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I Am Not Allowed To Pee Anymore? Should I Bring An Extra Pair Of Pants To Every Mission?


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You could've gone before starting the mission, no?


I never understand why people say this. How can I use the bathroom prior to doing something if I didn't have to use the bathroom? If I stand at a toilet urine will not magically start to come out. Same as if I just sit on a toilet. I will not miraculously begin to poop. 

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To all the people saying 'its 2 minutes', that really doesn't change the point. If I get up to take a &!$$ I'm not going to be back in less than three minutes. I don't know about you guys, but I like to be thorough when it comes to washing my hands and if I had to &!$$ in the  middle of a game it is because I was holding it for a while.


DE should just give us a more easy to use in-game afk report system and tie that to the AFK timer, but remove the current AFK punishments. The AFK timer would be used to verify that a player is AFK (also add different levels to it/some sort of timer so DE can see exactly how long it was before the player started playing again) so when a player reports someone it isn't just your word versus theirs with a still screenshot of a player standing still. They'd probably have to make the AFK system less strict so that sound quake banshees aren't being flagged.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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I never understand why people say this. How can I use the bathroom prior to doing something if I didn't have to use the bathroom? If I stand at a toilet urine will not magically start to come out. Same as if I just sit on a toilet. I will not miraculously begin to poop. 

It's like when you want to go the bathroom but your teacher says "Why didn't you go during break?" and then you know deep inside that telling her the logical answer will never work.

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If you go AFK for 5 minutes in the middle of a two hour run, come back and complete the rest of the run and are active you don't get marked AFK.

The only thing that will happen is that you would have missed out on 3 minutes of energy (plates dropped near you, orbs, being banished during that time, E. Siphon, etc.) from the recent change.

You dont get penalized in endless missions for leaving for a few minutes and coming back as you get all of your rewards at the end.

For non-endless missions you only get penalized the end of mission stuff if you dont come back before extraction.

If you do come back before extraction occurs and do pretty much anything you will get your end of mission rewards just like you had never gone AFK at all.


Well i had a mission and judging by forum posts a few others too where i was absolutly not afk i just was standing useing my abilties  and weapons and not moving and i got zero rewards at the end. So either that is a new bug or they changed something. Haven't tried it again after that happend since i don't want to loose more rewards so i can't say for sure that is really a bug or if it just was a onetime thing.

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The fun with this there is no real solution because the afkers need to touch once after "just 5" minutes the buttons then they aren't afkers and if they implement an autokick system then some idiot and russian kids "not discriminating" will play with this then the game will be ruined like in dota2/lol.


The community have already some mean and disturbing persons whom cannot say a simple hi in public so what happening if they given the freedom of kicking innocents?


Fack I'll go play solo.

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The 1 min AFK time is just ridiculous.

Just went for a quick pee und when i came back...well no 5 r5 cores for me...

Should i buy me some of those chairs which i can use as an toilet too?

Or some diapers for emergencies?

Pls DE 1min is too short

(BTW excavation is now so damn boring and easy, no excavator or no energy? -> game paused and swinging my balls)

I would recommend diapers, if you have that sensitive issue and cannot take care of it between mission and/or 1 min still not enough. Also, I heard those diapers are pretty cheap now a day. Otherwise, if you still have to sell your blood to afford one, use the empty milk jugs. A lot of people throw those things in the trash.
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I never understand why people say this. How can I use the bathroom prior to doing something if I didn't have to use the bathroom? If I stand at a toilet urine will not magically start to come out. Same as if I just sit on a toilet. I will not miraculously begin to poop. 



You are just being ridiculous.

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I don't mean to sound weird, but who goes to the bathroom mid-mission?


Treat missions like a car ride. If you're going to be driving for an extended amount of time, make sure you go BEFORE you start.


Having to go mid mission is just poor planning on your part. 


Unless you suffer from a medical condition which causes you to need to go frequently or urgently, in which case you have my sympathies.



I never understand why people say this. How can I use the bathroom prior to doing something if I didn't have to use the bathroom? If I stand at a toilet urine will not magically start to come out. Same as if I just sit on a toilet. I will not miraculously begin to poop. 
It's like when you want to go the bathroom but your teacher says "Why didn't you go during break?" and then you know deep inside that telling her the logical answer will never work.
What if I don't have to go at that time? Are you not a human? How do you not already know how these things work?

No. Your bladder doesn't "magically" and "suddenly" fill up making you need to go. It's slowly filling bit by bit assuming that you're actually alive, and the need to go is just your body's way of saying "Hey bud the tank is full you gotta empty it."


If you haven't gone in an hour or two (or three or four, depending on how hydrated you are P.S. Hail Hydrate), there's going to be some in the tank, which means there's some you can empty out.

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I've done endless AFK tests since the newest change to the AFK (stopping energy gains for AFK players) and even in cases where I have verified the game has considered me AFK in those missions I still get the rewards at the end for coming back and doing stuff.
I have never lost rewards in and endless mission by going AFK in the middle and then coming back and finishing it later.

As for non-endless missions (such as alerts with potatoes or something as the reward) if you have to step away just ask the party to not extract and then come back and move around and go to extraction and you'll get your reward, regardless of how long you were AFK in the middle, just so long as you came back before extraction occurs.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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I don't mean to sound weird, but who goes to the bathroom mid-mission?


Treat missions like a car ride. If you're going to be driving for an extended amount of time, make sure you go BEFORE you start.


Having to go mid mission is just poor planning on your part. 


Unless you suffer from a medical condition which causes you to need to go frequently or urgently, in which case you have my sympathies.



No. Your bladder doesn't "magically" and "suddenly" fill up making you need to go. It's slowly filling bit by bit assuming that you're actually alive, and the need to go is just your body's way of saying "Hey bud the tank is full you gotta empty it."


If you haven't gone in an hour or two (or three or four, depending on how hydrated you are P.S. Hail Hydrate), there's going to be some in the tank, which means there's some you can empty out.

I dont know if u do but when i play sometimes i also drink a little bit and when u drink a little bit u gotta go bathroom thats fair enough right? if u play survival for 2h ofc its long and u wont hold ur pee. So its pretty annoying actually i wish they would fix it to something else..
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No. Your bladder doesn't "magically" and "suddenly" fill up making you need to go. It's slowly filling bit by bit assuming that you're actually alive, and the need to go is just your body's way of saying "Hey bud the tank is full you gotta empty it."


If you haven't gone in an hour or two (or three or four, depending on how hydrated you are P.S. Hail Hydrate), there's going to be some in the tank, which means there's some you can empty out.


I'm aware, but what I'm saying is, why ask questions like "Why didn't you go before we left/started/etc?" If I had to go, I would have, plain & simple. If I don't have the need to pee atm, I'm not going to just go stand in front of a toilet to make myself pee. 


When I take drug tests, I am unable to pee unless I've intentionally drunk an exaggerated amount of liquids in order to prepare myself for said drug test. 

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No. Your bladder doesn't "magically" and "suddenly" fill up making you need to go. It's slowly filling bit by bit assuming that you're actually alive, and the need to go is just your body's way of saying "Hey bud the tank is full you gotta empty it."


If you haven't gone in an hour or two (or three or four, depending on how hydrated you are P.S. Hail Hydrate), there's going to be some in the tank, which means there's some you can empty out.

That all depends on how much caffeine/ other diuretics you consume.

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You went to pee for 1 full minute?

Dude how long did you hold it in for...

Not everyone live in their parent basement and had sanitary facility right at the basement. Some of us actually has to run downstairs or a long hallway when nature calling. Next you're going to tell me to move to a better place. As always, blame the player.

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If you weren't full enough to go before the mission, then you're not full enough during it that you absolutely can't hold it. Just hold it like a man (or woman), finish the mission, and then go. If it's so absurdly urgent that you CAN'T hold it, you surely would have felt it before starting the mission.



Unless you have some kind of problem.

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The only exception i can see for a bathroom break would be for an endless mission and even if your marked as afk, it should recognise youve returned when you start moving and reviving other players. But really anything other than that, can be done fairly quickly.

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Not everyone live in their parent basement and had sanitary facility right at the basement. 

You know that's really uncalled for. 


Some of us actually has to run downstairs or a long hallway when nature calling. 

My household has two bathrooms. One at the top floor, and one at the bottom. The top is for my parents, so yes, I am one of those people who have to go downstairs.


 As always, blame the player.

If you actually my read my post instead acting so passive-agressive, you'd see that I never blamed anyone at all. I don't blame the OP for his bathroom habits, I don't blame anyone for jack spit. So don't go around acting hostile to those who never acted hostile in the first place.


Hell, my original post isn't even to be taken seriously. It's a small little joke, yet here you are taking it as if I insulted him for what he does in the toilet.



you should spend atleast 30 seconds washing your hands... and a 30second &!$$ is pretty short

It takes me like 15 seconds to wash my hands well. I don't think there's a required time for the washing of the hands.

Edited by ScrublordPrime
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Few things:

1) its a 2 minute AFK timer.


2) If the 2 minutes elapse before the mission ends and you come back and do anything (moving, shooting, using abilties, etc.) before the mission ends the AFK is reset and you get all of the rewards.

The only time you lose out on end of mission rewards is if you are AFK the last 2+ minutes of the non-endless mission.


3) The AFK timer does not affect endless missions.

I have done endless missions, such as survival, where I was AFK for 7 minutes in the middle.

Came back, did some stuff and got all of the rewards, including the ones I wasn't there for.  Verified it with my friends to make sure I got everything.

Same thing happened in a T4I where I had to step away for a round.  When I got back to the Liset I had the reward for the round that I was AFK on because I came back and did things before the mission was over.

im Just gonna quote this since it explains the whole afk thing.

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