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Warframe's Vibe Is Dissipating With Almost Every Update (Read Before Insta-Hate)


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One of the main reasons I, and other Vets love Warframe is because of it's Dark/Mysterious vibe. With almost every update it seems to slip farther and farther away. Let's take a look at Early Warframe vs Warframe Now


Early Warframe:


Warframe's were vaguely based off of some animal or person (Exception is Rhino), very cleverly or required some research to fully understand the name and design (See Vauban).


Tilesets were dark and looked more stealth friendly as the game was somewhat striving to accomplish


The bio-mechanical look of the Warframe's fit naturally and wasn't forced.


Although we had some weird frames, Warframe still had that Space Ninja Feel to it 



Warframe Now:


Warframe's are lazily/obviously based of off something that requires little to no prior knowledge (See Hydroid, Limbo, Mirage, Mesa, Valkyr, Oberon)


Tilesets are now brightly colored even with Brightness settings tweaked. Looks more like a dystopia than a Post Apocalyptic World


New Warframe's now seem to be wearing clothes more than Bio-Mechanical (Once again see Hydroid, Mesa, Limbo,Oberon, Valkyr, Mirage)


No longer Space Ninja and more of "Let's see what we can make next!" (Whether you agree or not the Devs were going for a Space Ninja theme just see Tagline and past Devstreams)




Please only add silly stuff during Holidays or Special Moments and not just for the lulz




Old Warframe





New Warframe



Edited by (PS4)kiddplay13
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Why do people have a problem with Warframes being thematic? Why does that deter from your enjoyment, I can't wrap my head around this.


If every warframe would have a little protrusion on their heads, they would be considered a carbon-copy of Excalibur.

Edited by Cynaris
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I completely agree. Warframe seems to be unsure what to do.


Does it want to be stealthy or gun-ho?

Does it want to have hard (but rewarding) elite soldiers, or hordes of grunts charging your way?

Does it want to have difficult t acquire (due to hard boss or w/e) drops, or RNG on the RNG so you can RNG whilst RNG'ing the RNG?


personally I'd much rather have a more 'spec-ops' feel again, instead of some super soldiers barging in and murdering every single of the clones (with are formed on the ship, to keep up with demand). The latter gets boring a lot faster, imo.



and to the people going all 'WARFARM IS WUT IT IS NOAUW, GET OVER IT'


Warframe is what it is right now, true. It's also very not good at properly deciding on a course, and PROPERLY following it.

Edited by Alighierian
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It destroys the original Vibe and Theme. It starts to deter when things have less meaning and is only for for the lulz

Sure, because it's you who determines what should be the vibe. Right?


It's not that the game simply expanded a lot and you set your expectations based on the first few frames?

Edited by Cynaris
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I completely agree. Warframe seems to be unsure what to do.


Does it want to be stealthy or gun-ho?

Does it want to have hard (but rewarding) elite soldiers, or hordes of grunts charging your way?

Does it want to have difficult t acquire (due to hard boss or w/e) drops, or RNG on the RNG so you can RNG whilst RNG'ing the RNG?


personally I'd much rather have a more 'spec-ops' feel again, instead of some super soldiers barging in and murdering every single of the clones (with are formed on the ship, to keep up with demand). The latter gets boring a lot faster, imo.

EXACTLY The game itself seems to be conflicted on what it wants to do.

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If the tilesets are too dark then people can't hugely see resulting in people dying random deaths. Ceres and Europa are kinda dark. So you want vaguely themed warframes that seems kinda hard and annoying, imo none of the warframes are vaguely themed.

Edited by Lord_of_Time
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Sure, because it's you who determines what should be the vibe. Right?


It's not that the game simply expanded a lot and you set your expectations based on the first few frames?

I never determined the theme, DE did. All i'm saying is i enjoyed that theme as well did many others. I wouldn't make this thread if what i was saying wasn't true.

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I do agree, the game is growing to something different that it was set to be, idk, maybe the devs have a new creative direction in line for warframe.


And then, they keep doing all this big updates, hyping everyone, and making all the new stuff look like the ultimate awesome souse, but then it just weak content that disappoints or any new features are consumed in 24h.


I can only expect the game do diverge more and more, since the beginning of 2014 every new big update as been about some floppy new idea that never ends up really shining.

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The only thing I miss are the dark environments. Other than that I have no idea what your talking about.


Everything else looks the same, and fits with what the Devs are looking to bring to Wurfram. They're trying to push it beyond their expectations, and frankly they're doing a pretty gud job overall.


EDIT: Ye it's changed quite a bit, but I still see it as Warframe. The more DE paves the road towards their goals, the more they change their perspectives on the way they're presenting Warframe.


It's not all that different from writers who revise novels or works of literature multiple times to the point where the final revision is vastly different from what they started with. They may have possibly found new paths to take the work on that diverged from what was originally planned. Either way, your not DE, so just because you think you know what their motives and direction is, doesn't mean that you exactly know where they're going with it in the future.

Edited by DarknightK
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adding more visual features that change the way things look is not a bad thing.

there's two quick and easy resolutions to this that the end user can do.

turn down the Brightness of the game. you can also adjust the Contrast if you'd like.

then the game can be as bright or as dark as you want it to be.

don't use Dynamic Exposure.

don't use Bloom.

don't use Color Correction.

and maybe even don't use HDR. i don't really know how well that will go though.

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To further expand on my Warframe overall look, take for prime example Mesa. There is literally nothing "Warframe" about her. For Lotus Sake she's wear pants and a Jacket lol. She looks more fit for Destiny than Warframe, maybe that's why she's called the outcast Frame.



First Warframe                                                                    Last Warframe


250px-ExcaliburNewLook.png               RogueGunslinger.png              

Edited by (PS4)kiddplay13
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To further expand on my Warframe overall look, take for prime example Mesa. There is literally nothing "Warframe" about her. For Lotus Sake she's wear pants and a Jacket lol. She looks more fit for Destiny than Warframe, maybe that's why she's called the outcast Frame.

Meanwhile random "cloaks", flappy shoulderpieces and such are completely fine and has been part of the game since forever.


If you check her "clothes" they have a dedicated function to them, containing ammo packs, explosives and such. If you'd strip her down to the basics, she'd probably be as ambiguous as any other frame.

Edited by Cynaris
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To further expand on my Warframe overall look, take for prime example Mesa. There is literally nothing "Warframe" about her. For Lotus Sake she's wear pants and a Jacket lol. She looks more fit for Destiny than Warframe, maybe that's why she's called the outcast Frame.

Creating unique design ideas all the time is hard you know? Edited by Altey
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Back then:Tenno were on the brink of extinction (low playerbase due to it being a new game) the game was designed to be dark back then to create a hopelessness that we are fighting a losing war and the galaxy is doomed.

Now: The Tenno are a full faction and military power to be reckoned with. We have saved countless colonies and protected many from the actions of the Grineer Corpus and Infested. To the people we are the light in the darkness. The ones that will save them from destruction.

Our relays are the spoils of this fight where we have entire space stations free from the influence of those factions where all are equal and safe from harm.

Overall: Since the beginning we have only become stronger and more able to save the system from its own destruction.

This is a lore transition not a specifically design transition

Edited by ToxicTroublermaker
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