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Coming Soon: Devstream #54!


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Not counting the Tennogen skins, it has been a long time since you released any weapon skin packs. Do you have any plans to release more of these packs in the near future? Well whatever, I still want more weapon skin packs.(Preferably ones which cover a few of the newer Vandal/Wraith weapons that have been added recently.)

Do you have any plans to, or have you seriously considered using the upcoming Corpus aesthetic update as an opportunity to rework the faction enemies as a whole? They have plenty of overlap and a few of their units seem out of place for a faction which supposedly fights their wars primarily with robots.

Finally, please give us a Shortbow weapon. (Paris/Dread are more like recurve or compound bows)

Edit: Posted before 16.8, and thus before the Ormolu skin pack.

Edited by Nostdrea
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   Do you have plans to remove the Rivalry system on Syndicates? I just think is something that makes the Lore of the game fall apart. Why would Lotus bring a bunch of different factions that are on War with each other into the Tenno ranks while there's already a war to be fought? 

   What if I'm Cephalon Suda and my guild teammate is New Loka and during a mission he get attacked by the cephalon? Do I join my syndicate and start shooting my buddy? Do I lose standing because I helped someone from another syndicate and went against my own during battle? it just doesn't make sense. It's one thing to have our enemies invading our missions, but to have our own supposed allies doing it and distracting us from our objectives is just really weird.

   Gameplay, Setting, and Graphics is what bring people to play a game, but one of the keys pieces that will keep players excited to come back to the game is Lore, whitout it the whole experience starts falling apart, and it has been far too long since we got any consistence piece of Lore for Warframe.

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Q; So we saw the possibility of Kubrow Armor, might we see armor for their feline counterparts at about the same time?


Q; Also, for those Felines; Seen any alternative names that you've liked? Katbrow doesn't roll off the tongue at all.


Q; Any new Syndicate cosmetics in the works?


Q; How much is that Valkyr skin going to be? I want to start saving up for it now. e.e


Q; Do you know the stereotypical bomber-plane shark mouth? Can we get a skin of that for our Arcwings? And/or Liset?


Q; Also for Liset, when can we name them? I would love to be able to have my Liset's name painted/carven into the Hull in Tennoscript. =3


All I can think of for now. I'll be there on Friday! Keep up the amazing work!

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Couple things burning on my mind lately:


1) Infested are insane at the moment, ancients have 100% accuracy and there are so many moas that I'm either on the floor, burning, slowed or a an amazing combination of all three. Is this working as intended or are there some changes in the pipeline?


2) You mentioned that you wanted to do something about the void grind, but what about the void resources? I could build entire start systems out of the void resources, couldn't there be random resources or ... something?


3) Corpus Nullifier, wouldn't it make more sense for the shield to collapse at the same rate it takes damage and not on a set rate no matter how much damage we pour into it?


4) Cat-Kubrow = Ractile? Maybe?


5) New prime frames incorporate the golden accents when switching to immortal skins, the older ones don't. My mag prime would love her some immortal skin but then she'd have to downgrade to silver ... not happy with that, is that something that will be changed in the future?

Edited by Jiloso
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Q: About two Dev Streams ago, my Question in the Twitch Chat got seen by Steve. It was about the Foundry. So what date is set, when we get the Foundry 2.0? Can't wait to build more then one Forma every 24 hours.

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Will there be any updates/fixes to Archwing any time soon? Gaining mastery for anything archwing related feels like it takes about twice as long compared to regular gameplay.

Any fixes for melee range? Examples would be like how boltace has shorter range than the weapon's length. Melee weapons not hitting enemies in the archwing missions?

Also, any estimate time for Update 17?

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We know Warframe is P2P, but could we get some kind of servers as back up so everybody in party doesn't lag or gets kicked from game? This games requires alot of time and grinding. Many people constantly complain of losing their items after going x amount of mins in a survival/defence etc. Only for game to bug or host decides to leave for what ever reason.

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Dear DE team,


Has there been any talks about expanding Kubrows and "Catbrows" breeding mechanics in game besides cosmetics? For example; getting a perk, like fire resist or higher crit. Or possibly steering away from mods and making breeding the mechanic for desired stats. Since breeding in game has a hint of Gel electrophoresis.

Also, if there has been talks, where does it sit priority wise on the giant wall of "cool stuff to add"?


And finally, thanks for all of your hard work guys and gals! Been a supporter and player since update 7!

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Q. In a earlier Devstream, [DE]Janice Chu was working on the artwork Ability icons of the so called "Meow"(or Feline)Warframe. I understand [DE]Minki(if thats his name.) is the Warfames designer and/or director on how each Warframe uses their abilities. Is this "Feline Warframe still in the works? it's been on my mind for quite some time.


Q.2 (More of an idea than question). Can we call the "Sharkwing" Archmarine? This name sounds like it would make more sense. Lets just say the ArchWing has a module we have to get to make it 'Submursable' like a Submarine. Like I said just an idea.

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And on a lower priority than my other questions...


Will Zephyr’s eventual Immortal skin cut down all of those immutable greys? Will she and Hydroid lose those distracting white edges in their palette?


Anku basically blows all of the other scythes out of the water - and it's one of the easiest to get. Will we be seeing scythe buffs across the board soon? What about daggers?

Edited by Archwizard
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Q1 - will there ever be a proper weapon tiering ? Because as we stand now, there is completly no sense of progress. And it's just sad.


Q2 - we know that Excalibur is beeing worked on (Thank God/s !), what are your - [De] - ideas for Frost that is coming next ? His skills needs attention, especially globe - it's dependent on too much things, like no other skill in the game; and his ult - no utillity to it whatsoever .....


Q3 - what will become of Snpier type weapons ? this game is super fast paced now and it makes no sense to use them (except for maybe playing solo in extermination or something non-endless).


Q4 - Warframe mobile APP - is it being worked on ? It should be up to date, light and battery friendly like some other APPs out there (for example : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ezardlabs.warframe). It's nice and all that you guys want to pack as much into it as humanly possible, but it's main function should be alarms, invasion, infestation - you tap on icon and it shows you that first (if I'd want info on weapons or frames then let it be accesible through a sub-menu).


Q5 - any plans to link archwing with normal gameplay ? The sharkwing will expand it as we saw in devstream. Will something similar be available for mission that are played on Corpus and Grineer space ships ?


Q6 - occasional "Change of plans Tenno", I don't know about other Tenno but I'd like more of it in node missions - this is linked with assimilating archwing into normal missions - you play a mobile def or something and you get a msg to destroy ships core, or demolish hangar bay.


Q7 - genetic lab what will happen to it ? It limit's usability of Kubrows as a tool (especially for ppl that play less - one, two mission a day).


Q8 - Archwing loot should be automatically obtained for every party member at the end of mission/wave - develop Tenno vacum-cleaner drone technology ;) cause as it is now it's still a pain to fly in such big maps (interception) and searching for loot.


Q9 - reputation system or vote kick will it happen ? - in case of some Tenno this should be an option, or at least add an option to ignore a Tenno in match-making ... Abuse ? What abuse ? If a Tenno is a troll and I don't want to play with him then I should have other option in the future than just disconnect from a particular game !


Q10 - AFK system is more annoying than helpful, any rework in plans ? 


Q11 :


Are special/double procs, over 100% status chance, still being thought about?

Over-status should happen ! ;)

Edited by tocorro
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