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Is There Too Much Stuff In Update 16?


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I'm gonna be "that guy". Every update before when people have said this exact sentiment (DE making it "less buggy"/higher quality), it's always been a massive let down. They do either no, or very little testing before pushing it, of course, I can only say that for sure as of U14 or so. Maybe 15 was perfect in everyway, but my guess is that is was just as buggy as any of their updates before it.

Can you really blame them, though? You have people complaining that they don't have anything to do after burning themselves out, and others telling them to stop with the constant stream of " useless" additions and focus on bug fixes and take their time. Well, now they're taking their time and people are moaning that they're taking too long. Then when they announce a timeframe, people drive the hype train off a cliff and it crashes into their fclaces because it wasn't what they set expectations for.

They can't win.

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Too much stuff and 6 months of wait.


It better be Gabe Noggle or else..


Anyway i do hope that DE tries to bring back the rarely used weapons and uh *coughballisticacough* back to light, at least not into overly op(ticor) level.

Edited by Xatheon
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i can understand why people worrying about "too much". too much different stuff might mean each of them is poorly done. but i think some of the content of U16 has been working on since a long ago, for example, the J3 archwing boss. new pvp map etc. also volt prime and dragon frame is only a routine every few months so i have confident that those parts should be good.

8-player raid, on the other hand, might be underwhelming... what else will come in U16? let me see... ok maybe more syndicate mods, those "should" be ok as well

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Can you really blame them, though? You have people complaining that they don't have anything to do after burning themselves out, and others telling them to stop with the constant stream of " useless" additions and focus on bug fixes and take their time. Well, now they're taking their time and people are moaning that they're taking too long. Then when they announce a timeframe, people drive the hype train off a cliff and it crashes into their fclaces because it wasn't what they set expectations for.

They can't win.

There's a huge difference here. They decided to hoard and bundle EVERYTHING that was nearly finished into one update. In my opinion it's stupid and it will most likely backfire.


The new syndicate mods were finished a while ago but were withheld so that U16 gets even more stuffed. That's one example.


It all seems to be done so that Steve can say "Our biggest update yet" yet another time. We are I am honestly getting tired of promises gone undelivered and update disasters. Both of which U16 seems to fall for. I'd be happy to be wrong but history tends to repeat itself.

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I don't know about others, but i'd much rather they released content in smaller updates. This way the bugs will be easier to handle on their part. Releasing so many things at once is what leads to them staying overnight trying to fix bugs. If previous updates have taught us anything, it's that there WILL be bugs. And the bigger the update, the more the bugs.

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They become more ambitious and greedy of the " quality " of their updates. We however need to be fair and recognize the long holiday that was there that took out a bit of the time but still I am quite worried that this would be a continuing trend and content famine. Seriously for example at this point I have nothing else to do with my Syndicate reputation than to buy void keys with and the syndicate meters are full and I have nearly 100k reptutaion worth of medallions for each syndicate stored and there is still 3 more weeks till there might be something new to buy with my syndicate.

Don't get me wrong I am not bored per say, I am having fun and time seems to vanish so I can wait. But I do got to admit that the time between Update 15 and Update 16 has been way too long. The amount of actual content seems to have actually become less because we get new tilesets, new weapons, new Warframes etc. at a much slower rate if this continues. Even though meaning that a single update will have somewhat more content in it, the overall amount seems to be less as far as I can foresee for now. I could be wrong though but I am concerned that I am right about it.

Still they work as much as possible and I really hope this is an isolated case whereby they now try to establish a good amount of endgame content for Warframe players once and for all and then flesh it further in the future. Get the foundation finally there for future purposes. I can not wait for the Raids to be there, that is what I wait the most personally. I am also somewhat interested about the upcoming Warframe and PvP. even though I do not generally like PvP. much myself, it seems worth the try. But the amount of time that has gone to get these this update in comparison to what will be released as far as we know? Not worth it I think.

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Because its harder and takes more time to ship several separate updates than a single big one. And even much more so with console certification process. 

Completely not true for PC. We get fixes and changes every week. In the past 2 years we had updates with additions every month.


"Biggest update yet" phrase needs to be purged forever - What's next? hoard a year's worth of content and release it on Christmas? 'Biggest Fail Yet' fits better.

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It all seems to be done so that Steve can say "Our biggest update yet" yet another time. We are I am honestly getting tired of promises gone undelivered and update disasters. Both of which U16 seems to fall for. I'd be happy to be wrong but history tends to repeat itself.


I think its Perfect World's Board room thats pushing the content into 1 big bundle rather than Steve. I remember when i was playing PW and Boi both games saw no updates happen for over 6 months followed by a huge update that had more than most could stomach. I think boi went 1 year without any major or even minor content update while china was getting huge patchs into thier boi game.


I much rather see this stuff trickle out every 1-3 months than wait 6 months..

Edited by CarrotSalad
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It's kind of funny.  DE Steve has stated two or three times on the devstreams that doing such huge updates really messes things up, and keeps biting them in the &#!.  And he's stated that approach was and is a HUGE mistake that they pay for it every time.  DE was going to do frequent smaller updates to gradually introduce more content instead of rolling it all one huge update.



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It's kind of funny.  DE Steve has stated two or three times on the devstreams that doing such huge updates really messes things up, and keeps biting them in the !.  And he's stated that approach was and is a HUGE mistake that they pay for it every time.  DE was going to do frequent smaller updates to gradually introduce more content instead of rolling it all one huge update.




Well thats weird...

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It's kind of funny.  DE Steve has stated two or three times on the devstreams that doing such huge updates really messes things up, and keeps biting them in the !.  And he's stated that approach was and is a HUGE mistake that they pay for it every time.  DE was going to do frequent smaller updates to gradually introduce more content instead of rolling it all one huge update.



Which streams did he state this?

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I think this is almost a tradition with the Christmas/Winter holiday season for more updates getting bundled together.  But, this is the longest Warframe has gone without a version number update since being in open beta.


The update will be huge and

the update will be buggy.


I think seeing a teaser site for a week is just going to kill me.... knowing the update will be coming soon yes, but having to wait a week (or two) more for it.

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Again...a lot of the stuff released works together with stuff already out or with other new content. 

If A is pushed out on its' own then this creates a lot of issues or even creates additional dev time. 

Rather sew one complete package and shove it out the door once it's ready. 

Not to mention look at how much content was in the patches from 15.1 to 15.15...there is a whole lot of stuff going on in those patches. So they HAVE been giving us stuff in smaller updates. And in addition to that there were the big holidays with a lot of people at the office taking a few of their days off. 

Like...all those people saying they'd rather prefer smaller updates...you have been getting a lot of those. What you actually want is everything...and you want it now. Because if you look at it from a neutral standpoint, a LOT of things happened in the past few weeks and months and we HAVE been getting a lot of stuff.

Edited by Shehriazad
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It's kind of funny.  DE Steve has stated two or three times on the devstreams that doing such huge updates really messes things up, and keeps biting them in the !.  And he's stated that approach was and is a HUGE mistake that they pay for it every time.  DE was going to do frequent smaller updates to gradually introduce more content instead of rolling it all one huge update.



Update 13 :^)

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Completely not true for PC. We get fixes and changes every week. In the past 2 years we had updates with additions every month.


"Biggest update yet" phrase needs to be purged forever - What's next? hoard a year's worth of content and release it on Christmas? 'Biggest Fail Yet' fits better.

Fixes or new guns are not substantial content updates, there is too much redundancy in integrating, assembling and testing if you were to break down a big update into many parts to release each 2 weeks. I dont like it myself but its easier for the devs.  

Also marketing: big update  can make news and remind everyone about the game.

Edited by Monolake
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Stacking too much in one update may be detrimental to the flow of the game.

Let me explain. We get an update, tons of content :YAY!

We run trough it and then we are left with long periods of dead time.

Sure it's up to the player at which rate he runs trough the content.

But at the same time, a vaste majority of the player base has reached *end-game*.

Now i know this has been brought up but, smaller batch of content

on a more frequent basis. This sounds like a bandaid solution and it is,

but at the same time... is there a solution at all.

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Fixes or new guns are not substantial content updates, there is too much redundancy in integrating, assembling and testing if you were to break down a big update into many parts to release each 2 weeks. I dont like it myself but its easier for the devs.  

Also marketing: big update  can make news and remind everyone about the game.

Oh spare me the baloney ~ You can be an apologist if you want.


But at least have the decency to not be a deceptive apologist.

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