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Spy 2.0 Preview


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No matter how good the gamemode is, sadly noone will play it if the rewards are bad. I've skimmed through the thread and seen some suggestions that I like, such as codex scans and special gear.

I'd also like to suggest the rewards can be event mods, or upon completion we are given access to a special alert-type mission that has some special reward at the end, such as a rare stance or 10 of a rare resource.

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This is now two game modes that require stealth in their design, the problem is there is no stealth in the game yet, we have aware and unaware rooms of enemies, but no proper stealth mechanics.


Please start looking into proper stealth mechanics for warframe, namely the awareness of enemies. This is critical if you want players to get the most out of these game types you are creating.


Edited by cam-o-flage20
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This is awesome to read. I am sure others will bring up my concerns better than I would. The main thing I would like to know is if any alarm is set off or vault alarms is set off. If any alarm, then will we be spawning in secure location and enemies will be more like exterminate where we don't have to worry as much about spawns?

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A good start to Stealth 2.0 especially as theyve said in the past they are looking at Rescue to a degree too if i recall correctly. Be interesting to see the incentives for doing this mode outside of Alerts and suchlike naturally for those of us who really dont need to go back and complete any nodes these days but weve also heard they are looking to address not having guarenteed drop tables for every game mode instead of just endless ones so i think were already getting a sneak preview of some of the ideas they have in regards to this.

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Sounds interesting...


Just a few QoL questions/requests from me...


Can the Mission Summary be changed for this mission with a grade for met objectives as opposed to kill count and individual awards given based on performance?


  One of the things I noticed with the rescue revamp was that many players would choose to brute force their way through the mission and would   wind up teamed with players interested in stealth and finesse.

 Using time to complete and an objectives met grade to comprise a score that determines the quality of the individual awards in missions of this type would go some distance toward resolving issues like those experienced in the rescue mission re-vamp. 


Will DE consider rebalancing Shade's Ghost ability to support missions of this type?

  Every frame doesn't have the benefit of stealth tech. Which will leave players using a mix of enemy radar mods, and stealth based sentinels or companions.  Shade's Ghost ability has an abnormally long cooldown for the level of function it actually offers.


Will DE consider adjusting SFX assets for ranged weapons are equipped with silencing mods?

  Simply put, this will let me know what team members intents are without me having to ask them....And it would sound cool.


Try a Huras Kubrow over shade. its range is much longer and the cooldown is much shorter. I have gone through entire hive missions staying stealthed 95% of the time by my Huras kubrow.

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Going to try doing it the same way I did the rescue 2.0 "event". 100% stealth with frosty. (though this time we wont have a rescue target to make us fail in stealth after saving him/her :D)

You did it with Frost? Respect man, respect. It means that you didn't uste invisibility. :)

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Looks more fun than the current, but I don't play this game for stealth play. So, just like rescue 2.0 I'll play this a few times and then never again.

It's okay,they're not forcing you to. That's an option.

Some will never get bored of gunblazing, others don't. Matter of taste.

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I just visited the Steel Meridian on the relays again and while looking at the massiv gattling gun they have pointing at their entrance, i beginn to wonder if the Grineer vault will have one those too?


Likely not, but i had to imagine Ruk demanding one and not getting them because of budget costs.

Edited by Othergrunty
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This sounds so familiar to rescue 2.0 

I would rather have it to be one Datamine (or Something Verry valueble) 

Along with loads off traps diffecult ones that take some skill.  make it like Mission Impossible :D


Moving laser traps that go vertical and horizantal move both ways where you need timed jumps. When  you hit the laser you set off the alarm and your shields get removed completly(like in Nightmare mode). Enemies should Patrol around the objective. Camera's should be destroyed to prevent lockdown when seen. Sound barriers around the datamine when shots are fired by the enemy or you the main door to the objective should be on lockdown and the entire area around the objective should be cleared to be passed(this gives you a choice between using silent weapons or just regular weapons).

Now Rewards:
Since you steal information from the enemy. I was thinking about some new kind off reward
You get a perk (boost unlocked) that remains for a day. These boosts can be minor or major depending on how DE looks at it.
(One perk can be active daily) or more. 

Sprint speed increase, 
Reload speed increase
Recoil Decrease
Stamina Increase

Holstering Increase

Casting Speed increase 
Super RNG Rare: Credit booster 1 day
                             Affinity Booster 1 day
                             Resource booster 1 day

Edited by TeaBegging
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Oh god... terrible news.

Well let me share my view:


1) If stealth has a role in that mission: Either FORCE it (by very high failure rate if not in stealth), or throw it out. At the moment, Rescue 2.0. runs the following way in about 99% of cases: We work our way to the prison, I open the door, try to proceed stealthy, 1-3 others rush in, alert goes off, the rushers go down (most of the time all of them), I rush to the hack, kill a few enemies on the way, place a Frost Shield over it, work my way in, rescue the target in time (most of the times), and out it goes again. Since that works most of the time, there really is no incentive to try otherwise, and the bvehaviour of the players show it.

Either you want stealth, then you have to enforce it more, or you don't then don't even try, its just anti fun in that case.


2) If stealth is not broken: DEACTIVATE ALL SPAWN. enemies spawning behind you and breaking your stealth that way are one of the main things working against every stealth attempt. As long as stealth isn't broken all enemies should be spawned, and a it should be possible to exterminate them all.


3) If you don't want to force it: Really REWARD players for being stealthy. That doesn't mean a little used item thats a bit better than the next lower one, but you build less of them. that means: if you manage it, you get something useful. For example you get an Orokin key. Thats something useful.


4) Let the Lotus broadcast the reward at the beginning of the mission. That way also non forum /wiki reading people know, that a full stealth approach will get you X. Otherwise some will never know it. For example "If you manage it without being noticed, we might be able to snag a Orokin key on the way")


5) It really sounds similar to Rescue 2.0. At least make the two modes (or every non endless one) worth it. At the moment the real rewards are all in the endless modes, Rewarding non endless ones are only in the Void.

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We plan to roll this out across the whole star chart plus preview the mission in a new quest before Update 16.  For U16, we can make any adjustments needed based on community feedback and public playtesting (this has worked out pretty well in the past).  We also plan to release a few more vault tiles with U16.



So where is the quest, I honestly expected it with today's update considering this thread even exists ,if you guys wait any longer then to get the feedback in for U16 then U16 would likely get an ETA of late Feb. or possibly even march.   It has already been over 3 months since U15, with each of the last few updates the wait between has been longer and longer.  It seems like DE is trying to hard to one up the last update to much and getting overambitious.  I'd much rather we get U16 ASAP even if it means cutting a couple items out and adding them in the following weeks.  And considering the holiday break, I am not sure why they didn't shoot for a smaller update for U16(when compared to 14 and 15).


I am not trying to bust DEs balls, I know they work their butts off and I appreciate it, but still... they tease us with content so far ahead of when they actually make it available, the long waits get irritating. 

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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So where is the quest, I honestly expected it with today's update considering this thread even exists ,if you guys wait any longer then to get the feedback in for U16 then U16 would likely get an ETA of late Feb. or possibly even march.   It has already been over 3 months since U15, with each of the last few updates the wait between has been longer and longer.  It seems like DE is trying to hard to one up the last update to much and getting overambitious.  I'd much rather we get U16 ASAP even if it means cutting a couple items out and adding them in the following weeks.  And considering the holiday break, I am not sure why they didn't shoot for a smaller update for U16(when compared to 14 and 15).


I am not trying to bust DEs balls, I know they work their butts off and I appreciate it, but still... they tease us with content so far ahead of when they actually make it available, the long waits get irritating. 

Yup,I guess it's for U16... And I also guess that U16 isn't far...Maybe one or two weeks far.

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