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Why Are People Quick To Snap With "it's Exclusive!" Here?


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*Note: This has nothing to do with the Founders Pack.*


I had made a thread a bit back near Xmas about the candy cane and people quickly responded in droves saying "Nope its exclusive" like they where quick on the draw to defend it. Then it got released the next day and my thread died.


I've noticed this with many threads popping up about other old content and people jumping into "it's Exclusive!" like they had a quick-time event pop up in there heads. Its happening with Proto armor when people ask about it lately snapping to that response.


This happens a lot with the Warframe community more then any other game I've played. Why? Will people learn nothing is set in exclusive stone. *Besides Founder pack*

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*Note: This has nothing to do with the Founders Pack.*


I had made a thread a bit back near Xmas about the candy cane and people quickly responded in droves saying "Nope its exclusive" like they where quick on the draw to defend it. Then it got released the next day and my thread died.


I've noticed this with many threads popping up about other old content and people jumping into "it's Exclusive!" like they had a quick-time event pop up in there heads. Its happening with Proto armor when people ask about it lately snapping to that response.


This happens a lot with the Warframe community more then any other game I've played. Why? Will people learn nothing is set in exclusive stone. *Besides Founder pack*

The reason many players resort to this quick defense is because we as players have had it ground into us by founders themselves. In every single circumstance they have made sure that there is never a player that has not had this iterated to them by no less than 100 founders in some cases and therefore it is a conditioned response.

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As far as I know, Founders is the only thing that has even been labeled as "exclusive" aside from maybe random cash shop things, like some of the Prime Access stuff. I know DE has said in Devstreams that at least event items end up in the "vault" and will make reappearances, so I simply assumed that holiday content, including content released for the one year anniversary like the Proto Skin, would possibly make reappearances too.


Why people immediately jump to "It's Exclusive" I don't know. It could simply be people want it to be exclusive, so they say that. Or, perhaps it's just that this game is new enough that there haven't been chances yet for many holiday/limited release items to come back. After all, this past Christmas was the first time for us to see if things would return from last year or not. It's quite possible that when people see a recurring pattern in how items are released that clamor of "It's Exclusive!" will die down somewhat.

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because Warframe has an odd volume of people that need to be special snowflakes and proverbially try to steal things in the game from other people in order to be a special internet snowflake.

some things are Exclusive, but Exclusive in different ways. which people often either choose to ignore or don't understand.

Edited by taiiat
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Greedy Milk! I guess people wanna feed their ego's and have stuff to lord over others with and one up each other, people wanna feel special I guess which is only natural and in WF having stuff that others don't have makes you different by having something unique.


If only people actually paid any attention to the exclusive items.

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The reason many players resort to this quick defense is because we as players have had it ground into us by founders themselves. In every single circumstance they have made sure that there is never a player that has not had this iterated to them by no less than 100 founders in some cases and therefore it is a conditioned response.

that is a poor excuse.

the Founders items is a topic that has been beaten to death, at the point where we should have global announcements of the final decisions on certain items like those.

so that people stop asking the same questions 20x a week.

eventually everyone that answered nicely is going to lose patience when nobody does any forum searches and asks the same dead questions thinking the answer will be different if they ask it enough times.

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The reason many players resort to this quick defense is because we as players have had it ground into us by founders themselves. In every single circumstance they have made sure that there is never a player that has not had this iterated to them by no less than 100 founders in some cases and therefore it is a conditioned response.


It's because some jealous non-Founders have previously, incessantly brought this up. Really, it's because of that very long "dual skana prime/dual lato prime" thread that was posted last year, which came about because DE decided to put Dual Lato Primes in their Xbox One trailer. That ended with a settled, final, "no" from DE, and the long arguments in that thread, with the insults and name-calling, burnt out the community with regards to discussing Founders items. So that's why you're going to get a lot of Founders saying "no". Non-founders have brought this up before, accusing Founders of being greedy, envious (still don't get that one), and selfish with regard to the Founders pack. This happened well before any such "conditioning" by Founders.


Oh, and no, Founders didn't ground that into you. People just like feeling special about exclusive items. Oh, and another reason that a lot of Founders respond to these "Bring Excal Prime Back!" threads? Because people like you keeping trying to make the issue a "non-Founders vs Founders" issue with your blanket generalizations of all Founders. There are Founders and non-Founders who want DE to break their legal agreement and have the Founders Program re-released and there are Founders and non-Founders who want Excal Prime, Lato Prime, and Skana Prime to remain exclusive because of the wording used when DE sold the Founders packs.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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i dont like the exclusives feel im fine with the founders thing, but i draw the line when it comes to mods. Exclusive mods just seem to be a disadvantage for payers who join late. Some weapons i would prefer not be exclusive events.(even tho i have all event weapons) i hate that i cant suggest the wraith twin vipers as a weapon to a MR9 player who missed the event.Also lots of people will suggest a weapon build for a new player with exclusive mods. 

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Better answer:  "It's Exclusive" is the easiest way to say:


"We don't have any clue if or when thing X will return to the game.  Nobody knows, nobody can answer your question, you will simply have to just wait and see like all the rest of us because DE could re-release thing X tomorrow, next month, or 5 years from now, or outright never ever".


EvilKam Answers:  Worth every penny you paid for them, and then some.  XD

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Basically "U CANT HAZ MI TOYZ" mentality.




There isnt any other explanation as i really dont mind if people get the same items as me. Why the heck should someone be locked out Event items, or anything else, just because they joined a bit late? Especially if said exclusives give affinity? Make everything exclusive ( except Heresy items, we all know which ones are they ) obtainable through some serious farming. I mean Brakk or Detron kind of farming.

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You are mostly wrong.


People don't want to feel special.


People aren't that greedy, in fact WF has one of the best communities.


You really want to know whats happening?


People want to be the law. They want to be the one that tells someone to shut up. No matter how harmless and needed an item is, they will immediately say that it cannot be returned. No matter how good an idea is, they will find a reason for it to never work. No matter how great some artwork looks, they won't upvote it, because they see this one tiny thing that they dislike, and it is a reason excuse to be the law. Why support this great thing someone made or suggested, when you can make it seem like crap instead!

Edited by BeeOverlord
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It's because jealous non-Founders have previously, incessantly brought this up. Really, it's because of that very long "dual skana prime/dual lato prime" thread that was posted last year, which came about because DE decided to put Dual Lato Primes in their Xbox One trailer. That ended with a settled, final, "no" from DE. So that's why you're going to get a lot of Founders saying "no". Non-founders have brought this up before, accusing Founders of being greedy, envious (still don't get that one), and selfish with regard to the Founders pack. This happened well before any such "conditioning" by Founders.


Oh, and no, Founders didn't ground that into you. People just like feeling special about exclusive items. Oh, and another reason that a lot of Founders respond to these "Bring Excal Prime Back!" threads? Because people like you keeping trying to make the issue a "non-Founders vs Founders" issue with your blanket generalizations of all Founders. There are Founders and non-Founders who want DE to break their legal agreement and have the Founders Program re-released and there are Founders and non-Founders who want Excal Prime, Lato Prime, and Skana Prime to remain exclusive because of the wording used when DE sold the Founders packs.

It's funny to see how people think that founders are the problem to this "exclusive" business. When it's the "jealous non-Founders" you say are the people who are making annoying threads about the founder package.


Once before I had a pug in a game who was bad mouthing me about my Master status after seeing my Master emblem on my shoulder. He said some pretty rude things. Mostly relating to how I was the reason normal players didn't get Founder items. Should have taken a SS of the chat, but i didn't take it personal. He/she is on my ignore list

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It's funny to see how people think that founders are the problem to this "exclusive" business. When it's the "jealous non-Founders" you say are the people who are making annoying threads about the founder package.


Once before I had a pug in a game who was bad mouthing me about my Master status after seeing my Master emblem on my shoulder. He said some pretty rude things. Mostly relating to how I was the reason normal players didn't get Founder items. Should have taken a SS of the chat, but i didn't take it personal. He/she is on my ignore list


Thing is, from what I've seen, it's been mostly non-Founders and then some Founders who have brought up these kinds of threads. With regards to Founders, "It's Exclusive" is a perfectly fine answer, but this thread isn't even dealing with that (of course, it's brought up by a bitter non-Founder though). With regard to everything else, I'd say this. If DE has said something is never coming back, then the answer is fine. If DE has said that an item is only going to be obtained through a certain method (most recently we've seen people complain about the Syndicate syandanas), then the answer is also fine. Otherwise, it's not fine.


So like BeeOverlord said, let's not turn this into a Founders thread. I'd say that another reason people respond with "It's Exclusive" is because people often request to receive items that are exclusive through some other means than a way to get it (like asking for Prime Access cosmetics to be added to the market).

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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People don't want to feel special.


What? I want to feel special.  I want there to be things that you had to be there to get. Things that people can look at you and say, "Wow, they've been around since {time limited event where fancy thing was available}!". Many online games have special weapons, special skins, special armor, special mounts, special cosmetics, special animations, that are exclusive to a particular time and place. It lets your longest playing members identify themselves and feel, at least in some small way, rewarded for being with the game for so long. It also encourages newer players to stay active in the game, because you never know when one of these things is going to show up. Wouldn't you feel stupid if there was an opportunity to get a time-limited item but you had decided to take a few weeks off from playing and missed?


What I don't understand is why the Warframe community seems to have never heard of this concept before.



(That said, I agree with the person above who said that mods should not be exclusive. These are very clearly a form of power in the game. Some span of shininess is okay, but event based mods should reappear within a reasonable time after their event for other players to get them.)

Edited by Momaw
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It's funny to see how people think that founders are the problem to this "exclusive" business. When it's the "jealous non-Founders" you say are the people who are making annoying threads about the founder package.


Once before I had a pug in a game who was bad mouthing me about my Master status after seeing my Master emblem on my shoulder. He said some pretty rude things. Mostly relating to how I was the reason normal players didn't get Founder items. Should have taken a SS of the chat, but i didn't take it personal. He/she is on my ignore list

i am so glad that has never happened to me. i expected to get some hate when i placed my GM sigil on my warframes but nope no hate to im pretty happy with that.


On Topic:

as someone said it's mostly people just trying to feel superior and stuff. if you want a more direct response to an answer about limited time items such as skins, mods, and weapons I Would message one of the devs in charge of the community such as DERebecca DEMegan and the community moderators. These people will give you a more accurate answer and will be a lot nicer about it.

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What? I want to feel special.  I want there to be things that you had to be there to get. Things that people can look at you and say, "Wow, they've been around since {time limited event where fancy thing was available}!". Many online games have special weapons, special skins, special armor, special mounts, special cosmetics, special animations, that are exclusive to a particular time and place. It lets your longest playing members identify themselves and feel, at least in some small way, rewarded for being with the game for so long. It also encourages newer players to stay active in the game, because you never know when one of these things is going to show up. Wouldn't you feel stupid if there was an opportunity to get a time-limited item but you had decided to take a few weeks off from playing and missed?


What I don't understand is why the Warframe community seems to have never heard of this concept before.



(That said, I agree with the person above who said that mods should not be exclusive. These are very clearly a form of power in the game. Some span of shininess is okay, but event based mods should reappear within a reasonable time after their event for other players to get them.)

Sir, you may want to feel special, but it isn't the reason for you (or anyone) yelling at people who want exclusives back.

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What? I want to feel special.  I want there to be things that you had to be there to get. Things that people can look at you and say, "Wow, they've been around since {time limited event where fancy thing was available}!". Many online games have special weapons, special skins, special armor, special mounts, special cosmetics, special animations, that are exclusive to a particular time and place. It lets your longest playing members identify themselves and feel, at least in some small way, rewarded for being with the game for so long. It also encourages newer players to stay active in the game, because you never know when one of these things is going to show up. Wouldn't you feel stupid if there was an opportunity to get a time-limited item but you had decided to take a few weeks off from playing and missed?


What I don't understand is why the Warframe community seems to have never heard of this concept before.



(That said, I agree with the person above who said that mods should not be exclusive. These are very clearly a form of power in the game. Some span of shininess is okay, but event based mods should reappear within a reasonable time after their event for other players to get them.)


This. This right here.

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People are just misinformed. Nothing except founders is exclusive. Event weapons, mods and all other temporary goodies are up for DE to reintroduce whenever they want. Not entirely sure about PA accessories, but I suspect they might come back in a rotation or in some other form. 


I find it hilarious that people thought the candy cane skin and the proto-excal were exclusive. especially seeing as the word "exclusive" wasn't included in any where near these items. "Limited time" does not = "exclusive".

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