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100 Plat For A Rare Resource Blueprint


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DO NOT decrease the drop rates of those resources in order to boost sales. that is going to end REALLY bad for you guys. That's the fast track to a dead game with no community, its been done before, and its never worked. 

I don't think that DE is going to directly decrease the rare resource drop rates.

But you have to remember their starchart rework that is coming with '20 nodes'.

Because think if you really really need one of those rare resources for something but no nodes that provide that resource are available.  What are you left to do?  Wait for RNG to align with your schedule and allow you to farm the resources? 

Or are you going to try to take an easier way out?

To a new player who maybe hasn't seen a neural sensor on the node rotation for a while they might very well be tempted to buy the BP for 100 plat and start making their own as its the only way to deal with it....

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These Rare Resource Blueprints are a one time buy permanent BP. Meaning you don't need to purchase multiple times, and it's forever in your Foundry for crafting. 


Feedback is welcome! 

Okay, it's forever, so I understand the need of plats.



100 of these though? (O-°) This would lead to a very dangerous path DE : players will think that you're nothing more than the other free-to-play greedy companies!!


(and that'd be counter-productive for everyone)

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I don't think that DE is going to directly decrease the rare resource drop rates.

But you have to remember their starchart rework that is coming with '20 nodes'.

Because think if you really really need one of those rare resources for something but no nodes that provide that resource are available.  What are you left to do?  Wait for RNG to align with your schedule and allow you to farm the resources? 

Or are you going to try to take an easier way out?

To a new player who maybe hasn't seen a neural sensor on the node rotation for a while they might very well be tempted to buy the BP for 100 plat and start making their own as its the only way to deal with it....

Don't forget new player doesn't have much extra resource to craft one of this rare resource, unless you have someone to carry you, 

I remember when I was new I'm struggling with any resource, even now I only have enough salvage to craft 10 neurodes.

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I'll pass on this DE. Why would I want to pay "real money" to skip gameplay? I'd much rather go out and fight a boss that takes 5 minutes to complete and get an item (or two if they're generous), than to buy an item and waste all my resources and then spend an hour waiting for it.
Might be okay for some people who have money to spend and don't want to play missions... but that's not me. I enjoy playing the game.

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I don't think new player should, under any circumstance, spend 300 plat to buy 3 bp when they can buy 15 potatoes or wf slots.  This bp is for people who is too lazy to run mission and have too many resource lying around. Still, if you want to add something this sensitive to the game, at lease include it in the path note, or players will start to think in a negative way, and no one will benefit from it.


I think both plat and resource is a bit costly, at lease if I can still get it from mission using hydroid+nekro, or farm boss, then the bp wont sell good either. The trade off for not depend on RNG is a bit high dont you think ?

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Didn't play WF for some time didn't read forum for some time.


So they add rare resources bp's for 100p a pop, while they will remove nodes so farming for oro/neuro/neurals will become few times harder.



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Well that's 300 Plat gone, and I never need to farm these things again.



Edit: Buy them--they take an HOUR to build! ONE single hour!


In one hour we can currently get over 40 of each.

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first the forum get filled with screams for getting rare ressources easier for fullfilling some greed for some weapon because of no patience at building them and going for them


then the chance appeared and the crying goes on ...


holy moly, awsome, glad that things like that remind me im in a game =)))))))))))


the old stories of the ancient warriors are better, they cared about their weaponry and checked a long time which one fits them


then they worked hard for the ressources and builded them


or they worked hard for their income and bought them :-)

honour pls ...

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with the amount of resource needed, it just craft 1 of those. With the 100 plat pay-wall...I just don't see people buying it.


My solution:

1. 50 plat each blue print or give use like a bundle of all 3 blueprint for 200 plat or something...


2. Stay 100 plat, but make the blue print like craft 5 or 10 rare resource at once...


3. Just release the credit version of the blue print, like 500000 credit or something.


Either way, at the current state, it is still kind of unreasonable. 

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Aight so hold up its meant to be 100 plat? They take 1 hour to craft? Hell this thing best be building 10 at a time at least, especially if its gonna take just over 2 hours to farm the necessary nano spores to make the rare resource. See if you did like a 200 plat charge on the blue and gold potato bps I'd be fine, but for these which you can get decently if you try-hard I say no. The time it takes to craft a single one (once you have the required resources) isnt worth the effort as it took twice as much time to get the regular resources to make it in the damn pace, not to mention if you're actually nekros+hydroid farming the actual rare resource itself. It just isn't worth no matter how much you value your time more than money.

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I'll tell you what I did when I couldn't get on my pc for 5 weeks. I bought the Resource chance + resource booster. Thats 80p for 3 days. I ended up after those 3 days. +150 sensors, +100 neurodes. Not to mention the odd cells farming derelict. Before leaving.

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Ok this is quite worrying, 300 plat and all the materials is expensive but that's not what worries me.


Who would buy these?  It takes 10-15 minutes to easily get any 1+ of these from farming right?  Here is the thing that worries me, these being added along with the upcoming 20 node star chart means no more bosses when we want to do them and no more dark sector farming (or at least not upon demand).


So to people that say why buy this when I can just farm, well what if you can't farm them when you want so easily anymore?


Not a good sign to me.


So that 20 node star chart, adding it for more fun huh?

Edited by Spindle99
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So to people that say why buy this when I can just farm, well what if you can't farm them when you want so easily anymore?

The numbers are way off for them to serve that purpose.

It looks like they're targeted at veteran types who would rather die than run Alad V one more time. If they were meant to serve in the place of rare resource drops they wouldn't cost as much.

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The numbers are way off for them to serve that purpose.

It looks like they're targeted at veteran types who would rather die than run Alad V one more time. If they were meant to serve in the place of rare resource drops they wouldn't cost as much.




They're designed for people for happen to have an excess of junk. Maybe I'm missing something, but given that it's a permanent BP, I think one could very easily recoup that 100plat investment over time.

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The numbers are way off for them to serve that purpose.

It looks like they're targeted at veteran types who would rather die than run Alad V one more time. If they were meant to serve in the place of rare resource drops they wouldn't cost as much.


We will see, this in combination with that ol 20 node star chart where you can't do the bosses when you want anymore and dark sector farming will not be anywhere near as easy makes me think bad things.


Right now I can farm any resource whenever I want and with a very high chance of success get what I want in 10-20 mins.  That would not be the case with a 20 node star chart with things on rotations, if that change happened this 300 plat BP would be a whole lot more "worth it". 


Maybe I've been playing these games too long and I'm jaded, maybe I'm seeing it exactly like it is.

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