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January 30Th: Community Hot Topics!


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What I'd like to see in raids is combat that's more integrated with other aspects of the game such as parkour. For instance, as it stands we are either gunning, running or sliding around with the occasional wallrun when it happens to actually be faster. Instead of doing that I'd like to see raids where you need to put your parkour skills to the test all the while maintaining your ability to kill whatever is tossed in your way. Like being chased by something that wants to eat you in an area with little to no floors, while the objective is to kill that something.


However, the enemies shouldn't be like what they are at higher levels (basically instagib all the time), but instead have a high pool of either armor or hp with a mediocre  or a stable rate of damage to help with coordinating heals. Currently enemies either deal too little damage to benefit from heals or they deal too much damage to react with heals


And when it comes to ability powers, they shouldn't be a key factor but they shouldn't be worthless, either.


For bosses, I don't think the "mainstream" telegraphing should be used. For instance, if a boss is to strike with an aoe attack, there shouldn't be an indicator on the ground where the attack is going to land. Instead the players should be able to see where the strikes are going to land with some practice (such as missiles being fired from somewhere or a projectile vomit coming from the enemy) . Instagibs are alright as long as there are ways to see the attack coming and ways to dodge it or block it via the use of abilities.


Personally I wouldn't like more power creep as a reward. Sure, special rewards sound nice but they shouldn't be things that do nothing but add to your damage. Instead there could be a "raid progression" where you can get special augments for your warframe that change its behaviour and allowing you to complete parts of a raid that you haven't been able to earlier. Dash abilities, Double/multi jumps, jet packs, crawling on walls (thus enabling changing the direction of wallrun) just to name a few ideas off the top of my head. I guess you could name them "perks" or something.


EDIT: Whoops, I feel like I managed to possibly cross over to focus system a bit. Perhaps. Who knows.


Tactical Mission

This tactical mission was the first one for me and while it did strike as something out of the ordinary, in the end it boiled down to abusing your warframes' powers to the best of your ability. The end result wouldn't have changed much even if the weapon of choice had changed from thrown melee to completely unarmed.

Edited by Drauce
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I liked that you restricted our Arsenal to thrown melees instead of a conclave restriction. However, using Nullifiers as the prominent enemy was stupid, since thrown melees are not effective against them. I think glaive & co should pass through Nullifier shields, and the Alert could've showcased this change to players who don't read patchnotes.

I had exactly the same thought.


But i dont get why people dont want raid bosses to be hard and require 'Top Tier' gear to defeat.Oh they also dont want restrictions.

I want a hard boss that makes me thing along with my GEARED friends.

I dont want mastery rank 2's leeching for raid rewards.

MR2 would be excluded if Raids required a minimum of MR6, for example. And I guess the reason why people don't want raid bosses to be another gear check is, because that's what the entire rest of Warframe is about at the moment. Instead, I'd love to see bosses that require skill (parkour, smart combination of abilities, actual TEAMWORK) to beat.

About time-locks: I think Raids should be a daily thing (or maybe you can just get one raid reward per day - whatever works better), so people don't run them over and over the first few days and complain that they've already gotten boring after less than a week.


On enemies better telegraphing their attacks: Enemies that can potentially one-hit a warframe at normal levels (up to 40/50, I'm not talking about 1h+ T4 Survival) should telegraph their attacks so we have a little time to get away. Snipers could have a laser mounted to their rifle (Payday 2, anyone?) and should show sniper-specific tactics instead of hiding in the crowd. See my posting here for more.

Edited by Bibliothekar
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The two questions that ask specifically PC or Console players a question should have a "I do not play PC/Console" vote option. The lack of this can potentially skew the answer results, assuming people who don't play one or the other will choose "No opinion". It would show more like a lot of people may vote in the direction of not having an opinion, when in reality the question just doesn't apply to them.


In addition to supporting 8 players, what else do you expect/want from Warframe raids? (can select more than one)
"Timed lockouts (weekly, for example)." No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. Nothing kills my desire to run content more than a lockout. I recently more or less quit another game I stuck with for two years after the addition of more and more timed lockouts on endgame dungeons. I don't want to wind up having to plan a schedule around a video game in order to effectively participate in the next big thing. Timed lock outs are the worst, please don't do this, let us run the content whenever we want. If you don't want people to be able to spam it, make keys that take a little more work to acquire to access it but don't place an arbitrary time gate on content.
What do you expect from a Warframe raid boss? (can select more than one)
"Requires team coordination to defeat." Yes, very much yes. This would be great fun.
 "Requires top-tier gear to defeat." Yes and no. I don't think it should be so easy that people should be able to walk in with Rank 0 and come out on top with no problem, but I also don't think it should be so difficult that people need to have all the best mods completely maxxed in order to succeed.  
Should some void rewards be moved to different mission types outside the void?
The only things I would not want to see moved out of the void are Prime parts and blueprints. 
 "Requires raid-specific gear to defeat." No no no. Let us defeat it with whatever gear we deem appropriate, based on our skill and playstyle. Don't lock it into a numbers game with raid-specific gear being the main key to actually winning.
 "Requires mastering special mechanics to defeat." I think this would be great fun.
 "Boss must be defeated within a certain time limit." Nope. This is a cheesy tactic that games often use to replace actual challenges. It just boils a fight down to a numbers game, and number games are less fun.
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Raid Expectations
In case you missed the news, Devstream 45 revealed important details on some upcoming 8-player content (aka: raids). The source threads for this hot topic delve into a few player ideas and expectations. Niryco’s thread does a great job compiling many variables to consider. If you could narrow down the quintessential aspects of a raid to 1 or 2 things, what would they be? What truly makes a raid, in your opinion? I’ve included a simplified poll to get some basic opinions on this topic. 
RFaul has a popular thread on void rewards and wonders why the wealth isn’t spread throughout more mission types. Do you think rewards should be diffused? If yes, where would you like to see certain rewards go? If no, why not? Answer in the poll to give your opinion and post your comments below!
Two of the source threads for this topic request new bows, while the third discusses the power of bows compared to sniper rifles. How do you think bows compare to other weapon types? Do you use bows often? How do bows compare to sniper rifles (which, arguable, share a similar niche)?  What changes, if any, would make you want to use bows more? Is there a specific style of bow you’d like to see (a corpus bow, perhaps)? 



What do you expect from a Warframe raid boss? (can select more than one)

 -Other options

 -Requires top-tier gear to defeat


Here's the thing, there aren't clear tiers in Warframe at this current stage, there is no mastery rank lock either. Some prime are worse than market weps., some syndicate weps. are better than other syndicate weps.. The list goes on for a long while.


All I could translate that into is 'OP gear' (dmg output), such as the 10 most used weapons that outperform anything else regardless of 'tier/ way of obtaining', 'rank', 'materials', etc. This includes soma, soma prime, boltor prime, synoid gammacor, dual ichors, tipedo, and limited others.



Void Rewards

Drop tables are a mess not because they are full. It's because AABC, rigged drop chances, and fillers (cores, cells, forma). Removing prime drops from the void will put the problem elsewhere while removing the little lore it had.




Currently the main 5 are almost balanced. Three 'tiers' of Puncture (Mk1, Regular, Prime), one 'high tier' slash and one 'med tier' impact. Additions are nice but is there place for more without breaking this balance? We also have a 'high tier' crossbow/ repeater, and the 'low tier' ballisticas.

From the threads posted, main complaints go to Snipers and not bows. They are in the same category [Primary], and have considerable lower damage output/ reduced utility.



Edit: Cernos is med tier as Paris. Paris prime and Dread are twins divided on puncture/ slash, so  an impact high 'tier' is missing. It shouldn't outperform paris p./ dread on stats, but likely higher slash/ firerate to compensate being the worst stat and shields won't proc crits.

Edited by Psychen
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honestly i think that tactical alert  overtake was a good idea but the design was kinda dumb and flawed for a series of reasons


-the mission was completable only with certain frame setups(namely zephyr/frost/nyx+mag) /abuse of restores


-thrown melee doesn't pierce nullifier bubble (it really should, nullifiers are powerful enough we dont need them necessairly to be immune to every single thing ingame) hence nullifiers become near impossible to kill due to thrown weapons being not very strong in close quarters and having too low firerate to pop bubbles


-too many mobs spread out far from each other, unfeasible to even think of killing them all with thrown attacks



Currently the main 5 are balanced. Three 'tiers' of Puncture (Mk1, Regular, Prime), one 'high tier' slash and one 'high tier' impact. Additions are nice but is there place for more without breaking this balance? 

we could have base elemental bows maybe? a bow that fires flaming arrows/shards of ice could be pretty intresting imo

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Don't lock 8 players raids behind grindwall / key crafting / mastery rank.


Let everyone test it and share their opinion.


I hope these missions will require real cooperation, not just "let's all shoot at once in the same spot" thing.


As for the difficulty of tactical alerts... We adapt very quickly. As soon as there's a good strategy available, most players will use it to get the reward and maybe, just maybe, return to the mission for the challenge.


Filling overall decent task with most hated, badly designed and glitched enemies was not a good test of our patience  -___- Nobody got time to deal with Nullifiers fair and square, Frost bubble ride all the way...

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PC players, in your opinion, the Overtake Tactical Alert was…


Other: The alert itself with it's combination of high spawns semi high level enemies and nullifiers was challenging. The combination of Nullifers with Ice shields (multiples spawned thereof and overlapping) was like running face first into a spike covered wall. Painful and It didn't feel challenging so much as cheap.


Either this combination of eximus power and base unit should not be permissible or it should be extremely rare since it is such a powerful combination. We cannot get in close because of all of the other enemies hiding inside the bubble and the removal of our powers. We cannot deal with them quickly from range due to the snowglobe protecting the bubble nor can we pick off the other lesser enemies hiding inside before first destroying the snowglobe. It renders us pretty useless and all we can do is hammer at the globe from as far away as possible either hiding behind cover or powers like frots' snowglobe/volt's shield/mesa's shatter shield and hope the globe and bubble go down before we are overwhelmed.

This was especially frustrating for the alert since melee when thrown does not go through the globes -_- and it is so much slower than weapons we usually assign to deal with nullifiers.

Exactly how I felt about Overtake as well. Not exactly hard... but not easy either, but also not fun at all.

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Telegraphed Attacks

 Most enemies have telegraphed attasks. some of them are too quick (heavy gunner knowdown), some other to slow (melee units like butchers).
But the main problem with telegraphs is not whether or not the enemy will perform it in a obvious way, the issue i find the most is to spot that particular enemy among the hordes of mobs that usaly surround them. This is most notciable with the infested. Perhaps marking this particulary dangerous units would result better than just more telegraphs. theres is no point in telling the player "im gonna wreck you" if the unit that is about to is not visible to the player.

 Special units should have some kind of aura that would tell them appart from the rest, like the eximi, but better. Even the eximi are kind of hard  to spot at times. Perhaps something similar to what we have for seeing our teammates? im not asking for whalhack, no. but something that would make them stand out from the crowd, even if its only on the minimap. perhaps a beacom similar to the ones on rare mods? although, that would kind of destroy immersion. i think the best aproach would a mixture of both. work on better telegraphs AND make dangerous units stand out a bit more.

Void Rewards

The problem with void rewards, for me at least as a veteran player, is not just dilution... its repetition. repeating the same game mode over and over and over again in search for 1 "one" particular part is very frustruating. I love every single game mode, i just dont love the fact that i have to repeat it all day to get 1 part i need. a new player wont suffer this in the same way, since new players have to farm for many other parts that would drop from a mission. be it forma, orokin cells, fusion cores, or even repeated prime parts to trade for ducats, they need all of it. a vet player on the other hand has 200 orokin cells, 1000 cores (this is a particular case since you always need those in great numbers), enough prime parts to trade for every single ducat he-she would ever need and so on. Its not dilution what bothers me, its repetition.
 Give the players the chance to select what mission type the want to grind for to get an item. Give items a rarity status to decide the level of the mission, but not the mission type. A limit of times a particular mode could be farmed for any given item should be limited, we dont want ppl playing whatever they find easier all day. But there you have it. the player has 1 chance of a drop per every mission mode (between the mission level decided by the item´s rarity). once you have reached the max, you are left with the old grindy formula, until server reset. This way, at least i dont have to be forced to grind tx exterminate for a bo prime handle. instead, we add that particular drop to the selected mode drop table. yes i know, its complicated. but if done right, it could be so relieving. Lets say i need syndicate standing, and also a bo prime handle. well instead of repeating the same tX exterminate several times, i could play a tX defense instead, and have the drop chance at wave 20 for example.
anyway, the method is not my point here, but to remark that repetition, to me, is a bigger issue than dilution.

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The Overtake Tac alert was.... annoying.


There wasnt much in terms of challenge, but it was like a cheap tatic, we had to resort to using only a Throwing melee, which WASNT the problem, the problem was the fact that it was full of Nullifiers, those enemies rendered our powers mostly obsolete and we had to go into melee range to kill them! The fact that we had throwing melee didnt matter, it hit the Shield and bounced off or did nothing to the enemy within when we had Power Throw and were able to hit the Nullifier, it did zero damage.


Nullifiers can stop most attacks that are not of a rapid fire weapon, even then it's a slow process, Bows, Snipers, are useless against it, are you sure you put the bubble to have HP? It still looks like Number of shots to me.


Nullifiers also have a Lanka, they do a lot of damage to those that get hit by it (I was hit when I was doing the slide flip, using a Loki with Rush, again ARE you SURE you adjusted the aim of enemies to get worse the faster we move? The Ballista is the same thing.)


I believe most players would like if this was an Alert with only melee enemies OR the Nullifiers were a melee unit.

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Overtake in general is a bad design. Given how Nullifiers practically wants you to get close so they can lick your anus within their bubble, playing Solo for that mission just meant suiciding since you have to get away from the Rover and leaving it more vulnerable than before to get rid of a Nullifier that's eating off the Rover. On top of that, relying on Thrown Melee weapons practically dictates the use of Halikar 100% of the time to even be remotely useful outside of basic E attacks. Even when playing with teammates, the only real viable way of playing the mission was to actually get a group of AoE spammers as well as a Limbo to ensure Rover survivability. Overall, I would want to can the entire mission into the bin and not bother about it if it weren't about the Astral Twilight mod.

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Raid Expectations

Will 8-player raids be limited to a single type? Or will there be multiple?

I selected every option for these questions, but that doesn't necessarily mean I want to see all these things in one mission. Can we have a raid with puzzles, multiple boss fights and raid-exclusive rewards? And another type on timed lockouts with special boss mechanics? And any other combination you can think of? Maybe a raid type you can only do with raid specific gear, which you have to have obtained from other raid types? Etc etc. Maybe certain elements could be a surprise? Sometimes there's a time-limit on the boss, sometimes there isn't. Sometimes the boss requires special mechanics to defeat, sometimes it's one that requires team coordination. Etc etc. I think overall I'd be happy with whatever you come out with, but I'm trying to think of ways that might make them not feel overly repetitive, like many other mission types in the game. 


Telegraphed Attacks

Some enemies in the game already use "wind-up" attacks that seem like telegraphing to me - that grineer unit that steals your weapon for example, or the grineer guy using the fist weapons, heavy infested units, etc. I definitely don't think every unit needs to telegraph, but perhaps some indication from units that can kill you with one hit would be nice. Perhaps a laser pointer on nullifiers (ie. if the unit isn't being altered). Or, maybe another approach like some sort of "spidey sense" on warframes that alerts of impending doom (eg. rockets from bombards).

I don't know - this isn't a big issue imo.



While I commented on the originating thread of this topic that I agree, I don't think that void rewards need to be spread out across non-void mission types. There seems to be some reason that you can only get prime weapons in the void, and I think it should remain that way. However, there doesn't really seem to be enough valuable items that you can obtain outside of the void, and therefore, more should be added. It would be nice to have a reason to go back to certain planets and hunt for something that I can sell for platinum - what seems to determine value in this case. While certain rare mods seem to fall into this category already, they're tied to enemies for one, not missions, and two, they don't have the universal appeal that weapons/gear do. Everyone wants weapons, either to use or simply to gain mastery from, but, for example, not everyone necessarily uses the Bo, and therefore don't care about related stance mods.

Another issue connected to this is rep/xp. While people have found places on the map to "farm" for these, generally running a difficult void mission gives you a decent amount of rep/xp. While you could run a difficult mission on the map to gain the same, why would you when you can also gain valuable rewards from the void? You might as well just do void missions.

There's also some things on the opposing side of this that need to be considered as well. Regular missions are still necessary to some extent just for resources. You can't get all resources just by doing void missions. But, let's say prime weapons (not warframes) are all you really care about - guess what, you don't need any resources to make those! Hm, so less of a reason to go back to the normal map. Second, sometimes you need to do none-void missions to get keys for void missions. BUT, you CAN get void keys from void missions - I think that should be removed. Remove getting keys from the void, and suddenly the map missions become more valuable again, and the void reward table is less diluted with the "unwanted" stuff.

So, what I'd like to see is just some sort of valuable hard-to-get items added to the map, and hell maybe even put them behind some sort of ridiculous rng wall - mercury def, wave 60 only, 5% chance to get dropped lol. Okay, well, I don't want to rage, but you understand my suggestion. And, make it something that I feel I need - a weapon fits the bill, but cosmetics seem to be appealing to some degree as well - or maybe have it be something new that ties into some sort of other new mechanic - *cough*cough* FOCUS SYSTEM. And, maybe, remove void keys from the void drop table.


Overtake Tactical Alert

While I'm sure there's value in asking us whether we felt the mission was too hard/easy/perfect, it's probably more valuable for you guys, DE, to look at your data on the event and decide whether or not it was as difficult as you had intended it to be. It was fun times though and I liked the variation from a conclave restriction. Only thing that I felt was missing was some sort of rationale to the necessity for the mission to be played as such. I want to feel truly immersed in this universe, and with that I want to know why I had to go into this mission with only a thrown melee. Maybe we needed to be covert but still be able to hit enemies at a distance? Maybe this type of weapon is most effective against a certain enemy type, and there happened to be a training facility for those enemy types at this location, thereby resulting in an overabundace of them - just some sort of rationale, and not simply some sort of restriction for the sake of there being a restriction.

Console excitement - well, I guess I'll just take this opportunity to say that my buddy finally got a PS4, and man was I excited to introduce him to Warframe. Now I had a reason to migrate my account.... and... of course I can't. I really hope you guys amend your agreement or whatever with Sony/Microsoft to allow future opportunities to migrate accounts - make it a once a year for a week kind of thing or something. Also, I was kind of disappointed to learn that I couldn't use the exact same controller settings I have on PC with PS4 - it just wasnt possible. I think the controller layout/mechanics/feel is a huge part of getting players to play this game on console, and with how it is now, I don't think it's very attractive. I'll add a suggestion to the forums on controller layout at some point I'm sure.



Well, I don't really use bows that often - but one thing I noticed when my buddy first tried the game on PS4, was that it was the first thing he chose because it's not a weapon you see often in other games, or see done well. His humble opinion was that Warframe got bows right. So, maybe they do need to be made more attractive and highlighted somehow. I just find that, the speed I can get a shot off, coupled with the amount of enemies I can affect with a shot, with respect to the mods I'd need, doesn't make them nearly as useful as many other gun options. That being said, I don't know if they're better or worse or even need work at all - they are afterall a particular type of weapon.

More bows? Cernos Prime? Sounds like fun.


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About bows, I feel I should say its not that bows are over powered. Theyre fine as they are now, but rather snipers are weaker than bows. (and many other weapons actually)

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On Raids:


I think the thing that would make raids interesting (for me and most of the clan mates I've spoken to) would be specialization. In this case, specialization refers to different people having different required roles to fill to accomplish the team goal.


Let's face it, all of the boss fights we have now are DPS races. Yes, there may be someone using an ability to slow a boss' mooks, etc etc, but ultimately everyone is trying to deal damage to the boss with their super soakers. 


How about we try something different? We have up to 8 people in the match at a time, one or two could be forced to defend an area over a tile away to keep the "boss" vulnerable. The boss could require simultaneous attack on multiple fronts by two-man teams. There's a ton of possibility there. I'm thinking of the path of efficiency that has been brought to the fore of players by archwing Interception missions. In those missions, it is literally impossible to stay in one place and defend a node other than the one you're on because of distance. Its also much harder if the entire team moves as one from node to node, b/c that's not how the enemy attacks (on higher level planets, at least). Let's take that idea and expand on it.

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Raids... Ugh... Man, I'm so NOT looking forward to those. I got dead tired of WoW and quit it, because for me to experience its content REQUIRED efforts from OTHER PLAYERS. That's obviously a group play oriented thing, and as a solo pug player I am absolutely not excited about the best "rad" rewards being locked behind group play requirements.


Hard hitting enemies should telegraph their attacks, but that won't fix the nullifiers. Those are still as bad as one-shotting insta-triple-hit tar moas, which got more deadly since their damage was changed to corrosive, as now we can't even equip a resistance mod to counter them.


Also, spreading rewards won't fix the main problem with totally random rewards, which is, you guessed it, randomness. At this point I already think that even syndicate rep grind is better. I have 1000+ hours in this game, and I would have quit long ago if there was no prime parts/mod trade, because I don't like spending more hours acquiring stuff than actually playing with it.


Overtake was horrible, boring, and how most people came to think that sitting on top of a trailer that rolls through a throng of nullifiers was better than previous alerts is a mystery to me. Seriously, if you can't even punch through their shields with the only weapon you have equipped, and all you can do is just go with the truck while spamming defensive abilities and ignoring enemies, then what was the point of allowing weapons at all? As it stands, worst tactical so far.


Bows are unique, their mechanic is good, and as long as their damage stays on par with other top weapons, they have a very good place in Warframe. Technically, I wouldn't mind several more bows with niche strengths being released, but looking at the current state of the arsenal, I somehow think that the new releases will either obsolete existing (and heavily formaed) bows, or just be mastery trash right off the bat.


Seriously DE, we have enough mastery trash weapons for any player to climb from rank zero to any rank they'd need to get actually viable weapons (all 2.5 of them). We don't need any more.

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I forgot to add it to my vote, but I'm happy the 8 player raid is aimed for high level players. Its nice to see we aren't forgotten. 


Overtake was a *@##$ to solo but with the right group was very easy to cheese. almost funny especially watching a frost cast a bucketload of snowglobes. Have fun consoles.


I'm also surprised to see discussion about Bows. I think they sit in a very nice place. sure the Paris and Cernos aren't great but that's fine they're also accessible to low level players. Sniper rifles I feel don't sit in a nice place, Primed Chamber doesn't help. and I feel as through they're too slow for the game. Wrframe enjoys a lot of medium/close combat and sniper rifles feel awkward. but then again I feel as though I need to give them another shot and see what they're like.


Also on a side note what the name of dooglywoogly do nullifiers have to telegraph? They always activate their dumb shields before you have sight of them. I also don't know how one telegraphs shooting a lanka, do they tell the player they're about to shoot someone? alas the mess that is nullifers should be discussed elsewhere.

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I also don't know how one telegraphs shooting a lanka, do they tell the player they're about to shoot someone? alas the mess that is nullifers should be discussed elsewhere.


A conspicuous laser pointer is a good telegraph for sniper enemies, but yes, nullifiers are a mess on their own, with absence of telegraphing being the least of their problems.

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Overtake was, overall, a challenging mission.


But my main problem is the weapon restrictions. Again, while it does add to the challenge, I find it really dumb that you're facing squads of Nullifiers who can one-shot you from a distance while you're armed with nothing more than just a melee weapon. And no stealth was even required, especially once you start defending the vehicle. I mean, think about it when you put it into a story perspective:


Lotus: There are reports that that the Corpus have a vehicle containing vital information, and I need you to transport it. It'll be heavily defended by Corpus mechs and Nullifiers. Thus, I highly suggest that you use a throwing melee weapon ONLY for this mission. No guns, no Sentinels and no Kubrows.


Tenno: Why? Why just throwing weapons? That's like asking us to go up against Vor and Alad V armed with only a stick!


Lotus: Just do it, Tenno. Don't question my logic.

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The tacticool alert was "Just right" because it was a good challenge (till you found the best team composition or tactics!) and it wasnt an unnecesary grind. We didnt have to run like 15 missions for a really good reward. I dont mind doing multiple missions to achieve something, but please dont ever bring back the Operation Gate Crash mechanic, please.

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Seems that they will end having the same future as rescue 2.0

Not big of change nor be an actual improvement, although the tiles do seem interesting.

No real stealth mechanics for neither of these missions yet.

Rewarding xp sounds very tasteless, give us codex entries, and also had other missions with codex entries, scanning was never fun or good, and the codex never was what you guys promised.







Seems a very good idea to implement to those few enemies that can one-shot you to death, such as:










Void rewards being in other places


I believe you are deceiving everyone, and everyone is delusional about this being good, the topic may have started to spread the places ppl play on, but the poll indicates everyone wants these to be moved, because they believe it will make things easier and simpler to acquire.

But between me and you DE, we know that's not gonna happen, and it might just make things even worse and harder to acquire, since there is no reason at all, to believe we gonna get prime parts without a new type of keys, that will include even more key-grinding just to enter these missions.

And for the void, these will also mean more unwanted items constantly being drop; resources, credit bundles, cores and other items that will make us feel like it isn't rewarding.


Can not go on without saying this too:

Why are low tier void missions rewarding the same value in prizes as high tier void missions?

It make sense that higher tier should reward more prizes per difficulty.

Cause getting Z frame prime helmet in T1 shouldn't be equal to getting Y frame prime helmet in T4, what justifies these prizes to have equal value, but forces the player to go trough higher difficulty?







Bows are cool, which reminds me, the stalker pack used to be a complete set of very high quality weapons, weapons I did spent plat on, and now they are a shadow of what they used to be.

Dread is still awesome.

Despair is now very blend, compared to so many new secondaries that simply are superior nowadays.

Hate just like many other scythe melee, wasn't included in the heavy melee buff pack, and even the heavy melee buff was so timid it made no difference, hence all heavy melee in this game still don't have any value or worth since the melee 2.0 update.






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