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Any High Mr Or Veteran Players That Haven't Done Raids?


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O _ o

You get about 400k credits for a normal raid within 45 minutes to an hour, given you get at least one rare crate.


And you can get 200k in 45min without any booster (414k with boosters) just farming Sechura till wave 5 not even moving from a single spot... So go figure how bad is that the best reward of the raid you can get it so easily with barely only pressing one button on a dark sector.

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Only appeal to me is guaranteed encounters with the Grustag Three so I can obtain their sigil. Been on 24 invasion missions without so much as a peep from them.

I'm MR 13 (close to 14) and never considered a raid before let alone attempt one. They seem unbearably boring, even compared to farming.

Edited by Sapphic-Sandra
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The only decent reward on that thing is:




And you can farm it faster elsewhere...


you can farm 300k credits faster elsewhere? where?

Even t4 capture keys will take a while to reach 300k and i'm pretty sure some players outthere can get the rewards in 15 minutes

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I've only done 1 raid but didn't even get to finish the first puzzle until everything went downhill :/


It was a super horrible, buggy experience that was supposed to be a learning run but several people disconnected not to mention the cc frames the others brought weren't even fully leveled. And then all the doors stopped opening so half the team was stuck on one side. Finally, we all lagged out.


I get really self aware on raids, mostly because I think I'm doing something wrong or bringing everyone else down. I've also never used teamspeak so that cuts me out of half the raids on recruiting + I don't have a proper headset, mic, or anything. All the requirements just make me really anxious as well as messing up badly. I always wanted to do raids but don't have friends nor a busy clan.

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Still did'nt complete Nightmare for the following reason that I kinda give up :


-Was bugged last door was'nt oppening

-People can't listen

-Some nuts can't survive in round 2

-Some does not understand that standing under hijack target make it move to mine , which instant death

-Massive lag

-People that does not want to go on platform on stage 2

-Did I said many of people think they're GODS and rush ahead , atleast if they had some frame to do this but nop better rush to death so the guys who will try to res you , will die 


I'm actually waiting that more people master it before going in again

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I havn't because that would pretty much require pubs (many of my geared up friends have left or are on break) and we all know what a nightmare thats likely to be. Bad enough on normal missions.

I'm not putting myself through that stress for an average reward if I'm lucky.

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Tried them with some people from my clan once


1 or 2 DC'ed and were unable to reconnect

1 ran out of Revives

Then everyone died while trying to revive the downed player that ran out of revives

in the end nobody had any revives left


I have no intentionof trying again it anytime soon

Edited by Helch0rn
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you can farm 300k credits faster elsewhere? where?

Even t4 capture keys will take a while to reach 300k and i'm pretty sure some players outthere can get the rewards in 15 minutes


Sechura or Akkad (same spot everytime) > Join > Camp until wave 5 looking at you phone/tablet/double screen/whatever you have if you're bored > It won't take more than 5 to 6 mins with a good vortex + torid or mesa > Get 20 to 23k depends of the Dark Sector > Repeat everytime > Repeat > ... > Profit > ? > Boredom > Death.

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I only completed the first Raid. (Non-Nightmare).


Raids are not my kind of mission, as I'm limited in my choices for loadouts. (That and as mentioned above, random 14 year olds telling you off if you mess up for the stupidest thing.)


It's not that I can't do it, it's that I choose not to.

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MR 18 and a half here!
Never done a single raid, in fact haven't even bought the key blueprint and probably never will.

I have a S#&$ty internet speeds that also likes to do a short disconnects even tho im NOT running on wireless. So you can imagine my premade group runs how go, in void atleast 60% chance that i will loose connection and get me kicked back to liset.

Not only that but is kinda hard to find decent 8 man group, DE stated that you CAN run 4 man, but there's no point in it it would be nice if they gave you something for that.

Not to mention all the bugs, making people loose all progress because doors wont open or some people got kicked, and in the end you get one arcane enhancement that might not be even that great and guess what, you need 10 of them to make the effect somewhat noticable and worthy on top of the RNG that you need to get it in your first 10 runs which is highly unlikely.

I am just not ready for the infuriating experience that Trials are, nor I will be. Even when they release J golem one I won't be playing it.

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What annoys me the most is how we're gonna miss out on more and more cool stuff with every new raid. I don't wanna be forced into voice chat, laggy 8 man groups or any of that hassle, but that also means I won't get to take down Hek for good. Or see the final battle against other, future bosses. There's just no compromise, no solo option. Yeah, yeah, I get it, it's an online game, why am I even here if I prefer to play alone - well, because before the implementation of raids, Warframe allowed me to experience all the content on my own if I so desired.

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I didnt do raids when it came out so i didnt experience the bugs people went through. That being said, I've done my fair share of raids now and honestly it is fun even when we fail miserably.

O _ o

You get about 400k credits for a normal raid within 45 minutes to an hour, given you get at least one rare crate.

Best i ever got was 4 rares in one raid. It was a glorious day. Also, if you're in a good team, 30mins is not that hard. I mean, nightmare world record is under 15mins. Edit: i actually saw a gameplay video of it, it was amazing~

But yeah they had voice chat so that contributed to that abit.

However, voice chat isnt required. We regulary invite people who havent done raids before and give them a general run down during each stage so they can get a rough idea on what to do. Having someone generally teaching you helps i thinks.

Edited by 321agemo
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My first raid experience MR 19, 8 players i was frost prime started it and the moment i tried to get halfway to start bubbling people then when i couldn't even get to that point because of lag unable to move wasted a revive still couldn't move in the end we all ended up aborting it do to lag and unable to move for the rest of the match that was the most horrible raid experience ever, will not be doing it again ever maybe at least until bugs are fixed/dedicated servers are added, instead of this crappy matchmaking peer 2 peer crap de has in this game. Raids just can't handle the servers possibly it badly needs a dedicated server well my op anyway.

Edited by anamethisis
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