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Melee: Will You Even Equip It?


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I will, because melee was never supposed to be about coptering. This isn't a lack of love for melee, it's the opposite - making it what it should be, not just a cheap way for people to fly through a mission.

^here ya go. Truth

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I rarely equip it now.


Melee is mostly for the times when an enemy gets too close, especially when reloading. It's a reactive attack for close range situations. It takes too long to equip, so fast melee is the way to go.


Sometimes, it's fun to go ham with melee and those times generally involve Valkyr. Occasionally, you just want to see fur on the walls. Otherwise, I don't bother. Parkour 2.0 probably won't change anything for me in regards to melee.

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I religiously use my melee weapons, heck I would roll with only my melee  because coptering makes it that good. nothing like a quick spin to win up close and personal to wreck a crowd of high level bombard and nullis in the void, in trouble no probs, just melee spin to win err copter to replenish shields and health and back to the carnage.

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My 2nd kidney is optional, too. Doesn't mean I don't take it with me.


That right there just made my day. Well said.



I wish there were melee only missions


There have been Tactical Alerts that demanded only melee, people screamed about them being 'unfair' or 'limiting' or some such drek.


Personally? I found them fun.



I always equip a melee weapon. as one poster said, they never run out of ammo. Also, the Drahk master can't disarm you of THAT.

Edited by Kalenath
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My 2nd kidney is optional, too. Doesn't mean I don't take it with me.

There it is. The greatest comment I've ever seen on the forums. Could someone please make a cartoon picture of Excal holding his second kidney and thinking "eh, better bring it just in case the Stalker attacks" or something, haha

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