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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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They didn't even announce what kind of dragon. They just said it would be based on dragons and have chromatic abilities. The community were the ones who decided it had to look exactly like a western dragon.


And I guarantee if they had made it look exactly like a western dragon, we would have gotten the exact same complaints we did about Mesa and Limbo saying the theme was too literal.

Then why did they hype the fact that we would love it? 


I wasn't expecting much but still was let down by that design

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Know what? I'd rather there be no dragon frame than have Chroma take the name of it.

For all I care, I want a badass dragon-looking frame, not a pile of infested-anteater bile. Heck, I'd much prefer it if DE used Endrian's concept as a skin for Rhino.

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So one of the main complaints regarding Chroma's design was how much he looked like a seahorse.


While I personally have no problems with that, I found that Chroma with his "mouth" open looks a lot like an eastern dragon.

(It was a frame of an animation with him holding a Redeemer. He was not breathing fire in that frame. Not good at posting pics on forums.)


With eastern dragons, I haven't recalled seeing many with "fully closed/not showing teeth" mouths. All of them had their mouths open (and even their tongues showing lol) to some degree.


So while most of the community judgement was based on that main poster of Chroma in a hunched posture with closed mouth, I very much like the overall look when he had his mouth open. So as the title says, I'm hoping that his mouth would stay open for the majority of the time.



PS: The resemblence to Steve's Redtext frame... I can't handle the thought! D:

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Did people really expect a house sized winged death machine? Because that's not a realistic expectation for a playable frame.


Way too much of the speculation centered on the cheezeball DragonKnight concepts that have been done over and over in hundreds of games (many of them generic & barely remembered) - also unrealistic expectations from a company that wants to put its own spin on things at all times.


Chroma - looks exactly what a DnD Dragonborn would look like in this universe - which is a realistic playable rendition of a dragon theme - Nail on the head - job done - if you ask me.


You don't have to like it - but everyone getting mad because unrealistic assumptions were made from a few hints - isn't really justified.


DnD Dragonborn, meanng something like this?


Yeah, I can kinda see some resemblance to this look...  Even if that's the case, they had good intentions, but ended up with anteater anyway. 

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I'm not arguing what it is, I'm saying it looks silly, compared to the rest of him.

You ain't wrong there

I think the design is weird too

Proportion wise

But at the same time, oddly appropriate. I doubt there will be any kind of design but I can live with a good alt helm maybe

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One. Why did you give your redesign a mouth.. on a helmet.. that opens? That's stupid looking.


Two. Stopping being so closed minded. You are only thinking of western dragons and not taking into account all other dragons from around the world (which many cultures do believe that seadragons are dragons, hence their name)


Three. That's too cliche. It's inspired by a dragon not actually a dragon. I'm glad they got rid of the cliches. Limbo and Mesa look awful because of how cliche they look.


Chroma (not named dragon might I add) looks awesome and unique which is what makes warframe awesome and unique.

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Listen up kids.


This whole dragon chroma fiasco could have been avoided if DE didnt set the bar that high for themselves.


You mention dragon, and people start to have high expectations of the frame design, even incredulous ones.


There's a reason there are a significantly larger proportion of chinese babies born in the zodiac year of the dragon compared to all other years, lads.


If DE said "hey the next frame is going to be another land mammal, the fiery energy anteater", by now people would have nodded in approval when appraising its design.


"hmm thats a really well-designed anteater"


"man DE's really cool, we'd never expect them to take uncanny animals like the rhinoceros and anteater as basis for frames"


honestly, most other games start to take a dip when they try to put "dragons" on the table, like maple's kaiser class, duel master's obsession with dragon race etc. which factor causes the other? we've no idea.


if you're going to resort to the "dragon" trump card to keep your game going, it almost carries the same connotation as a politician publicising his populist and welfare policies; there is a desperate want to regain lost faith amongst people.

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Seahorse... yeah, definitely a seahorse...




You might have a point with the head, but the body? It's spot on! The "furry" arms, the thick legs and torso it's anteater frame.


Now which culture exactly considers anteaters dragons pry tell.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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Did people really expect a house sized winged death machine? Because that's not a realistic expectation for a playable frame.


Way too much of the speculation centered on the cheezeball DragonKnight concepts that have been done over and over in hundreds of games (many of them generic & barely remembered) - also unrealistic expectations from a company that wants to put its own spin on things at all times.


Chroma - looks exactly what a DnD Dragonborn would look like in this universe - which is a realistic playable rendition of a dragon theme - Nail on the head - job done - if you ask me.


You don't have to like it - but everyone getting mad because unrealistic assumptions were made from a few hints - isn't really justified.

We didn't want a typical dragon knight in rubedo spiky armor with a dragonface helmet. Most of us would be happy if we got something that has dragon qualities when you look at it. Like if you could ask a random person in the street what this frame looks like, "dragon" would be the last thing anybody would say. It does not matter if it's easter/western look as long as it has some dragon qualities which are shared between west/east mythologies.


But this....this, really ? The biggest thing seahorses share with easter/western dragons/drakes/wyrms are the ribbed spiky body and scales, which Chroma does.not.have.


Chroma looks like everything but a dragon related thing.

It actually reminds me of abominations from dragonage.

Edited by kiteohatto
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Know what? I'd rather there be no dragon frame than have Chroma take the name of it.

For all I care, I want a badass dragon-looking frame, not a pile of infested-anteater bile. Heck, I'd much prefer it if DE used Endrian's concept as a skin for Rhino.


I'm am 100% glad that Chroma looks nothing like the concept dragon. It would be a rhino #2 and it wouldn't even be a female so we could just say it's female rhino. No duplicate frames please.

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Listen up kids.


This whole dragon chroma fiasco could have been avoided if DE didnt set the bar that high for themselves.


You mention dragon, and people start to have high expectations of the frame design, even incredulous ones.


There's a reason there are a significantly larger proportion of chinese babies born in the zodiac year of the dragon compared to all other years, lads.


If DE said "hey the next frame is going to be another land mammal, the fiery energy anteater", by now people would have nodded in approval when appraising its design.


"hmm thats a really well-designed anteater"


"man DE's really cool, we'd never expect them to take uncanny animals like the rhinoceros and anteater as basis for frames"


honestly, most other games start to take a dip when they try to put "dragons" on the table, like maple's kaiser class, duel master's obsession with dragon race etc. which factor causes the other? we've no idea.


if you're going to resort to the "dragon" trump card to keep your game going, it almost carries the same connotation as a politician publicising his populist and welfare policies; there is a desperate want to regain lost faith amongst people.

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Now you guys are just stooping down to the lowest level of ignorance and butthurt, but keep crying, the salt is great for my pasta.

Who's crying? I'm surely not. I'm just joking, lighten up larry.

Edited by Kvzakau
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You're just denying that it's plausible that they shared the same culture, but for what? There's enough evidence to support the idea that they shared the same culture and were within the caste system based on your own evidence.


This is getting derailed. The original argument is that the Tenno have their own culture. Chroma is intended to be a dragon, or resemble a dragon of sorts. Cultural depictions of dragons aren't universal and can be depicted in different ways.


There is nothing to support your claim. 


If what tisdfogg says is true, your argument just completely failed. Not that your argument was very strong to begin since it relied on assumptions that were actively invalidated by the lore.

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