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Hotfix 16.5.1


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I'm really not liking most graphical fixes being mostly to increase performance on crappy machines.  I wouldn't mind them at all if they didn't increasingly disrupt regalia, attachments and now even weapons.


This odd obsession with parity will end up making Warframe look and feel like a game from pre-2010 (changes to lighting having been the first step in that direction).

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vauban vortex seams totaly bugged, lasts for only a burst and then is disabeld, was playing with vauban on the pluto dark sector defence node with a rhino and nekros.


Oh and the clan thing is buggy, trying to contribute and the menu frezzes, open the clan in communication to kick people and it freezes.



Also you can not pick up pigments

Edited by The66Monkey
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Mag's shield transference is bugged and doesn't work as it is supposed to. It sets as overshield the value that it is stolen on each use, instead of it being additive. It replaces the previous value with the new one, even when the value of stolen shields is less...

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Fixed how?


Ash Bladestorm ends up occasionally finishing not in the same spot it was initiated.

Sometimes it even puts places you outside map and then you will fall forever to your death, and have to spend a revive.

Which is not even guaranteed to get you back on the map, because the revive can drop you outside the map again.


Also the "airwalking" bug where Ash will levitate in the air permanently after using an ability (especially Bladestorm) is still there. Walking off a platform or off stairs will cause Ash continue moving on the same level. In this state Ash is unable to use any abilities or melee. Or do much anything except fire his primary and secondary.


Really tired of this bug already.


Theory: The next Prime was supposed to be Ash Prime but DE decided to skip releasing it this update because they don't know how to fix him up. And they didn't have a backup Prime to release instead. :o

Edited by SoanoS
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If you guys could look into for the next hotfix, when the new GUI -- which I really like by the way -- was implemented, it has broken part of my UI. I can't select a side in invasion missions, even if it's only against infested. I can't get the cursor to lock on it, which makes me think that the new GUI must be interfering somehow, because it wasn't a problem before. Hitting enter and clicking madly while trying to get it to lock on it doesn't work. 



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Ash Bladestorm ends up occasionally finishing not in the same spot it was initiated.

Sometimes it even puts places you outside map and then you will fall forever to your death, and have to spend a revive.

Which is not even guaranteed to get you back on the map, because the revive can drop you outside the map again.


Also the "airwalking" bug where Ash will levitate in the air permanently after using an ability (especially Bladestorm) is still there. Walking off a platform or off stairs will cause Ash continue moving on the same level. In this state Ash is unable to use any abilities or melee. Or do much anything except fire his primary and secondary.


Really tired of this bug already.


Theory: The next Prime was supposed to be Ash Prime but DE decided to skip releasing it this update because they don't know how to fix him up. And they didn't have a backup Prime to release instead. :o

Those bugs were fixed a long time ago. I have not had either happen to me in months.

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