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Thank You De For The Nullifiers (No, Really)


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Not being sarcastic here.

The nullifiers is the unit that changed the playing field for higher level play. It used to be that you could go 60 waves/60min into a t4 mission without breaking a sweat as long as you had maxed out gear and frames with CC along with daamge multipliers. You'd simply hunker down and spam CC abilities and unload full clips into handicapped enemies without giving anything much thought.

However, the nullifiers broke this monotony and make themselves a top priority when things get hectic. Sure, now there's even MORE incentive to stick to soma/boltor, and just gun them down, but they still made us adjust our gameplay and be more active as a team. They're also extremely fun when I run with loki/nova and play the dedicated bubble popper for the team :D

So, anyone else enjoy just breaking into their bubble and slashing them in half?

Edited by alfaomega04
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They're a great addition to add tactical diversity, but it can be a pain for one to jump you just after activating a 30+ second ability.


But they provide the ability to end things early, if i need to shoot someone and im in Hysteria, i rush into a nullifier bubble and draw my guns

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As a player interested in having challenge and fun and tactical diversity, I love nullifiers.


As a person who has emotions such as:



Depression after wasting 150 energy to have Vex+Ward wasted as soon as I get nullfied

and Happiness after slicing a Nullifier in half inside his own bubble,


I can say they're annoying. Still a nice addition to the Corpus/Corrupted arsenal though.

Part of me wishes their bubbles weren't damage capped and actually scaled with damage so I can use my bows again, but that's cool. I like my BratonP anyway.

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I'd argue each faction does.


The Grineer manic can break Hysteria invulnerability and at higher levels insta-kill my Valkyr.


The infested ancients dragging you through tarpits equates to not being able to do anything so there's that and it gives me more rage than anything in this game.

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I still find it annoying how they're basically one giant middle finger to slower weapons like shotguns and snipers (as if they weren't niche enough) but as an anti-press4towin enemy I suppose I can't really complain.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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Yup.  They should've existed long ago.  I just wish the Grineer and Infested had an equivilant.

The grineer seems to have a nullifier drone that's not being implemented outside the raid that moves like jagger. I hate that thing so much.

The infested, I personally think they don't need one for now. At least not until those ancient healers make everything immune to damage when stacked.

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nullifiers ruin one shot weapons though. their overall viability gets dropped massively. need to find a partial bypass mechanic that has to do with bullet travel time. the logic goes that people and things can walk through the null dome because they're slow; so a slow projectile should be able to pass through the dome, albeit with reduced damage. this'll make a lot of the slow projectile weapons more viable as they are now compared to hitscan weapons.

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Before nullifiers and the like, t4s was no different to t1s.

The only difference was that enemies started off a little tougher.

I used to be able to take Tank Mesa and pretty much afk my way to 30 minutes, now I cannot do that

T4 is meant to be hard. Units like nullifiers are the right way to add that difficulty

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Agree, I think they were a good addition, but only after all the changes DE made (in the beginning they were stupidly unbalanced).

DE still needs to adjust some weapons better to face nullies, but hopefully someday they will.

Edited by 7grims
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One shot weapons, as some people have mentioned, should be fixed so they are not so handicapped against Nullies. 


Other than that, I think they are a fine addition to the game. They force you to prioritize targets, and learn to communicate as a team for proper threat elimination. I think they add an interesting level of challenge. Also, I can't remember the last time a nullie straight up killed me... they are laughably weak, it's their bubbles that make the annoying. Once inside, doesn't matter what level, they fold over like a cheap suit. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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I agree very much with the gripes brought up and reminds me of a thread around the time they were introduced.

Before nullifiers, semi auto and trigger weapons were viable and effective. However, if you are now going against nullifiers, you actually hurt the team if you use those weapons as you cannot contribute as well when compared to to full auto primaries.

I still believe this should not be so as this still promotes lazy gameplay to an extent and also by consequense limits the viable weapons that can be used in endgame to only a handful. My suggestion was to actually reward skilled players allow for true snipers to shine.

The idea was to actually let sniper bullets go through the bubble but ONLY if it is a heashot. In this scenario, there would actually be a reason to bring a vectis, paris, dread, opticor, etc. No longer would they bring down the team, but a skilled sniper would actually be crucial to good teamplay. As for semi auto primaries like latron or burston, it would still require headshots but they would deal reduced damage as they are more easily spammable where as a vetis would be high risk/high reward. (cough vectis prime cough)

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I think that nullifiers could be toned down in a couple ways, possibly in number, but I like the idea of the enemy. The Orokin would no doubt have come up with a way to negate tenno powers just as a matter of course. I mean, if I was creating a race of mutant super soldiers, I'd develop a way to disable their stuff.


But they get really common and they do the same thing I object to in energy and power nerf threads: make it into a more generic shooter. I think they should be heavier units, possibly with weaker shields, and more rare than they are

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My only problem with nullifies has already been stated, they ruin sniper type weapons. Granted one can bypass this problem by bringing a good secondary that can quickly burn through it or run in and melee or shoot. I personally use the atomos to deal with them by shooting something outside the bubble and letting it chain to them. I do quite like them as it makes have to quickly change my game.

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hardly the case, prior to the life support changes t4 survivals were much more difficult because you had to extract due to enemies barely dropping life support and burning through pods and the only way to get to 2 hours was run n gun.

with the advent of nullifiers t4 survival had regressed to camping and the record on ps4 was 9 and a half hours, nullifiers are a joke, i welcomed the change but with frames like nyx and mag this game will always be easy mode, even defences are easier now.

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They shouldn't remove already applied buffs.

Being able to cancel out incoming abilities around themselves is enough already.

They also ruin Snipers even further.


They ruin any low fire rate high damage weapon and strongly favor the oposite. Just changing the minimum and maximum damage limits on the bubble should help with that.

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I think piercing should allow weapons to bypass the shields, that way weapons with high enough piercing such as snipers would have a niche.  The limit could be greater than what the mods alone can reach so that weapons with innate piercing are necessary.

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Wish snipers could get a mod that could burst any bubble in 1 shot or innate partial punch-through for special kind of bubbles.


Shotguns could get damage buff, but also increased damage fallout depending on range, that way shotgunner could have fun slding into the bubble and blast those pesky nullifiers to pieces.

While still being not being too OP.

Edited by Dartiel
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Regarding abilities, yes. But they overshoot, as they also put low-firerate weapons at a disadvantage with their BS damage cap on their shields. You know, the likes of Boltor/Soma who are already among the most popular weapons are also among the most effective against nullifiers, while low-firerate weapons where every shot matters, that do not forgive missed shots and in the case of Snipers are specifically meant to take out priority targets were essentially nerfed on Corpus / T3 and T4 Void.

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 A mod could be made to bypass  the nullifier shield, and maybe even arctic eximus for sniper rifles.

OR... Now hear me out here...


Wait for it, OR!-- waittt foorrrr ittt...


Punch-through could actually f*cking work.

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