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Coming Soon: Devstream #55!


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1.  Are you able to tell us a little bit about powers of new frame (or any more info in general)?

2.  After Frost any other reworks in the queue and are any going to be as drastic as Excal's (love it btw)?

3.  Any more info on J3 Golem (eta, implementation in game, etc.)?

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here ..i have 5 questions..

-any improvement to space visual quality ??

-can u allow us to travel between planets with a spaceship??  a full customizable spaceship with guns, lasers and.. explosions maybe?

-it is possible to make warframes look like shredded/destoyed when near death? or low health?


-can we build our own base on a planet?? not like the dojo ..but allow us to design it..lightings,shelf,beds, roof ,walls,doors..etc

-can we travel between nodes inside the planet.. or travel with a bike or something? this could probably need a rework for all planets

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Guide of the Lotus here! Watching the relays, I often see requests for features that are common in dojos to appear in relays. trading kiosks, parkour room, and sparring rooms are the most common. Is there any plan to add these rooms to the relay? Or are there plans to expand clan dojos to have more features? 

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Are there any plans to take another look at dodging and rolling? Right now there isn't much incentive to use it apart from goofing off or maybe looking cool. Shouldn't dodging be an important mechanic since ninjas are supposed to be about avoiding damage rather than facetanking it? An improvement to dodging would also indirectly improve the survivability of squishier frames since they could avoid damage altogether.


(just something I came up with https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/446569-something-that-popped-into-my-head-when-napping/)

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Will we ever have an update or reinforcements , that will include many new alternate helmets, new armors, and new syandanas?


Many streams ago you showed multiple alt helmets for Vauban, and recently one was released, do lots of other frames have concepts similar to that, that will never be released?


I just love all the awesome cosmetic stuff and the art of this game and would love to spend some real life money on more cosmetics ;)

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Are there any Plans on adding new Syndicate Cosmetic Items Such as new Armor sets for the theme of that syndicate ? Maybe perhaps a cape of some sorts ?


Inspiration for new Cloth Cosmetics Possibly ?



Hahaha yeaaah man, we got the same idea !





1) What's the status of the new Starchart? Anything to show?


2) Mr Geoff talked about "more Parkour 2.0 stuff to show in the next devstream" sooo here we are : do you have more Parkour 2.0 footage to show us?


3) What's the progress of Mios? Same question for the Nunchuks? And Charge attacks comeback? Anything to show?


4) When will quests be replayable?


5) What are your plans for Stealth 2.0? (for the 200th time) It is essential to work on it since Spy 2.0 highly depends on it!...


6) Warframe & Nintendo : yes or no?


7)Anything to show about the Sentients?


8) Anything to show about the next planet rework?(not necessarily the Moon, since it was early WIP)

Edited by unknow99
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Warframe refuses proper progression at every turn. The game lumps players and their expected knowledge too closely together. Core paths of player progression and evolution are neglected. Enemies don't evolve. Warframes don't evolve. The stakes rarely rise. The game itself very rarely knows when to ask more or less of players. In an effort to make every part of the game engaging for every manner of player, warframe itself assails the motivation for advancement. How does the DEV team plan to achieve core progression within warframe? How does the DEV team plan to improve the gameplay knowledge of PS4 players within the warframe client? How does the DEV team plan to curb players' dependence on the wiki?


(22) Warframe's lack of reward proportionality has been magnified with the release of the 8-player trial. How does DE plan to create a standard for rewards within warframe? How does DE plan to provide proportional rewards retroactively in endless missions? Will trials be given proper incentives?


(18) Will the mastery system ever reflect game advancement, longevity of play, or skill-strength proficiency? This system requires reform before it can be given meaning.


(5) Weapon strength has not only outpaced the strength of most offensive warframe powers, it will ultimately create an unreasonable gap between player offense and defense. Frames that lack mass incapacitation or invulnerability-adjacent powers will begin to find that their defense is entirely uncompetitive at the level that their weapons are competitive. Though a symptom of larger issues at play, how does DE plan to solve this problem? My first thought is for warframes' stats and powers to scale based on a reformed mastery system.


(6) Will enemies ever evolve with level? Rather than base stat increases alone, shouldn't enemies gain new weapon types, gear, abilities, and higher skill-demands?


Will parry and channeling ever become universally viable systems? How does the DEV team plan to complete these systems?


(24) Short and/or light melee weapons would benefit greatly from step-in, what is the DEV team's view on this mechanic?


(17) The Wiki Elimination Act is my plan to eliminate player dependence on the wiki. In an effort to make the information available in-game, I propose a Codex Room in each relay. Each relay will provide players with detailed information about every universal mechanic. The room will be limited in that it will only provide enemy, warframe, and mod information about the current and previous planets. Detailed information about non-prime weapons will be mastery locked. Players will only be able to view the weapons available at their current and next rank. Only the pluto relay will contain void and derelict information. The ship codex will be a digested version of this room. Does DE have any plans to curb wiki dependence?


(19) What sort of content does DE intend to provide for veterans to support the demands of the legnedary-10 mods? Will there be mastery-locked mission types with rewards uniquely suited to veterans? 


(4) The mastery system is the original progression of the game. Can the DE team describe the mastery 30 player in terms of how they will differ from the mastery 10 player? Is DE comfortable with nearly all mastery ranks playing the same content? Does progression inevitably require division? Please describe the second solar system, the types of players found there, and the powerful motivating factors that will keep them from playing content far removed from their ability. Is catering content & incentives for players of different abilities the best way to combat mindless farming and macro-farming? 


(29) Does De plan to scale companions? Will new companion types be definitely stronger than previous types? If not, how does DE plan to scale companions?


(32) How does DE plan to streamline trading and grouping wait-times to maximize time spent playing content?


Assorted Topics for the DEV team to speak on below. Questions may be assumed.



1. Restrict the trade of ranked mods and prime parts using the mastery system

2. Increase switch to melee speed & switch weapon speed

3. Nekros

4. Progression

5. Warframe Evolution

6. Enemy Evolution instead of endless scaling

7. Unfinished Parry System

8. Archwing

9. Awkward combos and too few combos

10. Damage 2.0 Balancing

11. Useless mods

12. Dark Sectors riddled with glitches, unbalance, and lacks incentives

13. Shotguns

14. Ammo Eaters

15. Bi-weekly rotating enemy mod drops

16. Dodge Movement, and Verticality

17. The Wiki Elimination Act

18. Mastery Reform

19. Difficult and Rewarding mission types unlocked through mastery.

20. Larger balancing team

21. Slowly regenerating health

22. Reward Proportionality

23. Serious bosses

24. Step-in for all melee weapons

25. Power augments that only affect team members changed to also affect the player

26. Assorted comprehensive warframe balancing

27. Better ways to get credits

28. Primary and Secondary shared sniper ammo

29. Kubrow & Sentinel Evolution

30. Nullifiers & Bombards

31. Underpowered Arcanes

32. Streamlining Wait-Times

Edited by Seanjuju
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1. Will we be able to craft multiple alternate helmets of the same kind so we can have the same look but change arcane depending on our setup. Buying multiple syandanas(syndicate syandanas is current available for that last time I checked which was awhile).

2. Can we expect augment slots?

3. More quests where the central part would be the story, would require cutscenes to not make it boooring.

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Any new details on what will happen to the void? What kind of impact will the starchart have on it? One of the biggest concerns at the moment is probably what happens to our keys, generalization (1 per tier), none at all or similar to the current system?

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Will we ever get clan-tech only weapons again that can't be bought with plat? and maybe have a proper mastery rank tied to it? This leads to my next question.


Will we ever get real rewards from the mastery system besides loadout slots and a higher daily reputation limit thingy? And will weapons ever get tied to an appropiate rank because a Boltor Prime or Soma prime shouldn't be available to rank 0 and 2 already, being two of the most powerful weapons in the game.


Will melee ever get a buff  damage wise to be up to par with all those wepons like Soma and boltor and what have you?


Maybe any sort of buff for going melee only? Sprint boost? shield boost? yada yada?


Will prime stuff ever get an additional color slot for the gold trim? it get's really problematic with the old prime items, now that they are slowly getting the option to color the gold trim as well, many players will have to rework their color scheme and less customisation is one thing Warframe DOESN'T need, also, how about we get that exact gold trim added to our color palettes?


How do you feel when you hear that something has been datamined again? will you leave everything so easily accessable or will you change things around? or is is it maybe even intended?


Also, Focus system, anything you could tell us about that we don't know yet? When will it finally come?

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