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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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858 People have voted on one of those polls. I don't call that a small number of people. 

403 of those people say it is ugly. 200 of those people like it. THAT IS LESS THAN HALF! Now apply that to the people that don't browse the forums and play the game. FAIRLY FREAKING BAD NOW ISN'T IT?


862 people, 404 and 221 of which think that it's ugly or meh. It doesn't matter if it's a small number. This is a large amount of participation for this community in a fan-generated poll. Much less than half view this frame favorably. So, yes, apply that to non-forum members and yes, it's overwhelmingly negative reception. I wonder who, if anyone, at TennoLive thought it looked good. There certainly wasn't any cheering.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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Same here!

Well for you it's the design that made you shake in anger, for me it's the overall reaction. Like I don't mind you guys not liking it, but this is going into the extreme with some people. 


Notice how I said some people. 

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And people are complaining he's not a Rhino clone

Rhino clone is probably a little far stretched...i've seen the artworks you're probably refering to.. a bulky design, cut like a rhino with a heavy scale armor, pretty much how the player base would picture a dragon, inspired by the chinese dragon design that is allready in the game. Pretty much how samurai would cut theyr dragon themed armors.

This design was simply flawless. There sure is room for creative work but the endresult clearly missed the aim. Seriously. It looks like they didn't have enough time to come up with anything except the head and therefore just smashed together pieces of other frames to make the body.

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Thers a huge difference between similar frames and simply copy-pasting whole armor parts. The arm design is 1:1 stolen from ash, same for the hip part.

Uncreative as can be. This guy won't be new but just some kind of chimera frame.

You realize Nyx and Excalibur are not just similar, they have the same design (Except for helmet) because they were going to be the same Warframe? The only difference they were going to have was gender, now it's gender and helmet.


Same, its not a bad design to have but it kinda shows the work behind it when you copy stuff from other frames instead of putting some work behind it to make the theme work out.

These lazy bastards announced a dragon frame and gave us artworks of a chimera with a antler base.


There are much more differences in design between Chroma and Zephyr/Ash.


Chroma's design, as i said before, was probably influenced by different kind of dragons. The body i think was influenced by Quetzacoatl, feathered arms and some other parts, the parts that are not covered in feathers i consider it as skin.

You probably don't think it looks like the usual dragons, that doesn't mean it isn't one. There are lots of dragon which look very different between each other.


Liking or not is one thing, stating obvious things is also here completely different. This frame just shows what many of us feel, that they stopped putting effort into the game.


As i said before, it's personal taste so there's no obvious statement. There's a bunch of people saying they like it and think and another bunch saying they don't.

There were complaints about previous warframes designs when they came out too and the people who didn't like it brought pretty much the same arguments.

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Its too late now, they wont change anything because high majority of the player base think it looks bad, its a difficult process i know, designing frames i mean.

But i hope we can send a message, new frames doesnt excite me anymore, the release of Limbo might have started a point which resulted in somehow bad designs(mirage is not that bad tho)

Keep it simple guys really.

A LEGENDARY alternative helmet could really help this new frame.

But i higly doubt it.

Edited by unnamedlord
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Its too late now, they wont change anything because high majority of the player base think it looks bad, its a difficult process i know, designing frames i mean.

There's also the fact that it's already modeled and rigged. To change it now would cause more problems than needed.

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858 People have voted on one of those polls. I don't call that a small number of people. 

403 of those people say it is ugly. 200 of those people like it. THAT IS LESS THAN HALF! Now apply that to the people that don't browse the forums and play the game. FAIRLY FREAKING BAD NOW ISN'T IT?


People were too tied to the word Dragon and expected to see something that DE wasnt actually thinking about.

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A theme refers to 2 things- Abilities and Looks. While I can see how Chroma looks like a dragon, you can't, that's fine. But we have yet to see his skills, he already has the ability to breathe fire which is as traditional as you can get, whose today his defensive skills doesn't cover him in scales? Whose to say he can't glide?

His abilities speak more than his looks. While not directed at you I find it biased people aren't going to acknowledge Chroma as dragon frame because of his looks but will not do the same for other frames where their looks do not speak of their abilities/theme


Because when the community requested a dragon-themed frame they were requesting something that primarily looked like a dragon. We already have frames that have different elements. No one asked for a frame that could switch elements. No one asked for some lucky dragon frame. The Community wanted a traditional looking dragon frame. It's the same with the community's love of Typhus. No one wants some random Infested frame. They want Typhus. Why? Because they like the looks of the frame, which go hand-in-hand with it's functionality. But the primary thing the community likes is the look. No one's asking for Chroma to look like a carbon copy of the fan concept of a dragon frame, but people requested and expected something that looked like a traditional dragon, and for DE to say that they are doing what the community requested means that they are doing a traditional dragon-looking frame. Now, like I said, maybe DE just didn't understand that the community was more concerned with a frame that looked like a traditional dragon than a frame that functioned like one. Maybe they just didn't care. But DE made that mistake, not the community. The community was, is, and has been clear on what exactly they requested. It's DE that made the mistake and failed to deliver what the community long requested.

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People were too tied to the word Dragon and expected to see something that DE wasnt actually thinking about.

No actually this doesnt resemble a dragon, not eastern, not western or any other culture.

I know people are joking but once you started to look at him as an ant eater, he really looks like one (i am serious right now)

I just cant unsee what i see, and i think its a bad design flaw, i mean i cant see rhino as a butterfly no mather how hard i try.

But this Chroma, grrr

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Hey, guys, this is a far future dragon, cuz I said so:



That's. . . actually how it works though. Also if that was a koi that would also be correct since the japanese believe if a koi can jump up a waterfall. INSTANT DRAGON.


Also, did you all actaully think he'd have scales? Why? Saryn molts and even she is has no scales. He has the same body textures as everyone before (Besides the ones taken literally that everyone was angry were so literal). The dragon resemblance, fine too. People saying this can i no way represent a dragon, good, cus it's a dragon frame. Rhino isn't a super clear rhino but everyone's fine with that cus he's swole. Honestly, if you couldn't look at all the previous frames that has some inspiration from an animal, and say you expected Endrian's dragon design. Then you are blind.

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People were too tied to the word Dragon and expected to see something that DE wasnt actually thinking about.


To be honest... it's ugly. dragon or not that's how I see it. 


The thing is though... when they announced magician frame and bird frame I knew that I most likely wouldn't like the design. Because I know the strange art direction frames have and those themes just didn't feel like something that would produce cool looking frame for me. And it didn't¨, I don't like the looks of either Limbo or Zephyr.


But fair enough I expected that. No problem.


But when they announced a dragon frame I though that DE should be able to make something fairly cool from that theme.


But we got a half melted anteater/ash/booben/seahorse hybrid. Which is something I honestly did not expect. It came completely out of the left field this one... which makes me disappointed. I mean... how can you make dragon frame ugly, how is that even possible?

Edited by LocoWithGun
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If you are colorblind, then you don't have a @(*()$ opinion on this @(*()$ topic. Deal the F*** with it.


With respect, I advise you to not make discriminatory comments. It's both unnecessary and unwelcome.


As someone who is colour blind, my issue isn't with the colour changing Power thing so much, but the thresholds between colours over all.


Taking what Scott stated, that Red/Orange are Fire. Well, lets consider Yellow, the other relative to those colours, which looks invariably like Green in the majority of cases for me. Unless they've got a nice handy UI aspect in the Ability menu telling us what the Effective Element is, or he animates his attacks differently based on element whilst idling, that's not an informed choice. For people like myself, that is painful because it directly and significantly impacts our ability to use something which is ostensibly meant for our enjoyment. You don't judge the Deaf for requesting subtitles for the cutscenes/dialogue now, do you? Same sort of consideration.


Yes, it pares down to going into a mission, seeing what happens when using a power, making a note of it and keeping it tallied away if not the case. However, that is a significantly greater amount of in game effort to use a 'frame's ability set than so far seen. 


Is it something that's terribly unwelcome? I can see the argument that Cosmetic appearance has no effect on Gameplay. However, having had extensive (ironic) experience of this kind of mechanic in other games, I assure you that when it comes to actually enjoying something like that, ease of understanding of what choice you've made is important to everyone, colour blind or not.


For example, one of my favourite games for the GBA was Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django. Within that game, you had the Sol de Vice, a gauntlet that granted Enchantment effects on your weapon. These Elements were Fire (Red), Ice (Pale Blue) Cloud (Purple) Earth (Green) Sol (White) and Dark (Black/Red). However, not only did they have colour, but they had elemental symbols to go with. So a stylised Ember, Ice Crystal, Cloud, Pyramid, Sun and Eclipse (far as I can guess). Ergo, colour wasn't a problem to know what was going on.


Here, we simply do not have the necessary information of the salient UI information to tell us what we need to know: What Element am I doing, and with what Colour? Where are the limits between colours in the event of aiming for one element, and mixing over into another?


Those are perfectly pertinent questions any of us are free to ask, they're just more pressing when you're not able to physically distinguish for yourself what you are looking at. If Chroma releases along with labels in the palettes to make our collective time easier, I'll be content near enough.


If however he drops and nothing changes for the now arguably necessary convenience of use, it's basically doing what I expected; telling every one of the colour blind players that they're free to use any other frame without difficulty, but Chroma will be putting them in a situation where their physical inability to tell the difference could make or break their usage of it.


That is not on. I sincerely hope DE are going to be good about this and actually have put the necessary measures in place; a nice option in the menu to 'Turn on Colour labels' would be all we need. Even if it was something as mundane as Blue 1-10 or what have you.


As for the whole Cosmetic thing, trust me, Colour Blind people are just as capable of enjoying colours and cosmetics as you are, so don't pretend that we can't opine about something. We just have a typically more limited pool of colours we use because we're not comfortable using things we can't name, in at least as I speak for myself. Honestly, I'd love to discuss Aesthetic preferences with my fellow Colour Blind Tenno considering how the palettes are not Colour Blind user friendly as they stand. But that's a different debate.


I admittedly work almost exclusively in Reds, Whites, Blues, Purples, Oranges and Golds. Because that's all I can tell before it gets tricky. If I have labelled colours like my personal collection of pencils, I'm quite a bit more prone to explore. Like walking in unfamiliar territory, you stick to the paths you know, especially if there's no convenient sign on the wayside.


A small measure of consideration shouldn't be a lot to ask, nor should it be enough to so clearly aggravate you.

And, statistically speaking, most of the people critiquing the mechanic will likely not be Colour blind. We're only a handful of the population at the end of the day, so don't treat us as a convenient scapegoat to close down conversation.


I'd like to think that people are better than that.


Either way...from what I saw of Chroma's energy markers, he appears to have a significantly reduced visible display. How this may change with Channelling will have to be seen. I'm going to reserve further judgement until I see some gameplay footage and some UI information.


So let's just cool it with the back and forth and try and be mature about it. Some people are bothered by the cosmetic impacting gameplay, which is understandable, and others are indifferent, which is also understandable. Best thing we can do is just appreciate both sides have a reasonable point and there's nothing to gain being derogatory to each other.


But hey, what do I know? I'm colour blind so apparently I don't have an opinion about this.


Funny that.

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I find this particular forum whine to be quite exquisite. It appears most people wanted a cliche european dragon knight. Perhaps they wanted a rhino clone for their MLGNOSCOPEMASTERLOKIRHINO squad.



That's. . . actually how it works though. Also if that was a koi that would also be correct since the japanese believe if a koi can jump up a waterfall. INSTANT DRAGON.


Also, did you all actaully think he'd have scales? Why? Saryn molts and even she is has no scales. He has the same body textures as everyone before (Besides the ones taken literally that everyone was angry were so literal). The dragon resemblance, fine too. People saying this can i no way represent a dragon, good, cus it's a dragon frame. Rhino isn't a super clear rhino but everyone's fine with that cus he's swole. Honestly, if you couldn't look at all the previous frames that has some inspiration from an animal, and say you expected Endrian's dragon design. Then you are blind.



So much truth in this.

Edited by EmptyDevil
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858 People have voted on one of those polls. I don't call that a small number of people. 

403 of those people say it is ugly. 200 of those people like it. THAT IS LESS THAN HALF! Now apply that to the people that don't browse the forums and play the game. FAIRLY FREAKING BAD NOW ISN'T IT?




Its still a meaningless strawpoll. I like the frame but am not going to vote against a bunch of butthurt people overreacting cuz ... its a meaningless strawpoll.

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Except it's an Eastern dragon.


Of course I can't always expect kids on the forums these days to even remember freakin Shenlong from Dragon Ball Z and his long snout. I feel old.

You are clearly mistaken, he doesnt look like an eastern dragon, too.

Once you start to see an ant eater, you cant unsee it, and its a design flaw.

I said these in other posts too.

But if Rhino looked like a butterfly more than i Rhino i think that would be a problem.

I would love him far, FAR much if he SLIGHTLY resembled good old Shenlong, trust me

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