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R5 Cores Are Still Nerfed After Hotfix 15.14...


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All of the people threatening to leave should just do it already.  Seriously, I dare you.


I said id slow down and take a break, which I have. I did not play yesterday, and ive only logged in today for the daily login.


Between the r5 grind and the stupid radio, ive lost a lot of patience with this game.... The fact they also seem to have made infested annoying (blinding you and knocking you down all the time) has also reduced some of the fun this game once had. The yellow bublbes guys are an example of a good way to increase challenge, but a lot of the infested changes are IMO annoying and bad way to introduce challenge.


For now I think I will just purchase prime mod parts when they come around and do some cata or reactor alerts until they either fix some of these flaws or I get some of my personal and professional projects done.


On the bright side, I did not replace this game with any other, so I was a lot more productive yesterday. So far today is going well too.

Edited by Hotshot0507
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Need a fix? Introduce the legendary cores back in the game as raid rare drops.

Adding that would just leave at .1 percent drop rate and it would solve nothing overall.


DE needs to get off there high horse and admit they made a mistake with R5 cores. Also I don't understand a void bomb is going to push prime parts out of the void so why screw with R5 cores in first place to fix the void issue is beyond me.

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How exactly am I supposed to get this data if its all encrypted? This is all general information that could be right or could be wrong. What I do know is, and with information from DE changelogs from patches, is that the old drop rates from T4 survival has changed. You can't argue that it hasn't because it has and there's proof floating around the forums if you look for it. In addition to that, the new rates found on starchart missions are considerably lower considering packs are now exclusive to Rotation A where as they use to be in ALL Rotations A through C. 

Well of course they've changed. I've never tried to say anything to the contrary. You're not supposed to get at the data, that's why they encrypted it.


I just don't like it when people pull numbers from nowhere, and other people go on to believe it as fact. It's spreading misinformation. I've got no problem with people complaining about one thing being rarer than another, or changes felt in drop rates from anecdotal evidence, I just don't like it when people try to assume hard numbers based on hunches.

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Well of course they've changed. I've never tried to say anything to the contrary. You're not supposed to get at the data, that's why they encrypted it.


I just don't like it when people pull numbers from nowhere, and other people go on to believe it as fact. It's spreading misinformation. I've got no problem with people complaining about one thing being rarer than another, or changes felt in drop rates from anecdotal evidence, I just don't like it when people try to assume hard numbers based on hunches.


You're correct and I've changed my original post to reflect that. I'll break down my thought process for you. I had a claim but I can't prove it 100% since there is no evidence for it (encrypted data). So instead, I used general knowledge and basic math to give people an idea of what I'm trying to prove. It's not accurate but people somewhat understand what I'm trying to get at. If people took these deductions as fact, then there's nothing I can do about that. I cannot predict what people will assume from the information I've provided. Like you said, this is based on anecdotal evidence. At no point in this entire topic, before or after edits, have I said that these numbers were accurate. These are all estimated. There has been no spreading of any type of misinformation. If my wording of my posts have led people to assume this, then I can change that. I'll be more careful. This information was taken, with permission, from user cyrus106 with the notice that these numbers were all estimated. You can check his own topic, located here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/399833-cyrus106s-solution-to-the-core-farming-dilemma/


I feel like you're being very hostile when there's really no need to. I've been patient and courteous throughout all my posts. I'm assuming you agree that there's a problem with the current state of R5 cores? Can I also assume we're on the same side here and that something needs to be done to fix this problem? Then, once again, thanks for helping me out with these numbers. I don't think there's a need to direct your anger towards me even though you have every right to. It does, however, distract people from the main issue at hand.

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Well of course they've changed. I've never tried to say anything to the contrary. You're not supposed to get at the data, that's why they encrypted it.


They encrypted it not terribly long after the community found out about a bunch of errors in the way they had been coding drops and complained about it all over.  There is quite literally no development reason for them to encrypt this information other than to hide it from the playerbase so that we have to believe what they say since we cannot verify it.  The latest hard evidence was from patch 15.8.1 and I'm guessing that update went out without the information being encrypted (oops) so the numbers are from relatively recently.


That said on topic we're hoping that they left Cores in the Common pool in T4Surv, I haven't done a ton of T4Surv since they patched this in, but we cannot verify it either.  The drop rates in the missions on the Star Map are clearly terrible given the evidence that has been directly posted from people playing and the fact that the tables have a bunch of junk in them.  High level Interception is even worse as your chances of seeing a core pack are pretty much nil.


DE would be much better off either dropping the encryption on the tables so that there can be community verification that everything is working properly, or just publish the data and be honest about it.  Until that happens we have to base our knowledge off of what we see combined with the most recent structures and since they haven't done a loot overhaul since 15.8.1 it's a pretty safe bet that those numbers are at the very least close to accurate.

Edited by plznohurtme
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At rotation C people get Void Keys usually T4, I don't think putting cores there is brilliant idea, people want T4 keys, especially now that DE effectively *removed* them from syndicates when you consider at what prices you can get one.

I meant at survivals, you get keys at 15 min and at 20 its some mod

Intercept is key at 4th round so they could add cores to 5th round (which would be roughly ~20-22 min of playtime too)

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r5 packs of 5 seem ok on neptune survival for me. I usually get them within 5 ~ 10 minutes then i leave and repeat.

Well that's fine but no one is upset really over putting rare cores in normal survival mission. Its just DE's stupid logic that nerfing drop rate T4 survival rare cores is totally balanced out by putting rares cores with a low drop rate in normal survival.


Its kinda like if your boss cut's your income by 10 percent but you get a slightly bigger bonus at end of year.... you earn less regardless of DE spins it.

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No guys its realy serious time for break, maybee DE want goodness for us realy. I thinking about it last days ....Count time spend on T4 S for farm this R5 C, isnt it Sick? 2 hours with torids on spot and re again or mutch more. maybee its time for real life not on T4S life  :D cause its only game....


BTW  true is i was angry too and new drop rate is for FUN not for spend time :D

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Incoming wall of text + PSA Phase 1.

The news of adding Rare 5 Code Bundles in missions throughout the star chart was first met with optimism, but over this past week the volume of reports that ‘this is bad or broken’ have had us investigating why this could be so very bad.

In a quick test case on Nuovo, we came out pretty good in 5 minutes:


Granted, it’s not identical to the prior method, but there is no Key burned, new scenery and new enemies involved.

Then we investigated the advertised claim that missions with enemies starting at Level 20 or more will reward Rare Cores, and the issue became clear: Some Level 20+ Enemy missions are using Medium Tier Rewards. The theoretical tables players have been producing as well as their experiences is a result of misassigned reward tables.

This is absolutely not working as intended and we will fix it today (which by consequence is extending the time needed to deploy the small Update we have planned).

Digging resulted in revealing that this is how Hard mission Rewards are set up:

Rotation A, Survival, Hard Mission Reward Rotations.
Fusion Core (RareModFuser) x5 =  25%

Rotation B, Interception, Hard Mission Reward Rotations
Fusion Core (RareModFuser) x5  =  50%

Some missions with Enemies starting at Level 20 or more are not hooked up to distribute R5 Cores. Which is to say, the following are using Medium Tier Rewards instead of Hard:

Sedna: Yemaja.
Uranus: Ophelia, Cupid, Stephano.
Europa: Ose, Zagan
Phobos: Flimnap, Opik
& More issues with ambiguous ranges (17-23, etc).

These will be fixed today.

Furthermore, Dark Sector nodes were omitted from this simply because they already have added bonuses (XP, etc). However, we have added Rare 5 x 5 Cores to these missions and this will also be deployed today.

This roughly concludes PSA Phase 1. The issue has been identified, fixes are in progress, and deployment will follow. PSA Phase 2 pending this all being fixed + reparations for everyone's time and frustrations.

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Incoming wall of text + PSA Phase 1.


This roughly concludes PSA Phase 1. The issue has been identified, fixes are in progress, and deployment will follow. PSA Phase 2 pending this all being fixed + reparations for everyone's time and frustrations.

IMO the DS change will push players even more into nodes like sechura. withholding the change from DS will spread the playerbase abit more, so different nodes are played on a regular basis

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IMO the DS change will push players even more into nodes like sechura. withholding the change from DS will spread the playerbase abit more, so different nodes are played on a regular basis

You do realize that quite a few more nodes are level 20+ DS not only Sechura ?

Ceres, Eris, Neptune, Uranus, Europa and Phobos fall into that category, Ceres Seimeni is even ranked higher than Sechura as far as enemy levels are concerned. Plenty of room to spread out.

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You do realize that quite a few more nodes are level 20+ DS not only Sechura ?

Ceres, Eris, Neptune, Uranus, Europa and Phobos fall into that category, Ceres Seimeni is even ranked higher than Sechura as far as enemy levels are concerned. Plenty of room to spread out.

i was thinking more about the regular nodes, which will now not offer any differences over the DS nodes. just my view on things

Edited by Adaptor-Face
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IMO the DS change will push players even more into nodes like sechura. withholding the change from DS will spread the playerbase abit more, so different nodes are played on a regular basis

Definitely--DS already gets a little too much concentration. Those in search of cores being directed there seems overkill.


Further, there's some expectation of getting the unique DS mods when going into one... would be terrible to be stuck doing DS repeatedly for a unique DS mod and getting stuck with cores instead.

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