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Here's Why Bombards Need A Nerf.


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And it's not so much because of their damage, which is utterly insane.

When you go into a T4 void mission, you expect to deal with high damage.


It's because of four things;

-Their rockets are hard to see in the void. They look almost exactly like corrupted dera projectiles, and in a busy firefight, you're usually not going to notice them until they've blown you up.


-They fire fast. I don't know how fast, but I swear I've seen one churn out a rocket every second.


-Their rockets have ridiculous lock-on ability. To the extent that any mobility, rolling, jumping, coptering, will often not let you avoid it. Running around a corner will still leave you with a rocket heading towards your backside. This also causes problems with Zephyr's Turbulence, which is already slightly unreliable; deflected rockets will just turn around and go for you again.


-Explosions go through shields and are not blocked by objects. Not warframe shields, but volt and frost shields. Shields that are meant to block incoming fire do not do so. The rocket is stopped, but the explosion continues unhindered, hitting any behind it, and somewhat defeating the purpose of having a shield in the first place. This also applies to solid objects, like walls and closed doors.


All these things put together make a very powerful unit, and it doesn't even have a real reason for it. The cause is simply broken mechanics that haven't been properly assessed instead of genuine challenging design.

This is a unit that outclasses every single unit of the same level, and that is bad for gameplay.


Also, the rockets are silent. Thanks, Obama.

My only issues with them are their fire rate and how the rockets follow you to the depths of the earth. I'm cool with the blast going through volts shield, as it's a small shield, but frost's bubble should stop aoes period.

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You know, it's actually entirely possible to outrun the Corrupted Bombard's homing rockets. 

Provided that nobody else is firing at you, you have a lot of clear space to run circles in, and you're using Volt's Speed Ability with a lot of power strength tacked on. And even then, it's just a possibility. 


Situational sarcasm aside, though, the Bombards fire too many rockets in too little time, and the Corrupted Bombards fire too many rockets that follow you like crazy in too little time. If you had to deal with the Bombards one-on-one, then it would be no challenge. The problem is that there is never a situation in Warframe where the Bombard/Corrupted Bombard is alone. When you have two Heavy Gunners and three Lancers all firing at you while you're trying to avoid a Bombard's rocket, the Rockets just become annoying. 

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Rockets have way too much tracking. Plus they're completely silent and look like regular dera shots until it's too late. Plus I've grown very tired of invisible explosions wrecking my S#&$ when they hit a wall or the floor. That goes for Napalms too, not just Bombards. 

So far the best and only defense against a Bombard is Mesa's Shatter Shield. The rockets get reflected and they do absolutely pitiful damage, even in T4. 

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I would be glad just with the heat seeking ability gone

then I could be able to just dodge most of them

Then they'd be laughable, unless this was accompanied by a velocity increase.


Though it wouldn't solve the other main issues with bombards: their fire rate and explosions dealing damage through solid objects or frost/volt shields.

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agreed nerfing, because hate lock on to me, and I am "da flocking bird?" seeing that missle hit me and push me on the ground, including I was blocking, then came in burn dmg, explosive dmg and eletric dmg when I got 30 mins in suruvial III just using excal. I find it more annoying then excal spaming swords all over the place and also the other NPC bosses which majority I find it annoying.


Anyway, I think nerf their gun because we don't have auto lock on rocket launcher, only lock on bullets and pretty much its useless to me if I can't use it right.  Off side subject, the rocket launcher they have need nerf speed and lock on. dmg I can deal with, but not 100s rockets that is in less in 10 seconds flying at me every bloody time!

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Dude i totally agree. Knock you down and getting hit by bombards 2 or 3 times when u getting up is crazy. They say enemy fire can destroy Orgris rockets when a Tenno wields one. But can you destroy Bombards rockets when you fire at it? I dont think you can because 1 you cant even see it & 2 when you do and try to shoot it, it does nothing. Idk if i need precise aiming or what. Dont make a future tac alert where nothing but Bombards spawn because none of us will be able to finish that. lol 

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On one hand their proc rate is ridiculous, on the other hand it's a freaking rocket and should probably proc like it does. However, it doesn't need a Soma's fire rate, with no reloads, with the ability to literally turn 180* and keep following you. That is what makes them ridiculous imo. It doesn't help that they have ridiculous armor (if not using CP) and ridiculous health to boot, on top of the even more outrageous ~90% DR from ancients that can be out of LOS and completely hidden and still give the DR.

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Bombards do high damage; Great. Good and fine, even scaling as it does.

Bombards knock you down, often; Also fine. They're avoidable with enough skill.

Bombards fire 1-2 rockets a second; Hold up. Wait. What. I cannot tell you how many time I get four rockets to the face, all doing the aforementioned insane damage. If even one hits you, you're fish food, cause the knockdown prevents your movement to dodge the other few.


My problem is this; it's cool if they have high damage. It's cool if they have high damage AND follow you closer than your sentinel, across half the damned map before finally exploding. It's cool if those rockets can knock your Tenno &#! to the floor, still doing high damage.

But that fire rate is ridiculous. Literally, I've witnessed a rocket a second, before it stops to reload. And there are always more than one. You know how Grakata is a bullet hose? Corrupted Bombards become rocket hoses, especially when hidden behind three nullifiers, one of which is ALSO a Frost Eximi.


Nerf their fire rate, and everything else becomes skill. When it's only one or even two rockets coming after me, I can usually avoid them. But when it's 6-8 rockets, I have practically no chance. If even one hits me, I'm screwed. Regardless of frame/mods. Only time I survive that kind of bombardment is when I have Quick Thinking, Rage, and Primed Flow on. And then their buddies finish me off.


I like that Bombards present a challenge, but goddamn if that challenge doesn't need to be cranked down a couple notches.

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OMG, you said the N-word. Just no,no,no. I am sick and tired of all these Nerf threads. Uh oh, i just said the N-word. /sarcasm

Anyways on topic, no need to Nerf them. They are fun when they show up. They become priority targets that force you to make some small adjustments to deal with them. They help reduce the boring.

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Long time lurker, first time poster, blah, blah-- not the point.*


This thread is particularly relevant to my little ghost clan, and we recently graduated to hitting T3 maps, and the appearance of the Corrupted Bombard has been really palpable for us.


I'd heard a lot of complaining about their power level, and I was kind of afraid we weren't ready for them, but we've been doing quite well against them.


The problem is that they just don't feel very good to play against, and there are a lot of things about them that could make them really fun if the fiddly bits were ironed out.


The firing rate seems to be completely random from one bombard to the next, to the point where I'm not sure if they are bugged. Even if this is intended behavior, it does not evoke the intended emotional response. When you can't tell which bombards are dangerous by their model, name and level, it feels like the game is hiding information from you. This isn't the kind of game where that isn't cheating, and the unfairness stings.


I have personally shot down the missiles with a number of different weapons. It is easiest to hit them as soon as they exit the barrel. My FPS on by portable machine is not very good, so if I can do it there, anybody should be able to.


It is too easy to lose sight of the missile once it gets out into the open, though. Everything in the void is already too samey looking, and a little color contrast would be oh-so-welcome. It's well past time for Warframe to outgrow it's obsession with desaturated, monochrome color palettes, anyway.


Knockdown procs are something players can mitigate. Rhinos and melee builds should already know how to stop these. If you can't handle them, get Shock Absorbers, Fortitude and Constitution. Those of you asking for regular enemies to get harder should find the reduced points, to put into defenses and power enhancement, very refreshing.


You do not want one of these guys to sneak up behind you. They have good procs, silent shots and lots of damage. I like the way this feels. It makes working with your cell and watching each other's backs important. This is healthy for a co-op game with a large pool of endgame players. It builds comradery, community and loyalty to the game. DE knows that they need more of that, and here it is on a silver platter.


I have no beef the explosions going through shields, current meta favors Mesa Spam, but there are still a lot of complacent Frost players out there who need a little fire under their backsides. It's no fun to be PUGing with some rando from recruitment channel, who just wants to cast snowglobe, and then stand on the cryopod spamming "E" until he extracts at Wave 20. Every iota of suffering they feel brings an equal warmth to my black evil heart.


The visuals and the blast radius not being 1-1 is lame though. If new explosion effects are not feasable, the visual effect from the Anti-MOA or the Sapping Osprey orbs could fill in. I would even mind too much if DE recolored it to that exact same piss color as every other corrupted ability. At least those are proportioned to the game effects they are intended to display, which makes them feel a lot more fair.



In summary: Do not "nerf" Corrupted Bombard with -Danger, but rather "buff" him with +Fun.


*Actually it looks like I posted 5 times in the ancient past. Still the point is to fixate on what I am trying to say, and not the number under my portrait.

Edited by Felblood
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Y'know, having a decent indicator of blast radius, missile location, and maybe ironing out that damned fire rate (It honestly is too fast), might be exactly what needs to happen. I agree that they're at least a challenge, and I agree that they don't need a damage decrease. All points really, and so far the changes you've mentioned actually sound like a much better alternative.


I have to ask though, how the hell have you managed to knock a missile out of the sky? I've never been able to, though maybe that's just cause I'm not great at aiming, especially under pressure. Got any pointers for that? Right out of the barrel makes sense, but they've been coming strait at me, and I have a hitscan weapon, and I've still not been able to knock it down. What weapons have you knocked it down with, that you remember?

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Keep the damage or even up the damage, make the blast radius match the actual visual of the explosion so players can accurately space themselves away from the exploding rockets, lower the fire rate or lower the rockets tracking either out of the gate or over time during their flight.

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The only thing I'd change is adding to these missiles some kind of noise which would allow us to hear them coming.

For the rest I like the challenge and us (WarFrame users aka Tennos) are still much more advantaged compared to them.

The absolutely insane curving angles should be revisited a little too though.



What really needs to be nerfed are Detron Crewmen. And I'm not talking about the Void shotgun guys, but pure Corpus Detron Crewmen.


Their ability to kill any existing warframe with just 2-3 hits is insane and if you combine it to their capacity to snipe you from miles of discance makes them, according to my personal experience, most fereable opponents of the game.

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An unfair challenge.


Using my acrobatics and such I should be able to go and dodge their rockets to get to them/safety, yet the tracking is so ridiculous that at times I feel they make a U-turn straight into the air back at me.


They are easy to avoid.  Charge and sidestep.

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To illustrate how broken and cheatingly unfair Bombards are:  you can't hide, they can knock you down and kill trough solid thick walls, floors or any cover, not even having a line of sight to you.

When you run away and cut corners rocket will hit geometry and still hurt you or worse knock you down, then comes anoether one - and at higher levels it meas death.




Its utterly broken, it disregards player movement and skill, it disregards game rules by damaging through level geometry. And it's not an insignificant or cosmetic, it makes the game worse. Please DE, fix it already.

Edited by Monolake
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I swear, sometimes void units get strange fire-rate boosts, like the corrupted corpus with struns will magdump the thing in about a second sometimes, and bombards will suddenly fire 1 rocket that knocks you down, and fire 4 more before you get up that you have no hope of dodging.

i Loled so hard because this is the truth. my god how do they get to shoot out so many rockets in one salvo my ogris cant do that lol what do they have? ogris prime wraith?

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I would be glad just with the heat seeking ability gone

then I could be able to just dodge most of them

exactly as i recall ogris doesn't heat seek so why should theirs that gold trail should be replaced with smoke. just because they are corrupted doesnt mean their weapons should change to prime weapons.


Edit: i forgot to mention bombard rockets are destructible on the planets so why aren't they destructible in the void?

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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