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Chroma- (Dragon Frame) Feedback Megathread


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Well, I was going to make a new thread, but it'd just get merged.


Chroma looks pretty awesome. There, I said it.

That being said, however, he does not convey much of a "dragon" theme to me from what we've seen. I see a few bits, mainly the head, that are reminiscent of our scaly friends, but I wouldn't say the frame as a whole makes me think of them. That is what I am disappointed about, and I think much of people's dislike of him stems from that as well.

I know some may not feel the same (although I know many who do), but I personally wanted a more overtly dragon themed, heavily armored, and aggressive frame, much like the popular fan concept by Endrian.

Chroma just reeks of Infested design, though. Much about his appearance just gives off an Infested vibe to me. If I look at him in that light (as more of an Infested themed frame than a dragon themed frame), it's a lot easier to see the beauty of his design, and it's easier to see how cool he really does look. As much as I'd have liked a frame much closer to Endrian's design, this is the card we have been dealt, and I've already warmed up to him.


wishful-thinking part:

Who knows? We might get a frame like that further down the line. Is that particularly likely? Possibly not, but I'll still hope for it. You have no idea how happy that would make me, and I don't think it's too unreasonable. It could be played off as, whereas Chroma is more dragon/Infested by his nature, whether from mutations or from whatever else (we have no lore/info on him yet, but he looks so organic), the new guy could have a Warframe designed in the likeness of a dragon (specifically, more of a western dragon in his case).

The problem with that, unfortunately, is that we now have two frames with a similar theme. Some would raise a complain regarding that, sure, but I think many players would not mind. Plus, depending on how you look at it, Loki and Mirage could be seen as similar themes-- trickster. Loki, as his very name implies, is indirect, creates illusions, and manipulates the battlefield. He is support/CC oriented. Mirage, similarly, creates illusions and manipulates light/items around her to her advantage. She is combat oriented (somewhat indirectly).

Introducing a second dragon frame could play out exactly the same. Chroma, as said during Tennolive, is support oriented. Design-wise, he is also more of a fleshy Infested-y eastern dragon. The second frame could follow Endrian's design, resulting in a highly combat oriented frame. Design-wise, his frame stems from a western dragon's appearance--large, imposing, etc. Plus, it looks far more scaly and protected than the more fleshy looking Chroma. Major gameplay differences, along with radically different appearances, would set the frames far enough apart that, even with similar themes (still, one is east and one is west), there really wouldn't be many similarities. They'd be more than different enough to not conflict with or impose on each other at all. That's why I think it could actually work out well.


That bit is not to persuade (although I really would like that, as would many others :P). It's half simply to explain it and half for me just to reason it out. It's sometimes nice when what I say makes a little sense.

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Wasn't here for that ember change so didn't know about that, you could become a founder right up until about U9-10, don't except eveyone to know about that.


Not saying people can't have their own opinions but lately people have been overly negative because Chorma wasn't similar or exactly that same as the Dragon Fan Concept people thought DE was using when they said "Dragon Themed Frame, based on a number of community request" which some of the community took to equal "they are making that specific fan concept and it will look exactly like that" or people wanting to look literally like a dragon when just previously people where complaining that Limbo looked too much like a Magician and Mesa looked too much like a Gun-slinger, a bit hypocritical, eh? 


But apart from that one time change, what other frames have been changed aesthetically due to player "feedback"? 


It's not because Chroma isn't like the fan concept. It's that it really doesn't look like a dragon, and is quite ugly, in the view of many people.

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chroma has made the uproar just like ember had. chroma was also a fan idea which was well planned and people already loved the looks. 


in my honest opinion, if they branded this frame without the "here's the dragon you all been waiting for!" hype and just made it "hey guys, here's our new frame with a [idk] theme! your dragon will be here soon.." then they wouldn't be getting so much rage and hate. the frame's looks aren't terrible, but they changed it too much for people to accept this as their spin on the idea. again, these are my opinions and interpretation of people's uproar.


Yep. 1) They never should've called it a dragon frame. 2) They NEVER should've said they were giving the community what they wanted. Because they didn't give the community what they wanted, and that's whether you like or dislike the design - you cannot say that this is what the community asked for, either way. Because it isn't.

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The design in that reference may looks good but it's won't match this game it just a design of "simply dragon man" or something not WF!


Talk about ember it still a suckky WF even DE have buff it but it never be useful nobody gonna recruit ember *sad*

Edited by Josslyn
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It's not because Chroma isn't like the fan concept. It's that it really doesn't look like a dragon, and is quite ugly, in the view of many people.

Judging by the straw pole that is still going, and slowly increasing in numbers of voters, its a majority that doesn't like how he looks, only 23% like it.  Its not the greatest way to judge the response from the community buts its a good start. 


For me the worst part is that it doesn't look leathery or scaly, it looks like melted wax or licorice(sp?) candy.  And like another forum user put, it looks like he is wearing a vest like the monkey from Aladdin(Disney) had.  I also don't like they head, because like many others have said about it, it looks like an anteater. 

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For me the worst part is that it doesn't look leathery or scaly, it looks like melted wax or licorice(sp?) candy.  And like another forum user put, it looks like he is wearing a vest like the monkey from Aladdin(Disney) had.  I also don't like they head, because like many others have said about it, it looks like an anteater. 


yeah my first thoughts were similar then i had to remember this is warframe and things need to be more tenno-like which is in my opinion based off the other frames' looks: sleek, shiny, noble, potentially powerful and have their own quirky details. for the most part, chroma gives you 2/5 of those general ideas. then again, there isn't a backstory to be told of yet...so, this monstrosity of a tenno could have a very abused and battered past kinda like valkyr for example to fill in those holes in the general seen design of the warframes.


you can't just go around dropping badly angled shots on a poster and give a 10 second clip that shows very little of an ugly unique looking beast of a warframe which looks to smash the ideas people really voted for. 

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Chroma isnt ugly, chroma isn't badly designed.

If that was a problem, frames like trinity, zephyr and limbo would have been so much more contested about their disgusting looks.


You are all suffering from the same problem, and its not aesthetics, but the lack of fidelity to the dragon theme, as many ppl all around the world like more and more of medieval fantasy, D&D, LOTR, GOT, etc etc you feel like crhoma should have kept a fidelity too those mainstream looks.

Even though warframe is a more oriental oriented theme game, even though he isnt also eastern style inspired, you are all protesting you didn't get you mythological western looking dragon frame.



So when you protest, call it what it is, instead of stating it is bad design and ugly.

Cause as far as ugly and bad design, many have been in the game for a long time.



I've seen so many posts where people are putting up pics going "here's what a dragon looks like!" and its the same generic western dragon designs that looks like it belong in the IPs you listed. They post picks of what the armor should look like and again it's same Dragon Knight armor you see in 90% of games. Love how OP gets on your case with the best defense ever "didn't read my post, your opinion". It sounded like he didn't read your post.


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I've seen so many posts where people are putting up pics going "here's what a dragon looks like!" and its the same generic western dragon designs that looks like it belong in the IPs you listed. They post picks of what the armor should look like and again it's same Dragon Knight armor you see in 90% of games. Love how OP gets on your case with the best defense ever "didn't read my post, your opinion". It sounded like he didn't read your post.


Sounds like you didn't read the post about how he didn't read my post. Nor did you read my post. Post. 

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throwing this out first, bad design refers to the actual looks vs the concept. also, this is my opinion so you do have the right to disagree with me...don't get offended by what i write.


DRAGONS! eastern or western...don't like a seahorse(anthropomorphized)/anteater(anthropomorphized)/dragoon knight. the angles i seen in the peep show at tenno live made it look like spaghetti was dropped on one of the listed 3 things. if they went for a more abstract design, please, link me to a dragon that looks more like chroma in mythology. otherwise my point stands that those 3 things aren't dragons.


onto the frame itself though? the idea of a damage/buff frame is already done 10x over so lets see what it brings ability wise to redeem these horrid first looks. (again, if you have a link to what they will be, not ideas to what they will be, please do link it lol) the main pro i can see coming from this new "color changes the elemental damage" idea is really interesting in theory, but i want to see how this gets implemented. i'd be let down quite a bit to find out that it deals as much damage as a wet noodle to compensate for the "pick your poison" style damage. now onto the buffs, i really hope they kept the self regen ability i seen on the concept page...it sounded quite nifty for levels 1-45 in my opinion if they implemented it correctly. 


so the make or break for me will be the abilities...i can live with a walking spaghetti turd (i mean infested-like) monster if the abilities make it formidable or just a walking meme. again, all my opinion feel free to disagree and seriously, please do link me a dragon that looks similar to this thing...i wanna have a good laugh.


[leaving my first thoughts there for comparison's sake]

EDIT: i think my biggest issue with this frame is that for a fan made concept, which people thought long and hard on, it got changed too much for it to keep its original love. i'm sure people will get use to it, but the shock value this thing took with it is what people don't like. they had this idea in their head for a, probably more western idea, dragon. this barely resembles in a more eastern dragon style. it honestly looks like they tried to take the more slender and 'nobile' look of a eastern and mashed it with the intimidation and power of the western. then they added some tennoverse love to it and boom, chroma was born. 


Bad design does not mean that it always looks bad that's where you went wrong first. Bad design is something that was ineffective in its function or creation. In otherwords bad design in this context would mean that it fails to do what chroma was made for.. we don't know this yet because we haven't played it. You don't like his looks.. that's not bad design because how you feel about his looks is subjective.


Seriously 3 days after his "teaser" and people are still going on about what is the correct way to demonstrate what style. It's REALLY getting tiring already.


There's nothing you can do about it. Yes you can give feedback but it's not going to change how he looks. Because it's not something that's diminishing to gameplay. 

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why the hell is there a feed back mega thread for a frame that isnt released yet? >.>


Because people aren't happy with how the new warframe looks, so many threads have been made on it, they been merged and thus megathread is born.

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Bad design does not mean that it always looks bad that's where you went wrong first. Bad design is something that was ineffective in its function or creation. In otherwords bad design in this context would mean that it fails to do what chroma was made for.. we don't know this yet because we haven't played it. You don't like his looks.. that's not bad design because how you feel about his looks is subjective.


Seriously 3 days after his "teaser" and people are still going on about what is the correct way to demonstrate what style. It's REALLY getting tiring already.


There's nothing you can do about it. Yes you can give feedback but it's not going to change how he looks. Because it's not something that's diminishing to gameplay. 

it looks bad when you compare it to what they said they would do. they said in devstreams they were "making the dragon frame we wanted." now if you want to be abstract and go bold...go for it, but don't butcher something you literally promised on video. you'll make a fool of yourself more than you'll impress. so it was a bad design based off exactly how you described it. it was created as a dragon of mythology in the fan concept, then they went to say along the lines of "we're making what you want." the digital representation of the warframe in its universe is indeed a design.


EDIT: note i never once mentioned the inner workings of the warfrme. we don't know how it works yet and i probably will still play it if works well. i personally dislike the model design of banshee, but i like the design of her abilities. they fit the sound based theme they had for her and they are effective in a team based setting or even a solo based setting.


noun: design; plural noun: designs
  1. 1.
    a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is built or made.
    "he has just unveiled his design for the new museum"
    synonyms: planblueprintdrawingsketchoutlinemapplotdiagramdraft,representationschememodel
    "a design for the offices"
    • the art or action of conceiving of and producing a plan or drawing.
      "good design can help the reader understand complicated information"
    • an arrangement of lines or shapes created to form a pattern or decoration.
      "pottery with a lovely blue and white design"
      synonyms: patternmotifdeviceMore
  2. 2.
    purpose, planning, or intention that exists or is thought to exist behind an action, fact, or material object.
    "the appearance of design in the universe"
    synonyms: intentionaimpurposeplanintentobjectiveobjectgoalend,targetMore
verb: design; 3rd person present: designs; past tense: designed; past participle:designed; gerund or present participle: designing
  1. 1.
    decide upon the look and functioning of (a building, garment, or other object), typically by making a detailed drawing of it.
    "a number of architectural students were designing a factory"
    synonyms: planoutline, map out, draftdraw More
    • do or plan (something) with a specific purpose or intention in mind.
      "the tax changes were designed to stimulate economic growth"
      synonyms: intendaimMore
Edited by RafaelFuchs
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I honestly prefer the so called 'anteater' head to the bog-standard dragon helmet designs. It's weird, it's fresh. Unlike most others I didn't really expect anything, because I reasoned that DE has so far managed to be fairly unpredictable, and expecting the fairly obvious would be setting yourself up for disappointment.


The only part that I don't actually like about the design are the 'wings', the weird angular attachments protruding from his shoulders. They don't seem to serve much of a function in the design itself, other than being a reminder that dragons tend to have wings. Unless they serve a role in one of his abilities, perhaps to materialize functional wings?

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It would be nice if they made alternate helms that looked like other dragon type heads. o.o cuz im pretty sure most people have a problem with the head. That way at least everyone is appeased in some sense

That is more or less my opinion & hope too

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So ever since Chroma popped up in Tenno live 2015 theirs been a mixed basket of people hating and loving the new Warframes design, so I figured making a post specificly talking about Chroma's design and why you either love or hate it would be best.




Personaly I myself have a love/hate relationship with this new design. In one hand I see what the designers were thinking making something not "sterotypical dragon" and basing some aspects on the "seahorse", mostly on his head design. On the other hand I see a confused design were too many thoughts were going together at once....anteater/seahorse/dragon/slug pile? So again it leaves me with a love/hate on the Warframe.


Now why he looks like he's wearing some kind of Vauban type of suit is beyond me, I was expecting something more thin and sleek rather then ....baggy is the first word that comes too mind.



PS: If you have not seen his look before (somehow) then heres a few links too some. But by now everyone has seen him so this is nothing new.









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