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Who Is Your Least Used Frame?


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1 - Volt ... because his speed skill gives me motion sick when i play him or when another player is playing him,

2 - All others frames with skill(s) using big and too flashy video effects. Those skills are cool but their video effects are too bright and/or making me unable to see my surroundings correctly.

Frames are exoskeletons or suits then why helmets can't have the option to filter noises and lights/shadows. They are just cosmetics now. They have no use at all.

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Saryn, banshee, and ember.


Saryn has molt and miasma, which are okay.  And... what were those other two abilities again?


Banshee... is... well...  I tried her recently.  In a void mission.  Tried all her abilities, nothing was useful against nullifiers, and I got sick of getting hit by swarms of nullifiers while playing her.  Sonar is okay, silence is semi-useful now.  Soundquake still sucks after that initial nerf back in closed beta.  And sonic boom doesn't do jack to stronger enemies who just down her in one shot.


Ember... she's just squishy as hell.  Too squishy for how underpowered her abilities are.  They do fixed damage which doesn't scale worth a (insert your favorite swearword here).  Good luck pitting her against infested now.  One tar MOA shot and she's on her back.

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I think Trinity or Volt.


I never had the knack to play a healer/support with Trinity when one of my clanmates pretty much made her his waifu and pulls off very effective team saves.


As for Volt... meh, I personally don't dig his design. I know he's effective when built correctly, I'm just not motivated to play him.

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