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Warframe's Vibe Is Dissipating With Almost Every Update (Read Before Insta-Hate)


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The community has its part of responsibility on this new vibe, who's always demanding pirate warframes, animal warframes, cartoon waframes... also what's the feedback DE gets from every silly addition? Applauses and demand for more. Warframe has been changing accordingly to the community will as well.

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You mean you don't want Sharona-chan?



...Huh. I'd buy it. ...By which I mean that I'd do all the work to create it while spending exactly zero dollars. (Honestly I'd be down with some short frames, or maybe the Shaquille O'neal of Frames y'know what I mean?)

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I never determined the theme, DE did. All i'm saying is i enjoyed that theme as well did many others. I wouldn't make this thread if what i was saying wasn't true.


lemme stop ya right there pal,

YOU never determined the theme


DE did,

your owns make your own argument about warframe losing its theme totally moot, if YOU did not set what the theme

and DE did?

um im sorry but how can you speak as if you are the law on warframe,


oh wait,




get over it, move on, game is fine, going i n good directions, it needed to change as it went on.

and also

the fact u took a pic from an old trailer, for your old warframe theme love

then blatantly TOOK A PIC of clear custom setup, with the purpose by the creator to be silly is making your own point worthless,


of course that pink rhino looks silly, no S#&$ sherlock,

i mean come on,

i can take pic of Superior game trailer from any game out there and then do some dumb S#&$ in game and take pic and be like look,

its to silly now




that makes all of your points worthless.

your supposed warframe now pic, is such horrible attempt to blindside and sway opinion,


i mean come on,

do you think were idiots?


you cant do that and be like, warframe old is better more serious,

how convenient you have pic of silliness to show for current warframe and just took a pic from a trailer for old warframe,

i mean,

are you even trying?


yeah your whole point is now dead in the sand for that lil bit of mulligan.

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While reading this topic I realized how nonsensical and almost dumb, empty of facts some "complaints" are. TL;DR "I don't like this guy using this new, not to my taste frame absolutely pink, or green, or whatever bright color." and "Maps should be dark, boring and bad designed just like in stereotypical cover-shooters".


You guys don't seem to understand your own criticism. Warframe is far away from losing its identity, we are not going through some random item addition spree like a certain famous cartoony FPS did and lost its 60's/70's theme, or a certain tactical FPS made by the same company.

Sure some weapons/maps/frames/etc will look shinier than others, but they're not losing uniqueness in a ~single~ way, and I dare any of you to prove me wrong with solid facts. DE could have left the moustaches, added hats or coats to every frame, named updates Tenno Boutique instead of Tenno Reinforcements, but they didn't.

Every bit of this game makes sense lore-wise, excluding very few skins and events. Ex: Christmas/easter/halloween/valentine Skins.



@Edit: Considering the amount of posts I have, it's clear that I'm dead serious about this.

Edited by Polterghozt
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Of course I could have painted her hot-pink as well and taken my screenshot elsewhere, but I chose the above setting instead because to me this invokes Sci-Fi / Tradition in a very uniquely 'Warframe' way that makes me so happy to play!

I see Harley Quinn with some strange robot thing waiting to try and beat Batman and win Jokers affection again (which will probably fail).

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I have been reading through these 11 pages with interest, considering that I've been back to the game since very recently.

The first missions gave me some awesome shivers and goosebumps of amazeballs... but also some facedesking moments of "oh god what have they done / why is that still not fixed / why has it gone worse".

I'm not going to call it a love-hate relationship, because in the end I wouldn't be liking Warframe so much, on all levels. And DE sure has listened and change certain things in time, based on community feedback when it comes to valid concerns of the gameplay. Of course they do not always listen, and that is a GOOD thing. If Warframe was always tailored to the vocal minority's demands, the game would have died a long time ago.


People forget, that community is not everything. And with that said;


The community has its part of responsibility on this new vibe, who's always demanding pirate warframes, animal warframes, cartoon waframes... also what's the feedback DE gets from every silly addition? Applauses and demand for more. Warframe has been changing accordingly to the community will as well.


Everybody and their mother and their mother's dog and their mother's dog's fleas knows that the feedback of an online game based on the forums or other media is never, ever going to cover or represent the majority of opinions. "It's the community fault" is never a valid excuse. Ever.


Who says these designs have not been in the vault or in the art department's team for so long ago already? Only because it "lines up" with people's requests doesn't mean those have been designed completely based on those ideas.

Also, from a designer's point of view... you cannot constantly keep dishing out the same design, rehashed. You need and WANT to experiment, not only to see where things going, but also to put that part of your creativity to rest and refresh, so you can come back with new ideas.


If I remember correctly, Devs have been saying themselves that this current era of "Warframe Style" has ended with Mesa. In my opinion, Pirate-Frame, Harlequin-Frame, TopHat-Frame, and CowGirl-Frame have been too much as well. Especially Tophatframe. Cowgirlframe looks like she has tons of useless additions which - in my opinion - contradict with the inherit "suit-only" stuff. But then again, there are Vauban's balls of techyness, so who knows. The funny thing with Harlequinframe is... the only thing that "breaks" the immersion for me are those rhombus patterns. Take those away, and suddenly she looks perfectly "Warframe." And no, alternate helmets are that... optional. They don't count.


Maybe those four Warframes they get tweaked at some point to fit more in line with the rest of them. I never had a problem with Zephyr, neither with Valkyr. She is not Kittyframe, by no stretch of the imagination. Just because of that helmet? Well well, optional helmets are optional.



BUT BACK TO THE OPENING POST; I might understand where you are coming from.


There was more "darkness" due to more "ambiguous mystery." At least to me. There was so much... "we just don't know where, how, why, and what. ... we just do what Lotus says. And secretly hope it is the right thing to do... we don't really have a choice anyways."

I was jotting down notes for a journal-ish based fanfiction of my Mag, and when I look at the notes, I didn't need to retrofit so much. On the contrary. I enjoyed going back and add additional fluff text due to the new things that were implemented. The Liset was no longer a cloudy ship design. It was a thing. It even got a NAME.

In terms of the tilesets, I wholeheartedly welcome new terrain based sets which HAVE to feel more open and more "light" by their very nature. But we still have a night cycle on earth, and those flashing Grineer eyes in dark caverns are sure an eerie thing. And the Infested tileset has a gorgeously dark vibe to it.


To me, Warframe hasn't become less gritty. Actually, it has become even MORE gritty to me. Because we are getting more and more aware of the actions and non-actions we as Tenno do. With that not enough... these deeds are now displayed in an even HARDER light... since there is no thick velvet curtain any more that covers us in the bliss of unknowing.



If anyone seeks a TL;DR (( yuck. despicable. )) it would be something like this;


It's not the game's fault. It's what you make of it, and how you let yourself be affected by it, and the people inside.


It is a bit sad to see people being influenced by others and their design choices. So who gives a bleepy bleep when the Rhino next to you is hot pink and shakes his hips? If you don't like to see it, then find a clan with people who don't run around like that. There are enough "serious" or "true" clans out there.


... but I certainly would hope that someday we get an option of "use default models and colors" to gain performance on low end machines. I swear to cow, when I see three other people with all their full set of extra armor bits and sugatras and syandanas and sentinel accessories, my framerate drops by 10 or so, JUST because of those.


CHOICE, as earlier mentioned in the topic, is key. CHOICE is good.

I would like to have this choice as a player to use "default models" for my teammates, and any additional option to further tweak the details I'm seeing on them is very welcome :)

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Note that this post is coming from a true vet. I've been here since closed beta. Just because my post count is low doesn't mean S#&$.


Warframe Now:


Warframe's are lazily/obviously based of off something that requires little to no prior knowledge (See Hydroid, Limbo, Mirage, Mesa, Valkyr, Oberon)


What...are you talking about. This statement makes very little sense. Are you saying their themes are "lazy"? If so, then the theme of Ice, Fire, Lightning, Ninja, Poison, Tank, Wind, and so on are even more lazy and uninspired.



Tilesets are now brightly colored even with Brightness settings tweaked. Looks more like a dystopia than a Post Apocalyptic World



While I agree they've brightened up the interiors noticeably, the general theme is still there. That hasn't changed...in fact it's only gotten stronger with the heavy industrial shipyards of the Grineer and the high tech environments of the Corpus. Hell, Warframe's theme has always been much closer to "Dystopian" than Post-Apocalyptic. Post-Apocalyptic tends to focus on surviving an...apocalypse of some type. Rebuilding while trying to brave a new and terrible frontier. Fallout is post-apocalyptic. Warframe isn't set in a world or universe where an apocalypse happened very recently. It's been years, hundreds, thousands of years since that apocalypse. No - Warframe's theme is Dystopian - or at least, its main theme is thus.



New Warframe's now seem to be wearing clothes more than Bio-Mechanical (Once again see Hydroid, Mesa, Limbo,Oberon, Valkyr, Mirage)


So I guess Frost's robe, Ember's M.C. Hammer pants, Saryn's high heels, floofy collar, and skirt, Trinity's (very obviously not attached) lobster skirt, Rhino's armor, and Ash's samurai-like arm armor don't look anything like clothing/protective equipment. Hell, Nyx and Excalibur look like they have straight up high tech skin tight suits on. Also, Valkyr is probably the only warframe in the game that looks like she literally has no "clothes", so I'm unsure why you added her into your "clothes" list.




No longer Space Ninja and more of "Let's see what we can make next!" (Whether you agree or not the Devs were going for a Space Ninja theme just see Tagline and past Devstreams)


You obviously don't know what a ninja actually was. The fact that you seem to be insinuating that ninjas are only of the Ninja Gaiden-like variety immediately makes me feel like you did not do any sort of research whatsoever, and thus shouldn't be listened to. What's funny, is that if DE only specifically made this game as the stereotypical "Ninja" game you wanted, people would've gotten bored with it extremely quickly.


Also, why the F*** would you not want them to make new things? You act as if "Let's see what we can make next!" is a bad thing. Are you for real? So you just want a basic game with no new features, new elements, new weapons, new warframes, new enemies, new story, new nothing? That's what you're insinuating.




Old Warframe





New Warframe





Oh, I see! So what you're saying when comparing these pictures, is that the old Warframe had very, very, very little customization while the new Warframe lets us not only have a huge variety of colors for our characters, but also give them different animation sets to make ourselves as unique as possible. Gotcha. I'm in total agreement!

Edited by Cidolfus
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Wait, I'm confused. So Loki, Excalibur, Mag, Volt, Ash, and Rhino required prior knowledge to understand? Cuz those were the original frames, if I am not mistaken. Why the elitist attitude? The frames have always been based on generally obvious things. Heck, the only that did require any looking up for anyone, I'm sure, is probably Vauban.

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In life, no matter what you do, you are going to have people you agree with or disagree with, but insisting that everybody conform to one person's vision of what they think is right (such as what is or isn't "ninja") or correct is not really a reasonable request. That to me is actually offensive.  I suggest that those who don't want to see "other" kinds of ninjas form their own clans and only play in those exclusively, or go solo if you must.  But please don't bemoan freedom of choice or demand changes that restrict what others may or may not want to do.  Be the ninja you must be, but don't dictate.  Remember that we are guests in DE's universe, and we stay for free.  They are the creators, and very responsive to us, despite having their own creative goals.  I am an artist, and I know that each work of art is not going to appeal to every person. But to have a critic insult my work based solely upon what their opinion is can be offensive.  So appreciate the free world that we have been given by DE.  Or not.  Nobody is forcing anyone to play a free game, and every platinum we do spend is by our own choice alone: not required.

In short, respect the artists' decisions.  Appreciate the diversity.  Play how you like.  Be kind, and complain less.  Or failing that, go make your own ninja game how you see fit.


DE, you are awesome: keep doing what you are doing.  Rock on. That is all.

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the style of the warframes have been quite constant for a long time now. Are you seriously saying that these kinds of helmets: 

MagCoilHelm.png <-- It's just silly in every way.

LokiEssenceHelm.png <-- Hi mr.hammerhead

FrostSeries3Helmet.png <-- There's a spinning disc inside the helmet

Aren't silly in the slightest and totally don't derive from the tone of the game, but oh no, as soon as a uniquely designed harlequin and a space magician come in it's suddenly too far.


Hell, Mag is clearly based on the Grey alien. 



Also Frost has a trenchcoat on:


I'll just post this up.

Warframes designed have rarely ever changed in terms of style when you look at it real carefully. 

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Eh, I continue to see the ninja idea behind Warframe as more








So it doesn't bother me much.

That's exactly what it is. pop culture ninja.


Warframe didn't have much stealth before open beta. it was more of the slashing and gunning down enemies you see now but without the OP skill tree.


And it wasn't very dark before either, maybe you are thinking about dead space?

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As long as warframes aren't supposed to be a metallic/organic matter hybrid I'm 100% on board. Clothes-like material made out of a metal and flesh fusion that will have cloth physics soon is weird.

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Old Warframe





New Warframe



This is demagogy in its dirtiest form.

Coloring and posing Rhino into something he clearly isn't just to illustrate your non-existent point about the "feel" in the game being as silly as you tried so hard to portray and prove with false "evidence" while clearly ignoring the massively outweighing counter-arguments just renders whatever you have to say irrelevant.

Because if this is what you have to resort to, you clearly have no solid arguments for a point you desperately want to prove.

Edited by Artarrwen
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  I am conflicted when it comes to this. Though I enjoy virtually all the frames and their unique and awesome design, I also question some of them thematically with the rest of the game. Of course it would be challenging to continue to pump out unique frame with a narrow parameter of thematic reference, so some leeway is to be expected. 


  More concerning is the upcoming lore, though I am glad it is promised to be coming. I fear that it will collapses into pedestrian nonsense, when the game has shown so much promise to actually explore more interesting topics. The far future, the post-humanity, the cosmic allure, all beckon for a more nuanced and complex lore. Dark Sector, the original concept was started back around 2003/4 and after the release of the final Dark Sector and the sort of second rebooting into Warframe means the game has undergone a lot of changes behind closed doors. Who knows how much of the originals concepts and visions of the game that would ultimately make Warframe will come to fruition this year.


  Also, looking at DE's previous work and influences and staff can inform us some to what goes into the game, presented and behind the scenes. DE's Unreal and Unreal Tournament pedigree, Dark Sectors, Various artist siting Lovecraft, and games like MGS, and Mass Effect, all have compelling effects on the games design.


  Others have done well by mentioning that much of what made the game mysterious, and dark is still here, its just there is more themes and options and choices now, that compete with those original themes. I of course started back around U12, but I follow the game for a year before then, and I heard all the time that people where screaming for more, more. More, everything, weapons, maps, frames, accessories. but especially mechanics. 


  I anxiously await to see if Warframe will deliver on all the allure that attracted me to it in the first place. In the meantime, I still enjoy nearly every aspect of the game, including the infuriating ones.

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There's only so much you can do with the 'ninja' theme, which is already tired and played out as it is. I remember being slightly annoyed with how absolutely serious the Tenno were all the time. "Stoic silence" isn't really unique when you're using it to describe every single one of your characters. I feel like the game has far more personality as it has branched out than it did when it started because it isn't so transfixed on this narrow theme of "being a ninja". I don't think evolution of a theme is a bad thing, and is in fact quite inevitable.


 Also, I've been able to paint my Excalibur pink since the first colour pallet, so I'm not sure what that has to do with anything.  

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Uhm, one small issue with your spiel. As you say here "Warframe's are lazily/obviously based of off something that requires little to no prior knowledge (See Hydroid, Limbo, Mirage, Mesa, Valkyr, Oberon)" So you're telling me that oberon, based on the king of fairies, is not more complex than Rhino. A rhino. Right. I honestly don't think you know what you're talking about.

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Let me say one thing about all of this.

Diversity is good, design and customisazation is allso good.

The issue is not really about the colours or comic design the game has taken.

Nor is it about the old vs the new look, things cannot stay the same or they stagnate and die.

This IS about the so elusive feeling or "Vibe" that you as a player feel when inhabiting the gameworld.

Ans there is a difference, regardless of the arguments to the contrary.

Some have pointed out before me that the game content is radically different now.

We were once just trying to stay alive. The Geineer had all but won.

Now? The Tenno is a military warrior-cult, a Legion of superhero-killers.

The enemies grow more lethal yes, but the fundamental problem I have is that the presentation of the setting has NOT been changed.

Even the official Story says that very few Tenno survived the war. A new player hardly get THAT vibe when entering chat and relays, now do they? There us no urgency and I feel the whole presentation and introduction should change.

We are now becoming the Orokin, history repeats itself and the Sentients are marshalling their forces to fight us.

What drew me in was the cool and alien "vibe". What will push me out will be the day warframe looses touch with its roots in its strive to please everyone.

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What if I told you that some warframes were build after others to suit diffrent approach? Like limbo: some weird scientist Tenno decided to build warframe that would allow him to test his theories (Limbo owners will know how that ended). Nobody ever said that no one tried to build new frames after the fall of Orokin Empire.


Also Oberon is plain and simple Paladin (here's one of the first things that catched my eyes after typing "paladin" in google search: http://static9.cdn.ubi.com/en-GB/images/Haven%20-%2002%20Paladin%20Femaletcm2114458.jpg)


PS To people who insist that WF was all about ninja theme: how ninja is Frost? how ninja is Ember? how ninja is Rhino? Or Volt? And how ninja they were in the beginning of WF?

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I would have been bored with this game a long time ago if it was still like it used to be, and I think most of you would be too.  I don't want every tileset to be dark.  I don't want every frame to be basic.  Most of all, I don't want DE to stop taking chances.  It truly scares me that there are so many people agreeing with the OP.  DE won't be able to take this game to the next level with this kind of thinking.  


Warframe hasn't been the way the OP described for a very long time.  The fact that you all have stuck around this long says something.  It sounds to me like people are just being nostalgic.  

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