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Does Excalibur Need A Nerf?


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The reason why this topic was brought out was not because I want Excalibur nerf, but quite the opposite. See I'm alittle worried that complaints will start to rise about nerfing Excaliburs exalted blade. So I'm hoping to shine a light on this subject at matter with some reasoning to the players that are demanding his nerf.


1. Excaliburs exalted blade has a synergy to his other abilities, I for one enjoy the slash dash-exalted blade combo, it has an amazing feel to it. Nerfing it will take away that feeling of synergy and would make it pointless, this may encourage camping strategies with his radial blind or javelin. Before exalted blade was put out there, Excalibur was known as the warframe who sat his butt down just spamming radial javelin to fend off hordes of grineer, now that there is exalted blade, exalibur seems like he got off his lazy butt and started exercising (slash all the stuff). 


2. Sentients are coming, DE will most likey buff the other warframes to balance out the upcoming of the sentients, when they do come with all these nerfed warframes it will be suicide to face them.


3. Exalted blade does not have unlimited reach (if it had it would be op) and its travel time is slow, giving enemies chances to escape


4. I HATE seeing people demanding a nerf, then afterwards create a riot about the previous nerf and how it should be buffed again... e.g Greedypull (you get the idea). 

Edited by RazorBot
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E blade to me is like super jump,I just don't use it even when I am low on health and shields and  encircled by enemies blasting away.  sure its fancy and new but just like any toy the shine will get dull in time.


 RB is still the best option for excal. 

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The problem is a lot of people don't understand what actually makes something broken and in need of nerfing. 


Nowadays anything that can destroy low level stuff on the star chart fully modded is seen as needing a spanking from the nerf bat by a lot of ignorant people. 

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Where did you see people complaining? in game chat?

In game mostly, every match i join as excalibur they all say they should nerf him. I have read some previous complaints about him being nerfed, but that didn't last too long on the forums.

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I don't see why there would be a reason for DE to nerf excal in his current state, he's one of the best balanced frames the game has to offer now. All his abilities are useful separately and together, his setup does not make an opening for any sort of camping or strategy abuses that I know of, and he's viable in lots of situations now. excalibur is in a really good place at the moment. 

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I don't think it does. The damage is impressive; I don't think that's a bad thing. I wish more of our Tenno powers could have impressive damage equal to or surpassing that of our guns, specifically our surplus of crappy single-target spells. That being said, if you can't figure out how to keep up with the slow moving energy waves made by Excalibur's Exalted Blades with your rapid-fire hitscan gun... you have issues that have nothing to do with Excalibur. 

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Excalibur is amazing in combat and fun to play. So much fun, in fact, that one-button Ash players are complaining!
Yet, as powerful as he is, he is still outperformed by said Ash in terms of crowd control and raw damage.

Excalibur is well balanced now in "glass cannon" kind of way. With his low armor and medium health and shields, one needs to maintain constant concentration to keep the equilibrium of dealing damage and regaining life, while Radial Blind and Radial Javelin could bring only a moment of respite.

Edited by LABAL
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Excalibur is very fun to play now, but I think it's clear that using him takes no skill. As in absolutely zero skill. All players do is press 4 and spam melee. They will cut through high level hordes just like this. It's more effective than using an Ogris or Soma with punchthrough.


I don't know how they could change Excalibur so that he's still fun to play and his other abilities complement him even further. At the moment his ultimate predominates.


If players mod him for power efficiency so he can keep Exalted Blade up forever, they should be able to keep this. I'm just wondering what could encourage the use of other abilities.

Edited by Coryphaus
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Excalibur is. I'm just wondering what could encourage the use of other abilities.



Slash Dash especially with the augment can bring excaliburs blade and wave damage up by atleast double, it also get's stronger off EB and knocksdown enemies.


Radial blind makes waves and blade attacks crit for even more massive damage while they're blinded.


If people choose not to use his other skills that's there choice, but combining his skills makes him a more fulfilling frame to play.

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you worried too much.

haha yeah sorry, excalibur is one of my most fav frames :P

with the current chances I like it just the way he is, just a tad bit worried that the same thing will happen to him like what happened to mag's gpull.

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Not so much a nerf but a change to how his waves work. Currently the waves stop him from being a melee frame because the waves go through everything at a large range while still carrying a large amount of damage. Not to mention the waves also carry mods like life strike and elements. This is what people are looking for, they want exciting and fun instead of 4 spam, an actual melee frame instead of a walking fluctus. Unfourtunately some people see any such change as a nerf.


What people have suggested:

-Boost blade damage change the wave.

-Link the waves to channeling or combos.

-For every object hit the wave decreases.

-Have the wave break on contact to anything but an enemy.

-Link waves to charge attacks (if they ever come back)


People just want these ridiculous spammable waves of damage to be changed.

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In game mostly, every match i join as excalibur they all say they should nerf him. I have read some previous complaints about him being nerfed, but that didn't last too long on the forums.

i play excalibur almost exclusively and that has only happened once or twice at the most

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For real.
Saryn: 4 to win
Ash: 4 to win
Nova: Do I even need to comment for this frame?
Mirage: 134 to have a @(*()$ DPS party.
Loki: god mode and nyx wannabe
Chroma: 3 to gain the biggest damage/armor buff in the game for your frame and all your weapons.

And people complain about exalted blade. It's an interactable ability (UNLIKE MOST 4 FRAMES) that can multi hit targets (LIKE MOST 4 FRAMES) and requires the use of AIMING. They are slow waves that are easily dodged by most enemies. In-fact it literally does the same thing every gun does in the game, with the only difference of the waves having a sluggish travel time, and being amped up by melee mods and radial blind. People will run around with weapons such as the boltor prime, amprex, all the extremely powerful weapons capable of hitting more then one enemy, yet nobody calls for nerfs on them.

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I think the only thing that needs to be toned down a bit is the blade waves.. not the sounds but how you can just sit there and spam circle to get so many high damage waves just sitting there.

I believe it should be something that can be integrated into channeling or mixed in with the more complicated combos that excalibur has.. stops the spam, lowers intensity a bit, and still be able to send out waves somewhat often.

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