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Targis Armor Color [Megathread]


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"but now I'm stuck with an ugly plastic color I dislike."


Everyone else seems to know exactly what I meant, but I can spell it out for you specifically. Yes, I think the PBR color for the gold parts on targis are ugly.

1 - No, not everybody else did, in this thread or others.


2 - If you want it fixed, take this seriously.  I am not trying to degrade you by telling you to be more detailed, I am saying that it's best when things are communicated clearly.  You may go in and notice a change, others may not notice it because different people pay attention to different aspects of things.

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I happen to LIKE the change.  I use classic saturated to obtain my gold color.  Still looks gold to me.  Maybe not the same as the old shade, but then, a lot of prime items didn't have matching gold to begin with.  Also, it no longer glows in the dark!

Glad you do, but this thread is not about you. I (and many others) much rather liked the old color and want it back. It's what we paid for, now we have something different. Not to mention it ALSO recolors my other armor and syndana, which I do NOT want yellow.


Personally I prefer having the gold colorable.  Not everyone want to look like a walking jewelry store.

See above reply.


Keep exclusive items as they should be, this coloring bs is being pushed by a few players that are NOT the majority. They are just the loudest.

Literally just add an option for "gold on/off". It'd satisfy all parties. Either this option is INCREDIBLY difficult to add for DE or they just ignore half their playerbase.


1 - No, not everybody else did, in this thread or others.


2 - If you want it fixed, take this seriously.  I am not trying to degrade you by telling you to be more detailed, I am saying that it's best when things are communicated clearly.  You may go in and notice a change, others may not notice it because different people pay attention to different aspects of things.

I am taking it seriously, just didn't know I needed to spell it out. Thought the post was clear enough. Either way, this is rediculous of them to do. I bought the item under the pretense it would have golden trim, now it has a ugly solid yellow trim that also recolors my other armor (use naberus) and syndana.

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I found colors that matched Ember Prime's gold in ten of the color pallets. TEN


I tried every color palette I have (all but Eximus, Lotus, Tenno) and nothing comes close. It really shows when you equip weapons that still have the old effect. They closest matches are dull and lifeless instead of vibrant. They are not prime colors.

Edited by Kihana
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I want the old gold back. This new "tintable" gold is patchy like some sort of slip-shot electroplating. It is UGLY.


I don't mind this feature on the newer primes but this change is uncalled for. I did not ask for my Targis armor to resemble plastic ablative bits.


Pls revert these unnecessary changes because it is unwarranted and unslightly.

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I tried every color palette I have (all but Eximus, Lotus, Tenno) and nothing comes close. It really shows when you equip weapons that still have the old effect. They closest matches are dull and lifeless instead of vibrant. They are not prime colors.

Weapons that still have the old coloring differ even between themselves.

This translation to PBR is an ongoing process, I imagine once every prime item is converted to use the new system everyone'll be able to make their gold match perfectly across all items (with a choice of different shades of gold).

Although the devs really do need to make a separate tint slot just for the prime parts.

Edited by Artarrwen
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I too feel cheated, this "plastic" colour is not what we were advertised. The feedback from Pyra P / Soma P / Vasto P 's horrible default gold should have been enough to tell people would not like this,  having to buy additional color pallettes to get the original colour feels like a disservice :/

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If you use targis just of it being prime ... well. .. it's a bit marasmatic ...


I don't think you know what marasmatic means.


There are two known attributes that define something as prime. One is a stat boost, the other is the gold bling highlights. If they would like to give prime accessories a nice stat boost to our frames and weapons now that the gold bling has been removed then by all means. But they've already turned away from that path.

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If it was only with the colors of the items Fine prime numbers , one can customize to your liking . more change the look of warframes cousins ​​skills was ridiculous . as with the star zero capacity of the new press, where the balls were of gold and kept the energy trail became snowflakes in prime new orbit, no matter what the color of energy will always look snowflake.

Let as before was better
Edited by Blue.Lion
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I think thats a bad change too. For three reasons:


1) The most important: It is UNANNOUNCED. And also its not documented which items are touched by it. I looked through al my primes to find out my rifles are now different, but not my bow, my secondary and melee primes are still old.


2) The gold was a unique sign of the prime weapons. If one does not like that, its okay to give someone the option to get rid of it. But to change it for everyone is not okay.

Just adding another "gold color picker" for the prime items would solve that. It would have the old prime color avaiable, maybe a few special colors and all other normal ones.


3) Its no problem for weapons, but as someone already said: in Warframe Decorations the fourth Tint color affects more than just one item. Not all of them might be prime. For these there is definitly a prime color picker necessary.

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I agree with Op. I paid £32.99


To have this awesome, metallic gold. On my shoulders,knees, chest and now back.

It's a simple fix though right?
When default is clicked, instead of making it ALL white, make the "prime" parts that original metallic gold. 

But still have the option to have it coloured different things.

It can be done, right?

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