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How Much Do You Communicate?


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In game, how often do you use your mic or text chat? In addition, how often do you use your mic or text chat and effectively communicate with other teammates? 


I'd just like to know because I've not found many effective communicators in, well, most of Warframe that I've played with. Clanmates, randoms, recruiters... I haven't played with any forum members, because quite frankly, I'm not a big communicator myself.  I'm just a huge Ash about some things. So I'd like to know if other people find effective teams and such. 

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I use text chat because I'm on PC and its easier with a Keyboard and I can quickly type out a message. Its usually alright, I normally stop using the chat once I get into higher waves on endless missions.


I would guess for PS4, voice chat would be easier than text chat cause with text chat on PS4, doesn't that take you completely out of the game and bring up a new window just so you can type?

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I'll use voice chat sometimes, mostly when the team seems like cool people. Typing is a pain with how fast paced some missions are.

I've been running with the same two or three people and we use voice chat the entire time, our coordination is much better and our death rates are down significantly, especially in the defense maps.


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I use text chat because I'm on PC and its easier with a Keyboard and I can quickly type out a message. Its usually alright, I normally stop using the chat once I get into higher waves on endless missions.


I would guess for PS4, voice chat would be easier than text chat cause with text chat on PS4, doesn't that take you completely out of the game and bring up a new window just so you can type?

Basically, but I usually can use it fast enough with the Playstation App. 

Though, not everyone is as fortunate or no-lifes like I do. 

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The built in voice chat is really low quality. I hate when people try to use it. It doesn't work.

On the other hand, I love the text chat (PC). It's always fun to find a group of people who are willing to chat and joke around during a long survival.

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I try to communicate most of the time, feels a little unnatural when nobody says anything, especially when something random happens, or funny. It is a little awkward when you ask about something regarding the mission you're in and nobody says anything tough.

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I rarely communicate unless someone speaks to me first. The only real exception is when I see someone new doing something stupid (using the life support long before we need it), then I politely tell them to hold off on using it until X%. If they ignore me I leave. 90% of this game can be accomplished without communication, and even in situations were teamwork is nice, most players instinctively fill their role without needing to be told to do so. Frosts protect. Trinity's heal/give energy. Nukes nuke. CC'ers CC.

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I only communicate when something needs to be said, like what Assassin/Death Squad is invading or what wave/time I'm leaving as host.  And I only use text chat.  Sometimes, if there's a newbie in the squad, I answer their questions if nobody else is, or whoever is answering them is answering them with incorrect information.


Other than that, total silence.  I'm just a guy that helps kill stuff.

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I only communicate when something needs to be said, like what Assassin/Death Squad is invading


Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I usually let my squad know who's coming after me whenever I get invaded. Always short things like "stalker" or "free xp incoming" (perrin)

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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In public matches I only say few words








Otherwise I usually chat in squad or clan depending if I'm playing or not. Some could think I type/talk too much. I think it's true.


Voice chat? hmm... my clan has a Raicall group but I never went in it. I'm shy mkay.

Edited by CookingFood
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I like to use text chat, mostly because it's easier on PC and my high pitched girl voice sounds like Mickey Mouse otherwise :P


I only talk if someone starts a conversation or you get that "weirdo who wants to be social" vibe. I like talking to people but honestly I talk too much or I say something and no one responds, even during peaceful periods during gameplay. Super fun when someone does join the conversation!

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