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[Warframe Concept] Furion - Melee/beast Warframe [4Th Ability Changed And New Artwork]


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On 12/27/2016 at 3:14 AM, DSkycroft said:

Nidus has that much armor when modded,and Inaros has way more than 1k health even when he isn't modded. The wall and ceiling latch would be cool for stealth because it would be easier to sneak past some enemies and security measures if we could go over them.

I Dont think that this kind of tankish warframe would be for stealth XD

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this can be done especially just as how nidus 4th ability uses a counter same thing can be used for this frame. the upside down will be a lot of work to do well his entire mechanic probably but knowing DE it can be done

Edited by GStonez
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I love this because it got all the creative juices flowing. I would change somethings because I feel like the theme of the frame is barely being expressed. As you said he doesn't have the best AOE But he could have some synergy with his allies through a proposed ability i'll mention. Also in light of the recent Nidus frame I wanted to propose some changes that would reflect the possibility of more scaling within a mission. Below in now particular order are some things I would change and to his kit. I'll go into detail under that.




New Passive with scaling 


  • Beast Ability- I see no point in changing this. If I had to change something I would add an Augment mod that negated energy costs for a a few seconds upon activation call perhaps with each level there is an increase to movement and attack speed probably ending in a 10% increase to move speed and a 5% in attack speed.


  • Leap/Pounce- I feel like this is where you could do more to with his theme because this move could be like his bread and butter ability I love what you had because of how much sense it makes in a high mobility game that Warframe is but again, I feel like you I feel like you could do even more with this ability. The potential this has for everything from stealth kills to single target suppression to generally mobility is outrageous but totally still manageable. 
    1. He's Furion: The Savage One; The Beast King. (I couldn't help but channel my inner Lotus lol) So he should move like a savage beast king meaning I would want him to be able to use this ability as much as possible. Much like Valkyr's zip-line I would want Furion to be able to leap around consecutively (let's say 3 times) with a reduced energy cost the subsequent two jumps.
    2. I would totally combine pounce and savage bite and devour into one ability here due to how much synergy the two abilities have. During any one of the jumps if you aim and land directly on an enemy you can hold the button to begin devouring an enemy drain a small percentage of the enemy's health and armor as well gain a percentage of the enemy's shield as his own that doesn't regen. 


  • Roar- This is the first solo addition I have come up with perhaps. In Upright Form it could be an AOE cone with medium range that reduces enemies' sheilds and armor while stunning them for a second. While in Beast Form, the area changes from a cone to a full circle with a longer range and ignores line of sight as well as stuns and further reduces shields and armor. I would keep that augment mod from your savage bite and add it here because, while it wouldn't be very effective in the short range Upright Form it makes for great enemy awareness. It's to that point that I would have the Augment be beneficial to team mates too.




Ignore this sorry

Edited by Dousei
Posted too early
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I love this because it got all the creative juices flowing. I would change somethings because I feel like the theme of the frame is barely being expressed. As you said he doesn't have the best AOE But he could have some synergy with his allies through a proposed ability i'll mention. Also in light of the recent Nidus frame I wanted to propose some changes that would reflect the possibility of more scaling within a mission. Below in now particular order are some things I would change and to his kit. I'll go into detail under that.




New Passive with scaling 


  • Beast Ability- I see no point in changing this. If I had to change something I would add an Augment mod that negated energy costs for a a few seconds upon activation call perhaps with each level there is an increase to movement and attack speed probably ending in a 10% increase to move speed and a 5% in attack speed.


  • Leap/Pounce- I feel like this is where you could do more to with his theme because this move could be like his bread and butter ability I love what you had because of how much sense it makes in a high mobility game that Warframe is but again, I feel like you I feel like you could do even more with this ability. The potential this has for everything from stealth kills to single target suppression to generally mobility is outrageous but totally still manageable. 
    1. He's Furion: The Savage One; The Beast King. (I couldn't help but channel my inner Lotus lol) So he should move like a savage beast king meaning I would want him to be able to use this ability as much as possible. Much like Valkyr's zip-line I would want Furion to be able to leap around consecutively (let's say 3 times) with a reduced energy cost the subsequent two jumps.
    2. I would totally combine pounce and savage bite and devour into one ability here due to how much synergy the two abilities have. During any one of the jumps if you aim and land directly on an enemy you can hold the button to begin devouring an enemy drain a small percentage of the enemy's health and armor as well gain a percentage of the enemy's shield as his own that doesn't regen. 


  • Roar- This is the first solo addition I have come up with perhaps. In Upright Form it could be an AOE cone with medium range that reduces enemies' sheilds and armor while stunning them for a second. While in Beast Form, the area changes from a cone to a full circle with a longer range and ignores line of sight as well as stuns and further reduces shields and armor.
    • I would keep that augment mod from your savage bite and add it here because, while it wouldn't be very effective in the short range Upright Form it makes for great enemy awareness. It's to that point that I would have the Augment be beneficial to team mates too. 


  • Lash|Eviscerate-  For my second addition I want to do something where Furion starts off with a really small range that, for  a limited duration, increases to a fixed maximum with each successful kill with the ability. In the Upright Form I would have that be all there is to it. For the Beast Form, Lash becomes Eviscerate. 
    • I chose this name because I wanted to first express the ferocity of the savagery of the Beast King. I also chose this name because I believe that's exactly what happens to enemies caught by this attack. The difference in this attack from it's upright form is that. the range is increase across the board so if the Upright form goes from 3m-5m-7m the Beast Form can go from 5m-7m-10m which of course can be effected by range mods.
    • The real evisceration stems from the fact that the ability ignores a small fixed percentage of enemy armour i'm thinking a really small amount like 1 of the enemies armor.
    • I would see armour pen introduced here for two reasons. The first reason being scaling damage of course, and the second being that thematically I would see Furion in his beast form in the thick of battle literally shredding his foes to pieces killing them one by one and ripping them up into bloody confetti.
    • Since this frame is was all about being within biting distance it's subject to a ton of incoming damage when pouncing on a group of enemies so even though he is tanky I still want him to be all about furiously shredding through is prey and ravaging the battlefield as an unbridled force of primal fury.


  • Passive- I'm not entirely sure how to word this so forgive me if it's a little confusing sounding. The reason most of his abilities can be combo'd is due to his passive where the longer he can keep a combo or combo'd ability going passed his combo he gains increased armour and either an increase in his total energy pool or a reduced energy costs that revert to normal as soon as the combo ends for any reason. (I'm not sure which is more balanced constantly increasing energy pool or constantly reducing energy costs.)
    • This is great for those that want to go beast mode (see what I did there) on a horde of enemies in a high level mission but poses a great risk in that if you mess up that combo and you're still surrounded by those 8 heavy gunners you'll suddenly be taking a lot more damage and doing a lot less.


Well that's all I have to offer right now. Tbh I still have to go through and read all the posts in this forum. It's just that I stumbled across this and I just HAD to share my two cents about my spin on this awesome idea. Anyhow Happy New Year, Tenno. 


Edited by Dousei
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Starting to wonder how he's supposed to hold Primary / Secondary weapons with those big hands of his.
By the way, do you plan on making any other concepts for Furion, be it other customization (special armor, different color schemes, how said armor looks on each form, etc.), size references, maybe a quest line / other means of obtaining him (like through Phorid or some other Infested boss)?

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On 1/7/2017 at 3:54 AM, Bhaltair said:

Starting to wonder how he's supposed to hold Primary / Secondary weapons with those big hands of his.
By the way, do you plan on making any other concepts for Furion, be it other customization (special armor, different color schemes, how said armor looks on each form, etc.), size references, maybe a quest line / other means of obtaining him (like through Phorid or some other Infested boss)?

I had chalked the body proportions up to the art (which is dope)

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Man this concept looks amazing, I love this idea as a frame, I hope this concept art (and art it is) doesnt get burried amongst the many posts made every day.

DE should look into this amazing piece of well thought warframe concept.

I think warframe as a game is come far enough to make this frame work. MAKE IT SO!! :thumbup:

Edited by Defion
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He is the perfect warframe for a brawler player like me!!! I rlly want he in the game...and its looks like Inaro's parent! (because they steal hp and are tanks!!!!!!!!!!!!) PLEASE LOTUS IF YOU SEE THIS PUT HIM ON THE GAME MANY OF PEOPLE WOULD BE SO HAPPY! And Nidus would have a infested brother XD

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18 hours ago, Milinko said:

I love how this frame is very similar to frames that were just released but this was finished almost 2 years ago. Is there a petition that I could sign to just get this frame into warframe already cause I needs.

This. Was thinking about this thread a few nights ago as I was playing Nidus.

Here to +1 "Dear God I want this in game." the thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want this so badly! It would be awesome to run around as one! Though I think that for the invasions/alerts the infested not going after it in beast form would have to be negated, or that ability have a low energy cost at least because otherwise it would be a bit broken in the infested missions.

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This is definitely a concept I can get behind, and the fact that it's got art to go with it helps attract attention. I'd love a Warframe like this, though the only thing I feel is odd is that two of his abilities are locked to beast form. Seeing how long ago this was made, it does seem like Nidus is basically this, but anthro/human.

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On 6/25/2015 at 10:23 PM, daemonstar said:

Here's very first topic post and my idea on a warframe. I've got a couple more but here is the first one. Anyhow, I'm inspired by chroma, being like a dragon and all. I wanted a more animalistic warframe that crawls around the wall or waiting to ambush the prey by hanging on ceilings. (Remember AVP game? like how the xenomorphs moves? I wanted something like that.) Abilities to climb walls and ceilings would be so cool. Let me know what you guys think? 













Update 29/6/2015

- passive slightly changed

- savage bite now gains health


Update 6/8/2015

- 4th ability changed, ' Devour '

- New artworks on 4th ability

I can dig it

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

As far as I know, we have one frame with a similar to shape shift, Equinox. I'm not saying that this is impossible but rather improbable due to the movement style while in beast form. Equinox changes shape but between two bipedal forms. I still believe that Furion would be an amazing additional to Warframe but it's doubtful. DE will recognize some concepts during their dev streams but recognition is as far as they will go.

I've literally went back to the beginning of the player concept portion of  the forums and there have been some some amazing ideas. The problem lies in the fact that if they consider using a suggested frame or concept and not another, the community will most likely become hostile. No one wants that.

However, I would still like to see this in game.

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Maybe if DE just took the concept as is and gave it their own stats no one would be annoyed or be hostile.
As it is, they made, what, Zephyr and Chroma from fan concepts, and maybe Nidus (from Typhis?)? Chroma and Nidus, if they were taken from concepts here as they seem to have, are an insult to the concept. Well, ok, at least Nidus is still awesome and useful. Chroma looks awful and the community found a way to break him so he's useful, which is just disheartening. I would love to see this in game AS IS, not all busted up and redesigned.

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The changes I would suggest open to criticism


"Predator" (passive) like a predator stalking his prey Furion gains "Predator’s Instinct" after remaining motionless for 2 seconds then Furion gains Camouflage, a new mechanic where he becomes harder to detect and  has his movement speed slowed to that of crouch walking, where attacking breaks this state (stealth kills return him to Camouflage upon completion). Visually Furion is blurred. Audio wise you would have the same audio clarity as being in non stealth.  After breaking Camouflage Furion gains “Predator’s Ferocity” and becomes frenzied gaining a 100% attack speed steroid (increased with power strength mods) that decays over 10 seconds. While in Camouflage Furion also possesses “Prey’s Scent” a small AoE (15m, increased with range mods) enemy sense that highlights enemy silhouettes (only visible to him) once marked they stay marked after leaving the AoE for 5 seconds once marked enemy resistances are reduced by 50% by damage inflicted by Furion.


“Pack Mentality”(augment) “Prey’s Scent” Friendly tenno benefit from Prey’s scent.


“Beastial” (passive) “Beastial” Furion is feral by nature, when he draws his melee weapon he transforms into a savage beast.


“Claws” (weapon) “Claws” BEAST FORM ONLY Replace his melee weapon in Beast Form, borrows the stats from melee weapons and mods with a 80%, 10%, 10% split of slash, puncture, impact. Has innate lifesteal of 1% / 2% / 4% / 5% max hp per auto attack. Melee counter also gives Furion movement speed when moving toward an enemy within 50 m upto 30% at 2.5x.


“Savage Bite” (Ability 1) “Savage Bite” BEAST FORM ONLY remain the same, but executes enemies below 10% hp.


“Iron Stomach” (augment) Savage bite disarms target


“Pounce” (Ability 2) remain the same (hold 2 to aim release to pounce)


“Savage Howl” (Ability 3) “Savage Howl” Furion unleashes a blood curdling howl that Fears enemies in an AoE (10m increased with range mods) Causing them flee for “3” seconds (increased with duration mods ). If cast mid pounce savage howl activates upon landing.


“Glutton” (augment) enemies affected by Savage Howl are instead taunted and focus Furion for the duration. Taunted enemies inflict 50% less damage to Furion and heal him for 5% damage done.


“Devour” (Ability 4) “Devour” BEAST FORM ONLY remain the same


“Evolving Carapace” (augment) remain the same


Edited by -CM-Sir
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