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Stealth Feedback & Suggestions Thread


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why not add stealth missions?

after all it's a 'ninja' game


it can be something like murdering someone without getting noticed/alarming the enemy


ofcours levels will need to be modified for this, like less enemies or you won't be able to sneek by them or kill some without it being seen


stealth now is quite hard to do...

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I still think it would be good to add in more functionality so that you don't have to dumb down the AI too much. A new logic minigame available at terminals to cut the power in sections, creating a total black out that would allow you and your squad to move with less noise would be a good idea. Of course, you'd still have to prevent the enemy from turning the power back on, because once it is on, they can raise the alarm again.

Being able to fake electrical failures, sabotage the power grid, luring someone out by creating a minor distraction would all be nice features to add to the game. Perhaps another fun option would be to include a warframe that can cling to walls or ceilings, so you can stay out of sight.


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I cringe when people say switch teleport because the nly reason it is so situational is because it costs too much energy and can't be spammed. It's one of the things that should be spammable.


Switch Teleport only costs 25 energy, I think they reduced the cost a while ago.

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Hi , dear Dev team i have proposition about choosing game host's . Can you add option deciding who can be a host ? . For example all players with poor internet connection causing lags in game when they are host , can choose only to jojn games hosted by someone who host without problem . Lags kill all fun and if we can't restart mnission (for ex. alarm mission started in last seconds or void ) finishing it with lags is very frustrating  . Easy case improving a lot . Sorry for my English

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I just had a thought on stealth.

How about Tenno are dropped as usual in a safe zone.

The map is practically empty, no masses of mobs, no spawnings.

Instead Cameras, sentryguns and areas with dot are everywhere.

To reach the objective Tenno must dusable security, parkour, avoid traps and sentries.

If the Tenno are discovered a team of veteran commandos, like SWAT, are deployed.

They work as a team using military tactics.

Every mission has bosses of sorts that is spawned in a specific zone.

They are harder to kill, and use random weapons and powers.

There are NO alarms, enemy floods, lockouts. This is a Spec Ops Mission. The best Tenno Ops never get seen or noticed.

Killer powers and weapons are not allowed to prevent killing spree.

Reasons: Unstable Core

Fluctuations in Void

Radiation interferring with tech.

Your thoughts?

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OMG!!!! Yes please to a viable stealth system and stealth gameplay mechanic!!!

I am so damn sick of making a detailed warframe concepts based on stealth with a note at the end of a build saying that stealth needs to be made a viable part of this game for this warframe to work.... Sick of it!!!!

We have a few warframes that start to work with a stealth system but dont really have much luck in making stealth a viable playstyle, or at least a serious playstyle.

We have mods that work towards stealth based gameplay, but who is going to waste a slot for a mod like supress or hush when the game's stealth system is horrible? Not me!

Furthermore. The Tenno are ninja... And currently they go in guns blazing. Ninjas work in stealth, so should tenno. Stealth kills and damage to unalerted enemies need a boost to damage!

Even if it takes bonus rewards for stealthing through a mission, specific stealth missions or whatever else DE just do it!!! Please. And just fix the ninjas who cant stealth!

By the way. Here is just an example of one of my frame concepts that would be amazing in a game with a good stealth system!

Ghast: a fem stealth frame, who unlike Loki is more combat focused.

STATS: (at rank 30)

Health: - 220

Power: - 175

Armour: - 50

Shields: - 225

Shield recharge: - 18.5

Sprint speed: 1.25

POWERS: (open for suggestion but...)

1: Flash - A short cast location teleport.

2: Attract - A single target projectile attractor to draw travel time projectiles to the target such as arrows so they dont hit the ground and alert enemies.

3: Numb - Target pain receptors are frozen for a time as not to be alerted by damage.

4: Blend - Take the visage of an enemy allowing you to walk among them for stealth kills or manoeuvring or redirect thier attention.

In reality its really only Ash and Loki that could really be considered ninjas everyone else is like samurais lol

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I just had a thought on stealth.

How about Tenno are dropped as usual in a safe zone.

The map is practically empty, no masses of mobs, no spawnings.

Instead Cameras, sentryguns and areas with dot are everywhere.

To reach the objective Tenno must dusable security, parkour, avoid traps and sentries.

If the Tenno are discovered a team of veteran commandos, like SWAT, are deployed.

They work as a team using military tactics.

Every mission has bosses of sorts that is spawned in a specific zone.

They are harder to kill, and use random weapons and powers.

There are NO alarms, enemy floods, lockouts. This is a Spec Ops Mission. The best Tenno Ops never get seen or noticed.

Killer powers and weapons are not allowed to prevent killing spree.

Reasons: Unstable Core

Fluctuations in Void

Radiation interferring with tech.

Your thoughts?

i would love this if they added it as a new mission type all i would do lol

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I like the Frame. Tho maby to solo oriented.

By the by, have any played as 4a Loki all using stealth aproach?

Havent tried it, but imagine it would be

awesome :)

its what i ran before I got my Ash frame. Loki's invisibility is longer than ash's though just upgrade stealth all the way and get some mods that make powers last longer and wallah of and silent weapons are a must so paris/dread or kunais and the other throwing weapons for side arms its really just takes practice 

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there needs to be a silenced pistle to knock out camras.also i think unaware targets should die from 1 hit melee.the maps imo actualy suport stealthy game play just a lot of the big rooms are a chalange and locked doors do alert them automaticly plz fix (maby set it up where undetected you have to hack the door)

Well,there is a mod for that.Max it out and then you should be undetected by enemies.Although,i would like some more stealth weapons which can encourage players to use them more often so they can enjoy playing stealth.

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I agree with everything. Stealh should be définelty more like one way to play, now its too hard and messed up for a lots of people. And it can be done properly only on solo.

Yeah, they should delete the being stealh fact totally which would be bad, or make these changes. They really really should think more of these, as ps4 release is coming closer and closer. Offensive way / gunblazing is much more rewarding that being stealth.

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How bout a stealth bonus as opposed to more xp? Not much but enough to make it worth your while seeing as how it takes so long?


For example have stealth objectives like not triggering alarms that even a gunblazer can actually accomplish if he takes the time to stealth through just that...


I personally like to do a combanation of stealth and tanking so it would be nice to have that little bit extra if I decide to take the time.

Edited by drixil
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There is a neglected feature of achievements, used to popup at mission start

Like get 20 headshots.

I never got what the point of theese is

But instead, why not open a box, in it are 2-4the possible extra goals or cgallenges.

By clicking Stealth, trigger 0% alarms for Ninja reward bonus.

Or melee only for weapons mod reward.

We can customize missions without breaking anything.

Do the old system still even exist?

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They are called challenges and award you with 500 bonus affinity if you can complete them before the mission ends.

I get that they are small challenges for small reward.

My question is why. I never see them in time, and why not make then more meaningful?

Kind if like a alert within the mission. Stealth goals, you can ignore,

but the level allows you to stealth.

Thats all.

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In all honestly I feel stealth should be better incorporated into the game. Although there are people who love the game the way it is I know adding stealth would also be a benefit. Like there are times where I wish the little amount of stealth we have is very limited and stiff. I know plenty of people who play games for stealth, but decided not to play because of the lack of stealth in this game. Like I said adding it wouldn't hurt, because if you don't feel like being stealthy then don't. I just feel this is a game that wants everyone to have as much fun as they can when playing, so expanding and adding should always be considered to draw in a wider audience. 

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When considering the PS4 crowd is going to be included in the mix, they are used to alot more action and sneak em up. I´d go as far as say many would assume it will be possible to sneak as well as go on a killing spree.


Livestream tomorrow. Very interesting to hear how all that is going, and the new tileset of course. But man I wish they would at least take 5 mins to adress this topic now.

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It is my belief on this matter that to make stealth 'worth it' it has to involve a reward. I did a Grineer mission, stealth killed 14 Grineer without causing a rush or cause any detection, and when i completed the mission, i felt under-rewarded for good stealth play.


Idea to make stealth better? It works already, just give people more incentive to do it.


For examples:


+300% XP if team "Mission completed and was not detected by alarms / caused a infested rush"

+500% XP if team "Mission completed and was not detected nor seen by any enemy target."

(+800% possible max)


When killing everything, lets imagine we finish a mission with 10,000XP

If you had stealthed it, you would probably have less than 1000XP waiting for you at the end...most disappointing.


The above calculations would cause the final XP reward to be more "worth it" especially if you're team takes gambles stealth-killing as many as possible without being seen. It's very hard to do, so the reward should be substantial.


~Snake Wildlife, prime 'Champions Online [TM]' tester and Test server bug-cruncher.

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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Well when i saw "Space Ninja Game" advertise i got 2 things into my mind
1: A Metal Gear Game (Snake eater/2/1) but with the raiden's exoskeleton and specials abilities

2: A mark of the ninja game but with guns.


But the fact is that this game is more like a "gunz the duel" but in the space which isn't good at all, at least not now day.


i would take a bit of Mark of the ninja and/or Metal gear stealth sistem where you get more xp/weapons (based on mon and mg) if u didn't kill any enemy or if u didn't alert any.

then add a speed bonus (if you manage to finish the mission in X time).

As for bosses fight there could be 3 possible ways of improving it(For stealth).

1: (Like MG) Fight with em where you could kill em w/o been seen(Kill em by stamina) or shoot em like there where no tomorrow.

2: Manage to get into "X" place with guards and all, then some how instant kill em (With enviromental help) (Mon like) that could allow you to run out of the mission without being spotted but alerting the nearby enemys.

3: Stop the stealth mode while figthing with the boss and then start it again after finishing the boss fight ( mind me a bad idea, but  it's easier to make).


All through the animation's must be reworked and warframes capacities and add more instant kill ways.


(i will not add anything that's already listed).


*Like a instant kill from high places. (as for wf like rhinno Would add something like making damage(or kill the enemy if too  high) when falling over a enemy).
*Be able to shot/breake more enviromental stuff like turn of light (breake em) make something like when the enemy is near a  window and you breake it the enemy will get suck into the space (and ofcourse instand killing em) (stuff that the ninjas would  do).

* hide the corpses (just to make sure the other guards doesn't see it while it is disappearing).

* So i took my time to play (Mark of the ninja) to show you guys the point i want to highlight about stealth.
(for this video i took my time to erease the parts where you've to get to the point "X" to make the kill just to fit an entire lvl into 7 mins that normaly takes like 15-20mins)

* So at this point the stamina system become into a more important stuff that you have to take care of

* (Mind add more ideas) 



(Like wow you got Loki's wf now you can get a stealthier ways to kill every one but it is a lie because even if u can disarm the enemy,get invisible(to try to kill em) or anything... At low lvl it is almost imposible to complete a mission stealthier (as your sword won't instanly kill em) and what about the decoy? well it attach aggro and will alert the enemy so it's useless for stealth, or ok i got ash, it doesn't matter if you use blade storm the enemy will get alerted and trigger the alarm, if you use smoke screen the enemy even if they didn't saw you will run into the smoke and get alerted, the only skill that mind help you is shuriken but if you miss (which is possible) you'll get the enemy alerted).


Even if the whole stealth system is remade it's gonna be useless as is faster to finish a alert misison by rushing everything the the objectives and extraction point. Even if the system is like posted is faster to enter into a room use ur dual vastos/dispairs and kill every one before they've chance to active the alarm is faster and easyer.


Ninjas with guns never where a good combination and  it's never gonna be, as long i've seem update after update this game is becoming into a 3er person call of duty...

and with the random map system this game have that you can get the objective 2 blocks away and the extraction point 10928309182308172398172391 blocks away or vise versa it's something annoying.

Dont get the wrong idea, i love stealth based games but this one weren't intentioned for stealth and pvp as you can see both sucks and the melee system (God do i even have to mention it?).


even if all of this come to real life there's only 2 wf that would fit into this game play Loki And Ash so adding/ improving a stealth system is a waste of time. Think about it work over a system that would only fit for 2 wf of 15...


and this system would only work in solo play which is very borying.


Sorry if i mistyped anything or used a bad grammar, since english is not my main language...


Edited by Z_Stinger
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Stealth wont be added or worked on untill DE has made more cosmetics and warframes. That is fix UI, arsenal, market, damagesystem, Tileset Droptable, weapon-balancing and rework of warframes and bosses.


Theres just to much for them to fix unfortunately with the PS4 release.



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I've completed missions without setting the enemies to full alert.
Not even killing the boss should cause this, if you've managed to prevent the alarm. No enemy should automatically know anything.

That said, instead of thinking of stealth kills as a reward; why not just give a huge EXP/Credits reward for completing the mission without setting off any alarms?

On average, this SHOULD be higher than the rewards for non-stealth gameplay since it is more challenging, and if someone wants to get a higher reward for non-stealth gameplay, then they should stay in the level and farm enemies for a while.
Stealth gameplay rewards situational management skill for stealth in addition to run-and-gun skill. If you can do the latter, step your game up and do the former too; big rewards await.
The more difficult the mission, and the higher the level of the mobs, the HUGER the stealth completion reward payout.
(Example: Level 100-105 mob Capture mission. Stealth completion reward should be like 150,000 credits)


On the other hand, I don't really agree with the Metal Gear Solid alert system. I actually like that enemies stay on alert once you've been spotted; it's more believable and immersive. That said, I don't think it's appropriate that they all automatically know exactly what my position is. When I'm in my Loki, and I've killed every enemy while invisible, when I go to hide in a corner, I shouldn't be seeing an enemy run RIGHT into my corner aiming at my head, waiting for me to decloak.
That's just stupid. If no one saw me go into a corner, enemies shouldn't just know I'm in there.

Edited by Jathniel
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I've completed missions without setting the enemies to full alert.

Not even killing the boss should cause this, if you've managed to prevent the alarm. No enemy should automatically know anything.

That said, instead of thinking of stealth kills as a reward; why not just give a huge EXP/Credits reward for completing the mission without setting off any alarms?

On average, this SHOULD be higher than the rewards for non-stealth gameplay since it is more challenging, and if someone wants to get a higher reward for non-stealth gameplay, then they should stay in the level and farm enemies for a while.

Stealth gameplay rewards situational management skill for stealth in addition to run-and-gun skill. If you can do the latter, step your game up and do the former too; big rewards await.

The more difficult the mission, and the higher the level of the mobs, the HUGER the stealth completion reward payout.

(Example: Level 100-105 mob Capture mission. Stealth completion reward should be like 150,000 credits)


On the other hand, I don't really agree with the Metal Gear Solid alert system. I actually like that enemies stay on alert once you've been spotted; it's more believable and immersive. That said, I don't think it's appropriate that they all automatically know exactly what my position is. When I'm in my Loki, and I've killed every enemy while invisible, when I go to hide in a corner, I shouldn't be seeing an enemy run RIGHT into my corner aiming at my head, waiting for me to decloak.

That's just stupid. If no one saw me go into a corner, enemies shouldn't just know I'm in there.


In the last livestream they stated they are planning on adding a reward for stealth players.

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