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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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Because most of the typhus guys I've seen ONLY want typhus. Folks like you and I, who like both, are a rare sight 





 I hate how people play the favorites game with Fan Concepts as if people should be showing some sort of loyalty to one specific idea.


  I can think of at LEAST 6 fan concepts that I've seen in the past month that I'd deem worthy of DE taking seriously. If I went even further back the number would just keep piling higher too. Hell that 'Flora, Plant Warframe' is probably one of my top 5 favorite fan concepts and it just sorta popped up out of nowhere one day.


 People who lurk fan concepts should be showing love to ALL good ideas. Lots of hype buzz is good for that section and it's good for letting DE know what people want.

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 I hate how people play the favorites game with Fan Concepts as if people should be showing some sort of loyalty to one specific idea.


  I can think of at LEAST 6 fan concepts that I've seen in the past month that I'd deem worthy of DE taking seriously. If I went even further back the number would just keep piling higher too. Hell that 'Flora, Plant Warframe' is probably one of my top 5 favorite fan concepts and it just sorta popped up out of nowhere one day.


 People who lurk fan concepts should be showing love to ALL good ideas. Lots of hype buzz is good for that section and it's good for letting DE know what people want.

Popularity and good artwork taking its toll.


Personally, I don't care. If it looks good, I'll give it a shot. 

Edited by ScrublordPrime
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I'm sure that if this was confirmation of a flower-based frame people would be posting about how much they like the fan concept and how much they're excited for the hopes that it's that fan concept getting added.


But it's not, so...

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 Agreed. It's nice to see other people who feel that way talking a bit. Honestly it's not a subject that gets much discussion around here.


Possible expression of Sturgeon's Law? Typhus and Dragon are particularly popular (from what I can tell) concepts, ergo they're cyclically more likely to garner attention because of higher discussion. Also helps they've got a large amount of artwork to keep attention as well.


Meanwhile, purely written concepts could be great but reading is a higher investment than 'Look at picture, thumbs up/down'. "Worth a thousand words" etc.


As for the whole 'Dragon theme' thing...Personally I'd be up for a Coatl design. If only because hardly anything ever even mentions them in Dragon discussions. Sure, so European and Asian Dragons are pretty much the first thing people think of...there's a whole world of Dragon mythology to draw upon. I wouldn't be against it having 'feathers' coloured by your Energy, seeing as the Coatls had rather vivid plumage.


And at least they did somewhat confirm that the basic palette's range is sufficient. Though I'm a little leery about how they determine what colour band stops being seen as 'Red' say, and is more 'Brown' or something. Still...early days.

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Does my concept get loved too? (*-*) hihi shameless plug here for Lytra the Beetle Guardian concept

Topic : while I roam around the fan concept I can't help but always see offensive frames most of the time... we need the defensive love!!! (Hence my work with friends)

I do love typhus and dragon (dragon needs to thin down for me though) :3 good job to all concepts out there!

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