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Coming Soon: Devstream #55!


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Eta on Sentients & Yin Yang Warframe?

Are you able to show us how the Sentients fight or will you keep that a surprise until the very end?

We are really eager for that Frost and Rhino rework. Just letting you know and we hope you consider that one thread in Warframe and Abilities feedback. It's a lot to read through but most of us came to an agreement in the end.

Also can we receive news/progress on the focus system?

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Are there any plans on exactly how the dojo's obstacle course will change when Parkour 2.0 hits?

Would it be possible if, when selecting mods, that we could have a shift+click feature that would streamline mass selection of mods to sell, instead of manually clicking each duplicate and clicking select all.

When catbrows come into the game, will they use a separate incubator from kubrows or will it be shared?

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[Question 1] Will we ever see a Tenno Grenade launcher? Or a spear thrower that can use Thunderbolt?


[Question 2] Are there ANY good guys in the lore of Warframe? From what we have seen, the Orokin were A****** slavers, the Tenno were either Jedi Knight types (remaining apart from a society that feared them for whatever reason while defending it) or aloof enough to be nearly mythological and the Sentients were genocidal.


NOBODY has a white hat here. Hmmm... just like real life come to think of it...

Edited by Kalenath
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Heya DE! :-)


1. Charge attacks for melee weapons-   Even if it has been put on the back burner for now due to other things being worked on heavily, is this still something you guys plan on re-implementing?


If so in what form?  (Ie.  Only for heavy weapons?  Through Stance mod combo's etc?)


2. The removal of Stamina and Melee Blocking / Chroma's Toxic abilities/ Excals new ultimate:

Super curious as to how these are going to play out when that bleeping green bar goes away!  Will there be something else implemented?  Perhaps something that is not tied to movement speed that will be only for "blocking bullets with melee and parrying, etc..."  (Maybe something ike a "fatigue meter" - that does not affect sprinting, but is only tied to melee blocking / swinging etc?)  


I feel that blocking indefinitely due to no "bleeping" green bar wouldn't feel right?


3. With the release of the Awesome new Syandana which utilizes the new cloth physics -

Will all of the Syandanas/ Sugatras in the game eventually be optimized to use the new cloth physics?  Also, any news on when / if we will see these things added to Frost / Volt/ Trinity's Warframe models?  **I know that Geoff has commented before and said this would take a ton of a work, as the entire frame skeleton sort of needs to be re-done to make this possible**  I'm just curious if this has been worked on at all, or is in the pipeline of things to be worked on perhaps post - U17?


4. Any new things to share regarding Parkour 2.0?  Any changes in functionality of the new parkour since it was last discussed?  &  Will wall attacks receive some love / better targeting system as a result of Parkour 2.0?



Thank you as always DE! :-)

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I'll get the wishful one out the way first:


Is there any possibility to incorporate some manner of colour labelling for colour palettes, so colour blind people like myself can actually tell what we're looking at? It's rather tiresome being unsure where Green ends and Yellow begins, for example.


Moving on:


In terms of the changes to the Starchart, how will this integrate the Void and Derelicts? I know that the mutterings have been that the Void will become tied to regular missions in some way, so is it safe to assume that Derelicts operate similarly?

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Console players are all just currently wondering what the heck happened to xbox's update.Did it get lost in the mail? Perhaps the corpus hacked into Microsoft and put the update in the bin  Yep ps4 players are wondering when xbox will get an update...sigh how far we have fallen.


A serious question though have the developers given any thought to how they will approach having having two different story lines going on at once? This is in regards to consoles potentially having neffy come out victorious in our event. Will it be summed up in one line of dialogue or will this have a long term effect on the current warframe plot for console players? 

Edited by (PS4)MakoPriest
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Is there any plan to address that the increase in drain to cold mods has made it impossible to fit 3 different damage type builds on the same weapon regardless how many forma you put on it?


See this topic for more information:





I have kept posting this every Dev Stream thread as soon as I can and I am getting quite discouraged to have not even gotten so much as an acknowledgement.

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Will Sentients Appear Mid-mission and Late Missions?

One of the main reasons I was excited for the trailer was because the tenno looked like they were wrapping up a mission and the Sentients arrived.


Since Assassins (or Sentients) show up 4mins at the start of a mission, do you think you can implement more events to happen randomly later during missions? 

Edited by Juebev
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1) When will we start actually getting rewards at login?  I've got half a dozen Gorgons that will never get made, on top of the one I've already maxed.


2) When will Archwing matter?  Right now it's a red headed step child.  We've been promised tons of stuff with sharkwing, but no actual love for it in months. 

good point but why red headed step child?

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Will there/are there any Syndicate armors sets, primaries, and melees currently in the works?


Will any other Warframes be getting passives?


Is there a third tier to the Nikanas in the works?


A suggestion for the ying-yang component drops, boss node invasions.

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With introduction of Raids health drain from toxin can be a bit of an issue, is there a possibility De would release leaked/unreleased mods like Toxin Resistance, EMP aura, Fire resistance etc? This would be great for both current and future Raid mods that could involve Corpus enemies.

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Q1: When should we expect more to be done with syndicates, namely weapon augments?

Q2: Will you ever add more of an incentive to get all 10 scans of a synthesis target, like maybe a small resource reward like 2 orokin for completing it on time, 1 cell as a personal target.

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My question still stands and [DE]Sheldon will answer it! :

"For Sheldon: What happened to " Rotation C will guarantee a prime part ", now whenever I go I, and most other people on forums that posts screenshots get forma blueprints."

Was quietly removed when Defence rewards were made to stack.

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there was some discussion about star chart 2
the simple problem that persist is when someone leaves or cannot connect -> there's no way to invite someone else
a simple way to solve a "han solo nightmare party" is in allowing to post in recruit channel while in mission
but more precious way is in adding

!! team building interface !!

it should be maybe like a raid control menu, but maybe a better specialized, because there is a need to have more options

1. Set the map from available missions or keys
2. Set other members warframes if needed (maybe with level++ )
3. Set the time of the run (10m-20waves etc)
4. Send it to Outer World

Then if this interface will be realized another one should be implemented  "Outer World"
that's right where you can simply find all current free spot teams depending on your available warframes and level to join them

So if someone leaves party there should be some time for them to rejoin or this team send an S.O.S. message to OW with specified warframe so they could join that run.
And yes OW interface should work for raids too and TBI should work in-mission maybe, also i would add few "team presets" for TBI depending on previous runs and another feature is in counting (and showing) how often player was leaving team-missions or success-rate

if player starts a mission alone, he sends team request to OW with FFA (if not in solo-mode)


And i remember there was a question about dojo

let's assume that players need to test host stability, so Raid TBI should be available for players with Dojo or inside Dojo, when any1 joins party they goes into some hosted room, the problem is in fast switching weapons or warframe, in fact i think that switching weapons can be processed while in flight, maybe it is a little harder to program, but there is some time usually, maybe there must be "barracks" with enhanced ability to change weapon sets

Edited by oeai
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Simple but I think important thing: modding configs as A,B,C are really hard tae use and hard to remember them as I got more weapons why not making them renameable and able to make more configs. I think that would make modding mutch easyer for advanced players.

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I will keep asking the following questions



Since the dark sword and dark dagger are receiving new and unique models, will the heat sword/dagger and ceramic dagger/cronus receive similar treatment? As a side note, could the same idea go for the ether sword and ether dagger?


Again, is the idea of a dark greatsword, heat greatsword, ceramic greatsword, and ether greatsword a possibility? I think it would be interesting to have a small-medium-large type layout for these weapons


Will we ever see a new flamethrower or a flamethrower rework? The ones we have can be pitifully weak, the actual flamethrower we have doesn't have an automatic flame proc but shoots flames, and they can achieve alarming ranges for what they are supposed to be


Will we see new weapon augments that are weapon specific? The ones shown in the recent devstream were weapon class specific, not weapon specific


Any ideas on what you will do for excalibur augments? I think an augment that gave him a nikana or greatsword for exalted blade would be an interesting addition


Will we ever see weapons with varied channeling stats? The current cookie cutout 1.5x damage and 5 efficiency is boring and doesn't allow for unique and interesting channeling builds or channeling focused weapons. I still personally believe that ether weapons should be a class of weapons meant for channeling builds


Final question I can remember for now that is serious. 


Will we ever see event type infested weapons? We have wraith and vandal, which are often associated with grineer and corpus weapons respectively, but we have yet to see the infested receive the same treatment. Imagine a scourge embolist or a plague torid (prefix pending)



As a final joking question or 2


Viking helmet or armor for excalibur?

Massive fiery greatsword or icy greatsword? Basically elemental greatsword to fulfill my dreams of having forstmourne or the real surtur's sword

How about a gun that shoots bullets that follow the target like the needler from halo, or a warframe thats able to shapeshift, like if you aimed at a humanoid enemy and used the ability, could be good for stealthy missions

Edited by (XB1)Caius2000
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