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January 30Th: Community Hot Topics!


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I'm going to speak on raids. You have an opportunity to greatly expand upon playstyles and strategy which will require greater frame diversity and cooperation.

1. Simultaneous, dynamic objectives: Imagine 2 or even 3 objectives that need completed at the same time. 8-man teams must split up and quickly decide locations. Everything is great until...

2. Greater enemy diversity requires further adaptation. "horde modes" (increased speed with greater numbers), key energy resistances, elemental resistances, physical damage resistances, ranged attacks from fortified positions. Suddenly, your 4-man might be ill-equipped to deal with the specific enemy type at said objective location, and the whole team needs to re-organize.

3. Make greater consequences increase the importance of frame diversity and choice (or lack thereof) The OTHER best way to do this is to increase map size and distance so that movement speed, greater weapon range variability, and MOD load out diversity MEAN something. Snipers to counter sniping enemies that regular rifles can't reach without effort, sprint speeds to close on enemies, save allies, and get to objectives in time. Stealth and silent gameplay that means 1/3 less enemies assault your location in certain missions (talking noise here, not just enemies hitting an alert). Imagine if super-jump, increased wall-run stamina, Valkyr's 1, or Zephyr's flight meant something? What if Volt's Overload was needed to kill a reactor or elemental resistance mod to fire was needed to get to the center of a reactor to shut it down? What if ALL ranged weapons went down and you had to melee only?

Being a bit lucid, but the opportunity for raids is BIG.

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My expectation is simple, anything appear in the vote choices, is nice to apply all of it in the Raid, same as for the raid boss too. I sure there is a lot of ideas out there, make sure to take in consideration

Usually i would kill off any nullifiers once i see them. So i don't mind for any telegraph thingy, some how it is obvious enough to know that they are aiming us already. 

About the rewards or drops, i hope that you guys can really rearrange all of it, because i am totally not satisfy with every single of it. In my opinion Even now you adjust the drops for void mission not really fix a thing, 

I think should be more tactical alert (having criteria like Overtake) before you are asking player for voting. Well good job for that alert. 

Bow, not my first choice, always good to see new things. 

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Dread is very strong, and that is a good thing for a single shot, charge weapon. Paris Prime could stand to be a bit stronger, meaning its crit should be closer to that of dread, because red crits are almost a necessity. MK1 Paris is just that, and MK1 and regular old Paris could stand to be buffed, Cernos.... Don't even get me started on this absolutely terrible bow. It looks great sure, but the stat line on it being impact is just terrible. The impact damage type is only good against shields and basically nothing else, meanwhile slash and puncture are the go-to damage types. That renders this bow totally useless. Basically that question means, to me at least, that the high tier bows, Dread and Paris Prime, totally outshine the only other option, Cernos. That is what needs to be fixed. Also if there is a new bow, I would like to see a balance between slash and puncture and not a bias, but at the same time needs to be able to attain no less than 120% crit rate to thus give us that 1 in 5 chance of a red crit. That is just my opinion on the matter. Take it how you will.

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To the bows:


Bows are the kings of all weapons (or at least Dread+Paris p).

They have massive dmg, they have massive punch through, they let enemies fly back which hits other enemies and they are flexible. A lot people say that bows are difficult to use - but this isn't true. They are only difficult to use on really long distances - but you will fight mostly in short range, so that isn't a really big disadvantage. Also the charge mechanic makes hitting enemies easier (yeah!), because it easier to unhand a key than pressing a key and than unhanding it.

They doesn't need a buff, new ones would be cool, but we don't need them if they are not on the same level like Dread and Paris P.

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I was going to posts this earlier but somethign always got in the way.

ON raids you have to give them good rewards or as another poster commented most people wont play them. I liek the idea of having random prime equipment based on level of raid and stuff or random rare mods (not stances though) But raids need their own unqiue items as well as random prime parts.


I would hope for a new way to increase or change the base stats of our weapons... i think this way of tier'd weapons is not the way to go. whats great about warframe is the variety and quantity of weapons you can choose from and many of us dont just want to play with ye overpowered weapon of the week. Weapons should reflect the time and dedication to them and a way to change or increase base stats would be a good way of doing that.


I personnally want to see some raids split by conclave rating forcing someplayers not to just pick certain weapons casue they are strongest. I think timed raids or having to finish the mission in a certain amount of time is a good thing... not for all raids but some this would focus payers and most importantly give players a challenge.

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As a console player only and kinda new to this, I don't post much, but I do read a lot.  


In addition to supporting 8 players, what else do you expect/want from Warframe raids?

While I'm excited about the concept of the new mission, the game needs so much attention fixing the current issuses with 4 players. Adding 4 more is only going to increase the lag and bad framerate. DE and MS have made some improvements in this area, but the last week or so the same problems have come back. (constant disconnects, bad lag spikes when mass killing and even breaking the game @ 25 mins in T4 survials with vauban) My point is, if the problem is this bad with 3 and 4 players, how bad is it going to be with 8 players? Not looking forward to it guys :0(


Should some void rewards be moved to different mission types outside the void?



What I think you should consider is, remove all void keys from the void rewards drop table. Put them on the plannet nodes in many places not just interception, defense and survials.


The drop table really sucks now, especially for new players, grinding for hours, days, weeks and months in some void missions to get the one part is NOT FUN. This also is the same for corrupt vault now, it is pretty much impossible for a new player to get a heavy cal or narrowminded.



Console players, do you feel prepared/excited for the Overtake tactical alert?

NO! Not at all.

Since PC has completed the event and all the "how to" videos are all over Utube on how to beat it.....I doubt I will play it unless there is a reward for it, and because now I know just how to do it, I will just cheese it and never return. I guess thats what we get as console is always going to be behind PC, nothing to learn, just follow the cheese please.



Would you like to see more bows added to the Warframe arsenal?


Hell yeah, the Cernos prime....meeeeeeow

But a new one like other have suggested.


Fire arrows that if it don't kill, they burn to death.

Ice arrows that freeze kill or stun.

Poison arrows that blow up and poison others around them.

Electric arrows that chain stun enermy around the target.


No new powercreep is needed with bows





thx, peace out :0)

Edited by (XB1)PhilfyRatBagZ
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RE:Tactical Alert Overtake:


I feel the mission was too hard UNLESS you brought a specific combination of 'frames which made it just right.


Missions should not require special comps to be viable; not everybody has every frame available to them and/or knows a large number of people.


I feel that the Nullifiers were over-the-top in a mission where you could only use a throwing weapon. A good idea, just... a little off the mark in execution.


RE: Bows


Bows are a cool concept, but... something about them... I don't know if it is the punishingly low ammo maximum, or the charge on their attacks, or the long recovery between shots, I find them difficult and unwieldly to use in a game that is about fast-paced ninja parkour gunplay. Also, the cost of missing is ridiculous and you need ridiculously good aim to hit anything on the move.


If we released any more bows, I'd like to see some sort of homing arrow bow.

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Please, NO RAIDS.

I'm 100% against any form of World of Warcraft (WoW) style raid-oriented progression that:

-require large numbers of organized players online at the same time (if you have a life, you're out of luck)

-restrict the best gear or exclusive good gear to raids

-are restricted to daily/weekly/whatever (IMO Warframe already has "raid bosses", there's one on every planet and they drop Warframe parts and other gear parts.

-have players in the raid rolling for limited amount of gear (Warframe's RNG is already infamous, no one wants even more RNG)

I quit WoW because raiding was the only way to gear up on that game. I hate WoW and most MMOs and every game that forces people to "organized large raid or you never get the best gear". And if this type of crap raiding progression is added to Warframe, I might hate Warframe as well.

I've already had enough of this discrimination against solo players. It's bad enough that there's no proper difficulty scaling with number of players (even the disaster known as Diablo 3 scales difficulty with number of players), no option to add AI-controlled squadmates (which have existed since Unreal Tournament), and not even a proper "looking for group" system.

Warframe is supposed to be a fast-paced and disorganized game, and that's what many players (including me) have always expected. I'm 99% certain that if Warframe moves to an organized raid style, significant numbers of players are going to be alienated


Should enemies telegraph their attacks?

IMO the main reason for telegraphing an attack is to warn the player to dodge and "stop standing in the bad". Currently, the main problem is infinite level scaling until everything does over 1000 damage.

The proper solution would be: Telegraph attacks that do a lot of damage, particularly area damage. Nerf damage from non-heavy enemies.


Should some void rewards be moved outside the void?

The main problem with void rewards isn't being void-exclusive, the problems are:

-#1: dilution with non void crap (fusion cores, orokin cells, void keys, etc) in the void drop tables

-#2: void keys being near-exclusive to certain mission types. Currently, Survival is the only mission type that reliably gives void keys. Interception/Defense only offer them every 4th extraction (and it isn't guaranteed). Regular finite missions have almost no chance of dropping a void key.

IMO the solutions to the void reward problems are:

--Remove all non-void (anything other than a Prime piece or Forma) drops from finite void missions. Currently, tier 1 void mission exclusives are arguably the rarest because those missions reward void keys 2/3 of the time.

--Have an option to make infinite void missions finite, with guaranteed void rewards. I envision an option where clicking on a defense/interception/survival void key opens a menu with options for a standard or quick mission. A quick mission turns it into a finite mission instead with guaranteed void rewards: Quick Void Survival would be 10 minutes with guaranteed Void rewards at 5 and 10 minutes and fusion cores/Void keys/rare resources/5000-10000 credit caches at 2:30 and 7:30. Quick Void defense would be 10 waves: guaranteed void rewards at 5 and 10 waves, fusions/void keys/resources/large credit caches at 3 and 8 waves. Quick interception would be 2 rounds with guaranteed void rewards. After the number of waves or minutes is over, the void mission "ends". Enemies stop spawning, all timers are halted, and the only things left to do are look for treasure rooms and "get to extraction".

-- Fixing imbalanced void key awards in normal missions. Have exterminate/capture/mobile defense/whatever give void keys often, there's no reason why they should be exclusive to defense, interception, and survival.


"Overtake" tactical alert:

Worst tactical alert in the history of the game. At least the previous ones let me use whatever gear I wanted as long as it fit in the conclave rating limit. Melee in Warframe already sucks badly enough as it is. Random groups are unable to reasonably finish the alert, it requires an organized group and is just more discrimination against solo players. Here's my list of "Everything Wrong With The Overtake Alert":

--Half shields

--Discrimination against solo players

--Melee 2.0 sucks

--Mission is jammed full of the most abusive and imbalanced enemy in the game (Corpus Nullifiers for anyone who missed it

--Low-level/ungeared players are locked out of it



I rarely use bows on Warframe. The problem is that they are effectively non-hitscan sniper rifles with an annoying charge mechanic. They might do tons of damage, however that isn't useful against a swarm of "trash" enemies. Might as well just grab a primed Braton or Boltor instead, which are actually useful against groups.

Does Warframe need more bows? No. Does Warframe need more weapons? hell no. Balance what already exists. Finish what's on your plate before putting more stuff on it.

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Easily one of my favorite things about Warframe is the sheer technology discrepancy between the different factions. And part of that is the Tenno running around using devastating weapons like... a knife. A bow and arrow. A particularly cruel set of boxing gloves. A boomerang... which explodes.

I love it!


Overtake was ridiculously fun. I hesitate to say easy, but my friends and I ran the mission twice and we were done in under ten minutes, so I guess it was easy.

But I emphasize that it was fun!

All the tactical alerts before have been simple exercises in conclave efficiency, which basically led to bringing one ridiclously powerful weapon and ignoring the rest.  I'm amused the solution was to intentionally embrace that concept.




When do I get a spear weapon?




Underwater level = Trident weapon, eh? Eh? Ehh? Ehhh?

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I have been dying for a more multiplayer experience or bigger squads! I feel that's one of the few aspects that aren't currently in this almost full package game. As far as some expectations I'd personaly like to see in the raids, I think they should be something lore connected or have a quest or unlock requirement. Once met, you can run the raid as often as you like, but all members have to have met said requirement. Another interesting feature would be each one be connected to a faction/syndicate and give some more insight into their motives/background/current state. I also have some more specific suggestions on some discussed topics which i will list below:


Raid Boss Expectations


Each raid and their respective boss(es) should be treated just like a current boss (description, history, personalized taunts sent to player/clan), but with slightly more priority in lore. Having multiple stages with a different boss at each or a group of physically evolving/tactic swapping bosses. For raids with a single bosses, have them paired with massive swarms of other mobs (similar to the eyes of blight event).


Raid Rewards


Each raid should have different rewards, depending on difficulty. The more difficult raids would bring high value gear, whereas easier raids would provide fusion cores/rare materials. Having the raid gear being able to be upgraded/leveled uniquely apart from mastery rank would also be a nice twist.


Another option for the gear that could be considered is frame specific gear unlocked in certain raids. Take it one step even further and try to pair raids and frames that share similar lore connection (i.e. Valkyr was tortured by Alad V for who knows how long, so to obtain Valkyr raid gear have the raid be the lab she was held in or the actual group of corpus that did the torment be the bosses).


Sigils or emblems from completing the raid a set amount of times would be pretty enticing as well, or both with each being unlocked after different amounts (like 15 then 30 or something similar).




I love my bows. They are much stronger than most other weapons, but also should be. They take more skill and timing with the shots than your standard rifle or pistol. I would love to see some more variants of the bow, like an energy based bolt shooter (if you have seen Bleach kind of like Uryu's energy bow) or something elemental based with a similar firing style. There's a couple other types of bows that could also be considered, such as a bow that shoots 3 simaltaneous arrows horizontally or a shotgun crossbow shooting 4-12 bolts in a blast fire.

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보이드 보상


오래된 아이템만 천천히 한두개씩 보이드외 보상으로 빠져야 한다고 생각합니다





활은 강력하지만 유용하진 않다


다수전에서 정말 쓰레기다


왜 쓰레기죠? 적을 활로 쏘면 뒤에 적들도 맞는데요? 활을 쓸땐 그에 맞는 게임플레이만 하면 되던데요.

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Bows are good weapons. But like snipers they suffer from the fact that there are A LOT of enemies. And bows are simply not fast enough to chew through them before they kill the target you're defending.


I think that bows could use charge speed buff across the board.

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I saw someone mention "Older prime parts outside of the Void" and thought to myself:


The Tenno have been collecting prime weapons and parts for a long time now.

The Tenno have been using these weapons outside the void for just as long.

The Tenno still die, with said prime weapons, outside the void.

Would their weapons not be left on the battlefields every once in a while?


An image, perhaps. Rhino finishes off a dying Grineer on Phobos, and a glimmer catches his eye. He moves over and wipes the sand away to reveal a battered Burston Prime, gold faded and damaged, perhaps beyond immediate use. He pockets the weapon, and when back on his Lisette, he dismantles it for either Forma, or one of the four Burston Prime parts. Totally lore friendly, totally a good way to reverse the dilution of Void drop tables, and damned if it wouldn't be cool to see some sort of Indiana Jones-like treasure hunt, avoiding traps, using our movement skills to run difficult obstacle courses to finally get to the pedestal with a gleaming part on it, and taking it, only to have the final trap go off: 30 seconds to detonation of the temple, and you must race to your Lisette within that time, lest you lose the part.


Just an idea.

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I think we are all looking for some skill based game play here - been covered in the previous replies. But skill based gameplay that can still be accomplished if a players don't all have equally good connections if that is possible. My main concern here (albeit only a personal one) is that I will be thrown into the recruiting chat for this since so much of my clan got frustrated with "too much grinding" and quit playing. Hopefully they will come back and help because the recruiting chat can be very hit and miss when trying to try to find skilled players. I want to be super-hyped about raids, but the prospect of having to find seven other players that will actually work together with no one dc brings me back down to reality. 



Some telegraphing for snipers would be welcome. Many other games do this well by using a sight that has to be fixed on you first. Higher level enemies would be very good at this and not give much time for the player to roll/dodge etc to get out of the way. But, I have gotten used to playing without this type of warning, so if we don't get it, I won't be upset. 



Mixed feelings here.


If there are changes, my hope would be for them to:

1. Reduce the overall dilution in the void rewards and some of the repetition that doesn't seem to make sense. (ie wth are bo prime ornaments doing in T4 survival when they already drop in T1 survival - things like that). 

2. If possible, bring down the drop rate of forma bp to where it was previous to 15.5. We all know this was changed and it's awful. Forma bp used to be nice, but now most players hate them because we get them so often they have lost their value to us. 

3. Bring some incentive to planet nodes that are largely ignored - not sure that prime parts belong anywhere but the void, but could be a chance for a key or a forma bp on high level missions. 


My big fear here is that void drop rates would be further nerfed to make up for the new chances players have for parts outside the void. If that would be the case, please, no change at all. 



I'm PS4, so we'll see...



Dread is amazing....please do not touch. Paris is good but would be great to have a skin that makes it look more deadly and less bubbly. For some reason it always looked to me like it was the Play School version of a weapon. Cernos could use a buff to keep up with dread and paris. I use bows more than snipers and love them. More bows would be fun. 

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I don't want raids, they're a horrible idea that will have players making their own version of WoW's GearScore/demanding specific iLevels and achievements for access to their groups.

And get as much out of the Void and into the Starchart as possible.

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Let me clarify my stance on Void Rewards:


When i voted I wanted things to be moved around for other things to be more appealing, what I mean is this.


Forma, R5 Fusion Cores, Keys and Orokin Cells shouldn't be the only thing I see in the void ever. What I really DON'T want is to have to do 1,000 runs on corpus ship tilesets to have a minuscule chance of getting a prime part that I need. My Friend and I did a 25 wave T4 Defense and got


Forma, Pack of 5, Pack of 5, Forma, Pack of 5


And then we gave the hell up. The problem also exists in Derelict Survival I might add as well. Been looking for Nova Prime since she was released and on 90% of missions I run I get 4 keys. That is not rewarding gameplay at all.


Also get rid of credit caches. They are terrible. Nobody needs 2000 credits instead of a real reward. Drop in the ocean, baby.

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Also get rid of credit caches. They are terrible. Nobody needs 2000 credits instead of a real reward. Drop in the ocean, baby.


Yep, as in some treasure rooms you can easily get the same amount (or more) from simple containers. Especially if you equip Master Thief. Or multiply the number with 100 at least.

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Make the AI for RNG raid rewards smarter. The only thing that annoys me most, is that the weighted RNG in void. I understand why its in place. But for raids at least, please make RNG learn based on the user as more raids are played i.e. eventually, maybe say at max - 50th raid run, the user should have all possible items from this raid. If you are lucky, you might have all of them in the first ten raids.


I don't want to get 2 parts and have to struggle for the last part bcoz of RNG. Having the ability to trade these items will offset this pain a lot.

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I know I'm way late even seeing this topic, but I'm posting anyway, in the hopes that someone at your company reads it.


Raid Expectations

Puzzles would be fine, special boss mechanics are expected and basically a given, and mastery/level restrictions are basically a given. Raid exclusive rewards are to be expected, but I didn't vote for them because I have to point out that raid exclusive rewards should absolutely NOT be weapons or gear that are clearly superior to other available options. Cosmetic rewards are fine, gear is fine. Making raids the only place to get the best gear in the game is NOT FINE.


Telegraphed Attacks

I don't think this is needed for most enemies, but enemies that have the potential to one-shot kill or deal crippling amounts of damage need some kind of telegraph. Enemy sniper types need a sort of aim timer, where they have to be aiming at you for a short time before they fire. A boss that does a giant cleaving attack that could instantly kill a player needs some kind of telegraph or obvious animation.

Bosses should absolutely require team coordination, at least to the extent that a bunch of idiots just running in circles spamming Boltor Primes isn't going to cut it. Bosses should definitely have phases that players need to be aware of, though it should be very obvious when the phase changes (voice-acted dialog with some on screen text is a good way to show this). Bosses absolutely should NOT require top-tier gear to defeat, and NOT have sudden-death timers.

The void has long-since been overly crowded with too many items for too few missions. Removing useless rewards from all void towers such as Orokin Cells and Credit Caches would be a good start. Moving Forma out of the void would be a good start. Removing these things from the Derelict and pushing some more Prime parts in there would be a slight improvement. But really, bringing as much as possible out of the void and into the rest of the game is going to be needed. As new prime items are added, spread them out over all of the void missions (not just the high level missions) and push out older ones to other sources. With that said, also make keys easier to acquire. I'm getting dreadfully sick of not even being able to even get the keys to do the void missions I need to finish items I've had half finished for several months now. The ways Syndicate key packs were before was GOOD but just too cheap, the way the key packs are now is TERRIBLE.


Overtake Tactical Alert

As much positive feedback as you feel you got on this tactical alert, I promise there were twice as many players &!$$ed off over how terrible it was. They just don't tend to be the ones vocal about their opinions on the forums. The only fun part about this mission was that it involved a new vehicle you could choose to literally ride on for the whole map. Super. The other fun part would have been using the thrown melee only, except the entire thing was designed to make that pointless. Everything else about this mission completely went against anything I found fun about this game, and no, I definitely don't mean "spam 4 to win". I mean having options to approach the mission in just about any way I choose.


It didn't make me think tactically, it literally forced me and my friends to abuse game mechanics to be more broken than the already broken Nullifiers. Riding the vehicle spamming Snow Globes or channeling Absorb while slapping down energy and shield restores all the way to the finish isn't fun in the slightest sense. The entire alert was aggravatingly tedious. I didn't even feel like I was playing Warframe anymore. I wasn't forced to think about my options, rather my options were forcibly chiseled down to "abuse items and a power that makes the vehicle untouchable". There's nothing tactical there. It just becomes tedious resource management.


I didn't feel the satisfaction of accomplishment when it was done, I was just relieved the frustration was over and left dreading that another terrible alert design might follow next due to the undeserved praise this one was getting. Simply put, do NOT make more alerts like this. The only good decision you made with this Tactical Alert was making the requirement for the rewards LOW.

It never hurts to have more bows, I will gladly use more. The issue isn't that bows are too good, they could even stand to be a little bit better actually. Particularly the Cernos, because it has been terrible from the start. But actual sniper rifles are not good enough. The Vectis is sort of an outlier and performs on about the same level as the best bows, or even better for those fortunate enough to have Primed Chamber (make it open to everyone already). I think Lasting Purity also gets the Vulkar close. But the rest of the sniper rifles tend to perform notably worse. Many of us are still waiting for actual sniper rifle buffs to put these things back in line (same with shotguns). Feel free to buff bows up along with them, we all know the best weapons are too far ahead of the rest of the pack.
Edited by Centias
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