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Nekros: Changes Coming For 15.12


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... and they didn't give changes to the only power that really needed a total rework. They should fix those droptables and remove Desecrate as it is right now. People lie if they say they take Nekros for any other reason than Desecrate. I only see Nekros used in survival missions for the lifesupport and in missions where people are hunting for some rare mods.

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And still no actually fixing the AI of SoD 


I've kept requesting for days & days for a way to lead them ourselves!


We can't fully trust their AI, so instead of spending some time on reading the player's mind, let the player choose where he wants his personal army to attack!


It's simple(I don't know if it's easily implementable but still) & it'll solve everything! PlzdodisDEarglblargl


And you could make one of his other powers add an enemy to the SotD pool,for better synergy. (Soul Punch,for instance.)

Edited by unknow99
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Some people just can't be satisfied. (however I can agree Hydroid could use a look, but come on - they just buffed 2 of the weakest warframes. Let's AT LEAST be a LITTLE thankful before we start demanding more.)

I'm very happy they did these buffs, don't get me wrong, but this is a pass that should have been done a year ago. I'm maining Ember now, so I'm ecstatic about the Nekros changes. We'll see how it goes, though.
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Not sure that making terrify recastable is a good idea.  It will become spammy. There will be trollers who will just terrify everything and others will have to chase scared mobs.  

 I think terrify should affect ALL enemies within range and shouldnt be recastable. Also range of 20m it totally ok. 


P.S. Please add a holographic demon appear above Necros on Terrify cast. Just to represent something scary.

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I love all of these changes!  Not so much the terrify range decrease, but I don't really care since every thing else sounds great.

During the last dev-stream it was mentioned that they maybe wanted to make Soul Punch castable during reload -

I don't see that being implemented here but man, I'm not complaining.

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Revisiting this topic after having mulled on it a bit, I think I'm just going to throw out my vision of Nekros to add to discussion.  I'm basing my vision off of the codex statement, "Nekros uses his dark powers to manipulate his enemies, both living and dead."


Soul Punch:

-Against living targets, functions as a mild CC as normal.

-Against corpses, adds the soul to Nekros's SotD.  Corpse is consumed as if Desecrated.

-With Augment Soul Survivor, functions as per text.

-Energy reduction to 15 or 10 for frequent reuse (except in case of augment)



-Against living targets, terrifies targets in a small range (5-10m or so at max rank, perhaps).  Targets are inflicted with a mild slow.

-Against corpses, corpses terrify living enemies in a small range around them. (5-10m or so at max rank, perhaps).  Range of corpses from Nekros ~20m at max rank.  Enemies are inflicted with a mild slow.

(Numbers here are guesswork)



-Performs as per normal, but on failure corpse is consumed as if success.  This lets Nekros clear out corpses during annoying infested swarm moa parties to avoid everyone having to dance with the bees.

-Possibly remove mods/resources from extra drop table to emphasize ammo/energy?  Desecrate is my least fleshed out thought and since desecrate is controversial enough, I feel inclined to avoid delving into it too much.  Mods and resource drops don't really give the party anything useful in a fight, though.


Shadows of the Dead:

-Kills by Nekros no longer add to Shadows of the Dead pool; only soul punching corpses adds bodies to Nekros's list of summons.  This allows Nekros to contribute kills to the team without having to worry about his pool getting diluted with garbage.

-Shadow AI follows only three rules, with the lowest rule taking priority.  1) Fire on the nearest visible enemy. 2) Approach the nearest enemy in the room until it can be fired upon. 3) Follow Nekros.

-At the end of Shadows of the Dead, Nekros has the option to soul punch re-dead Shadows to add the Shadows to his pool once more if he pleases.


That more closely approaches the vision of Nekros I would like to see.  It may not fit everyone's wishes and desires, but perhaps it will help with generating thoughts and ideas on where to go to make him more a Necromancer and less a 3 spammer.

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Why conplain about desecrate? Its a good survive tool. Its up to you wether use it spamingly for farming or not sometimes you play a mission for farming,others just to suceed and get LV.

About SOTD would be interesting if they stay with you until they die. Just as the spectres from sindicate. Only mobs killed by you will be added to the pool so it would be more customizable

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These are some really awesome changes. I mean it, it's most of what Nekros needed.  


One issue is that Soul Punch remains to be an uninteresting Ability.  

It's a single target ragdoll with a bit of damage, that launches an additional projectile that does even less damage (which atleast ragdolls, but still). (Note: I'm not saying it should do a ton of damage.)


Here are my proposed Soul Punch changes:
● Increase the projectile damage from 50 to 100.

● Increase the AOE damage from 100 to 300.

● Allow the projectile and AOE damages be affected by Power Strength.

Atleast now they'll be able to scratch enemies.

● Change Soul Punch to be a narrow free-aim shockwave, rather than a single target attack. This will allow it to hit a few nearby enemies at once (or alot, if they're lined up).

Edited by Flackenstien
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Awesome! I only recently finished my Nekros and have really been enjoying playing him, and these changes really fix some of the things that were irking me about trying to get the most out of his skills.


One thing though - on stream they had mentioned being able to move and cast for soul punch. Is this not the case?

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Feedback on Nekros changes incoming in three, two, one...


Nekros has been weighed, measured, and found wanting still.


Terrify- Now a fantastic skill thus far in testing. It allows Nekros breathing room for his non damage oriented kit. Great Change!


Soul punch- feels much better, I did not test if it interrupted reload animations but I will test it later.

edit: still interrupts reloads and is not freely castable regardless of orientation. Additionally it's results upon cast on a tight group of enemies are random, one time you hit the guy in front and they all fly away. The next time the guy in front flies but the rest ignore it and come at you double time.


Shadows of the Dead- the lackluster AI still makes this skill only half good at best Please change their behavior to something akin to the infested with their endless aggression and seeking out of targets actively rather than patrolling. After all these guys are already dead why fear bullets?


Against infested this skill is actually worse than it SHOULD be  due to the fact that infested come in unrelenting waves at a fast pace. I would have thought that would have arguably made the skill better but the double damage granted does nothing due to the numbers advantage that enemies have.


All in all Shadows of the Dead is still a dead skill, and is of no real use other than a distraction. The damage multiplier needs to be amped up considerably in order to get it to a place of usability.


All in all I feel the changes above did nothing to get Nekros out of his Farmer John rut. The only reason he will be included in parties is farming LS in survival. 

Edited by geninrising
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So, having run Nekros a few times today, my results thus far:


Soul Punch, while slightly easier to use on-the-run, is still frustrating to have to target (but then, so are Smite, Venom, EV, MC, etc.); admittedly, I was deceived early on with the ease of casts almost leading me to believe it was totally free-aim, but that was in the middle of a consistent stream of enemies, and still had a hidden cooldown slowing me down between casts. 

The big issue it still has is that its AoE is inconsistent - when activated, there were several scenarios where casting it would result in an enemy to either side of my target being ragdolled with them, but just as many without any incident beyond the first target regardless of how tightly packed a group was, and rarely any dealing damage to foes behind the first target.

There was precisely one scenario (on an Infested defense) where casting Soul Punch caused damage numbers to jump around for about 5 seconds. I'll consider this a freak occurrence, and an extreme outlier to my results.


Terrify feels much better to wield, but I had at least one suspicious scenario where it appeared to wear off about 20 seconds early. Another freak occurrence, I suppose, since I was never able to reproduce it.

The issue remains of enemy speed while affected, however. With melee assist enabled (this may be the main culprit, given Nekros' slightly increased speed), I found myself chasing after a lone Scorpion who was literally running in circles from its effects for nearly 10 seconds whilst swinging away the whole time (before I headed her off and she ran into my sword, of course).


Shadows needs more testing - I've never really had an issue with their tangibility before, which is the main new feature for them. Problem with running public matches is that there's always someone there to steal their kills, so it's hard to measure their output.

I've still noticed the AI being precisely the same, however. Patrolling one area, unable to spot enemies merely 10 feet away. Trying to melee enemies off to the side from the top of the ramp. Trying to hide in the middle of a firefight.


All in all, the changes were mostly just quality of life, while still doing very little to the issues that have actually been plaguing Nekros.

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He feels better, but he still could be more than this!


These changes won't make people ask me to press 3 only...


-Terrify is better,way better imo.

- If we could lead our enemies ourselves(waypoints or something),SotD AI wouldn't be a problem anymore! Furthermore,I watched some AI fights : the undead barely win over the enemies.Barely.

- If Soul Punch had more utility (even adding victims to SotD pool) it'd be a less forgettable first power.


Ash & Broberon got a correct rework. C'mon D.E. , you can do it!

Edited by unknow99
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