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Why Is Everyone Hating On Tenno Live And Chroma ?


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I dont get from where the hate i see people who say worst stream ever blablabla but i found the dex dakra cool the glaive weapon cool the parcour 2.0 Ultra cool the sentients Mega Cool and you know what just because you saw a bunch of Fanarts and people who think they can do much better than DE doesnt mean they have todo it that Way.I love Chroma and his design and i have nothing against an Seahorse frame. Then the destroying of the Void is especially Interesting onside of the Lore and they will surely Replace the Void by Something Else maybee a system that is even better than the Void.

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Because they wanted dragon frame and most people don't think he looks like one. Not sure whether they are saying that because they wanted him to look like a European dragon or Asian Dragon or doesn't look like the Dragon Concept on the forums.


I would have like more dragon looking scales, but I'll wait until he actually comes to say it sucks. 

Edited by NovusNova
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So right Mikai. I only wathced a recap of all this stuff on YouTube and all the new things looks amazing. And about Chroma, we only watched some kind of teaser and picture. We have to see him ingame, alternate helmet, color changing and his abilities. I think he is really a nice concept and I hope, he will be really strong and usefull. I also hope the new weapons will be strong too. Especially the new Sword what was made fan made.

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Because it was rubbish. We had to wait 2.5 months to see an ANTEATER frame, Borderlands Guardians making their way to Warframe, and not even a proper demonstration of the new weapons.

And NO, we WON'T be getting the new Freerunning mechanics in U16. Geoff himself said it wouldn't be ready.

Not to mention, that destroying the void, means they are destroying one of the most hyped tilesets they ever created. Unless they plan to integrate the void tiles into standard ones to get prime parts, we'll be LOSING an awesome looking and fun tileset just because they refuse to add a token system.
Not to mention, doing that, is actually AGAINST the lore. The Tenno are supposed to be in stasis in Orokin-type ships, IN THE VOID. If there is no Void, no more new Tenno. Same goes for the primes, and their parts. They are all in the void, so if there is no void, no more primes.

Edited by Stormandreas
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Now tell me what hate are you talking about?

You think everything was cool? Great.


I dislike the design of Chroma, maybe he is fun to play but he looks ugly and hilarious.


But what I dislike the most on TennoLive is that they haven´t shown anything new from the underwatertileset.

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I dont get from where the hate i see people who say worst stream ever blablabla but i found the dex dakra cool the glaive weapon cool the parcour 2.0 Ultra cool the sentients Mega Cool and you know what just because you saw a bunch of Fanarts and people who think they can do much better than DE doesnt mean they have todo it that Way.I love Chroma and his design and i have nothing against an Seahorse frame. Then the destroying of the Void is especially Interesting onside of the Lore and they will surely Replace the Void by Something Else maybee a system that is even better than the Void.

Chroma is just Ugly . but we'll get used to it . don't hear to hater people .

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Different opinions and mostly the exceptations. The stream itself wasn't bad and had seen / listen some nice idea and implementations but some stuff like the new frame just not what peoples excepted. 


I am afraid to make concepts because I can imagine by myself how looks in 3d in game but they always totally redesign those concepts and 50% cool same rate just ugly like - limbo, zephyr, hidroid etc. Overall they aren't bad but they have very weird design imaginations if they wish to create frames like Chroma.


His abilities and mechanics waiting for exploitation so we can't say any more than just only his design. 


I have only a tennogen lab suggestation with fan made stuffs which also contain frames and weapons. This can be a separate program which works like a 3d model viewer and everyone can add their ideas there.

Edited by Sziklamester
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Maybe because Chroma looks like a crocodile, not like dragon.

He looks like an Asian inspired dragon; 




Also, if there's one thing I've learned from the community, it's that when you get hundreds of thousands of players, there's no way to please everyone. People will always like some things and dislike others, and getting everyone to like the same thing is very tough, if not impossible.

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Okay the first time I saw Chroma

- shtty lookin sea horse


-whoa that was a head piece? Hm okay wished it was shorter. Oh cool a helmet eye guard thing.



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