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Ash Prime Textures, Mesh & Animation Bugs Collection Thread


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[DE]Danielle: The original creator of this thread is Sci_Ant. To assure maximum visibility of Sci's efforts the post has been quoted to be place on the front page. Click here to view the original post.

Thank you!

DISCLAIMER : This is not a Ash Prime design bashing thread. This is only a thread for technical issues with Ash Prime.

A lot of threads have come up in this forum section, in the 'Warframes & Abilites' section and in the PC Bugs sub-forum about Ash Prime's technical issues regarding his textures, mesh clipping etc. This is an attempt to [MEGATHREAD] these issues into one place and I will try to ask the mods to merge all the other threads here.

I'm on PC but can add problems encountered by PS4 and XB1 players if they post screenshots here.

All the issues, with images or videos


a. Texture Quality Issue - Area under the Prime armor area on the thigh showing original Ash texture part that has a jagged glitch when using dark colors, in this instance pure black from Smoke palette. This is circled in red in the screenshot below.

b. Texture Quality Issue - Blurry textures / texture areas on his inner thigh area. Also the transition from those textures to the Hi-Res PBR right next to it is not good. Also circled in red.


c. Texture Quality Issue - Another jagged texture edge found while using Smoke Black and Ice Blue colors, the lining on Ash's Chest/Stomach area had a jagged transition on it's edges. Circled in red. It is clear only when facing a light source.


More screenshots by Drufo from this thread Ash Prime: A Kind Of Delusion


d. IMMORTAL SKIN ISSUE - When using the Immortal Skin large sections of Ash Prime are colored using the color for the PBR gold trim, i.e., Tint Color 4. When reverting to default colors the Immortal Skin also defaults to it's original green and cannot be changed independently of the PBR Trim.


e. GRAY COLOR ISSUE - Not a bug, rather a feature that there have been many complaints about in various threads as listed below. Colored Ash completely white from the Smoke Palette to show large sections of uncolorable gray areas, which we would appreciate to be allowed to color.



a. Clipping Issue - The helmet 'dangly bits' clip with the rest of him no matter what. Following screens show him in different poses and with the different animation sets. All problems circled in red. The helmet looks like it was worked very hard on but collision meshes on the dangles are missing.


b. Clipping Issue - The receptacles for his 'hidden blades' clip with the armor mesh on top of it. Comparison with original Ash is provided. I was fully expecting those parts to be primed up and PBR'd.


c. Misplacement Issue - The hidden blades receptacle shows as under the arm on the Ash Prime in the Codex, while it is shown over the arm in game and in Arsenal on both Ash and Ash Prime and Ash in the Codex. Also, the Ponytail on the default helmet is missing on Ash Prime in the Codex.


d. Clipping Issue - Brought to my attention by Evan-0-matic, any and all secondaries clip heavily through Ash Prime's thigh armor area. 9 screenshots with different secondaries added here, with the problem areas circled in red.


e. Clipping Issue - Brought to my attention by Azamagon, there is Heavy clipping between Ash Prime's ponytail and any Syandana and light clipping between ponytail and outermost edge of the gold trim on leg armor protrusions. Videos provided below.



f. Clipping and Misplacement Issue - Brought to my attention by HooDie7 and originally posted by Ash21-0408 here > Ash Prime And Prisma Daedalus Shoulderguards, normal Daedalus Shoulder Plates sit correctly on Ash Prime's shoulder armor, while the Prisma Daedalus Shoulder Plates do not sit correctly and clip with the shoulder armor.

Also, the Dragon Nikana can be seen clipping through his leg armor area.

Normal Daedalus Shoulder Plates sitting correctly:

Prisma Daedalus Shoulder Plates not sitting correctly:

g. Clipping Issue - Brought to my attention by and Kanjar, all Bow quivers clip through Ash Prime's spine armor area.


h. Clipping Issue - Brought to my attention by , the Dragon Nikana clips right through Ash Prime's arm when he is holding a bow.


i. Misplacement Issue - Originally posted by Dachus here Dendra Armor On Ash Prime, the Dendra Shoulder pads are misaligned on Ash Prime, with one being higher than the other. Unknown if this is intended or not.



a. Bladestorm Animation Issue - While playing Ash Prime I noticed something odd, 2 original Ash clones flicker on the screen for a split second right when activating Bladestorm. So I took a long video of it while playing and took screenshots from it to show this problem. Those original Ash clones appear only for a split second and then the clones that actually kill are the correct Ash Prime ones. All screenshots provided below.

NOTE : I was not host during this game and I noticed it in another game when I was again not the host. I have also been able to replicate this bug when I am hosting and in the Simulacrum.

Wrong Ash clones showing up on activating Bladestorm

Correct Ash Prime Clones murdering things >

b. Ash Prime Default Helmet Ponytail Detachment Issue in Archwing - Originally posted by Hydroxate and MrMitchel here Ash Prime Detachable Ponytail In Archwing and Ash Primes Hair Detaches From His Helmet In Archwing
the default helmet's ponytail lags when there is movement of the archwing and gets detached from the helmet temporarily.




a. Texture / Model / PBR Issue - Brought to my attention by (PS4)COGSPARTAN117, there seems to be a problem where parts of Ash Prime's model, textures and PBR don't render correctly. The following screenshots taken by that player show the loss of arm threading, along with muddy textures and lack of PBR all over the model.




a. Misalignment / Clipping Issue - Left Prisma Daedalus Shoulder plates now even more misaligned and sit deeper in Ash Prime's shoulder armor. Brought to my attention by aerosoul1337.


b. Mesh Misalignment / Warping Issue - Brought to my attention by aerosoul1337, when Ash Prime is holding the Harpak or Hek, his left arm gets twisted and warped improperly. Images by aerosoul1337



a. Locust Helmet Physics Issue - Brought to my attention by Vorpal_Ocelot in this thread https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/502164-ash-locust-helmet-broken-physics/ Ash's Locust Helmet's Left side 'ear lobe' does not dangle like it's Right side one, possibly being a physics or mesh bug. The following video shows this problem  

AND lastly, this is not really an Ash Prime exclusive problem but it is important since the PBR on Ash Prime has the same problem with every other PBR'd thing in the game, it doesn't work correctly in Void and Derelict Tilesets and loses an entire 'layer' of shading / 'shinyness'. Also, the Relays have PBR switching at different points. All this can be seen in action in my bug thread here

[Videos] Pbr (Physical Based Rendering) Not Working Properly On Void Tilesets / Relays

I will update this thread with more issues if anyone finds them. Please post all issues here, it would be easier for DE to see all these problems in one place.

I also request anyone who sees this to upvote it so that it may finally reach DE's eyes one day.


Zareek's post:


Bought tier 2 Prime Access and despite a few flaws, Im loving him. I couldn't be happier about his design, thanks DE, truely.

Now to the problems I see:

1. His tony tail is vibrating as if the model is coliding with something else. It's not major but it does look a LITTLE annoying.

2. He can't be coloured black, only grey. I've addressed this issue before with focus on Targis Prime, and DE_Steve was kind enough to acknowledge the issue and explain to us that it WILL be fixed:


So I'm not too bitter about that at all, but I am looking forward for a fix so i can finally use black again.

Other that that, Ash Prime looks fantastic and he lives up to ALL my expectations. Good job guys


Edited by NovusNova
Edited Sci_Ant's quote in this post after request from him
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Have u tried the immortal skin. That works


One thing I have noticed with the Immortal skin that bugs me is that, when placed on Ash Prime with default color setting, it instead follows regular Ash's color settings, winding up with this goofy-looking thing.




It might be because the gold trim on the more recent primes is re-colorable, which ends up confusing the UI or something.

Edited by SullyTheStalker
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I would also like these fixed. I was hoping his ponytail and the Yamako Prime would use the new cloth code but I was wrong. Yamako isn't really as important as the ponytail to me.


Coloring him black makes his model all shaky and gray. Also, the top half of his chest can not be colored either. It's stuck at its default gray.

Edited by LazerSkink
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Have u tried the immortal skin. That works

Yeah I have, and it looks dumb. The gold parts of Ash prime will cause half of his body to be gold too. But even if it DID somewhat fix my problem, it still wouldn't fix the core of the issue.

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Everything is looking good for ash prime except these grey bits that cannot be colored even when his immortal skin is used. Without the skin about 40% of ash prime is grey and cannot be colored.

For me and probably others this just kills alot of possible color combinations.

Would you please consider patching it so at the very least his immortal skin allows the grey to be colored.

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My biggest compliant is that he has this big white armor on his arms, head, and a bit on his legs, but nothing on his torso. That's like putting body armor on your arms and legs, and then wearing a t-shirt. It just looks wrong to me.

Edited by weezedog
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I would like to start by saying that Ash Prime's design overall is great! That said, I still have plenty of issues with it, issues that I don't think are just subjective either, but simply just pure flaws in its design.



1) The ponytail. Due to its massive length, it clips tremendously much with Syandanas (it also clips with the leg "handles", so you don't even need to equip a Syandana to see all this clipping horror). On top of that, it sometimes bounces around like crazy, like if it is colliding with something. This can happen even when you are standing completely still!

2) The "sideburn" dangles at front. No matter what stance used, they clip either with his chest or with his shoulders.


Suggestion: Could there maybe be a way to allow shortening of the ponytail somehow? I'd like that option for the front dangles too (or even the option to remove them).


Leg "handles"

The upper back part of his legs, a part of the leg guards, has backward extensions that look kind of like handles. These are, imo, just unnecessary, due to the clipping issues they cause with any Syandana that reaches that far down.


Suggestion: Well, I'd like if they got changed to look more like regular Ash's upper leg parts, more "bone" like protrusions rather than impractical handles sticking so far out. At the very least an OPTION to remove them?



The innate shoulderguards are simply MASSIVE, causing issues with the helmets, especially if you use a stance like Ash's own agile one or other similar "leaning" ones. They are pretty much oversized Daedalus shoulderguards, which already were big enough to cause clipping issues on most frames.

On top of that, if you attach something on these shoulders, the attachments are placed higher up than usual, which causes even further clipping issues.


Suggestion: Could they either be shrunk down a bit, or become unequippable armor pieces? (Similar to Volt, Frost etc)



Ash Prime has a more damp texture than regular Ash (similar to Chroma, but not as dull). I like the Prime's texture better actually, but the problem is, since his helmet's massive clipping issues, equipping any other of his helmets looks HORRIBLE with the texture differences.


Suggestion: Make the texture more similar between regular and Prime version (shouldn't this be true for ANY Warframe?)

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Let's asume you're starting from his default colors; basically when you apply the inmortal skin the green on his thigh/crotch area share the same colouring slot with his golden bits, making it impossible to keep the golden features and change the default green from the inmortal skin at the same time.

Don't know if this is intented (as in the inmortal skin is meant for Ash, not actually for Ash Prime) or a bug that could be resolved. For the record I don't know if other warframes and their prime variants share this issue.







Edited by osheroth
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This is intended. Annoying. But intended.

For once, I would love it if you couldn't recolour the gold trimming. Because the immort Ash skin is what made me love Ash so much in the first place.

It just so happens that the green bit on the immortal skin shares the same colour picker as the gold trimming.

Edited by (XB1)Spartan Cook
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It just so happens that the green bit on the immortal skin shares the same colour picker as the gold trimming.


This is actually the same issue for volt prime which also has a tintable gold trimming, with the immortal skin. 

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For once, I would love it if you couldn't recolour the gold trimming. 


That would really solve this issue, but I can only assume some people would dislike being stuck with the gold trimming; yet the people who bought inmortal skins also should have a say in this.

Edited by osheroth
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That would really solve this issue, but I can only assume some people would dislike being stuck with the gold trimming; yet the people who bought inmortal skins also should have a say in this.

How about an option to disable coloring the gold trimming on Immortal skins?

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