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January 30Th: Community Hot Topics!


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"Yes, spread out the rewards to make other mission types more appealing."


now i voted on this one, but only because it gave an inkling that drop rates would increase once their are less things in the table. if that is not the case, then you are lying to our faces with that question.

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I don't expect too much out of the raids.  For bosses, we'll probably see bigger, more complex versions of Lech Kril and Mutalist Alad--wait for them to do a thing, fill them with bullets, repeat.  And if they just double the enemy count, Saryn/Excalibur will still ruin everything by hitting 4 a bunch.


Overtake was kinda cool, in that it was a simple puzzle more than a shootfest, but it didn't communicate that very well.


Telegraphing powerful attacks is a good idea, but things die so quickly I'm not sure it'd matter.


The hope with spreading out the rewards is that it becomes easier to get into games in more nodes, and players actually get to see the maps of the various planets.  So spread the good stuff around, and not just in the endless nodes.


I thought bows were this game's sniper rifles.  Or is it that guns that aren't high rate of fire or aoe are bad in a game with swarms of enemies, and the Dread and Paris Prime are the best of that category?  Who knows.

But make more interesting bows, sure.

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I didn't play Overtake because the Stratos Emblem was the first reward instead of the second. That's not how Tactical Alerts are supposed to work - the Emblem is for the silly geese who want to run it more times than necessary for a reward of zero merit.

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I can't really compare bows to 'other weapon types' Since 'other weapon types' are all over the place. 



As for telegraphed attacks...  Weak thread, Weak thread. Try this one instead. It engages a fair bit in telegraphing attacks. 



Edited by Innocent_Flower
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Raid Expectations
In case you missed the news, Devstream 45 revealed important details on some upcoming 8-player content (aka: raids). The source threads for this hot topic delve into a few player ideas and expectations. Niryco’s thread does a great job compiling many variables to consider. If you could narrow down the quintessential aspects of a raid to 1 or 2 things, what would they be? What truly makes a raid, in your opinion? I’ve included a simplified poll to get some basic opinions on this topic. 



You guys had those elemental puzzles in DS, bring those back. That will mean that people will need to actually pick several elements for their loadouts. 


I voted for level restriction because you guys dont seem to want to add a difficulty setting so this will probably be the only way any players that wants a challenge is going to get it.



Telegraphed Attacks
For those who are unaware, a “telegraph” is a cue from an enemy that lets players know an attack is coming. HibikiGanaha’s source thread simply states that “[Nullifers] are completely broken without one.” Do you think Nullifiers should telegraph their attacks? Warframe enemies typically do not telegraph attacks, so do you think telegraphs are a good idea? This topic is also important for bosses (and potentially raids). Do you think boss attacks should be telegraphed?
What? Typically all enemies that have a special attack telegraph them. Stomp MOAs, Scorpions when hooking, the Shield Grineer when they charge, the MOsprey has sound AND animation, the Ancients for everything but their normal attacks. 
I skimmed the thread and the OP didnt specify but people were mostly talking about the sniper shot. Which makes sense because throwing up a shield doesnt need to be telegraphed for any reason since it's a defensive move.
Sniper shot.... they were annoying during the tact alert because of their level and range. So this is pretty much the standard, "At X level stuff kills me quickly. " Which, again, is a discussion about difficulty which you guys dont really want to do.
So just lower their dmg, you know, the stuff you usually do when people complain about not being able to walk by 40 minutes of Survival.
Void Rewards
RFaul has a popular thread on void rewards and wonders why the wealth isn’t spread throughout more mission types. Do you think rewards should be diffused? If yes, where would you like to see certain rewards go? If no, why not? Answer in the poll to give your opinion and post your comments below!
Leave Void Rewards in the void.
If you just leave Forma and BPs on the void it's going to be empty.
The only time people are going to be there are for the Void Trader.
And i mean regular people and not farmers doing that stuff for the items to sell for plat.
Overtake Tactical Alert
It was fine.
The only problem was when there were a bit too many enemies and you didnt have energy left.
So this was left up to the game and it's spawning.
Im glad that you folks took my advice for tact alerts, making them into actual tact alerts instead of just, " let me take off some stuff that's not needed."
Bows fine.
Why do we need more?
All they do is the same stuff.
If you can think of new types, and types i dont mean that they now do some different type of dmg, then why not?
Maybe have one that can "double charge." After the first charge is done you can continue for another that lets the bow shoot two arrows. You know, something like that.
Edited by Mak_Gohae
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Overtake Tactical Alert

The Overtake Tactical Alert has been the source of many hot topics, most of which said the challenge is great! 


PC players, what is your opinion of the Overtake tactical alert? Was it too hard, too easy, or just right? How did it compare to previous Tactical Alerts? Same, better, or worse?


it was a gear check, i played with my MR18 account, did it in the first try.


played with my brother's account (MR5) with a valkyr in it, was nearly impossible.


too easy if you had the required frames to do it,

too hard if you had or wanted to use another frame (to maybe have fun, idk).


i think is prolly the most unbalanced tac alert ever, and that is something.

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Ah, raids.  Here we go.  I've been hoping for an excuse to sink my teeth into this for a while.


First of all, there are two points on the poll that I find outright disturbing.  The first is raid-exclusive gear.  Read our thread on Dark Sectors for a detailed explanation, but suffice it to say that if top-shelf gear is unique to raids then not only does that lock out everyone unable or unwilling to get in large groups but it also forces the next raid to have higher difficulty and better drops than the one before it.  The second is explicit gear-check bosses - a huge element of progression in Warframe is done through mods, not through gear in the traditional sense (though of course certain gear scales better with the same mods).  Conclave rating is pitiful even as atrocious gearscore mechanics go, so that's no good as a gating mechanism, and we need only look at the tactical alerts to show us how infatuated we get with metagame gear and builds and team loadouts whenever there's a new challenge (and at nullifiers to show us how much we hate breaking out of the old metas).



Okay, rant over.  What would I actually like to see?  Well, Warframe isn't a traditional not-quite-turn-based MMO like WoW and its many bastard offspring.  Not in the slightest.  There's a pretty much unprecedented opportunity to use movement and distributed mechanics that traditional raids simply aren't fluid enough to manage.  Weak spots and defenses controlled by hard-to-reach switches, vulnerable spots that have to be outflanked and attacked in sequence, outrunning-the-fireball sequences where you're also firing back over your shoulder at the fireball, all sorts of fantastic and high-energy fights that have nothing to do with the boss itself and instead everything to do with the setting.



A request on boss difficulty: there's a sweet spot on enemy forgiveness that I think these ought to aim for.  Difficult enough to hand you your heads if you aren't on top of things, yet survivable enough to spend some time experimenting without immediately dooming the entire raid.  Not sure if I've got a good example here, honestly, so it's more of a theoretical thing, but I think the poll about telegraphed attacks is pretty valuable here.  If there's a chance to survive long enough to learn the tells and figure out what the goal is, that's really all that's needed.  Being told how to win the fight can just come across as insulting, especially if the fail condition came so quickly that there was no real chance to experiment on our own or if the time to try again was annoyingly long (my problem with the last tac-alert, where a single laggy patch or bad spawn could doom the rover to die on the damn pad...).


Actually, I think there's a good example right here in this game, no need to go browsing other sources for once.  General Ruk's weak points are obvious but fairly well-concealed, and his attacks are punishing but won't kill you in one hit unless you're messing around with an underleveled and unmodded frame.  He wouldn't make a good raid boss, but  lot of the core ideas are applicable anyway - timed vulnerability, powerful but avoidable attacks, area denial, mandatory flanking and/or high mobility, and mooks and environmental factors to keep you off balance too.



That kind of brings me to the "telegraphed attacks" question.  There's a lot of good telegraphing in the game already, honestly.  Fusion MOAs have their lurch before popping the emergency drone, Tar MOAs theoretically do a little dance before firing, though it's hard to see, Railgun MOAs brace for each shot (seeing a pattern here?), Grineer heavies have their distinctive ground-pound, and so on.  Attacks we describe as unfair are ones that are functionally unavoidable even if we're paying attention or else ones that actively lie to us.  So, things like slash and blast procs, invisible grenades from offscreen, perfect homing Bombard missiles, and sniper burst damage for the first category, and AoE through walls and AoE double the visible radius or more (looking at you, Napalms!) for the second.  Adding more telegraphing isn't necessarily mandatory if it doesn't actually increase the amount of player agency in mitigating these circumstances (no use to a sniper laser sight if it's still got perfect accuracy and instakill damage while fired over the shoulder at a sprint).



Back to raids briefly, please please please don't get caught up in your boss design so much that you neglect the elements that have made Warframe so fun.  Hordes of enemies of varying levels of competence, and magic space ninjas.  If the swarm can keep the pressure up enough, why not make the "boss" a big power core or shield generator or something that needs to be opened up piece by piece?  Or a rover in a different part of the map that needs to be shunted along the right rails by a team running through corridors above it?  Things like that, that keep the dynamism and action in between big setpiece battles.  Heck, even simply having punishing and durable enemies in small groups to supplement the swarm could work nicely to punctuate the action, or enemies with not-quite-boss-tier abilities of their own - enough to make you consider those to be legitimate encounters and not just "the trash you work through to get access to the real content."

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Well... here goes.


Raid Mechanics:

Special boss fights and puzzles are a given. I want to see scenarios that take advantage of the increased number of players, rather than scenarios that throw out beefed up stats of the same damn thing with increased spawns as the only things that differentiate "raids" from normal four-person missions. Exclusive rewards would be really crappy right now, because a) some people can't manage more than one or two people, and b) raids should be end-game, not the gateway to the next step up from end-game. We should be at the pinnacle of our power when raiding. Extra rewards are a must, but they can be more mundane things, like increased credits, resources, and perhaps even rare-ish items like forma and Void Keys. Any "unique" loot that eventually gets implemented should be cosmetic in nature. 


Raid Bosses:

Team coordination and phases, naturally. I'd really like to see Warframe get some bosses built around action mechanics rather than conventional mmo/turn-based mechanics where Tenno phase in and out of being able to damage it. It's okay to have some portions of the boss be enormously resistant to damage, and other parts be weaker, but it really sucks to have times during boss fights when all you're doing is sitting there waiting for the opportunity to shoot again. Keep the combat flowing, please. Look at games like Devil May Cry 1-4 for inspiration... you can hammer away at most bosses as much as you like, but it's only when you fulfill certain conditions that you're able to deal substantial damage at once. This is what bosses should feel like in Warframe in general, not just in raids. Raid bosses should simply be ginormous and epic in scale. 


Attack Telegraphs:

More enemies should telegraph their attacks, and the enemies that already do should be looked at/adjusted. Attack telegraphs are good to have in action games, but players kind of need the agency mechanics to take advantage of those telegraphs. Give us real dodge rolls, more responsive blocks, and make sure that telegraphed attacks are devastating, while non-telegraphed attacks are not.


Void Rewards:

Void rewards should stay in the void. The void should be re-written to be more consistent with the lore. Why do Control Modules drop there? Control Modules are not Orokin creations! That, and stop padding the drop tables with irritating rewards, please. 
a) Fusion cores need to come in bundles of at least 5.

b) Orokin Cells need to come in bundles of at least 3.

c) Rewards should have progressively decreasing chances of repeating, and both repeat chance and quantity should scale with Tower level.



This mission wasn't too hard, it was the wrong kind of hard. It's time for you guys to take a long, hard look at why the only way you can effectively challenge us is by spamming your most annoying enemies at us en-mass and stripping us of everything that makes us powerful. We're too strong to be challenged fairly. Make us weaker, but keep things fair.


If you're going to absolutely insist on making the "challenge" come from puzzle-solving with mod cards that spell out how to succeed, then try giving us temporary customized sets of things we can use during the mission. Restrict our gear to what you give us at the ranks you give them to us. Give us a selection and see how we can put things together to succeed. Go ahead and give us the puzzle. Just make sure we have all the puzzle pieces.



Eh. Bows aren't underpowered. Bow's aren't ridiculously overpowered. If you've got some nice new designs in the pipeline, let's have 'em. If not, I don't think we're in any desperate need of new bows for the time being. 

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Telegraphed Attacks
For those who are unaware, a “telegraph” is a cue from an enemy that lets players know an attack is coming. HibikiGanaha’s source thread simply states that “[Nullifers] are completely broken without one.” Do you think Nullifiers should telegraph their attacks? Warframe enemies typically do not telegraph attacks, so do you think telegraphs are a good idea? This topic is also important for bosses (and potentially raids). Do you think boss attacks should be telegraphed?


God yes, please. If this were implemented for nullifiers its even potentially "okay" to permit them to keep their fire rate as it is on their lankas, but make it into a telegraph cued burst of shots before giving a player chance to come out of cover to attack them.


At least this will encourage players to plan out their attacks in a more interesting manner towards nullifiers, making use of cover and timing their counter attacks.

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In addition to supporting 8 players, what else do you expect/want from Warframe raids? (can select more than one)

Level restrictions and/or gear progression.

I would very much like to be able to upgrade my gear with more then just mods.


What do you expect from a Warframe raid boss? (can select more than one)

Boss should have “phases” (ie, boss changes tactics/mechanics throughout the fight).


Do you think more enemies should telegraph their attacks? (see topic below for explanation)

Only certain enemies should telegraph (ie; Nullifiers and/or bosses).


Should some void rewards be moved to different mission types outside the void?

No, leave the void rewards alone.


But if you do, they should me moved to Derilect missions at least.


PC players, in your opinion, the Overtake Tactical Alert was…

Too hard.

Failed seven times in a row.

Though, the first two I did went down without a hitch.

I kept doing it because it was a "new" mission and wanted to help.


PC players, How did the Overtake tactical alert compare to previous tactical alerts?

Overtake was better than previous tactical alerts.

Sure, it was by far the hardest, but it was a new way to play.

Which was refreshing.


Console players, do you feel prepared/excited for the Overtake tactical alert?

No opinion on this topic, since I'm not a console player.


In your opinion, how do bows compare to other weapon types overall?

Overall, bows are roughly equal to other weapon types.

High damage/crit chance, very low fire rate.


Would you like to see more bows added to the Warframe arsenal?

I'd definitely like a Cernos Prime.


Yes, release a few more bows.


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On raids I hope for bosses to have strategies and patterns that players can learn in order to defeat the boss. Also, certain Warframes taking certain roles in there might be interesting, but I fear that this may not be impossible since e.g. Rhino isn't much of a real tank. I'd hope for a bit more of an epic boss battle here. I don't want top gear to be required since not everyone has access to the top end mods (event mods/ primed mods) that may be too much of a benefit.

The Overtake alert was a mess. You wanted us to use throwing weapons in it, but at the same time litter the whole mission with enemies that can barely be defeated with them, at least not while simultaneously having to defend a vehicle.

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pls give the dungeon multiple stages make the mechanics so hard that it takes us weeks to figure out how it works

and it gives u the feeling u did something great when u finish one stage and every 2 or 3 days we learned enough to beat the next stage

make it so hard that random groups wont be able to beat it if they dont comunicate with voip or the ingame chat

make it that u need to be good AND have rly good gear to beat it


pls do not put a timer on the whole thing but make a timer like if u beat the whole dungeon in x minutes u get a CHANCE to get this item or if u beat it in under x minutes u get additional loot or smthing like that

make it in a way that it rewards u for beeing better and make it to hard that only top tier players are able to beat it


give us a fcking challenge and not something thats easy for everyone or can be done solo make it that u need everybody in the team to be good and that it is impossible or at least rly rly rly hard to carry someone through it


limit it

but not to time or luck

limit it to skill and teamwork

and reward ppl for beeing good

Edited by Weidro
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Raid Expectations:


Technically, Warframe already has raids.  From wikipedia:


Raid, also known as depredation, is a military tactic or operational warfare mission which has a specific purpose and is not normally intended to capture and hold terrain, but instead finish with the raiding force quickly retreating to a previous defended position prior to enemy forces being able to respond in a co-ordinated manner or formulate a counter-attack. Within the tactical mission, a raiding group may consist of combatants specially trained in this tactic, such as commandos, regular soldiers, militias, or guerrilla fighters.

The purposes of a raid may include:

  • to demoralize, confuse, or exhaust the enemy
  • to ransack or pillage a location
  • to obtain property or capture people
  • to destroy goods or other things with an economic value
  • to free POWs
  • to kill or capture specific people
  • to gather intelligence.
I'm imagining The Guns of Navarone.  I haven't seen that movie in decades but the wikipedia entry sounds intriguing.  So, I'm thinking this wlll work as a story mode of sorts.  In the movie, characters die off.  So, maybe there could be a no revives version of Raid, assuming that Raid works in stages, like the movie.  I don't see why it wouldn't work in stages.  If it's not a series of missions in one then I don't see how it's different from what we already have.  To keep the map from getting too large, it may be neccessary to blow up parts of it to make room for the next stage.  It used to be the case that missions could morph into other missions.  This could be a mechanism for that.
In the case of High Valued Facilities, there could be a high energy detector, so that if a large energy release is detected, the facility is Formorion Bombarded to prevent valuables from getting into enemy hands, for example.  This could give other content a purpose.  Impending Bombardment could be used as a timer of sorts to keep the Tenno moving without the enemy having to commit more loot bags.  Or, part of the plan could be to secretly sabotage the Formorian guns ala Guns of Navarone so the Tenno can operate without that danger on the planet surface.
Maybe the Tenno should hack the fire sprinklers first before they set off any explosions.
We could always steal the choo choo again, heheh.  Ammo Dumps are prime targets for raids.
Going through early DE video on youtube I found:


Warframe: Developer Q&A , Answer to Question 4:

The core is the 4 guys against a massive army.  And, generally speaking, they are devastating. The core is not something like in Gears of War where the one on one is something a bit more balanced.  One Space Ninja against a whole ship of Grineer is the idea.  But, that needs to be balanced by boss battles, and by like desperate scenarios.  But, generally speaking, the whole idea of it, even an old ninja (right?) is that the untrained militia get devastated by a single one.


So, Warframe has a Core (consisting of 4 Tenno Devastate Massive Army), Boss Battles, and Desperate Scenarios.  Raid is clearly not Devastate Massive Army in the direct sense because the idea of Raid is to bypass the army.  The idea of raid is to get behind enemy lines, destroy HVT, then extract.  So, for an HVT to be a lot of enemy that implies a much much larger armies, armies, which is being bypassed for some reason.  So, that leaves Boss Battles and Desperate Scenarios for Raid.
Maybe the enemy could be reimagined as having capitol ships, death stars, and puny outposts.  If 4 Tenno can Devastate massive armies then the enemy must be vast, galactic.
It might be a good idea to build raids from the ground up, starting at Mercury with a low conclave rating, heading to Pluto and beyond.
Telegraphed Attacks:
Not sure how that would play out.  It's easier to see how it would work for slow units.  I guess it would work the same for fast units, just faster.  Don't enemy already telegraph their attacks to a degree?  If a unit does not telegraph it's attack doesn't that mean that it has unanimated attacks?  If a unit is fully animated, doesn't that mean that all it's attacks are telegraphed?
Nullifiers do quickly raise their hand to activate the nullifier bubble.  If Nullifiers can keep their bubble up permanantly then why would they shut it off?   If they essentially have it on all the time then what is there to telegraph?
If the bubble only lasted an amount of time then the nullifier would have to conserve it so it would initially be off until a need is detected.  But, then the enemy would need a spotter to guide the nullifier so he doesn't stumble into an ambush with his bubble off.
Don't the Tenno telegraph with their funny posses of doom?  Wouldn't that tip the nullifiers off?  Wouldn't the nullifier device have a sensor to detect large energy bursts, or rockets, and turn it on automatically?
Telegraphs are basically a warning system.  We already have Lotus warning us of heavies.  We could have a sentinel that has an acoustic sensor, radar, sonar, etc. that will pin point snipers, once they fire a shot.  They get one free shot, like a good sniper.  After the first shot, they're hunted.  Sniper Elite 3 has a mechanism for this where it gives the enemy an outline of your last know position.  3rd missed shot could permanantly track the sniper I guess.  The enemy use standard weapons.  The Tenno must know this.  There must be a way to detect a shot from a particular known weapon.  IIRC, there are acoustic sensors that can pick out gun shots in RL, in RT.  IIRC, audio experts can identify particular weapons in audio recordings.
Rewards, loot, affinity, are killing Warframe. 
Look at what happened at Viver.  Tenno were blowing up enemies long before Viver.  It was the big rep hole at Viver that got DE's immediate attention  DE's first reaction was standard, nerf the Tenno.  Which was a huge mistake.  It's second reaction was the smart move.  DE solved their problem with a dailly rep cap, which does not impact game play.
But, the lesson goes unlearned.  The best mission to get multi-shot mods in is Defense.  The best mission for ducat fodder that I have found is T4D and T4I.  The best Rep farm is Interception.  If you want certain mods you have to fight certain factions.  Anything else is punishment for having fun.
We know from past surveys that survival is a Tenno favorite, more so than defense.  So, why are survival rewards and spawns nerfed?  It comes across as rather oppositional that DE buffs it's favorite content and nerfs the player's favorite content. 
Worse, Defense and Interception are Space Camper, not Space Ninja.  Why should Space Camper be more rewarding than Space Ninja in a Space Ninja game?

WARFRAME Dev Diary #1: The Beginning


The best stories are the player stories and not the stories that we impose upon players.


DE is imposing stories on us through the rewards, loot, and affinity instead of letting us play what we want to play without having to forgo these things.  I know, DE most likely meant some kind of quest system.  But, my point still stands because we all tell other people the story of our Warframe experience.  The story of a Space Ninja camping a pod is a very odd one.


It was a lot better when bosses were the only thing one had to fight to get something in particular.   Outside of that we had the freedom to play whatever we wanted.  But, now it's totally wrong.
The reason why people play interception for affinity/rep is that the enemy spawn endlessly in rounds like they do in survival but levels per round like they do in defense(unlike survival).  If Interception enemies leveled up in time like survival then the two would be more equivalent.
If there were endless versions of non-endless missions then DE could start to make all missions rewarding.  The trick would be to make them all round based and hammer out the differences in time.  No doubt capture rounds would happen faster than interception rounds.
Overtake Tactical Alert:
It was a huge success in my opinion because:
1)  Chooo choo!!!!
But, I can't see myself playing exactly like that very often.  I would want to coptor ahead to clear a path for the Choo Choo.  But, I wouldn't want to rely on just melee.  It's not responsive enough, has too much animation loopage.  Also, that map has practically no cover which increases problems.
Overtake was a good experiment.  And a choo choo ride! :)
Can we have a 4 turret battle tank next?  How about the AA gun tank from BF3?  A squad of 4 of those.




How do bows compare to sniper rifles (which, arguable, share a similar niche)? 


That's the mistake right there.  Bows and sniper rifles are not the same thing.  They should not be the same game play.  Sniper Rifles should have their own game play so that they don't big foot shotguns or get big footed by bows:  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/371539-sniping/.  Incidentally, Opticor, a sniper rifle, is the best Boomsticks.  Dread is the second or third depending on how you look at it.  And Paris Prime is close behind.

Edited by ThePresident777
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Raid Missions: I'd also like raid missions to require multiple/simultaneous objectives at points and that require the team to split into groups from time to time. 

Eg, Further progress is halted as a door is sealed by an energy barrier. 1 or more Tenno must split off from the rest of the team to find the controls to destroy/powerdown the barrier to allow further progress (some parkouring into vents to get there would be cool). Meanwhile, the rest of the team must hold position against increasingly large and difficult waves of enemies till the barrier is removed.


Would also be nice to have missions that are oriented around a battlefield type scenario.


Telegraphed attacks: I honestly think there is very little need for this, especially with nullifiers. What they need is to not have an OP lanka. Enemies should not fill both defensive and super high dmg roles.

The same goes for bombards in a similar sense; what they need is to have their perfectly homing rockets  removed (its silly anyway) and instead have either faster slightly homing projectiles (so you can just side step to avoid) or much faster projectile speed with a much larger AOE. In both instances ROF should be lowered. 


Telegraphing wont fix that silliness.


Void rewards: I don't think some should be necessarily moved out of the void and would rather see the rest of the starchart get non-void related rewards that are actually worth playing for. Just shoving a few prime parts into the starchart wont change anything and feels silly to me.


Overtake: It was challenging enough. Having bad team work etc had a lot of potential to fail the mission and it took me a few runs because pugs would just sit on the rover attacking every so often rather then preemptively removing groups of enemies ahead of the rover. However, I just found it boring and pointlessly restrictive (and I actually love hijack missions). Some restrictions are great, but I'd rather see challenging enemies and mechanics so I have a reason use the gear I've invested so much in outside of the void and endless missions. Otherwise investing in gear is a waste of time and pointless.

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Overtake Alert.


Overtake - most S#&$ty Tactial Alert so far.

This mission was completed by me alone, with one Nyx, actually - with a single 4.



This mission showed complete incompetence developers in terms of game design, fair difficulty, good limitations and proper knowledge of their own game. This clearly displays all the mistakes that can be seen in other attempts to create the "difficult" in the game. Thus clearly shows the inability of developers to learn from their mistakes.

I fear that the "positive" evaluation of the mission coerce developers to further experiments in the development of the raid.

Edited by letir
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I'm baffled by results. Apparently people like horrible broken enemies, be limited to a weapon, that is highly ineffective vs said broken enemy, be one shotted, and be forced to use one of three loadout to win without any problems or get wrecked. Of Course it's easy when you AFKed the whole way in Absorb! Try to do it with Excalibur, Mag etc.




Thanks, but no. You added Nullifiers, a common enemy, that can take as much shots from fully modded bow than some of the bosses. Bows always were inferior to full-auto, but, at least, it was satisfying and fun to use them. Not anymore.


8 people.


Not looking forward to. It'll be a mess. 8 people spamming 4 every second... How will DE balance this? Enemies become even more of a bullet sponges? They'll drain your health just by looking at you? Nullifiers all over the place?
I could be wrong on this one.
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