were going for a theme that was requested many times by the community- Which was a dragon theme warframe. Nothing else, Scott said he didn't wasn't it to be too aggressive on a Europeans dragon design.

That's it, DE has nothing to explain. They didn't even made credit to the original dragon frame post. Unlike zephyr inspired art.

Another case of community believing their expectation s are reality

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announcing a 'dragon' spawned false expectations.


They didn't even announce what kind of dragon. They just said it would be based on dragons and have chromatic abilities. The community were the ones who decided it had to look exactly like a western dragon.


And I guarantee if they had made it look exactly like a western dragon, we would have gotten the exact same complaints we did about Mesa and Limbo saying the theme was too literal.

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Made so sad how there was no cheer or applause in the Tennolive audience for the reveal... ashamed of the crowd tbh.  I won't lie its not my favourite looking frame either but I'm always hyped for new content and personally I think Euro-Medieval Dragon Frame would have been worst anyway.  I'm excited for Chroma and everything else they've announced.  

Same. Especially as everyone was expecting to be the fan-designed one that looked like a Rhino with scales.

Way better in my opinion. I`m also happy because one of my ex-friends who back-stabbed me will cringe and hate the frame he desired for 3 months now(since he is a rhino-master-race and mentally undeveloped human). So it`s a win/win for me. 

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They DE said it was DRAGON THEMED frame, when someone says to u " Dragon Themed" u are reminded of a big @(*()$ lizard , and not a @(*()$ fish. i was showing how most people would think a dragon looks like, it dont @(*()$ matter if dat aint a dragon it REMINDS OF ONE LOOKS LIKE ONE, but a @(*()$ fish dont

It. Isn't. A. @(*()$. Dragon.

Use a better example than one that doesn't even represent a dragon.

Contrary to what a few of you think, the majority do not like this design.

I'm quite aware that the majority hate this design, You don't need to point it out.

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Did people really expect a house sized winged death machine? Because that's not a realistic expectation for a playable frame.


Way too much of the speculation centered on the cheezeball DragonKnight concepts that have been done over and over in hundreds of games (many of them generic & barely remembered) - also unrealistic expectations from a company that wants to put its own spin on things at all times.


Chroma - looks exactly what a DnD Dragonborn would look like in this universe - which is a realistic playable rendition of a dragon theme - Nail on the head - job done - if you ask me.


You don't have to like it - but everyone getting mad because unrealistic assumptions were made from a few hints - isn't really justified.

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They didn't even announce what kind of dragon. They just said it would be based on dragons and have chromatic abilities. The community were the ones who decided it had to look exactly like a western dragon.


And I guarantee if they had made it look exactly like a western dragon, we would have gotten the exact same complaints we did about Mesa and Limbo saying the theme was too literal.

Actually, the community was fairly split on what type of dragon, eastern/western/aztec maya inca stuff.
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They didn't even announce what kind of dragon. They just said it would be based on dragons and have chromatic abilities. The community were the ones who decided it had to look exactly like a western dragon.


And I guarantee if they had made it look exactly like a western dragon, we would have gotten the exact same complaints we did about Mesa and Limbo saying the theme was too literal.


Amusingly it really reminds me of the Gaping Dragon from Dark Souls.

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It. Isn't. A. @(*()$. Dragon.

Use a better example than one that doesn't even represent a dragon.

I'm quite aware that the majority hate this design, You don't need to point it out.

i got a water dragon lizard thing to compare to dat seahorse, wanna an example of a dragon here , the points im trying to say is theres more things out there dat reminds of a dragon than a @(*()$ seahorse fishBlack_Dragon_TNT_by_el_grimlock.jpg

Edited by MrKage
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Seems like an eastern dragon to me. Just because it's not an OP bahamut or tiamat doesn't mean it isn't a dragon. Sounds to me like you are forcing your western civilization on DE a bit. 


I did not mention western dragons. I would have been fine with an eastern dragon, except this does not look like one. I adore dragons in general and in art, but this thing does not resemble any of it. Also, eastern dragons are serpents, which does not fit a humanoid body. I would have been fine with eastern style ornaments on this frame, but I am not seeing this either.

Edited by Sunfax
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You use an example of how we all see a sea dragon when it isn't a dragon at all.

Yet we're not allowed to show how obvious the inspiration it is behind it when a seahorse is involved and how it can be connected to dragon.





That isn't even a dragon/drake/wyvern. That's a Leviathan from Monster Hunter Tri.


It has nearly nothing to do with dragons other than it being a reptile.


That there is just bad logic.


No, you can't sweep our arguments under the rug with "but that's not actually a dragon/wyvern/drake, it's just a creature x from game Y"

It's more dragon looking be it easter/western,  it does not matter. It shares far more common qualities with dragons than seahorse ever will".


Also, did you really make an alt account just so you can be a Chroma supporter, really ?

Edited by kiteohatto
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I did not mention western dragons. I would have been fine with an eastern dragon, except this does not look like one. I adore dragons in general and in most concepts, but this thing does not resemble any of it. Also, eastern dragons are serpents, which does not fit a humanoid body. I would have been fine with eastern style ornaments on this frame, but I am not seeing this either.


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That there is just bad logic.


No, you can't sweep our arguments under the rug with "but that's not actually a dragon/wyvern/drake, it's just a creature x from game Y"

It's more dragon looking be it easter/western,  it does not matter. It shares far more common qualities with dragons than seahorse ever will".


Also, did you really make an alt account just so you can be a Chroma supporter, really ?

thank u, someone understand

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If you think about it, U16 is also when they'll begin the water tile sets, as OP said. Coincidence? I think not!

Chroma is more of a "sea serpent" than any typical dragon you'd see in a fantasy setting.


 If you look closely at the Sentient, they do look a lot like the coral reef.

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Look, the problem is that the "dragon frame" that people were asking for was a traditional dragon themed frame, not a sea dragon. DE played this up like they were making something that the community had long asked for, when the TRUTH is that the community DIDN'T ask for this. So DE should have never even said that they were making what the community wanted. That's the problem, and why there is a backlash (including the lack of excitement from the TennoLive attendees). All they had to say was that they were going with a dragon theme, but that it wouldn't be a traditional dragon. Just that would've been enough. But no. They misrepresented what they were doing.


Did DE say it is a sea dragon? Just wondering. People should specify, what kind of "traditional dragon" since that is a vague statement. It could be a traditional chinese, european, or japanese dragon. That's just to name a few. It is ultimately up to DE to decide what kind of dragon they want to go with. Again, since it is a fictional creature, they can make it look any way they want it to look.

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