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Question To The Vets


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My filter is this:


I remove the ones who use arbitrary MR requirements in their recruiting from consideration.


In my experience, those players who think MR is a direct indicator of skill to help them organize their "1337 MLG PRO" teams - the ones who really fill out the MR snob/scrub arhcetype - tend to be the most arrogant (and as a bonus, the most noobish behavior-wise) of all.


Considering my MR is only high because I'm a compulsive collector - and that I've been on a raid where a rank 19 player managed to single-handedly lose us the entire thing because he faceplanted the core into electricity three times in half a minute - I'm well aware that it's just a collection number.


Noob is as noob does. I've also seen a rank 4 with a Rhino do way better than that Leeroy Jenkins from the other run.

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My filter is this:


I remove the ones who use arbitrary MR requirements in their recruiting from consideration.


In my experience, those players who think MR is a direct indicator of skill to help them organize their "1337 MLG PRO" teams - the ones who really fill out the MR snob/scrub arhcetype - tend to be the most arrogant (and as a bonus, the most noobish behavior-wise) of all.


Considering my MR is only high because I'm a compulsive collector - and that I've been on a raid where a rank 19 player managed to single-handedly lose us the entire thing because he faceplanted the core into electricity three times in half a minute - I'm well aware that it's just a collection number.


Noob is as noob does. I've also seen a rank 4 with a Rhino do way better than that Leeroy Jenkins from the other run.

Thanks man your input is appreciated sir!

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Mastery means little. I judge someone based on their play.

If I must judge based on mastery, people generally have the hang of the game by about MR6 and have some decent gear by around MR8 but there are exceptions. I have a friend who had a 5 forma Tiberon by MR4-5 as he found a weapon he liked and had the rest of my friends to help him out.


Additionally actual skill is completely separate. I've seen MR18s who run off solo in survival and get downed, hallway hero, have lower damage percentages than lower ranked and less geared players. I've also seen MR2s who stick together, support each other with their powers and achieve impressive things.


In general higher mastery = better purely because of experience and gear but take it with a pinch of salt.

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MR doesn't matter too much to me, it's a useful but not always reliable indicator to gauge a player's experience with the game and thus competence with it, I have living proof in my clan that MR isn't everything. Also, I go into peoples' profiles and stare at their stats before inviting. 

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You can better take them seriously at MR2 to be honest. MR0 they are still learning. MR1 they are still learning how to get around the gear, but MR2 means they just about got the hang of things, and will be ready to go.

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I don't really look at MR. Like Ill check it out out of curiosity, but other than that, it's all up to the player. Stats are just stats, and sometimes those pages don't even update correctly. I hadn't used Ember actively since I started playing the game (Excalibur was my starter but Ember was my first chosen frame) but my page until recently said I'd mostly played with her.


How many weapons and frames you've leveled up doesn't really matter either, because you could be an absolute waste and have all the frames and weapons, or you could be really good, but only like to play with one frame and a handful of weapons.


It is 100% up to each individual player, and I honestly hate when people look at a rank 0-4 and go, "Get out, you automatically suck!" We were all that level at one point....

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Taking other players serious or noting their skill/non-skill should *not* be related to their MR.


Low-MR-players are indeed somewhat underpowered IN CASE they are truly new players that didn't yet get Hands on decent mods and enough catalysts/reactors/forma to max out the potential of a weapon or warframe. This doesn't mean they cannot help at all.

It's just frustrating if they go into missions they're not supposed to play yet.


Example: The recent tactical alert.

Often times I found myself with at least 2 very low MR-players. The third set of captures failed like 6 or 7 times for me, and the reason was NOT that the low-MR-players engaged the targets.


They escaped me a few times too (I'm MR19), and that's mostly because I'm really bad with parkour and that confusing infested-corpus-vessel-map. Other times I captured one target and the other escaped other players and I couldn't tell who tried. Bottom-line is that some missions are difficult because of their design and not because of MR, while other missions' success is dependant on the loadouts of the team.


Meaning there are missions you should only take on with very good, maxed out and specific gear/warframes, but it's once again not important which MR you are!


In theory, one could be MR0 while having met all requirement to level up to much higher ranks. Because of certain weapons, players tend to at least rank up their mastery for the Marelok.

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Taking other players serious or noting their skill/non-skill should *not* be related to their MR.


Low-MR-players are indeed somewhat underpowered IN CASE they are truly new players that didn't yet get Hands on decent mods and enough catalysts/reactors/forma to max out the potential of a weapon or warframe. This doesn't mean they cannot help at all.

It's just frustrating if they go into missions they're not supposed to play yet.


Example: The recent tactical alert.

Often times I found myself with at least 2 very low MR-players. The third set of captures failed like 6 or 7 times for me, and the reason was NOT that the low-MR-players engaged the targets.


They escaped me a few times too (I'm MR19), and that's mostly because I'm really bad with parkour and that confusing infested-corpus-vessel-map. Other times I captured one target and the other escaped other players and I couldn't tell who tried. Bottom-line is that some missions are difficult because of their design and not because of MR, while other missions' success is dependant on the loadouts of the team.


Meaning there are missions you should only take on with very good, maxed out and specific gear/warframes, but it's once again not important which MR you are!


In theory, one could be MR0 while having met all requirement to level up to much higher ranks. Because of certain weapons, players tend to at least rank up their mastery for the Marelok.

This is very true sir!  Thanks for your input!

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Honestly, I never look at MR rank, nor weapons PRE game. The only time I ever do is once I'm in game. I like to be surprised.


I love hosting T4 defense/survival all the time. One time I hosted a T4 survival and I didn't realize we had a guy MR 3 still using a MK-1 Braton, as well as a MR 4 using non-GMag. The other guy was a MR 16 Frost (I was MR 17 at the time, still am), and we ended up going 40 minutes. It was a blast because they asked a lot of questions and we gave the 2 lots of tips. I think I ended up dying the most, surprisingly.


Then again, there are a lot of those lower MR rank players who like to think they know a lot, end up dying multiple times, and cause havoc within games. These players I don't respect, nor those of high MR that act the same.


So no, MR doesn't mean anything to me at least. I like playing with new players because I see a fresh way of looking at things. Sometimes they use weapons or frames in different ways and I'm like, huh. That's an interesting combo.

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You will just have find it after you play with person... You shouldn't make your assumptions based on MR, for various reasons.
If you like the way the person plays and thinks, just ask if you can send a friend invite.

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I don't really care, I've been playing this game since closed beta, too long by now, and have too many hours on it (2145h)  if my team is bad I usually just carry them and I don't mind, I never filter my parties based on mastry rank or hours players, everyone is welcome to join and learn...my clan's main goal is that too.

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I don't really care, I've been playing this game since closed beta, too long by now, and have too many hours on it (2145h)  if my team is bad I usually just carry them and I don't mind, I never filter my parties based on mastry rank or hours players, everyone is welcome to join and learn...my clan's main goal is that too.


I like that way of thinking, Domaik!

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All I can say is I've been here two years,and I'm only MR10.

I can take the MR11 test I just don't need to.

I have access to everything and see no need to go further.

I also don't play that much and I solo 99% of the time.

When I do play with other people I just try to enjoy it regardless of success or failure.

I don't blame anyone,I don't criticize,I just play.

MR means nothing to me but the shape of a sigil I long ago stopped using....

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I start to feel safe with MR10+ people BUT there are many different players. I both saw very skilled ones at like MR4 and unspeakably horrible ones at MR18....


I am at MR14 atm and not gonna go further any time soon since I don't level stuff for the sake of leveling just what I am interested in.

Edited by Momo93
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All I can say is I've been here two years,and I'm only MR10.

I can take the MR11 test I just don't need to.

I have access to everything and see no need to go further.

I also don't play that much and I solo 99% of the time.

When I do play with other people I just try to enjoy it regardless of success or failure.

I don't blame anyone,I don't criticize,I just play.

MR means nothing to me but the shape of a sigil I long ago stopped using....


This is a great problem atm with wf, we need some kind of reward for our mastery AND SKILL.


For me, around 8, so i know the have acces to all the weaps, but its more clear if they are good or not once in game. Usually high mastery= more skilled, but not always.

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